Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 458 Receiving


The flame came extremely fiercely, and the collision was extremely fast. The black-headed snake's sharp body trembled, and the straight black rough-like snake came back, faster than the meteor.

However, even if it collects very quickly, it still feels a burning and numb feeling on the tip of the snake, and then it is heartbreaking pain.

The flame wrapped in the road and the green Chan still fell fiercely, smashing away the thick black fog, burning out the crackling green oil sparks and blowing away.

After the obstruction of the black poisonous fog, the flame became weaker and swayed fiercely, but the flame still hit extremely fiercely. I really wanted to die with this black-headed snake. A monk who was one level higher than the black-headed green snake burned with the monster jade!

The black-headed snake was so angry that it did not expect that after its transformation, after hitting the sharp flying sword in the enemy's hand, it was still so embarrassed to hurt the snake letter in the case of a foolproof attack. It felt that the anger of the sky was nowhere to vent, and the anger like the sea was about to burst out.

Fight, who is afraid of whom!

The black-headed snake, which has retracted more than ten feet as quickly as electricity, closed its long knife-like fangs and fiercely bit the road green in the weak flame. Fighting for burns, you have to bite the enemy who deliberately offends you, bite the enemy who is higher than you, and bite the proud enemy who has played with you for many times. People.

At this moment, the black head is the size of a snake's fist, and the snake's eyes that will not turn flashed, full of fierce and violent, extremely cold. With this fierce bite, the coldness overflowed from its body and wrapped into the road green in the faint flame.

Before the huge mouth was closed, the fierce momentum forced the almost pale flame on Lu Lu Chan's body to sway more violently, and the flames were pushed up. The toes were no longer able to see the traces of flame existence, which could be shattered at any time, showing the small embroidered shoes wrapped in the flame.


The blood basin opened and closed, making a muffled sound. The speed was not much different from the speed of the flexible snake letter contraction.

However, the expected sense of bite did not appear, and the splashing of blood flowers did not appear. Some were just that the tip of the nose, which usually did not feel any pain, became numb. Like the previous snake letter, the burning pain came after a moment later.

It felt that it had just bitten quickly and violently and did not bite the enemy. Instead, it was stagnant in mid-air by the enemy in a moment, and lightly stepped on the tip of its nose with its two longan-sized holes with its little foot. With this gentle step, it burned a layer of tough snake skin and showed a layer of pale nasal bone.

As for whether the layer of skin was directly stepped on and then burned, or directly burned, in the fight between the electric stone sparks, it could only feel that it had just suffered a desperate blow and completely injured two places, but it did not get a little better.

A pair of lanterns and giant eyes of the black-headed green snake flashed with a cold flame of anger, staring at the road that had just taken a step out of several feet away. The giant shook it horizontally and hit it with the ferocious horniness on the back of its head as a shield. He didn't believe that there was no spiritual power to control for the time being, and Lu Lvchan could easily avoid its lightning pursuit.

Beasts are ignorant, and most of the trained monsters are extremely cunning and treacherous, so the black-headed green snake will have this to paralyze the opponent and finally break out a fierce blow.


The deafening slam was like a thunderbolt. The black-headed green snake's black and hard iron head violently hit the petite and exquisite Lu Lvchan, directly hit her more than 200 feet away, dragging her long flame tail, and throwing it out like a meteor.

The location of the mid-air impact, a burst of brilliant sparks scattered, spiritual fireworks bloomed, and there was a gorgeous rain of flames and a tragic fire rain.


The huge head of the black-headed snake hit its extremely petite body, but it seemed to hit a huge hard rock, which made it retreat several feet, causing its head dizzy and full of glittering Venus. However, it also felt at a loss at all. Instead, it excitedly spit out a black rope-like snake letter, made a celebration hiss, twisted in the air, and continued to pounce on the place where Lu Luchan smashed down.

The practitioners are generally weak, and this fierce collision is likely to be severely damaged. She has no chance to resist and become a lamb.

It wants to enjoy her as delicious food, especially the practitioner's Yuandan, a powerful Yuandan, which is more powerful than its Yuandan. It is definitely more important than delicious food. With it, it can reach a higher level faster and may be able to practice to the same level as this practitioner.

You should know that the aura needed by monsters to upgrade to the first level is far more aura than that of practitioners of the same level. Therefore, even the Yuandan of Lu Lvchan's wisdom level can never be promoted to the Qizhi level without the assistance of any medicinal materials. What's more, even Yuandan has not fully evolved successfully at present.

For its huge high-level monster, it was only a hundred feet away in the blink of an eye, and it chased the place where Lu Lvchan fell in an instant.

However, at this time, a violent sound, like a midnight ring, a silver light flashed, and the black-headed green snake had no time to react, and its huge head was hit, and it fell nearly a hundred feet, crushing countless giant trees and green branches all the way.

Only in a few breaths, centered on this extremely dense old forest, all the towering giant trees have suffered great damage. The old roots are uprooted, the broken branches are oblique, and the fallen leaves are like rain, and they are in a mess.

Un Coincidentally, the position thrown by Lu Lvchan happened to be the location of her flying sword. The black-headed green snake thought that the collision had been successful and was complacent. It was hit hard, and the corners of its mouth oozed with a big mouth of blood, which was disproportionate to the blood stain on the petite figure that had just stood up from the broken tree.

This fierce blow, because the black-headed green snake did not apply any poisonous fog to block it, stabbed a fierce small in its shield-like hard scale armor, directly piercing through the black armor, from which a large ton of blood oozed out, such as injection. Around the sharp wound, the same hard black hard armor spider pattern cracked.

If it hadn't been for Lu Luchan's uncontrollable Qi and blood hit by it and serious internal injury, this thunderbolt could have directly nailed it to death on the spot!

After such a fierce collision, Lu Luchan's face was as pale as paper, his figure swayed like a flutter, his willow eyebrows were upside down, and his face was full of determination. At that time, he also took into account the idea of catching this fierce black-headed green snake alive, and immediately chased him with a flying sword.

The black-headed green snake has just knocked down a large forest and rolled in place. There is no time for further action. The flying sword is like a maggot attached to the bone, and the lightning comes.


The silver sword passed through and cut a small hole in its turquoise snake, which was slightly larger than the body of the sword, and brought out a large amount of blood.

hu hu

Like a pierced ball, the black-headed green snake quickly shrank like a discouragement, changing back to the original arm thickness, more than ten feet long. Compared with the previous fierce appearance, it is now a slender and beautiful snake.

In the moment when it suddenly shrank, the trembling flying sword stagnated slightly, still with a roaring cold wind, continued to pass through its thin bones, penetrate its bones, smashed it, penetrated its internal organs, and brought out a blood.

It is impossible to shrink the black-headed green snake's painful body and escape. It has just become close to overdrawn, but the pain is so painful that it wraps up the branches near the left and makes a big green leaf rain.


The silver sword passed through another sword. In addition to the head wound, the black-headed green snake pierced a third penetrating hole in its green snake, bringing out a blood splash again.

At this time, Lu Lvchan had been wrapped in an extremely sparse layer of aura, and slowly approached the place where the black-headed green snake fell. She coldly watched the black-headed green snake painfully entangled a large towering tree several times the size of its body, but was unable to escape.

Lu Luchan, who was still trembling all over, did not dare to be care at all. She didn't even care about the red blood stains on the corners of her mouth. Her big eyes burned with angry flames, holding the flying sword back to her body and stood firmly in mid-air, staring at the constantly entangled black-headed green snake.

It's very strange. Without the flying sword, in addition to the blood ejected by the previous injury, the wound converge a lot in an instant, and there is no blood to continue to sprinkle. The means of this black-headed green snake is really powerful.

Feeling that the black-headed green snake had been greatly damaged and had no strength, Lu Luchan's trembling hands slowly raised and pinched a strange posture heavily and slowly. The surrounding aura and her own aura converged violently, compressed into a ball, and converged into a jade-colored simple ring in her hand. The ring suddenly exuded a brilliant blue color and became stronger and stronger.


A blue thunderlight came from her wearing a ring, which hit the cracked armor of the black-headed green snake as quickly as real lightning.

A brilliant spark flashed with dazzling and subtle arc sparks on the surface and inside of the black-headed green snake's body. A small blue and white smoke appeared on the part directly bombarded by lightning, rising to the sky, emitting a scorching smell.

The light blue transparent arc jumped, flashing out bright red and dim yellow sparks and stayed on the black snake for a moment or two. The weak black-headed green snake swinged with a sense of rhythm, and then simply stopped, motionless like a branch hanging in the treetops and leaves.

After a while, in the slightly scorching smell, Lu Lvchan's nostrils with a strong fishy smell faintly captured a wisp of cooked meat.

It was not until then that Lu Luchan was slightly relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. She shrank her stiff body and stood in a comfortable figure, and wanted to find a comfortable quilt to lie down quietly.

However, she knew that it was not the time to lie down and rest, and there were still many things waiting for her to do. Then, after she gasped for a while, the magnificent aura slowly gathered around her slowly moving little hand and slowly condensed into a small dazzling group. Later, she lifted it gently, like lifting a thousand pounds of heavy objects, and threw the small light mass down like a black-headed snake hanging quietly on the treetops.

The light mass quickly touched the black-headed green snake, without the expected violent impact sound, but spread like a mercury mass, wrapping the long giant snake for a moment, and then wrapped the giant snake and compressed it into a smaller size until it was compressed into a small wooden stick.

Lu Lvchan's gesture still did not stop, and the little aura left in his whole body gushed out, turning into a wisp of light wrapped around the small wooden stick-shaped black-headed green snake. The cobwebs generally wrapped it tightly, and finally turned into an ice-like white wooden stick, and could no longer see the appearance of a black-headed green snake.

The small hand took a photo and put the white wooden stick into a small jade box. The white wooden stick shrank smaller and smaller and into the three-inch-long small jade box.

After doing all this, Lu Luchan's breathing became more severe, her body was almost shrinking into a ball in pain, and there was still a bright red color left on the corners of her mouth, indicating that her serious injury had just been not been effectively cured.