Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 661 Dilemma


Xue Yueer carried the fairy sword, and then used fairy skills to block the fierce attacks turned into these colorful spiritual powers. It became easy and many times faster to fly up.

I have to say that Wang Pinxianqi is powerful. When he raised his hand and waved it gently, he was full of pressure, nearly half the size of a hill. All kinds of fierce attacks like a sharp needle were destroyed, and it was as easy as the wind and clouds.

Then Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao showed their own fairy swords. They didn't want to fight too hard like last time. Then, because they were too nervous, it was easy to enter the unfathomable natural illusion array and were bullied by illusions, which was unnecessary.

The practitioners of the cultivation world, even the genius practitioners of the sect, do their best to refine an ordinary fairy weapon. The three former immortals, who were reincarnated as small and bone, seem much more luxurious.

The fairy sword was revealed, and the three of them held the spiritual light mask. When they encountered the horrible torrent attack transformed by colorful spiritual power, they raised their hands and waved it gently to reincarnate the aura turbulence. Then they walked through this colorful world, and became as relaxed as watching flowers.

It's easy. Every day has a real sky so wide that the three of them are already real immortals. It doesn't count the obstruction of smashing these spiritual torrent attacks, and it takes a few hours to fly to the top.

It has been an hour since she entered the ninth heaven. Xue Yueer slowly regained her mood by relying on Wang Pinxian's fairy tools to open the way. At this time, Liu's eyebrows stretched and no longer stinged, and she returned to the appearance of a fairy-like fairy, but she had not yet crossed the last heaven, and she was somewhat worried at the bottom of her heart.

Half a miles away, Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao are not very calm. It's easy now. Who knows what kind of scene the fantasy will become? Can we break through it or not? When they didn't really cross the nine heavens and enter the fairyland, no one had a bottom. No matter how powerful immortals were once and strong to the peak, in this life, some memories can be regained with the help of magic weapons. The practice of heart and magic practice still has to start all over again, which is the same as when ordinary practitioners fly up.

The torrent of spiritual power as big as stones in all directions, and the seemingly fierce beast, under the magic attack of Wangpin Fairy, is like hitting stones with eggs, instantly reviving the raging spiritual flow. Feisheng became so relaxed that Xue Yueer also had time to occasionally look at her companions next to her, Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao, to confirm whether she had entered the fantasy or not.

Suddenly, a huge mountain silently pressed down and hit Xue Yueer, who had just turned her head, to smash her into pieces. Although Xue Yueer was not shocked, she waved a fairy art in a moment and smashed this huge "colored hill" in time.

In just a while, next to the tyrannical spiritual torrent that had just been smashed, there were many "colorful hills, raindrops and hailing towards the snow moon. On the side of Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao, there are still many small spiritual flow attacks, like tickling, and even the body protection light mask is unbreakable. Occhancerally, one or two mountains are easily disintegrated by them with fairy art, making their as fast as before, moving forward to the next transmission channel unchanged.

Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao, without this powerful attack, the speed of soaring up is several times faster than her. After all, it still takes time to resist and cast spells.

Fortunately, Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao were companions who had been with her for several years. They were still staying in place for the time being. They did not give up on her because of the obstruction she received and slowed down, which made Xue Yueer feel a little and concentrate on dealing with the fierce attack in front of her.

Once, twice... In the past hour, the situation of the attack is still the same, and there is not much change. Xue Yueer's side is still attacked more violently. I don't know why Xue Yueer was distracted. Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao were more focused on dealing with the attack in front of them.

Gradually, after about an hour, Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao easily smashed several mountains transformed by aura. When they looked at Xueyue, their eyes were a little impatient. After waiting for so long, they could hardly hold on. Finally, they slowly lengthened the distance with her and continued to rise.

Wait for me?

Found that the figures of the two were about to disappear in front of her. Xue Yueer shouted anxiously in her heart, but she was embarrassed to shout out.

Traveling through this ninth day, which is the most difficult to cross, what they will encounter and whether they can pass or not. She is not sure, so she dares and does not want to delay their opportunity to fly to the fairyland. They have to share difficulties and share them willingly.

The three have entered the ninth heaven, and there are only two ways to go. In addition to successfully flying to the fairyland, they are killed by the colorful spiritual force in front of them and reincarnated. In such a dangerous environment, who can ensure that they really share life and death with themselves? Xue Yueer will become a little irritable and can't have some other thoughts.

Until the two figures disappeared from her sight, and she couldn't even feel the broader sense of mind, Xue Yueer could no longer hold on. She couldn't care about her reservedness. She opened her mouth and said loudly, "My husband, Yaoer sister, wait for me!"

The two little bones seemed to have not heard of it, smashing the spiritual flow that hindered them, and disappeared from Xue Yueer's mind in a flash. The mountainic attack on Xue Yueer's head continued to rage, several times more violent than before, causing Xue Yueer to be anxious and furious, and the spiritual flow of single attacks became more violent.

However, this spiritual flow can be freely transformed anytime and anywhere. The mountain transformed by the aura was smashed by her, and several mountains were formed in the blink of an eye, which continued to fall violently, trapped Xue Yueer's speed of soaring up and leaving her farther behind Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao.

The trace of Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao was lost in the spiritual induction, and the obstruction in front of him continued. Xue Yueer's anger gradually rose, and Wang Pinxianqi was transported to fight against these colorful spiritual power hills in front of him. They were domineering and wanted to completely smash them, so that they had time to catch up with Xiaoguding.

However, no matter how fast she smashed Lingli Mountain, she appeared in front of her one mountain after another, endlessly blocking her in place and was difficult to walk.

Xue Yueer clenched the delicate jade hand of the fairy sword. In the small world of the white jade ring, the charming Yan Lingliu frowned, clenched her pink fists, and shook her head and sighed from time to time. She was quite anxious for her master Xue Yueer. She couldn't wait for Li Daitao to help her master ascend to the fairyland. There was nothing to reincarnation.

But this rule of soaring is not what she wants. She can only worry about watching her master get into trouble and do nothing.

The torrent of spiritual power like a mountain has been smashed one after another, which made Xue Yueer difficult to walk. In the sight and mind sensing, she had already completely lost the trace of Xiaogu Ding and Song Chuyao. Gradually, Xue Yueer became more irritable and was too late to chase her, so she vented all her anger on these spiritual attacks in front of her. He carried powerful spells one by one, regardless of the consumption of spiritual power. He just wanted to smash them as soon as possible to relieve his hatred.

The price of such an attack is that the spiritual power in her body disappears like a lot, but it is only half a column of incense, and it is about to bottom out. Without spiritual support, she became no different from ordinary practitioners. She was so tired that she was sweaty, her face was pale, and her hand holding Wang Pinxian's sword began to tremble constantly.

Before breaking through the nine heavens and entering the fairyland refining pool for refining and transformation, how rich the spiritual power in the three people has reached the real immortal cultivation. The spiritual power in the body is still not a fairy, but the same as that of ordinary practitioners. Correspondingly, their body shell is still a little worse than that of the real immortals. If they are real immortals, there is nothing to directly take two or three such attacks on such attacks without protective light shields and magic formulas, and Xiaoguding and others can't do it for the time being.

has entered the ninth heaven. At this time, the only consequence of losing spiritual power is that you are exhausted to death. Even if you are not lost in the fantasy, you will be smashed by the attack of colorful spiritual power turbulence and reincarnation.

Xue Yueer has completely lost her mind and is constantly attacking everything in front of her like a madman. Yan Ling in the attic of the small world knows it clearly and understands that Xue Yueer will be really difficult to get through the disaster in front of her, and she is so anxious that she is like an ant on a hot pot.

If Yan Ling, who is cultivated by the fairy king, comes out again to help Xue Yueer relieve her difficulties, then the price of waiting for her is likely to disappear forever, so she is too anxious to act rashly at this time.

The ants are still greedy for life, and she has never practiced to the realm of immortals. Naturally, she is more reluctant to die in vain, not to mention the ashes and smoke disappears and disappears in the three worlds forever. This price is too heavy.

But in this situation, if she doesn't take action, her master Xue Yueer has been around for thousands of years, and she has worked hard to get the opportunity to accompany Xiaoguding, and she will lose it in the blink of an eye.

Now, how should she choose?

This difficult choice was like a heavy boulder, pressing on her head, which made her very uncomfortable, making her turn around in the pavilion of the small world of the Jade Ring, and constantly praying that her master Xue Yueer could get out of trouble and accompany Lang Jun, who she followed at all costs, to ascend to the fairyland.

However, in the current situation, can Xue Yueer break through with her own ability?

As a bystander, Yan Ling doesn't want to admit it. He also thinks that there is little hope for Xue Yueer to get out of trouble with her own ability. More likely, she will fall into madness forever until she dies and reincarnation. After leaving her for nearly a thousand years, she will have to regret it again for the rest of her life. .