Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 451 Tracking


The three gasped for a while. The sixth princess touched the broken leather behind Xue Yueer and said viciously, "Damn leopard, why don't we kill the door to revenge?"

Xiaoguding withdrew the four arrows, looked at some of the blood left on the bamboo arrows, and shook his head and said, "This leopard is pregnant with cubs and intends to hunt down Gan Tianhe."

He used to learn the art of hunting with Lishan. He mentioned that hunters generally do not shoot the kind of female beast with cubs, so that the beasts in the forest can survive. Even if they catch this beast by mistake, ordinary old hunters will release them and mention some situations of encountering this kind of animal.

The sixth princess pouted unhappily and said, "What's the dry weather? Then we didn't provoke it. How did it come to attack us? If there is revenge, if there is injustice, let's kill it!"

A dagger in the abdomen and an arrow in the anus are seriously injured, which is very harmful to it when it is about to give birth. It is likely that these scars make it unable to continue to live after giving birth to a leopard.

Xiaoguding lowered his head with his thin chin and thought for a while and said, "I didn't expect that our joint attack has reached such a level now, which can be regarded as rapid progress. However, I'm afraid we can't please the kind of beast that has no injury or burden. This leopard was injured because of us. I suspect that it may not recover, affect the baby, and even have an accident and can't continue to live. Let's look for its cave first and visit it often later.

The sixth princess lit up again and said with a smile, "Well, if it really dies, we will raise a little leopard."

Little bone Ding suddenly smiled twice, looked at her slightly bulging chest, and said, "What are you feeding it?"

As soon as her pale face recovered, Xue Yueer's face turned red again, and there were six princesses who were angry and hung on her body like an octopus.

Laughing for a while, the three did not relax their vigilance. They smelled the residual smell of blood and blood drops on the grass leaves and looked for the old nest of the leopard.

Along the way, of course, I also mainly want to find red mushrooms that are known to have magical effects. Only this is their top priority.

So the most experienced little bone Ding was responsible for tracking, and Xue Yueer were responsible for searching for novel medicinal varieties, slowly climbed over a mountain forest, and climbed into a steep rock pile.

Looking at the bare traces on the path formed by a rock in front of him, as well as the moss next to him, and then looked up and saw a dark hole in front of him. There was no other place to go next to him. Xiaogu Ding said with a smile on his face, "I'm afraid I've found it. Let's go back."

The sixth princess looked at the mouth of the cave for a while and said, "Don't you want to go in and have a look?"

Xiaoguding shook his head and smiled and said, "Our skills are limited now. In addition, this rock is extremely slippery and not easy to dodge. If this leopard hadn't been scared by us, I'm afraid it would have come out of the hole. Let's go. It's not early. We have to go back.

Xue Yueer suddenly pointed to half of the mountain wall and said in surprise, "Red mushroom!"

The two looked in the direction she pointed. On a steep stone wall, there was a half-dead and half-living old tree. Many roots of the old tree were directly ** on the rock wall, covered with green moss.

Next to the old tree, there is also a very thin and slow mountain spring. After a breath or two, a drop of water will slowly drop. Because of this extremely thin mountain spring, because of this half-dead and half-living old tree, the moss is very good, and the stone wall is wet and smooth, and it is difficult for people and beasts to reach.

attached to the narrow stone cracks, on the dry trunk of the old tree, there are three red mushrooms side by side, a bare mushroom rod, and a flat umbrella cover. Although it is as red as fire, there is still no beauty at all.

If it hadn't been for its too bright color and growing in such a small stone crevices, Xue Yueer would not have found it. As for the strange tree that grows in the cracks of the rock, the three of them have seen it a lot earlier. How can they feel strange and amazing and look more.

But these three red mushrooms hidden inconspicuous were found by the sharp-eyed Xue Yueer and found next to the old nest of the injured leopard.

There is water on the stone wall, and it is extremely steep. They can't pick it without climbing up to the top of the rock, so the three have to continue to climb over the old nest of the leopard, and then climb down with ropes.

The previous rope has long been thrown away by three people. At this time, the rope was made by them with wild hair mixed with tough tree tendons, and there is no problem in lifting the three people at the same time.

It is also because of their newly released ropes that their trap mechanisms are more and more and they can live in this dense old forest. But not all beasts can be caught in traps. Because of the lack of effective tools, the three can only arrange this ordinary trap, and those fierce beasts will break the ropes and escape.

In addition, because they did not go deep into the old forest to set traps, they have entered this strange place for more than a month and have not hunted a big beast like a jackal tiger and leopard.

Here is the red mushroom they dream of, so it is impossible to wear it without passing through the leopard cave.

The three of them spread their bows and arrows together, and the daggers huddled in their sleeves. They carefully touched the dark and bright stone wall. There was no movement in the cave, only the strong smell of beasts came to their noses, and there was a faint bloody smell at the mouth of the cave. They were slightly relieved and continued to climb up the top of the stone wall to find a place to climb down.

After tying the rope, Xue Yueer and the two of them were stubborn. After all, they let the little bones go down to pick.

Fortunately, after the supplement of red mushroom and daily practice, all three of them have returned to a normal juvenile physical state. Although climbing rope to collect medicine is a little tired and dangerous, it is not a big problem.

After half a column of incense, the small bone smoothly picked off the three red mushrooms of different sizes and continued to swing down the rope, leaving them on a large flat rock.

After a while of rest, they continued to climb up with bows and arrows, waiting to pick up the two people who should take back the rope at the entrance of the cave.

After coming down without danger, the three went back with three major trophies and other things with joy and began to plan the next practice progress.

In the past, a red mushroom lost a small half and was divided equally by three people. Now it is the number of three trees, one of which is relatively large. According to the amount used to make tea before, the three people can maintain more than 20 days of practice.

But what the three people don't know is that this kind of red mushroom is only used to increase strength, which is of little effect on this kind of perception of aura. However, this does not affect them, because what they are most pursuing now is strength and speed, and they are eager to regain their previous feeling of freedom.

In the following days, the three will explore the leopard's hole every two days. Except for seeing it bite the remains left by other beasts, they have never seen it.

On the eleventh day of shooting the leopard, the three little bones ran to this stone road quickly, moving much more agilely than before, and quickly climbed up the steep stone road. The three of them were not red and breathless, and they really adapted to the ordinary life in the current place, and even entered the territory.

"Oh, there is a lot of blood on this stone wall!"

The three little bones looked at the remaining blood stains on the stone wall in front of them, and felt as if the leopard was walking back with a prey that had just been bitten to death, making the blood under the wound keep flowing on the stone road. Such a situation has never been encountered before, because it is easy for other natural enemies to touch their own nests.

Xiaoguding frowned and said, "Sure enough, the situation of this leopard is a little bad. I don't know if this blood is its own or its prey."

The sixth princess said, "Why can it be its own? After more than ten days, can't it recover?"

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "This is not necessarily the case. I'm afraid that the wound on the abdomen will not recover in the past ten days, and there may be a disaster of opening the abdomen."

The three frowned and looked at the deep cave, listening to the humming of a small cub, knowing that the leopard had given birth to a cub.

After all, Xiaoguding is not a real hunter. Compared with the old hunter, he can't guess all the unknown situation when he sees some traces. After learning that the cub was still alive and the leopard was alive at least today, the three of them, with some puzzled suspicion, went deeper to explore for a while, went back to the experiment with some newly discovered herbs, and returned to practice with a few prey.

The entrance of the leopard's hole is still two days without increasing the number of surveillance. After all, improving their own skills is the most important thing, rather than getting back a young leopard to hinder themselves because of curiosity. After all, it takes time, not to mention the situation in the cave is not clear.

However, only on the fourth day of discovering the blood stains, when they found the second blood stains at the mouth of the hole, they were shocked that the blood may really be from the leopard, because they deliberately found the round-trip of these blood stains. From where the blood stains appeared to this side, they had already reached the point where the blood stains should have dried up, and the blood stains were still Existence.

Then there is only one possibility that the leopard cracked the wound because of its cub. Maybe after natural healing, it bleed again because of predation and flowed all the way back to the nest.

According to Xiaoguding's guess, this leopard may have reached the point of surviving, because the existence of the little leopard is gritting its teeth and living.

Imagining this tragic image, the two goddesses were a little sad and no longer looked for hatred. The sixth princess looked at the little bone and said, "Do you want us to help it find this food and put it in the mouth of the cave?"

Xiaoguding was extremely surprised and withdrew his eyes from the narrow dark hole. He turned his head to look at the sincere eyes of the sixth princess and shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this leopard dares not eat these foods."

Xue Yueer suddenly said, "Is it okay for us to catch some live beasts and throw them in this hole?"

The little bone frowned again, and most of the prey he and others are hunting now are alive, but there is no time to set up traps in the depths of this old forest. And if you arrange a trap here, it is possible to hurt the leopard, and you have to make great efforts to enter here every day to search.

There is also a possibility that even if they try to catch some larger prey, they may be taken advantage of by other beasts and make them futile.

And the three of them spent a lot of effort to carry living things from their old nest, and the fatigue was not small.

Looking at the sixth princess who was shaking and urging herself, Xiaoguding sighed, "That's okay. We have to make more ropes and so on. At that time, you will carry the live prey."

"I carry my back, at least now I'm strong enough to carry a big guy!"

The sixth princess gritted her teeth.

Little Guding looked at her eagerly anticipated eyes, shook his head and smiled, "Don't care too much. Maybe this leopard refuses to eat the prey we caught, just try your best."

The next day, less than two days later, the three little bones walked towards here, and the sixth princess came with a living thing weighing more than ten catties and like a fox on their back. The beast was tied with flexible vines and wrapped into a meat zongzi, wrapped in a leather bag made of the fur of the beast here.

Because it's just an attempt, the three of them don't bring much. If it is willing to eat it, it will be too late next time.

Throwing this thing into the dark cave, the three continued to explore the depths of the old forest for a while and began to return.

The next day, the three small bones and three came with ten catties of heavy living objects again, but the fox that deliberately left vines was gone, leaving a pool of blood at the mouth of the cave.

"Did it eat it?" The sixth princess asked uncertainly.

Looking at this situation, this leopard actually ate this beast!

"I'm really not vigilant!"

Xiaoguding curled his lips as an answer.

Because his raised ears heard the subtle breathing of the beast inside, and a weak breathing one.

In the following days, the three of them threw in one or two live beasts tied with vines every day, but whether it was one or two, they were killed and dragged in without exception.

According to the size of the leopard, the three of them throw in two small beasts every day, weighing about 30 to 40 catties.

Then a month later, the bound living beasts still existed, with only a slight breathing sound in it, and the rapid breathing of the larger beast disappeared.


After listening for a while, Xiao Guding frowned and thought.

The sixth princess looked at Xiaoguding in disbelief and said, "No way! We have food every day. Its wound should have healed. How can it die?

Xue Yueer heard it and nodded, "It should be dead!"

They didn't deliberately mention anything, but all three knew that what they meant was the leopard that had wanted to bite them to death, but was hurt by them.

Xiao Guding thought for a long time and suddenly nodded and said, "I'll go in and have a look."

After grabbing the sharper crescent in Xue Yueer's hand, the little bone endured the strong smell of blood and the smell of beast, and shrank his body and climbed into the extremely narrow cave.

It was not until he entered the depths of the cave that the little bone could experience how strong the bloody smell was. The black blood stains dried up to form a thick layer, and some were brought up by the leopard and piled up next to it, which was dirty.

Inward, there were white bones and fur all the way, which were full of thin white maggots. The disgusting rotten smell made the little bones feel almost suffocating more uncomfortable than blood.

This kind of filth is completely different from the clean cave of the large beasts he has seen.

After crawling about one or two feet deep, Xiaoguding found two light spots in the dark cave, and a huge leopard next to the light spots. Regardless of the reason why the leopard, which was almost as thin as a skeleton, died, Xiaoguding held his breath and hugged the soft little guy. When you get up, go backwards.

What's strange is that Xiaoguding hugged the little guy with light green light. He didn't bite him. I don't know if Xiaoguding often came here to make it adapt to their smell.