Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 468 Live Capture Tactics


Little Bone Ding turned his head helplessly and took a few breaths, adjusted his breath, and said, "Nothing is added. You can add some seasoning first. By the way, I don't think it's delicious. Keep it for me."

However, Xue Yueer has cleverly poured salt and other seasonings into it, as well as some green wild vegetables. The moment the lid of the bowl was opened, there was already a stronger smell of meat, which made the small bones a little unable to practice.

Xiaoguding continued to take the big tree held by a large number of people as an enemy.

This kind of training, unlike before, did not play more, but hit each part continuously, take turns to take five or six routines, hit fiercely, and then come over to wipe your sweat and rest, waiting for dinner.

The world of cultivation has been different from the previous world, and Xiaoguding will naturally no longer take the once invincible King Kong's bad external power as the main way of cultivation.

I just don't know if there are any practitioners who practice this kind of pure external skills? Sometimes he will think like this and then continue to wave his fist.

"Is there any discomfort?"

Although he saw the two sitting here in a good way, Xiaoguding couldn't help asking.


Xueyue is extremely simple.

Song Chuyao seemed to be on the bar, flattened her mouth, and turned her head aside: "You don't have long eyes."

Xiao Guding smiled and said to Xue Yueer, "Go and practice. I'll watch."

The two women immediately rushed over like rabbits, including Song Chuyao, who was not called by Xiao Guding.

This time, the breakfast was later than usual. After eating, the three of them sat and practiced for a while, and then carried the ordinary spiritual sword and began to kill their prey outside.

With the help of the trap mechanism, they have to adapt to this new food acquisition method as a practice.

With the secret of the manuscript brought by Lu Luzhen, Xiaogu Ding also chose an extremely tough bamboo as the bow tire, and made a bow with a low-level monster tendon that Lu Luchan helped them with stronger tension.

Except for the lack of aura array and other blessing, it's not bad. Just pulling it away, you have to take more than 100 catties of strength.

Imagine that at the beginning, when I and others came into this real world, I was even tired to stand. I didn't expect that in less than three months, I would have been able to pull a strong bow of 100 pounds!

This is the feeling when the bow was made.

The bow is strong, and the arrow is naturally strong. Even if the material of the arrow is poor, as long as the strength is enough, it can also kill the target. However, the premise is that the arrow must at least withstand this violent impact first.

The arrow material in the arrow sac is good, as tough as a bow, and can barely be regarded as a low-level spiritual material.

Three bows and three bags of arrows, three sharp spiritual swords, and a homemade nose made of beast tendons mixed with Xuanma, which is specially used to catch beasts alive.

Now the strength of the three people has greatly increased. If they are lucky enough to approach, they can directly trap the fierce and fierce.

Even if they are not strong and dragged away by the beast, they will quickly use the power of the tree to firmly trap the prey, so as not to let the beast bite off the rope until it struggles to lose strength, so it is not far from being caught alive.

This is Xiaoguding's idea, and now it's only a try.

The big cat is extremely intelligent. Some of their instructions and gestures, including some trivial and sinister tricks like beating a blind stick, as long as it is ordered, it is very practical to implement, not to mention that it is a sneak attack on a high-level beast.

But I don't know whether it worked when Xiaoguding fed a small amount of elixior residue, or whether it stood next to Song Chuyao and watched her practice and found a trace of doorway. Unexpectedly, it became a little psychic, which could better understand their meaning and controlled some of its instincts, such as seeing a beast. In the past, it would yell at the three owners, but now it has been changed to an extremely hidden warning in case the owner formulates an ambush strategy.

It clearly feels that compared with its own instinct, its own owner is full of tricks and calculations extremely accurately. Generally, when the prey does not react, there is basically no possibility of escaping, unlike their pursuit by instinctive pursuit, but purely by speed.

But sometimes it is not good that it can feel the beasts, and those beasts are also very likely to feel their arrival, especially when the wind is up.

At this time, the big cat walking in front of him suddenly exploded, and the little bone immediately waved his hand and surrounded it in four directions with lighter movements, forming a siege.

The old forest is dense and full of thorns. It is extremely difficult to shuttle through. It is inevitable that there is a slight sound, which helplessly disturbs a beast resting in the trees dozens of feet away in front of it.

This is the first time they tried to catch alive. They did not use bows and arrows for the time being, but opened the way with a sword in one hand and a group of rope in the other hand, ready to attack at any time.

The first place to hear the abnormal noise was the tall Xue Yueer and Song Chuyao on the left. This deer-like beast was immediately frightened and ran wild. It was unlucky, but the direction of escape was the little bone on the right side. There was still no sound, nor the wind direction, and the frightened beast did not feel it.

When the little bone Ding saw this guy bumping into his side like a deer, he grinned and smiled very insidiously, but did not make a sound. He waited for it to rush over. When he arrived in front of him, he suddenly rushed forward from behind the tree and approached it two feet. The rope in his hand shook out and covered its neck.

The beast came very fast, and he was caught off guard, and suddenly put a condom on the little bone.

Xiaoguding smiled more brightly, and immediately put the remaining rope in his hand around the big tree in front of him twice and strangled him.


As soon as the rope tightened, it directly broke the fragile vines it bypassed, but it staggered. With a huge force of hundreds of pounds, the bark that passed through rubbed out a large area of old skin, revealing the tender skin inside and oozing out a little green and white juice.

The fierce big cat rushed to it and scared the deer-like beast again. It suddenly opened its mouth and wanted to fight with it.

It turns out that it is not a deer, but a ferocious wild boar!

It is extremely difficult for the small bone to pull the rope. The fast-forward meat has been strangled and pulled hard against the tree.


The extremely fierce beast, which looked like a deer, jumped several times and did not bite the big cat that provoked in front of it, but the two women shook their hands again and put one of its hind legs and neck respectively.

"Sister Yao, you straighten it directly with a rope and tie it to a big tree. Yueer, you don't have to work hard first, try to straighten your rope, and don't let it bite off and break free."

The little bone sat at the center and began to give orders to deal with the beast.

Xue Yueer's strength is relatively accurate, covered with the rear legs of the beast, but she straightened the rope and pulled it hard. Song Chuyao was afraid that the condom would not be accurate, so she also put it directly on her big neck.

"It's not tied like that. Let's go around first."

Looking at Song Chuyao's movements, Xiaoguding immediately corrected.

After the rope in Song Chuyao's hand was tied tightly, there were two ropes, and the beast could not jump so easily. The big cat, who kept roaring and provocative to it in front of him, could only roar helplessly.

"Okay, Sister Yueer, you two watch first, just hold it and don't let it bite the rope, and wait for me."

One party finished it, and Xiaoguding was overjoyed. At present, he circled the rope in his hand again, bound it steadily, and walked lightly to Xue Yueer.

Now the rope is occupied in a triangle, and the locked beast jumps around. It has no effect except to make itself feel depressed. It continues to struggle angrily, making a roar or two, and a large area of foam oozing from the corners of its mouth.

The three people gathered together and looked more relaxed. Unexpectedly, the first beast caught alive was so relaxed.

Xiaoguding first put the rope around a bush, then put his foot against the tree and pulled it hard. Then he ordered Song Chuyao, who was the least powerful, to change his position with him. He and Xue Yueer shouted together and pulled hard at the same time. Song Chuyao took the opportunity to pull back.

After two or three rounds, the beast pulled one of its hind legs almost straight and swayed in the involvement of three ropes, becoming more and more unable to move.

Looking at the beast that can touch the ground from time to time except for three feet, digging up a large area of mud flowers, fallen leaves, and throwing them into the distance, the more stuffy neck has made it unable to make it from making a earth-shaking roar, but it can't help but breathe hoarse and gasp.

In the end, it didn't even have the soil that could be cut under its feet, and the movement became smaller and smaller. The little bone Ding laughed happily and told Song Chuyao, "Wrap it in two circles and tie it up!" What's the matter!"

The big cat is now showing off its power in front of the beast that is about to roll its eyes and foam, proudly wandering around it. There is a roar inside, which makes the three of them laugh more happily.

The three ropes collapsed more straight and tighter because of the force of the last rope, in three straight lines, hanging the fierce beast like a deer. Later, because of the earth under its feet, it really became a suspended state. At present, it can't even hiss, and its legs are just instinctively pulling and has no strength.

The three little bones stood in front of the beast with a relaxed face, laughing and not in a hurry at all.

Until they felt that it didn't even want to move their legs, the three immediately took out a few smaller ropes and began to tie their mouths and legs, from head to toe, tied them into a zongzi.

These ropes are empty from the previous trap mechanism and are much more sufficient.

After tying all this, the three of them went in one direction and untied the three straightened ropes.

The hanging twist zongzi slowly fell down, but the back leg was stretched out very straight, which looked very funny. Because the last leg of the beast was pulled straight, the three of them tied its other hind legs together to maintain its leg support.

loosened the condom of the neck, and the three of them saw the tied part and broke free from a lot of fur. They were bruised, red and swollen. Then they saw that the beasts put down remained motionless. The three of them were so happy that they couldn't stop laughing and rested for a long time.

After laughing for a while, the three continued to tie it more firmly, cut a wooden stick with a thin arm, and carried the guy back with great fanfare.

On the way, the sad beast woke up and wanted to roar angrily, but it turned out to be muffled, because its mouth could not be opened because it was tied.