Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 589 Closed


The pressure on the seabed is huge, and there is no way to adapt without using spiritual power. Except for the darkness, there are all kinds of strange and huge sea fish and sea monsters around, and there is nothing worth paying special attention to. As early as in the mountain forest, I was used to seeing huge monsters and strange shapes. In this dark, I can't bring many small bones**.

However, it is rare to spend a lot of effort on the next trip. You have to get some materials and relax by the way, and vent the evil spirit of these days of crazy practice.

In the evening, Xiaogu Ding floated up from the bottom of the sea with interest, greeted everyone, and directly entered the state of retreat and practice.

No one told that Xue Yueer and Song Chuyao did not know that Xiaoguding had traveled to the sea and were still struggling and practicing honestly. It's really boring. Occasionally, I will go to the Dan room to practice, which is one more thing to vent than Xiaoguding.

One day later, the ship arrived at the Sihai Cang Pavilion. The old man opened his eyes, passed the voice and greeted Lu Lvchan. He hid Han Qingxin and directly took the huge and luxurious mobile flying hall, connecting the little bone Ding and other people and demon pets that were being closed, and directly entered the general pavilion of the Sihai Cang Pavilion.

The surface light that protected the huge island flashed, and the old man went directly into the highest peak on the island, which was shrouded in white clouds all year round without shocking anyone.

After a while, Xi De, the first disciple under the old man Chedao, who is now temporarily sitting in charge of the general pavilion, personally appeared outside Sihai Cangge Island to welcome Han Qingxin, the people on the fast ship.

Seeing Xide's cultivation and the team of nearly 100 people behind him coming out to greet him, Han Qingxin was a little flattered and happy, but she didn't know why. She thought that if her father had visited the island in person, she might have such a courtesy. She didn't know why she got such a grand courtesy.

After a while, what surprised her was that several people had been there before that came down from her fast ship, but the little bones she had met were missing.

After returning the gift set with Xi Deke, Han Qingxin sent a voice to ask the reason for Lu Chan.

Lu Luchan smiled and said that she didn't know that an old man had just come to the island to pick him up, and the specific situation is unknown.

What's going on? These people are sneaky. After all, they don't trust themselves very much. I don't know how much they have hidden from them in the past few days.

Thinking of Han Qingxin's always smiling face, Liu frowned and said directly unhappily, "Sister Luchan, my little sister has confessed that she has made friends with you these days. Why do you still hide anything from me today? Looking at the show that Elder Xide came out to greet him in person, it must also be aimed at you, right? Just because she is a little sister, I'm afraid she doesn't have this face.

Lu Luchan blushed and had not yet answered. Xi De smiled and said for her, "Some days ago, Miss Lu and they arrived in Yinfeng City. My younger brother, who was a general defending the city at that time, found that Xiaoguding's water was very talented, and more importantly, he was tenacious and a wonderful talent for cultivation. Therefore, he specially sent a letter back and was included by this door. Miss Han's ship has not yet arrived at the island dock. I got the message and just can't wait to bring it to the cabinet in advance for inspection.

Xide, a faithful middle-aged man, doesn't know if he has got the prepared words of Che Dao or Xiaoguding and others. He talks without blushing and breath. His words really seem to be like this.

"Is he really so talented? Why didn't you pay attention to it at the beginning, but toughness is rare!"

Han Qingxin's eyebrows were slightly loosened and her head slightly tilted. She recalled the afternoon when she was with Xiaoguding and tried to find his wonderful performance of talent. Only then she remembered that he deliberately maintained the spiritual protection of water. She did not practice the powerful peeping secret method like Zhang Wangyue in the Cang Pavilion of the Four Seas, and there was no way to see through his cultivation. In order to learn his secret. Later, Xiaoguding hurried into the pavilion to practice again, and then she remembered that she had forgotten this matter. She couldn't help but be annoyed and a little annoyed.

The island of Sihai Cang Pavilion is extremely huge, hundreds of miles, full of lush towering giant trees and fragrant flowers and birds. Some low-level elixir flowers can be seen everywhere on the road. There is no value in a special garden, and monsters and birds are spoiled. From this alone, it can be seen that the extraordinary and magnificent of the Sihai Cang Pavilion is magnificent.

Following Xi De, Lu Luchan and others were curious and excited about the top sect in the world. Walking through the thick dark wooden trestle, stepped on the green and solid stone wall more than three feet high from the sea, and walked a hundred feet. On both sides of the path full of smooth sea stone pavement, under the cover of several old umbrella-like banyan trees, dozens of wooden houses were neatly built. The door panels were black and old in color. After a few years, they were full of simplicity. Heavy.

These are places to rest for some ordinary visitors, such as those who come to worship teachers but have to go through selection to enter the sect, so they have to wait here first.

Several people from Lu Luchan and his party were greeted by Xi De in person. Of course, it is impossible for them to live here and bring them directly into the inner hall of the mountain gate.

Originally, with the cultivation of Ma Mingxiang, which did not reach the Yuandan level and did not become a disciple of the sect, there was no way to enter the Lingfeng of the General Pavilion. Now, with the blessing of Xiaoguding and others, you can enjoy the exquisite scenery around all the way unimpeded. However, the old man Chedao loved Wu and Wu at the beginning. She was also lucky enough to enter the sect and become an ordinary disciple who dreamed of many people, and was also able to enter the Lingfeng of the General Pavilion.

The mountain is high and the road is far away, and the practitioners's time is precious. In addition to the ordinary guests can't fly with swords to show respect, they can't help but use magic to climb to the peak. The spiritual peak hundreds of miles of mountain road only uses two columns of incense, which is also because Lu Lvchan and others are curious to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the spiritual peak of Sihai Cang Pavilion.

All the plants on this spirit, some birds and beasts, and some low-level monsters are slightly different from the Bisongfeng of the Lu family at the beginning. Several young ladies from a big family such as Lu Lvchan were also fascinated and looked at everything around them with the respect of pilgrimage.

Introducing a guest hall in the middle of the mountainside, Xide sat politely with Lu Lvchan and others with a smile. Someone on the table had already served delicious spiritual fruits and other refreshments.

Han Qingxin is used to these things. She took a sip of Lingcha casually and said with a smile, "Senior Xide, has Xiaoguding successfully joined the sect now? Has he become a disciple of the 'Zhu' generation like a cousin and a cousin, or the latest generation of disciples of the 'Ze'? Can I visit them now?

Xi De smiled and said, "Of course, but Mr. Ding is not practicing in the ordinary outer cabinet, but is still being tested by several brothers in the pavilion. It is also arranged in a special trial field, but it is not convenient to bring outsiders into it. Please forgive Miss Han."

"Are you still testing? Specialized trial?"

Han Qingxin was surprised again, and her curiosity was out of control. She asked, "So what powerful talent does he have? What generation does he rank in the cabinet now?"

"This is not very clear. It must be ranked in the 'Lian' generation. The specifics will have to wait for a few brothers to check before deciding. Let's see if they are interested in taking apprentices in person."

Xide smiled and laughed.

It is natural and familiar for honest people to lie, which makes Lu Lvchan and others learn again and understand what it means to be unattractable.

Han Qingxin was very helpless and felt the depressed mood when Lu Lvchan talked to her at the beginning, but she still didn't realize the pain she had brought to Lu Lvchan.

To no result, Han Qingxin went to visit a few younger brothers and sisters who were not very close to friendship in the family, laughed happily and waved away the depressed mood in her chest.

In the following days, Xide arranged them in the guest hall, on the whole spiritual peak, except for one secret place, where they could not break into trespass, and other places were allowed to play and watch.

With less Xiaoguding and others together, although Lu Lvchan and others had a good time, they always felt that there was something missing and it was difficult to have fun.

After waiting for a few days, he still didn't get any results, and Xide couldn't escape. Except for the first day, he greeted him in person. The rest of the day, he was only handed over to the disciples under the door to entertain them.

Han Qingxin couldn't help asking the uncle of the family's "Xi" generation again, but told him that he didn't know it at all. After two and two, Han Qingxin felt more and more that there must be some tricks in this. When she was free every day, she pestered Lu Lvchan to ask endlessly. There was a tendency to not give up, which made Lu Lvchan a headache and wanted to hide when she saw her. However, even so, she gritted her teeth and did not reveal any secrets, which made Han Qingxin hate it. In addition to swimming in the mountains and watching the seascape nearby, she continued to ask Lu Lvchan every day. Anyway, she was thick-skinned enough.

Gradually, Lu Luchan was also able to cope with it freely, no longer had the initial blush and shame, and became determined to play Tai Chi with her.

Not to mention Lu Chan and others continue to stay in the Sihai Cang Pavilion. Every day, in addition to driving boats to explore the nearby seas, they return to the island to practice.

The aura in the middle of the spiritual peak of Sihai Cangge was originally better than the Lu family's highest spiritual peak in Bisong Peak, but now it has been destroyed through the boundary isolation and prohibition. The sparse aura of the whole practitioner's world has been injected by the demon world. This aura is a little stronger, and it is much faster than before.

In order not to expose the whereabouts of Xiaoguding and others and several ordinary demon pets, Ma Mingxiang did not stay beside the main peak of the cabinet, Xiaoguding and others. The three demon pets such as Dahua Cat, Xiaoxue and Jinxian were all handed over to a unique disciple of Xizi in the General Pavilion as **.

Occasionally, Jin Xian will sneak out to play with Ma Mingxiang and others for a while, and sometimes greet Dahei.

As for the three Xiaoguding, they have now entered the heavy ground in the door. Several spiritual cultivation valleys personally recruited by the old man Chedao, so that Xiaoguding and others can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the practice.

In addition to the quiet valley with strange flowers and plants, some of them are in the depths of the bottom of the island, the core of the ground fire, the depths of the sea, the valley wind path, the peak attracts thunder, and there are also various powerful flying swords, and the indoor sword spirit is crisscrossed.

When it's Xiaoguding's turn to practice this spiritual power, the rest of the core disciples with the same talent have to temporarily give up their seats. This has never happened, which makes these originally extremely favored disciples a little sad. They don't understand who stole their limelight and treat Xiaoguding and others that they have never seen before. There was a little jealousy.

At this time, on the other side of the war, with the first batch of trophies and the second batch of trophies, including the corpse of a demon king, they returned to the main peak of the general cabinet and looked at the sudden extra huge number of monsters, which made all the disciples of the Sihai Cang Pavilion dance excitedly, and the whole sect was full of joy. Oceanic atmosphere.

Knowing that someone was coming back on the front line, Lu Lvchan was worried about the safety of her relatives. Thinking that her biological father might also appear on the front line this time, she was eager to come and ask. However, these two old antiques of the feathering stage appeared near the boundary road. After the war, they returned with trophies happily and did not have an intersection with the army of practitioners guarding the Frost City. There is no way to know.

The victory return of these two elders in the cabinet also attracted an old alchemy woman in the cabinet to leave the customs. She is also like Che Dao. She is young and can't withstand the war. This time, she deliberately got out of the customs because the demon king Yuandan, who had never seen before, had to come out of the main furnace for alchemy.

Accidentally got so many high-level monster Yuandan corpses and other materials, and the faction suddenly became lively, all of which were dissected and divided into elixir materials and refinery materials. With this large use of inventory materials in the warehouse, the senior management of several major stews immediately found a large number of rare attribute elixirs, as well as a large batch of refining materials.

Asked Xi De, who was temporarily in charge of big and small affairs, and learned that all of them had been told by his master for many years. The ancient old man quickly took it. The three old men in the faction looked at each other in consternation. The old woman said, "What is Brother Chedao doing?"

"Xide, what's going on?"

The clear intention is to ask the master directly.

"The disciple doesn't know that the master only wants to take the disciples, and the disciples don't know what's the use at all."

Xide lowered his head and turned his eyes around.

Che Neng frowned and stroked his beard: "Brother, what the hell is this?"

"Where is your master? Haven't you come back yet?"

Cheyi's reluctant pursuit.

"Master is now in the Jianlin practice room."

Xide answered honestly.

Che was surprised and said, "Jianlin practice room, that's just a middle-level practice room for Jiedan. What did the senior brother do there?"

The silver-haired woman said, "Isn't it clear if you go and have a look?"

Three figures came out of the forbidden gate of the warehouse, and their bodies swayed and appeared on one of the sharpest stone peaks of the main peak.

This huge stone peak is like an enlarged sharp sword, pointing straight to the sky. Walking on the peak, the sharp sword spirit is crisscrossed, and there is a cold and sharpness that will cut the people who enter into pieces at any time.

"Did you come to find that you have the talent to practice metal spiritual power to practice this metal spiritual power?"

Looking at the straight stone peak in front of him, he speculated suspiciously.

"What's the use of guessing these now? Can't you see it directly?"

The woman accused that her figure shook again, and she did not even open the spiritual mask of the body, and directly entered the sharp stone peak.

Halfway up the mountain, Xi De drove a flying sword with a wry smile and tried to catch up with him. He couldn't help thinking about looking at these three talented evil brothers.