Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 475 Kill the Wind Shadow Old Ghost


The flying sword shot like an arrow, taking the throat of a thin naked man who exposed his upper body in the night.

The night pearl lampshade inlaid on the roof of the porcelain house has been removed, emitting a soft pale white light, illuminating the things in the room extremely brightly. The little bone Ding and Song Chuyao standing at the door stood quietly like wood carving clay sculpture. The spiritual sword in their hands slashed the disease, and their faces looked furious, but they were as if they had been fixed and could not move.

In front of the two, on a three-foot-high snow-white and cold square porcelain desk, pen, ink, paper and inkstone all swept down to the ground. Xue Yueer was not an inch of jade body and generally unable to move. The desk is not long enough. Her two calves are hanging under the table, and her body lies on the table in a state of extreme shame and can't move. Some ** parts have been stained with a lot of saliva and some blue and red marks.

It turned out that this thin man was extremely psychologically abnormal. He actually grabbed Xue Yueer from the bed and put Xue Yueer on the desk and wanted to collapse Xue Yueer in front of the two small bones.

The flying sword came fiercely, forcing the thin-faced man to roll to the ground in confusion, holding the double screw pendant powder that had just been pulled from Xue Yueer's chest.

is also leaving a double screw pendant for Lu Lvchan on this road to avoid Xue Yueer from further humiliation.

Lu Lvchan is two levels higher than this thin old man. At the beginning, he used the backstage of Yuandan. The letter left by the arrangement in the case of serious injury is extremely rough and has not been improved. After Lu Luchan met them, she knew that they would deal with practitioners in the future and felt that she could not easily expose her secrets. Without Xue Yueer's knowledge, she once again arranged this successor letter in a more secretive way. Because of this, the thin old man was tricked and prevented her from it. After the action, after a little consteration, he pulled it down and crushed it with contempt, and didn't want to meet the disaster star that happened to enter the recovery.

This thin old man is the old man who has a magical wind and shadow outside. After winning a clear-hearted spiritual jade that day, he was chased and killed by many practitioners. Once he was accidentally exposed and suffered some injuries. He narrowly escaped several groups of practitioners who were hunted for hunting and hiding in a secret place for several days before recovering from his wounds. Later, I felt a little uncomfortable to be chased and killed all day long. The place where I fled was not far from this boundary point of entering the mortal world, and I wanted to avoid it for a few days than entering the mortal world.

He did not reach the Yuandan level and could only sneak all the way to get here in a few days. In order not to be detected by outsiders, he didn't take much action when he met the demon elixir all the way.

Because his practice formula is different from others, he can keenly feel the changes of these auras, and happens to sense the rough gathering array arranged by Lu Luchan, as well as these strange porcelain houses.

He was hidden in the dark, and even the big cat didn't notice his arrival, so he was stunned by his medicine.

And he deliberately fascinated this junior monster first, and then it was convenient to feel it carefully. Shen Nian searched once and found that except for the three small bones and one beast, there were only a few pitifully low Sanxiu, and no masters who could kill him were found.

He thought that Lu Lvchan's empty porcelain house was a place for the big cat to rest.

Because he knew that the distance was only a few hours away from the boundary point, it was extremely easy to escape. His courage naturally became extremely strong, and he sensed that there was nothing wrong. After carefully inspecting the houses everywhere, he began to make a bold decision and decided to go crazy before temporarily avoiding the mortal world.

After he thought it was safe, he swaggered straight into Xueyue's house. Because in his sense, Xue Yueer is the most delicious snack of his trip.

Xiaoguding and the sharp porcelain arrangement they used outside to defend against ordinary beasts could not hurt him at all. After he accidentally stepped on it, he continued to break into Xueyue's house with a sneer.


The unled porcelain door opened, which was different from the unexpected sound of the beast roar, coupled with the vibration of the porcelain house, immediately woke the three people from the practice at the same time, and they already knew that there was an accident.

Xue Yueer had no time to react and was restrained by the old ghost, but did not seal her mouth, making her send a sad signal for help. Then he waited for the two to enter and stopped them with spiritual power wrapped in addiction.

Then there was a slow enjoyment game, which made the three of them angry, but they were helpless and kept praying that Lu Lvchan would come in for help. However, the more they waited, the colder their hearts became, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, especially when Xue Yueer's clothes were exhausted.

Xiaoguding sadly found that this thin old man's hand was extremely beautiful, just like his once traceless star picker.

Next, some of the actions of the thin old man were so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he was almost burned to death by the rising anger in his heart. Song Chuyao did the same, and did not gloat at all because Xue Yueer shared her husband.

Although I am underage and familiar with it, I also know what some things mean, and some bottom lines cannot be touched. After this incident, the poor Xueyue was afraid that she would be sad for a few days and wash her face with tears all day.

She used to be ignorant of the world, and no one knew it at that time. It can be regarded as if she didn't care. Now she is humiliated in front of everyone. How can she feel?

So much so that when Lu Chan's flying sword was like a maggot with bones, it instantly caught up with the dodge of the old ghost of the wind and shadow, cut her throat at a faster speed, and sealed it with spiritual power before the blood splashed, and the control was thrown out of the porcelain house. The three little bones, who were sober and extremely angry, could not understand her, even if she saved three People.

From Lu Luchan's flying sword to killing, it took less than a breath. The real speed was like lightning, showing the same anger in Lu Luchan's heart and launching an extraordinary attack.

The green shadow flashed, and Lu Luchan flashed in quickly, waved her hand, and a neat set of new clothes by the bed covered Xue Yueer's body, and then used her spiritual power to force her out.

After waking up, Xue Yueer's angry expression disappeared. Instead, she was disheartened and stared at the green woman ungratefully. She held herself in her arms. The two lines of tears flowed out and converged into two streams on her delicate and pale face, which could not stop.

Tears flowed silently, but it was extremely sad, painful to the bottom of my heart.

"Sister Yueer, I didn't mean it, really! At that time, I was recovering my spiritual power and didn't realize that I was going to lie to you. I'm a woman in a brothel, and I won't end well for the rest of my life!"

From Xue Yueer's simple stare, Lu Lvchan, who was already guilty in her heart, immediately guessed Xue Yueer's inner thoughts and swore anxiously that two lines of tears on her face followed endlessly dripping on the snow-white porcelain plate, like beads falling on a jade basin, making a ticking sound.

Xue Yueer's expression was slightly shocked, and then she still regained her sad expression and believed her words.

Because she felt that Lu Luchan didn't have to lie to her at all. In addition, she rushed here precisely because the letter she left was broken, and her intuition was that she didn't lie.

But no matter what, they have become the existence of jokes in their eyes. Their broken hearts are almost broken to death, and they don't know how to face them in the future.

So, whether everything is true or false, whether it is good to yourself or bad intentions towards yourself, since tonight, is there any need to remember?

At the beginning, the childish self was so ridiculous, naive and indescribable. If they had never seen those things, they could still make themselves feel at ease and only let the shame buried deep in their hearts, then how can she pretend to ignore this public humiliation?

Xue Yueer's heart was in turmoil. How did Lu Luchan swear that she could never hear it again? Her mind was blank. Some of them were full of her own memory stories, a seemingly happy but doomed sad ending.

Lu Luchan was afraid that Xue Yueer would die and did not dare to leave a little, so she took the two small bones at the door out of thin air and dispersed the ecison in her body with spiritual power.

Xiao Guding and Song Chuyao were very annoyed that Lu Luchan intended to delay at first. At this time, they heard her explanation and understood what was going on. Xiao Guding also woke up to some things Xue Yueer had hidden at the beginning.

Seeing Lu Luchan crying again, she became a tearful person, and she was humiliated. The two people who began to burst into tears could no longer hate.

Song Chuyao hugged Xue Yueer and joined the comfort camp. Xiaoguding gritted her teeth, and her fingernails fell deep into the flesh but could not break the skin.

He suddenly looked up and grabbed Xue Yueer's cold little hand and said, "Sister Yueer, don't be afraid. No matter what happens to you, your husband will not dislike you, just like before."

The comfort of the two women's thousands of words was not as soft as the little bone. Xue Yueer's stunned body shook all over, and her tears flowed more fiercely. She struggled to push Lu Luchen away, and turned into his still thin arms and cried loudly.

Lu Luchan quickly let go of her hand and pulled back from the close hug of the two people with some embarrassment. Even in sadness, her body still trembled shyly.

Hearing Xue Yueer finally cry, the two women who did not encounter any such experience were relieved and slightly relieved.

Song Chuyao was slightly relieved, wiped the crystal tears on her face, and looked down to see the gray robes of the old ghosts under the porcelain table, sarcasticly provoking their fragile mood.

"Sister Yueer, I'll help you break this old ghost into ten thousand pieces!"

Song Chuyao looked at these gray robes, like a cat that had been stepped on its tail. She jumped like thunder, grabbed the robes on the ground and pulled them with both sides.

It's weird, but it's not bad!

Song Chuyao entered this strange world of cultivation. Although she was not as strong as before, she could at least tear open the leather of an ordinary beast with her bare hands, but this Pu gray robe could not be torn.

Song Chuyao was stunned for a moment. Lu Luchan gently grabbed the robe and said, "This is a medium spiritual dress, which can be regarded as a more precious thing!"

Despite this, there is no joy in the eyes of everyone looking at this robe, but only endless anger and resentment. Because I feel that this robe has some effect on myself and others, I have less mood to tear it up for the time being.

Xiaoguding's mood was stirred up by Song Chuyao's angry roar, and then imagined that there was a corpse of an old ghost outside the martial arts practice. He frowned and wanted to break the body, but his thin little hand slapped Xue Yueer's smooth back and comforted him, "Sister Yueer, don't be sad. Let's go, let's go. Go and chop up the thief's body and feed it to the training beast!"

Xue Yueer loosened her hurried robe, and her snow-white body was as white as fat, smooth and smooth. At this time, she trembled fiercely and extremely sad. Her head buried in the thin chest shook gently, and she just wanted to hold the small bone and stay still.

"Don't be afraid. Only by venting this anger can you relieve more depression in happiness. Didn't you do that at the beginning? I said that no matter what happened to you, I will never leave you. This vow has never changed.

The little bone Ding comforted gently, and his tone was unquestionable and firm. He straightened her body and began to dress her gently, just like she was seriously injured in the sand eagle, but she was a little clumsy and trembled because of anger.

Xue Yueer**'s body has disappeared from the original filth. When Lu Lvchan pulled her robe and covered it, she washed the dirty marks on it with reiki, which was cleaner than her own bath. Only the tears still flowed down like a stream, leaving two tear marks on her snow-white neck and chest, shining softly in the night pearl. Below, there is a crystal light, sad and beautiful.

But even so, her body still trembled uncontrollably, with tears, soaked Lu Lu's chest, and soaked with the blue-gray robe of the little bone. She didn't want to wear clothes. She just wanted to find a hug that could make her feel warm. She just wanted to rest and sleep quietly in Xiaoguding's arms.

Xiaoguding moved gently and quickly. He quickly dressed her and went out with her in his arms. He held the light green spiritual sword in the other hand and turned his head without water-like tenderness, showing the angry flame of the volcanic eruption.

May be humiliated this time. Xue Yueer, like a wounded kitten, trembled and snuggled in the arms of the little bone. Except for endless sadness in her eyes, there was no trace of angry revenge.

"Go and smash the old thief with your own hands!"

Xiaoguding looked at the thin and weak body in front of him with disgust and put the spiritual sword in his hand into Xue Yueer's delicate and trembling hand. The body on the ground sealed its throat with a sword, but there was no trace of bloody blood next to it.

Xue Yueer looked blankly at the dead body under the ground, and still couldn't flash a trace of revenge anger. Instead, she was afraid to lean into the arms of the little bone. She was really scared!

Xiaoguding frowned more tightly, and his heartache was even worse. He knew that her heart knot had been deeply planted, but he was afraid that it would be difficult to make progress in the future and become a useless person.

Song Chuyao couldn't bear it. Her tight fists and silver teeth kept making a rattling sound. Looking at this trivial and thin body, her slightly bulging chest fluctuated more and more violently, and her body shook more like a sieve. She resisted not rushing up, waiting for Xue Yueer to vent with her own hands.