Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 498 Cave Room


Lu Lvchan hurriedly copied the handwritten secret in order to get together with the three of Xiaoguding, and there was only the practice of quenching. Because she is not sure, but the little bone Ding San, who entered the mortal world, has not been warmed by the elixir when she was born, and it is impossible to practice above the gathering level so quickly.

Originally, she imagined that with their qualifications, it would take at least 70 or 80 years. Unexpectedly, it would be so fast and a little messy.

Therefore, she carefully asked the degree of quenching of the three respective feelings to see if it had reached the point of safe and smooth absorption of aura into the body, and whether it could be enough to withstand the fragile meridians gushing out of a large amount of aura. If they have all arrived, then she has to tell them some of the follow-up tips. If it really doesn't work, go and give instructions one by one.

She is too lazy to teach this monster, because he not only has a broken secret book, but also can always practice crooked evil ways, and the speed is ridiculously fast, but there is no phenomenon of going crazy. She is afraid that she will teach according to the rules, which may also hinder his practice.

I felt that Song Chuyao's cultivation was higher. Lu Luchan asked her about the degree of meridian expansion and quenching, and then sensed it with her mind for a while. She was extremely surprised to find that her physical strength was a little more wooden aura, as well as fire, and finally a trace of metal aura that was still extremely sparse.

Now that you have sensed it, you should be able to quench the meridians while trying to absorb aura into the meridians for storage and enter the real practitioner class.

In fact, what does not work with the quenching of aura is that the quenching is the continuous use of the aura to quench the wall of the meridians, and the flesh and blood of the body until the aura disappears directly, and it is scattered all over the body to a more sparse degree, which cannot be used at ordinary times. The gathering is to slowly accumulate all the aura like a stream into the river and into the lake, until it reaches a certain level, compressing it into a substantial spiritual power, and then condenses the Yuandan equivalent to the aura nest, and then it reaches a higher level of Yuandan.

It's simple, but how to suck it in so that it won't disappear after it's absorbed in. If you stay in the meridians for practitioners, you need to use various secret methods to show your magical power.

With Lu Lvchan's follow-up practice tips and the appearance of a high-level practitioner like her, Song Chuyao only asked a few unsolved key questions, and nodded with great understanding.

The little bone sitting next to him nodded and said faintly, "It's similar to my own way of thinking. It's nothing great!"


Lu Luchan's face was a little ugly. She secretly said that she was going to be punished and told this secret that was not passed on, but you said sarcastic things and couldn't help shouting, "You are a monster. How dare I teach you? I don't want to listen and practice by myself!"

"Hey, it's also good to listen to other explanations. For example, today's black fox always sticks to the ground and attacks, which makes me deal with some difficulties. Many monsters that are worse than us can also make me feel the defects and other problems. Sister Chan, continue, and I will think of it as a scripture from the black fox.

The little bone is thick-skinned enough to give the reason.

Lu Lvchan was really angry. Her snow-white and crystal little hand was about to be lifted. She wanted to roll out this ivory-less guy and throw it out a few feet away to see if he would still be so out of tune.

Beyond the narrow tent, Lu Mingzhen, who had not walked, was stunned. He didn't expect that the little bone Ding would mention the next three attacks of the black fox, which was very effective. Does he also want to learn? What does he want to do?

In the strange land, he felt cold, cold and uncomfortable, and his face became a little ugly and strange.

What a cunning guy, but he is still a cultivation genius and unreasonable!

He could only feel helplessly, and became more and more afraid of this guy who didn't look at him at the beginning. He was deeply afraid, and felt that his degree of danger was similar to that of a master of refining.

Do you want to kill this danger in the cradle? Seeing that his relationship with his favorite beauty was a little ambiguous, obviously beyond the line of sister and brother.

He suddenly understood why geniuses are not very popular, and there are always people who want to kill.

It should be just two heterosexual siblings who depend on each other. His preference should only be Song Chuyao, who is a few months older than him, and he will not like this sister who is much older than himself.

Gradually sensed the subtle relationship between them, he could only comfort himself with such a pale reason.

After Song Chuyao made a sound, Lu Lvchan compromised and began to check Xue Yueer. In fact, she vaguely likes Xiaoguding. It's better to be more unscrupulous and laugh like a naughty child. How happy is that?

After a slight distraction, she excluded these nonsense meditation methods cultivated by more than 100 years, and carefully sensed the spiritual power of Xue Yueer.

To her surprise, Xue Yueer's current aura attribute is the most wood, followed by metal, and finally fire.

She doesn't understand why Xue Yueer can attract fire aura without refining medicine? Can ordinary fire cooking also attract the aura of the fire?

However, such a monster as genius is not in her understanding. If she can't figure it out, she doesn't want it. She thought it was very simple, and then sighed: "Yuer can also start practicing the formula of gathering the energy level. It should have been remembered. Don't I repeat it again? However, when you practice, you must do what you can. When you feel that the meridians are a little uncomfortable, you should immediately stop absorbing aura and continue to quench the meridians.

She no longer has a body. At the gathering level, ordinary practitioners pay attention to the endurance of meridian pipes, so that they can absorb and withstand more more powerful aura, have more aura, and have more powerful power.

This theory is not wrong, but some practitioners pay attention to physical strength, such as monsters, and some pay attention to spiritual power; for example, more than 90% of practitioners in the real world.

Therefore, compared with the cultivation monster, this gathering level is also an important watershed in the practice method.

In an hour, this crowded and dilapidated tent turned upside down, full of joy.

"Great, we can all practice the gathering level. Haha, we are one step closer to the powerful Yuandan level! I'm so happy, I really want to..."

Suddenly, there was a sound above her head, and her head went straight out of the tent, which embarrassed her and attracted more excited laughter from the people in the mine.

Because there is no material made of monster skin sheath, the little bones are troublesome. All the monster skins have not been processed well, but have been dried in the ordinary sun. The dried animal skin is hard to turn, and it is extremely troublesome to sew naturally. Everyone is busy practicing, and there is no time to do such trivial things.

Looking at the others, Lu Luchan and Lu Ming are really delicate young ladies who only practice and don't do anything. The street lamp is a master of forging, but they are proficient in leather making and powerless.

Seeing that Song Chuyao was a little embarrassed about destroying the tent she brought from the mortal world, Lu Luchan smiled and said, "If you don't want this tent, just say it directly. Sister will get you a stone house to make sure you can't break it. If not, you can try it."

After a burst of laughter, Lu Luchan cleaned up a decent stone room with a flying sword on the stone wall near the mine vein. It was larger than the porcelain house, four feet long and two feet wide. There was also a small room inside, with a built-in natural stone platform, which arranged the medicine furnace according to the height of Song Chuyao, and then cut the stone bed and put it on the other side of the medicine furnace. She sits or stands to refine.

Although the pure ordinary stone is empty and has a lot of space, it is effortlessly opened up by Lu Lvchan. Coupled with the refining of ordinary rocks, the total spiritual power in the body is about a waste of about a part of the body.

"So big? There is no door yet. It's a little bad.

Song Chuyao's face was happy, but she still complained about the details.

This made Lu Lvchan a little angry, but it can't be said. She just coveted speed, but just imagined a general appearance in her mind and let it go. Unexpectedly, she became doorless now. This is not as difficult as porcelain that can be melted at any time, and it is a little difficult to get a door.

I am not a professional housekeeper!

Lu Lvchan felt a little thankless and said helplessly, "What should I do? I'll help you build another one?"

After thinking about it seriously, he said, "But I can't imagine how to make a lighter and non-sounding door."

In the past, the sound of the porcelain door opening was relatively loud. Unless she was wrapped in aura, she could be silent.

The three of Xiaoguding lowered their heads and thought for a while and said, "Don't be too troublesome. You can add a stone groove directly in this stone room. With the power of Sister Chan, you can cut out a thick wooden door."

The trees in this old forest are solid. If you swing your sword, you can break a solid wooden door. I'm afraid it won't take a few breath before and after.

Lu Lvchan's eyes lit up and said, "Then I'll help you excavite two stone rooms first."

In a burst of ping-pong sound, Lu Lvchan spent about a column of incense. Next to the first stone room, two stone rooms of the same size were re-excavated, but the space of the medicine stove behind was missing.

Xue Yueer opened her mouth and wanted her to help open another furnace. Suddenly, she wanted to wait until she really practiced to the energy level.

Finally, the hole was drilled as a rotating hub. They began to move things on the small bone. Lu Chan flew out of the road but destroyed the thousand-year-old tree.

There was a burst of bang at the bottom of the mine, and Lu Mingzhen had been scolded by his sister who came out of the tent to chisel the lava below to do hard work.