Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 465 Plastic pulse


In the middle of the night, the meteor flew with a sword and fell into the air silently. Lu Lvchan only used the time without a column of incense to fly to three places thousands of miles away from the Nanjianfeng boundary, leaving behind the three people's respective family letters and their famous armor knives and hidden weapons that had traveled into the world. Then he flashed back and stayed in the Nanjianfeng Stone Wall Channel for a while. .

Looking at a few shallow holes like dogs, and a few small piles of stones, imagine that they once entered the cultivation world with the help of monster teeth. The beautiful face under the faint moonlight smiled cutely. Suddenly, they waved their hands and melted the pile of loose stones into three real stone piles like a stove, which made her feel The rumors have become more real.

This melting has never even appeared in flames. It was really silent. Even the people who stayed in the rivers and lakes below did not notice it.

Without the existence of spiritual objects such as the teeth of monsters with spiritual power, mortals may break through this boundary point of crossing. If you want to enter the mortal world from the world of cultivation, if you don't have the level above Yuandan, you can't feel it.

Returning to the world of cultivation again, Lu Luchan felt that the three of them practiced safely in the noisy environment of the beast roaring sky. She nodded with sighing, did not fly down, and flew westward.

Just now, she has taken the sealed thousand pounds of green spirit iron ingots from her room and set out to return home to seek help from her family.

She thought that the family could not be blamed for such a huge harvest in her industry.

The black-headed green snake belongs to a kind of mutant monster that she has never seen. It is a little powerful. She originally planned to fatten and kill it again. After a battle that was almost killed by it, she felt that it was too wasteful to kill snakes and take elixir, and changed her mind to subdue this big guy.

Hong Mengling, a rare and strange poison, imagines that the previous lower poisons have been refined and abandoned. She is not sure about refining, and she is even more afraid to use it for experiments.

Home letter?

By the way, why don't you send someone a message back? You can still stay there to guard those ores, so that you can be foolproof.

Lu Luchan patted her head with some fun of her, suddenly wanted to turn back, and then laughed at her impulsive behavior. She began to figure out what materials to buy after entering this town, and prepared some sound insulation and hidden array materials. I'm afraid she didn't have much silver left.

Sell some green spirit iron ingots?

It's okay to buy things by myself. I've never done selling goods. It seems that poor people are short of money and are in a hurry to sell things. They lose face. They can't help patting their heads with a headache and don't know how to deal with them.

Don't be in a hurry. Lu Lvchan simply flew slowly in high clouds with a flying sword, flying slowly in a state that does not consume spiritual power. After all, it is not good to enter other people's stores in the middle of the night to buy things.

He handed the letter to Lu Luchan and watched him fly into the night sky and disappear. The two women were both envious and yearning. A heart floated back to his hometown with the disappearance of the flying sword, thinking of his kind mother, his strict father, and the brothers and sisters who used to play together...

After being distracted, she felt that the wind was blowing a little cold. After waking up, Xue Yueer looked at the little bones that they had not seen when they came out. She imagined that he had entered a state of cultivation ruthlessly. She patted Song Chuyao's thin shoulder and said, "Sister Yao, don't think about it. What we need most now is practice."

Song Chuyao turned her head to look at Xue Yueer with crystal tears in her eyes, and then looked at the closed porcelain door of Xiaoguding. She nodded firmly and said, "Yes, I have to work hard not to let you throw me away."

Actually, she doesn't know that although Xue Yueer has practiced harder and maintained a better state than her, now the progress of pure practice is slightly worse than her.

As soon as Song Chuyao entered the practice, she felt that the veins of the past appeared a virtual shadow. Not far from the communication cycle, and the little bone Ding had reached the point of immortality.

Is it true that the younger you are, the faster you improve and practice?

There is no way to know this, even if the cultivation has become a master.

After comparison, Xiaoguding returned to his porcelain house in Luluchan's teased eyes and tried his best to calm down. After only half a column of incense, he entered an empty state of practice, and immediately took a pulse pill and entered a state of practice.

Once practicing internal skills, he could only sense the warm current with a certain vein, but now he has entered an empty practice state. He has been able to sense the virtual shadow vein of the size of a needle hole in his body, which is faint from time to time. All parts are the clearest near a gray sea of consciousness.

Driven by the previous higher-level formula, the power of ideas began a new round of "running" along the sea of consciousness, absorbing aura and slowly growing.

As soon as it entered the practice state, the vein that sensed as a virtual shadow immediately shined and turned into a small white pipe. The silver line spread and suddenly disappeared. Whenever the center of the aura converges, the needle-sized vein was shining almost transparent, faintly with a few wisps of blood.

It's really like blood vessels and tendons on animals!

Xiaoguding has such a word in his heart. After that, he will think that if the monster practices, will some aura also run in the tendons he once extracted?

Of course, these wild things will not appear at this moment. No matter how tough his heart is, he can't maintain his practice.

He is self-minded and enterprising, which is what he wants to do now. All the unrealistic ideas have just come to his mind, and then they are abandoned by him and become more focused on practice.

Spiritual power runs quickly and powerfully along the veins of the meridians. With the increase of the aura, there is a feeling that the meridians that the aura passes through suddenly increase several times, and it feels that the meridians as thin as pinholes are greatly expanded.

This phenomenon is not surprising at all, knowing that this expansion is actually a necessary process for shaping the pulse at the limit that can be tolerated. The plastic vein not only awakens the originally hidden meridians, but also expands it so that it can accommodate more aura to run inside. At that time, the spiritual power will be much greater and will be more powerful.

Lu Lvchan once said that if they are now as thin as cow hair and silver needles, then her meridians are now the size of buckets, and she also said that their aura can't be absorbed now. Even if the gas is successfully gathered, it is just a mist that is thinner than rain and fog. She is already a strong spiritual river close to **. It is tens of thousands of times their strength.

Of course, these are just pure feelings. It is impossible for anyone to have such a large meridians when the whole person is not as big as a bucket.

Feel the expansion of the meridians, and feel the virtual shadow of the wall of the meridians getting closer and closer to the substance. The little bone Ding is happy but not messy. He runs over and over again until the drug power dissipates, and he does not stop practicing.

The whole body nourishment of Reiki is better than pure sleep, but it makes people's head a little sleepy.

So according to their current progress, it is impossible to practice sleepless all day long.

If you want to hurry, you can't reach it, and Lu Luchan is not in a hurry. As early as after exploring their day and night practice, she clearly told them to take a proper rest for a night or two and not to practice too hard.

It is said that the little bones who tasted the sweetness for the first time were in high interest and decided to practice enough. According to the plan of the small bone, at least you have to cultivate the plastic pulse level.

Normally, the sensory test is only the speed of the cultivation, which is not the real first level. The reason why there is such a first rank at the front is that not all people in the real world must be able to easily feel the existence of spiritual power, even with the help of medicinal power.

It's like giving a person a piece of good land and seeds, but this person's brain is not good. It's one thing whether he can grow vegetables in the way he said.

Of course, there are also some deformities that are not disabled and born with poor body.

In this world of cultivation, the most exist is the quenching order and the gas level. As long as there is enough time, it is extremely rare to gather Yuan Dan.

has reached the quenching level, and can barely be regarded as a master. Similar to practicing the existence of King Kong, it can also directly emit some flames that are directly used to set fire and cook rice. Don't bother to bring fire when you enter the picnic of the old forest.

The gas level is stronger, and it is barely enough to cook a pot of rice without anything. Until there is enough aura to become stronger.

After all, if a meridians are strange, such as the medium-term cultivation of gas accumulation, their meridians are large and gather a bucket of water, and others are smaller, there is only a basin of water, and the power of different sizes is naturally different.

This advanced division has to be divided into the first, middle and the last three stages. Xiaoguding is now in the late stage of the plastic vein, only a little away from the last step; Song Chuyao is about to enter the late stage of the middle stage, and is about to reach the point where the virtual shadow vein is immortal; Xue Yueer is slightly worse, and it is about two days away from the appearance of this virtual shadow.

This may also have something to do with the shape and size of the three human bodies. Three people took a pill of the same size. Xue Yueer has almost grown into an adult. As a result, she took children's pills like two and a half-year-old teenager. The medicinal power is not enough, and naturally it is worse.

Not to mention that the weight of one person created by Lu Lvchan is really refined according to the weight of young children. After all, the cultivation of the shaping of the pulse in the real world starts from a few-year-old doll.

For some large family elixirs to nourish the fetus, and then apply secret techniques to slow down and recuperate them. Before they are born, the child has completed the sensory function in the mother and fetus, and even slightly creates a little plastic pulse and quenching body.

In the first three steps, in addition to specific cultivation, after shaping the pulse, the pulse is still constantly expanding and condensing with the increase of cultivation, and at the same time quenching strength, of course, the quenching is even more so.

The reason for this distinction is that when this practice reaches these two levels, the most important thing at present is two practices, and other times are only incidental.

Lu Lvchan left, and the basic practice continued. With sufficient pill cultivation, the collection of medicinal materials was suspended, only when hunting wild animals in the daytime.

Late at night two days later, Xiaoguding was surprised to find that when the medicinal power was about to run out, after the spiritual power ran, a small section of silver-shaped meridians near the sea of consciousness were still emitting soft light, as dazzling as the aura light spots, and it turned out to be the initial formation of plastic veins!