Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0143: Crossing the Disaster 2

The rolling dark clouds, like smoked marshmallows, condensed on the top of the wooden round head, drifting with his movements, like a naughty child, changing into endless shapes and exerting infinite pressure. The overwhelming pressure, even if you are far away from Haofu, you can feel the destruction implied in it, and you can't help but look more and more solemn.

Suddenly hearing Haoren's headless words, he turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Mu Yuanyuan has never killed, not to mention that alchemy has saved many people, so he will be fine." Haoren comforted him.

Hao Fu nodded with a smile, but a trace of worry in his eyes betrayed his heart.

Haoren asked Hao Bangbang again, "Then can I still enter the endless abyss in the future?" For so many years, he has insisted on exercising in it and has long been full of emotions. What's more, this is still the entrance to the underworld. Thinking of carrying himself into the entrance of the underworld, Hao's water was about to flow out, as if there was gold flowing inside.

The entrance of the underworld, what a business opportunity there is!

"Can! Try not to kill." Seeing Hao's anger coming down, Hao's stick raised his head like a heavy load: "Although you enter in the state of soul, after the immortal, you will enter in the body of a fairy. It is dangerous and you have to act cautiously." He also knows the significance of this entrance.

"Good!" Hao replied without saying a word.

"The disaster can be quenched." Hao Bangbang said intentionally or unintentionally.

"Can the disaster be quenched?" Haoren was indeed hooked, his eyes lit up, and his eyes turned rapidly.

Seeing the success of the conspiracy, Haobang smiled secretly: "The heart of heaven is the most... Bah, when the disaster brings crisis, it can also help the people who have overcome the disaster to train their bodies and broaden the meridians. Otherwise, how can the body accommodate more energy and achieve a real semi-immortal body..."

Haoren interrupted his chatter and asked hurriedly, "Can I practice my body with the help of the disaster now?"

"Yes, Wuji has a record of this, but be careful. However, the wooden circle has to withstand double the power. Hao Bangbang read out a formula.

Muyuan crosses the disaster. If he doesn't kill, it's not very powerful. Even if it doubles, there is an artifact around the hand, which can emit strength beyond the second order, and it should not be difficult to cross the disaster... Quickly calculate the formula and everything, Hao's figure disappears and appears behind Mu Yuanyuan. With a huge figure like a wooden round ball, coupled with Hao people deliberately hiding, from the perspective of the boat, no one can know that there is one more person beside Mu Yuanyuan.

Seeing Haofu looking at himself angrily, Haobang laughed and said a lie without blinking: "Brother Sharp has something to report. The prince will go back to deal with it." Haofu nodded understandingly.

"Faun, why are you here?" The wooden circle is terrible.

Haoren can't say that he came to rid of the oil. Fortunately, his lying has reached the point of perfection, and he opened his mouth and said, "I'll help you get through the disaster. Don't worry. If you go all out and make good use of the softness around your fingers, that's a killer. This made Hao people want to vomit.

How good this child is, regardless of his low strength and risking his soul to help me tide over the disaster! Mu Yuanyuan's heart was shocked, and his whole body was warm. His flesh and blood boiled like chicken blood. He clenched his fist and secretly vowed: Even if I die, I will protect this child!

With the strong wind, the color of heaven and earth has changed, and the heavenly disaster that has been brewing for a long time is really coming. With a click, a thunderbolt fell from the center of the cloud, straight to the top of the wooden round head.

Haofu waited for his heart to shake, tightly grasping the wine glass in his hand, with a crash, the glass was broken, the wine sprinkled, and a strong fragrance came to his face without knowing it.

Mu Yuanyuan looked up and laughed wildly. How dare this level of thunder to be called Tianjie? Itching is almost the same. While bearing the thunder with a solid body, the weak energy is quickly injected into the soul from the gathering array, and the newly consumed aura is instantly replenished.

It's cool to get something for nothing!

If it hadn't been for Mu Yuanyuan's side, Haoren would have been eager to make a happy moan. He felt that part of the natural disaster energy was converted into his own energy. Under the stimulation of this energy, under the guidance of the formula, the meridians in the body became more and more spacious and tenacious, and the speed of aura flow in the veins became faster and faster.

The first disaster, the muscles and veins have been widened by more than one, which is equivalent to the hard practice in the first half of the year!

If the natural disaster was more powerful, how good it would be... Some shameless guy thought, with a faint green light in his eyes and staring straight at the disaster cloud. Of course, in order to prevent the secret leakage of oil, Haoren also pretended to run his spiritual power and "hand in hand" with Mu Yuanyuan to resist the disaster.

Appreciate the wooden circle to the point of death.

"Shameless, shameless, shameless... but I like it!" Hao Bangbang kept cursing in his heart.

The second, the third, the fourth... With the changing shape of the clouds, the thunder shot down like a laser, bathed in wooden circles, and some shameless guy, bringing them endless benefits.

At the beginning, the two also enjoyed the joy of quietly waiting for the bombardment of Tianlei, enjoying the broadening of muscles and veins and increasing their strength. But in the end, the more powerful the disaster became. It seemed that even the sky could not see the shameless actions of Hao people. The clouds suddenly changed, lightning and thunder, golden dancing, two, four, eight... and even dozens of thunderbolt together.

The terrible thing is that the landing speed of thunder is too fast and the number is too much, which is simply unavoidable. Every time he was struck by thunder, Hao Ren felt that he had been repeatedly run over by a 10,000-ton mud truck, and every soul unit was heartbreaking. Fortunately, when exercising in the endless abyss, I suffered a lot of pain, and my nerves were extremely large, barely keeping my mind clear.

Haoren wanted to cry and look at the clouds in the sky that still did not stop. Although the meridians have expanded a lot, the taste of being split in plain is really uncomfortable. He couldn't help sighing: Don't pretending, pretending to be struck by lightning, the ancients are not sincere. He suddenly shouted at Mu Yuanyuan, "Don't just be beaten and don't fight back. Flying swords, magic weapons, and soft fingers can't be missing.

A great man said that whether it is a black cat or a white cat, catching a mouse is a good cat! Haoren now wants to say that whether it is a good move or a bad move, it is a good move to resist the thunder. This product uses all ten fingers, and all ten points are mobilized. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are exhausted. The murderous spirit is released without hesitation. The body dances like crazy, but the posture is traceless, and it is also extremely beautiful...

After suffering more than 100 thunderstorms, Mu Yuanyuan's cultivation has been rapidly improved, and it is easy to control the take-off sword and magic weapons, and the Taoist road hovers like a tornado, as if splashing water. Unfortunately, a large amount of thunder fell on the two people. Seeing that Haoren was split and grinned, he became more and more nervous.

As soon as he bit his round teeth, he gave up all the flying swords and magic weapons, and drove his fingers softly with all his strength.

Silently, a small spiritual bullet came out, and lightning shot at the cloud. The thumb-sized spiritual bomb is extremely small compared with the robbery cloud covering a circle of miles. The cloud was like life, and it felt the destruction of heaven and earth implied by the spiritual bomb. It inexplicably contracted sharply and shrank into the size of a spiritual bomb. The heaven and earth suddenly became clear, and wisps of white clouds appeared.

"The wooden circle successfully crossed the disaster..." Haofu and papaya jumped up quickly and hugged each other. Before the words fell, a chilling spiritual pressure suddenly hit and stuffed the cheers back into his stomach.

Boom... The dull sound spread far away, and the spiritual bomb and the thunder bumped into each other, and the shock wave destroyed and destroyed the dead, turning all the soil, rocks, trees and sea water within a radius into nothingness.

The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity, and the cool... This time, the width of the meridian, the toughness and the total amount that can accommodate aura of Haoren suddenly tripled again.


After Mu Yuanyuan made a shocking blow, his whole body was stunned and looked at the dark thing in his hand in disbelief. No wonder Haoren said that this was the killer, and his heart suddenly felt heroic and there was a faint expression. There is softness around the fingers in hand, just crossing the disaster, what is it?

But even such an artifact, Hao people have survived the disaster for themselves! What do you think of it?

Mu Yuanyuan is a grateful person, otherwise he would rather mine than help his enemies alchemy. He gave Haoren a grateful look.

Haoren smiled at the spring breeze and rain. The strength has been greatly improved, and this guy is happy.

There is no need to say more between men, one action and one expression is enough.

"What's the matter? Why is the prince by Mu Yuanyuan's side?" Haofu and Mudonggua shouted together. Hao Bangbang immediately raised his fingers, booed, shook his head, and motioned the two not to come forward.

The spiritual bomb-sized robbery cloud was silent. Only Haoren and Mu Yuanyuan, who are on the island, can see that they squirm as fast as bullet-sized cloud maggots. After a long, an unparalleled thunder is so fast that they can't be seen by the naked eye. Only a trace of lightning flows from the sky and shoots directly into the wooden circle.

The dazzling light, the three Haobangbang, who shone far away, couldn't open their eyes, and their hearts were extremely frightening for fear that they would miss something. Another wave of devastating shock waves rose to the sky, and the islands sank one meter together. Hao people and wooden circles stood upright, and the colorful glow surrounded the whole body without hurting a single hair.

"I can be called Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten. What are you afraid of?" Hao Bang said disdainfully.

Haofu and papaya nodded like a chicken pecking rice, ashamed. But they are nervous. In case the Hao people make a mistake, how can they face the ancestors of Danzong?

Waves of shock waves continued to wash away the island. In a blink of an eye, Haoren's legs had been soaked in the sea. But immersed in the expansion of his veins, he didn't care at all. He still stood arrogantly, and his eyes shot out the momentum of looking at the world, really like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

With the last shock wave lit up, the island ten meters above sea level has been submerged by the sea. Ling Hao people have an intuitive understanding of the power of the disaster.

Haoren licked his mouth reluctantly and asked helplessly, "Is the disaster over?"

The half-immortal body... Mu Yuanyuan cried with joy and nodded when he heard the words.

Well, it would be cool to come a few more times. Haoren's nose was depressed and had a bitter face, as if the world had not returned 100 million gold coins, and returned to the boat with the smiling Mu Yuanyuan.

It is not without harvest. After quenching, the physical strength has been greatly increased, the meridians have expanded dozens of times, the speed of spiritual power circulation has been improved synchronously, and the cultivation has been improved and even the integration period. What makes Hao people happy is that Xumi's space has expanded again, from 10,000 square kilometers to 100,000 square kilometers.

Successful over the disaster!

Sure enough, people are not rich, and horses are not fat without night grass!

Haoren smiled proudly and gave two orders in a blink of an eye: "Awesome, continue to improve the gathering array. Brother Sharp, let's go. Let's go to the border valley and Infernal Affairs for interest. MD, and raise their disciples for half a year!"


Hao Bangbang and Sharp Brother are slanderous.

The practitioners eat and drink dew, and don't eat the fireworks in the world. When did Hao people eat and drink well to raise those prisoners? When it comes to raising, it's just letting them out to drink the northwest wind.