Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 453 Horrible Poison


Near noon, Xiaoguding took advantage of this little time to practice his basic skills. He was no longer the unruly and wayward Xue Yueer. At this time, she was like a very gentle and virtuous housewife and began to prepare lunch for the three of them.

There is no staple food like rice before, but all kinds of beast meat, and there is no salt and other flavored boiled meat. However, at least there are some fragrant, spicy and other flavored medicinal herbs in this meat, which are all tested to be non-toxic, so as not to make the three people feel boring and slightly raise their appetite.

Gradually, the strong smell of meat drifted away, permeating the surrounding space, hooking up the roundworms in the human belly.


The big cat in the tent was attracted by the fragrance of meat. It opened its hazy sleepy eyes, roared in a low voice, got up and walked to the place of the fragrance. The steps were small and steady, and there was no staggering.

This surprised the sixth princess who was waiting next to her. She took it back and watched it get out of the tent and walk to the stove cooking meat, which caused Xue Yueer to exclaim with joy.

Xue Yueer stood up from the rough wooden stool in front of the stove, stroked its white head with black lines, and said with a smile, "Big cat, are you hungry? Do you want to eat meat? It will be ready in a while."

Xiao Guding closed his steps when he heard the sound, wiped his sweat and came over. He smiled and said, "Is it possible that it also wants to enjoy it and eat cooked meat?"

The sixth princess said, "Then let's feed it cooked food every day?"

"This doesn't work. We have to try raw meat and blood circulation, otherwise we will find a lot of things to do, which will affect our progress through this forest."

The little bone wiped the sweat on his head and shook his head.

Looking at the cotton towel in front of us, which is almost broken, he smiled bitterly and said, "We have to cross this old forest as soon as possible, otherwise we can't replace some things and are about to become savages. We have to save time as much as possible."

The sixth princess stroked and called the big flower hunt silently, but Xue Yueer stared at the pendant on her chest and secretly said that she had found the fairyland by herself. Can't she come and help them?

At present, the little bone ding grabbed a green mouse about a catty from the sealed dark porcelain cage, and a dagger plunged into it, releasing half a bowl of blood, and holding it to the mouth of the big cat.

The hungry cat stretched out its bright red tongue and slowly licked it, but after a while, it drank the poor blood and shouted endlessly.

The little bone threw the dead mouse with Yu Wen in his hand in front of it. The sixth princess said, "This is not good. You have to peel it and cut it into small pieces."

Xiao Guding stared at her and said, "It's a beast in the jungle. How can it be so delicate that you can't be so spoiled?"

While talking, the big cat immediately pressed the dead mouse that suddenly appeared in front of it with its two front paws. The hair exploded and roared. Seeing that the dead rat did not move, it tried to bite the neck cut by the little bone, sucking some of the remaining blood inside, and biting some fresh meat.

Later, it couldn't bite, and thought that the fur was really in the way. It pressed it with its left claw, grabbed it with its right claw and tore it hard, tearing open the skin of the thin green mouse, revealing a large piece of fresh meat. It couldn't wait to open its mouth to bite.

There is still a lot of green hair on the dead mouse, making it inconvenient to bite.

It was angry, roared, grabbed its claws, tore open a loud fur, then tore off pieces of fresh meat and began to chew.

The three of them watched, watching the little leopard, who had just reached the full moon, tear open the fur of the green mouse and bite the fresh meat more fiercely than a dog.

It turned out that what they were worried about was that it would not eat wild animals at all. Maybe without the little bone to help it catch the beast, it might be able to hunt and survive by itself. This is probably the instinct of a beast.

Xue Yueer was a little moved. The sixth princess covered her mouth with her hands in surprise and felt a little unacceptable, which was completely different from the cute fat cat she imagined.

Little Guding looked at her surprised appearance and teased, "Are you afraid?"

"Who said I was afraid, I'm not afraid!"

The sixth princess raised her neck, stood up unconvincedly, and stared at the little bone.

Xiao Guding touched his chin and suddenly said coldly, "Will this guy suddenly destroy our tent with its teeth? You have to train it."

As soon as these words came out, the two women looked at the big cat and were immediately worried. They didn't bring much clothes, and if they were bitten by it, they would have to wear their own leather armor. That must be very comfortable.


Thinking about it, the two felt more and more horrible. They immediately turned around, put away some of the clothes they brought and hung them high in the tent.


The little bone Ding laughed happily and took out a piece of meat from the porcelain bowl used as a big pot and chewed it.

The big cat tilted its head and looked at them puzzledly and continued to bite the green mouse.

The three sat at a wooden table made of rough branches for dinner. After eating, the big cat of a green mouse was full and squatted at the feet of the sixth princess with a bone in their legs.

Xiao Guding looked at her looking under her feet from time to time and shook his head and said, "I don't think you need to practice these two days. You can just serve this big cat to avoid wasting medicinal tea."

"That won't work!"

The sixth princess stared at him with hatred, restrained the number of times she looked down, and ate the boiled meat carefully.

Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer have successively penetrated into their respective tents and began their routine midday practice. With a sound, the sixth princess quickly accelerated her hand movements and swallowed desperately to try not to waste time.

After eating and drinking enough, the sixth princess got up and got into the tent. Looking back, she saw that the big cat was indeed very cleverly following her, and she couldn't help but be happy.

The sixth princess sat down in the basin first, put the big cat beside her, stroked its fur, and said softly, "Good boy, don't make any noise."

As if he understood her words, the little leopard really curled up and lay next to the legs of the sixth princess.

She slowly calmed down and made herself quiet. The sixth princess brought up the brewed medicinal tea and continued to practice this day. In the middle, the big cat fell asleep quietly without any interruption.

This result made the sixth princess happy again. She went out to practice basic skills and couldn't bear to wake up the big cat.

In the following days, the training** made the three people feel surprisingly smooth, and did not affect their work, rest and training at all. The big cat gradually adapted to some simple instructions and was able to follow the three people into the forest to explore.

The old nest of the little leopard, after thinking about it, finally took a lot of effort to drag a lot of firewood and burn it cleanly, sealing the still dirty cave inside, for fear of being penetrated by the smell of the big cat one day.

The big cat is extremely intelligent and dexterous. It not only adapts quickly, but also gradually becomes much more agile. It shuttles in the old forest and gradually becomes faster than the three small bones. It has been able to prey by itself and know how to bypass many traps arranged by small bones.

In a word, the big cat that the three worked hard to get has become a loyal hunting dog, which is completely worthy of their hunting for more than a month.

After holding the big cat for half a month, the three continued to go deep into the old forest and tried to cross the old forest.

As their strength gradually increased, the journey inward has reached nearly a hundred miles, and three people have walked out of a relatively open path along the way.

The three were walking when the big cat in front of them roared, and the fur of their whole body stood up like a needle and stared nervously at the front. The three Xiaoguding's faces changed color, nervously took off the bow on their bodies, put on arrows, and shot at possible fierce objects at any time.

The three small bones slowly moved closer, and the strong body of the big cat suddenly shook slightly, turned its head and pulled back the legs of the sixth princess, as if there were some horrible monsters in front of them.

The three of them changed their complexion and slowly retreated.

withdrew about a hundred feet away, and the three of them still stared nervously at Lao Lin, who could not see anything in front of them. There was endless horror in their hearts and didn't know what happened in front of them.


The big cat, who was the first to explore the way, was drunk and shook for a long time. Finally, he fell to the ground and closed its eyes and fell asleep.

At the same time, the three small bones also felt dizzy, and their faces could not help but change greatly and become pale and terrible.

"Big cat, what's wrong with you?"

The sixth princess shouted in panic, regardless of her dizziness, picked up the big cat whose eyes were too tired to open, and carefully looked at its big body, but there were no scars.

The faces of the two children changed dramatically and became extremely ugly. They finally got a very helpful leopard and died like this. They felt unbearable.

"Let's go back first, and I hope it doesn't matter."

Xiaoguding shook his dizzy head and immediately issued an order to go back. Unable to see what existed in that horrible place, he immediately turned back and left the place in horror.

The sixth princess's face was full of anxiety and kept shouting, testing its breathing and body temperature from time to time. Fortunately, it was only like a deep sleep for the time being, and there were no other symptoms, which made the sixth princess a lot of relief.

Returning to the old tent's nest, it was almost dark evening. The big cat still did not wake up, as if it had fallen asleep, and the three of them had felt awake halfway and had no discomfort.

"I'm afraid there are some poisonous things there. The big cat has been in place for a long time, so it has been poisoned. Generally speaking, the three of us also smelled it. It's all right now, so it may absorb more weight. It should be fine after a while. Don't worry too much.

Seeing the sixth princess nervously standing aside, she didn't even want to eat dinner, and Xiaoguding couldn't help comforting.

Xue Yueer continued to persuade, "Anyway, we will live well. Yao, you can eat something first."

"I feel bad. I don't want to eat tonight."

With tears in her eyes, the sixth princess shook her head and gently stroked the still soft hair of the big cat.

At this moment, the big cat opened its blurred eyes, stood up straight, whined happily twice, and licked the back of the sixth princess's hand with its bright red tongue, without any abnormality.

"Big cat, you finally woke up. It's all right!"

The sixth princess cried with joy, hugged its little head and rubbed it.