Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 546 Annoying Lu Mingzhen


The green mountains are as green as Dai, and the white clouds are as long as cotton. A young man with a golden hairpin and a golden gossip robe lies lazily on a big rock with his head and looks at the sky, sometimes sighing once or twice.


At the edge of the rock beside him, a silver strange mouse suddenly emerged, with a long pig's nose and huge sharp front claws. A small hole just drilled from the rock was as easy as coming out of tofu. The silver mouse came out from under the rock and jumped on the teenager's belly in a golden robe, jumping excitedly.

"What's the noise! Every time I call it like this, it's not a garbage mine, and it's useless to me at all. I'm happy!"

The golden-robed teenager pulled out a hand from his head, swept his chest and abdomen, swept off the strange mouse on his belly like a fly, tilted his head, and continued to close his eyes to sleep.


The strange silver mouse jumped quickly, soared into the air and jumped several feet. When the golden-robed teenager's hand pulled back, he jumped back to his belly and began a new round of jumping, urging. It is related to its delicious rewards, elixir, spiritual rice, spiritual fruit, elixir, and spirit wine dishes, all the delicious and strange silver mouse that it has never tasted before.


A silver light shot from the tip of the front claw of the strange mouse. It was the size of a needle and dazzling, stronger than the sunlight in the sky. The light flashed and pierced the hands of the golden-robed teenager.

"You damn mouse, how dare you bully the Lord. Look at me not to peel and cramp!"

The golden robe was like a tail, jumped high, pointed to the usual mouse on the rock and scolded, and shot down like a large silver light and rain.


The silver mouse was so shocked that it drilled under the rock in panic. The silver light flashed and disappeared three or two times.


The silver light rain is extremely sharp, like a tofu, directly shooting into the hard rock dozens of feet deep, without bringing the violent collision of the ground. There are countless small holes, like honeycomb holes on the rock where he used to lie down and sleep.

"Small sample! If I don't have power, do you think it's easy to provoke?"

The young man in the golden robe patted his robe proudly, stared at one of the larger stone caves and muttered a few words. Then he lay down on the rock and looked up at the sky and looked at the changeable white clouds.

After watching for a long time, he felt in a trance that one of the white clouds changed like a beautiful woman, with a beautiful face and a cold face. There was a trace of hot flame hidden in a pair of beautiful big eyes, wearing a snow-white skirt, as cold but hot, standing there quietly, swinging the jade hand gently facing himself. I have a smile...


Suddenly, the beautiful woman's smile disappeared, and her fingertips hurt again. The pain made him frown and jumped three feet high. Then came his suppressed mouse cry. The source of the sound was still walking through the hole. When he reacted, he was already hidden deep underground, as if he was afraid of the golden robe. After Ziqiu settles the accounts, he will run away as soon as possible.

"Damn! Wait for me to catch you and see if I don't catch you and stew it!"

The golden robe teenager twisted his sword eyebrows, and the sleeves of the robe blown, and suddenly turned into the size of a mouse in midair. The golden light flashed, and instantly drilled into the fist-sized hole under the rock and killed the strange and annoying silver mouse.

The basin meswirled down dozens of miles, and the shrinking gold-robed man chased him so far. The silver mouse was still shuttling around at the end of his body, easily keeping the distance far enough.

"Damn Xiaoyin, you are going to die so far!"

Lu Mingzhen, the golden-robed prince, put away his anger on his face and complained about this strange mouse that he loved and hated.


The strange mouse below came with an excited and rapid cry, responding to his muttering, as if urging and laughing at his uselessness.

"How far is it? A little further away, I can't hold on. I have to adjust my breath to restore my spiritual power!"

Lu Mingzhen keeps complaining that there is not much excitement and motivation to find a new vein for the family.

Since following Xiaoguding into the abandoned vein and tracking and finding this magical golden rat, after months of searching, Lujia has found hundreds of large and small veins in Ruolin Valley, which has lay a solid foundation for the development of their refiners here.

I have searched a lot, and I'm used to it. Lu Mingzhen's low interest has long been worn out by these various veins. It's just a routine to come out with gold rat and silver every day.

He lost the strict supervision of his elders and his usual interest in playing. Many times, he was too lazy to practice, let alone be interested in searching for mineral veins.


Xiaoyin always shouted excitedly about a few miles below Lu Mingzhen, and the more he shouted, the more excited he became. He let Lu Mingzhen persist again, and then he would reach the end of the trip not far down.

Lu Mingzhen, who had been lazy for a long time, was a little tired of his decadent state. He suddenly cheered up, rushed straight after him, and roared excitedly, "Well, I'm fighting. Let's see if this industry can directly catch up to the destination of this trip!"

More and more drilling down, Lu Mingzhen feels more and more as if he is chasing Xiao Yin to drill into the center of the earth. His spiritual power in his body is exhausted, and his shrinking body will be crowded and hard like an iron stone at any time. His mind is dizzy and uncomfortable that he is about to suffocate. Gradually, Lu Mingzhen was soaked with long-lost sweat and flowed down his golden robe. It dripped into the fist tunnel dug by Xiaoyin. It was fished out in the water, and at the same time, it was suffocating in the deep water...

In a strange place, Lu Mingzhen felt that the temperature under his feet was gradually rising, like drilling into a high-temperature furnace.

What's going on? Is there going to be a new ground fire here?

Lu Mingzhen no longer had the strength to shout, thinking about such a noun in his gray head, and then habitually followed Xiaoyin's whereabouts.

Strange! Xiaoyin doesn't move down there!

Such an idea flashed in Lu Mingzhen's mind that his consciousness was about to become blurred. He continued to chase down. His footsteps were frivolous and staggered. He didn't know how many times he had bumped on the stone cave. His body was numb with pain and his body was about to burst. Lu Mingzhen still gritted his teeth and insisted on walking down.

It seems that only such extremely painful torture can relieve the depression in his heart and vent the depressed thoughts in his heart.

In fact, sometimes, it is also a kind of comforting enjoyment to force yourself to be painful and numb.

I really miss playing with them again, even if I just watch it from afar every day...

I don't know what consciousness led Lu Mingzhen, who was extremely sleepy. He was the place where he persisted to a scorching breath. It was not a ground fire, but a gorgeous purple, which bloomed with a dazzling purple light in the dark night. Lu Mingzhen, with a faint and blurred consciousness, also saw the purple. In the middle, there is a purple flame constantly jumping...

"High-order fire..."

Lu Mingzhen raised his hand excitedly and raised half of it with great difficulty. Before he finished speaking, he fell softly to the ground, and then his body slowly expanded uncontrollably...


Xiaoyin put away the excitement of asking for credit and jumped over. A pair of fat and sharp swinging without a shadow. In an instant, he dug out a space enough for him to lie down on the side of Lu Mingzhen's constantly enlarging body, so that he would not be crushed by the hard and iron passage around him.

Two or three hours later, Lu Mingzhen, who woke up, cleaned up his mood and only threw out a ready-made gathering basin, and there was no arrangement of a restraining and sound isolation array. Learning from the little bone, he swallowed a Yuangu elixir, and then threw one to Xiaoyin to adjust the breath directly near the vein.

Before dark, Lu Mingzhen regained his spiritual power, cut off a hundred catties of ore with a flying sword and put it in a jade box, and then shrank his body and ran up.

On the way back to the ground, he rested three times and did not shrink his body at once through this narrow stone path of nearly a hundred miles.

crossing the ground, Lu Mingzhen threw out a small mobile palace, restored the severely damaged spiritual power again, and then summoned a silver flying sword in the dark night sky and flew into the air, looking like a meteor flying from afar.

It was not until dawn the next day that Lu Mingzhen flew nearly 3,000 miles away before returning to Ruolingu Branch and passing the news to his father and second uncle.

After receiving such good news, the two owners were so excited that they couldn't even eat breakfast and directly summoned a group of people from the family to mine and melt. This time, nearly 100 family disciples were gathered, and basically the family was transferred to the branch.

Such a high-level fire mineral vein was found far away from the family branch, and all the children of the road family were ecstatic and mining and melting day and night.

In just half a month, the ore vein of the high-grade spirit iron with a yield of nearly 100,000 catties was excavated by the 100-person team of the Lujia, all of which were transported back to the branch of the Lujia in Ruolin Valley, and began the refining of the new upper-order flying sword of the fire.

This refining consumed a large number of high-order materials treasured by the family. It took several days to finally refine a purple-red fire upper-order flying sword, becoming the first high-order flying sword refined by the Lu family's generation.

Then, the second flying sword came out.

There are not many materials. There are many pieces of refining and two pieces of refining. Lu Mingzhen suddenly said to the two excited owners, "Father, shall we make a spiritual knife for Miss Yueer?"