Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0395: Greed and Fear 1

Two equally unscrupulous guys carefully studied the future development plan, and after looking at some policies of the Chinese Empire, Hao people proudly made important instructions, modified some punctuation in the policy, and greatly satisfied their vanity, and then wanted to find grievances.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in Xumi's space, followed by a huge mushroom cloud rising on a remote planet in the distance. At the same time, the ecstatic scream of Hu Ying sounded: "Succe, haha, it finally succeeded. Oh, my God, such a large-scale destructive weapon is actually in my hand. It was successful."

Haoren, Haobang quickly exchanged glances, teleported directly, and suspended over the planet where Linghu Ying was.

What comes to your face is the rolling energy flow. Even with the cultivation of the 30 immortals, it almost gives the energy flow that can destroy everything. Wherever the energy flow went, the whole planet collapsed and cracked, and countless rare flowers and trees, birds and beasts and various buildings were torn into the most basic energy particles. In a blink of an eye, at least one tenth of the surface of the planet with a diameter of millions of kilometers was covered with a layer of glazed magma. In the center of the explosion, the hot magma rushed to the sky and spewed thousands of miles high.

High above the sky, Linghu Ying led 100,000 Danzong disciples to revel, and many people were even more excited to tears.

Haoren trembled, pointed to the planet angrily and shouted, "Ling Huying, what have you done? How can it be like this? Oh, my God, my spiritual grass." One-tenth of the spiritual grass of a planet has been destroyed, and his heart is not only dripping blood, but also bleeding, spewing higher than magma.

"Ead Elder Qian, haha, I succeeded." Ling Huying screamed and laughed extremely happily.

Success? Haoren was excited, turned his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Destruction plan, success?"

"Yes!" Linghuying rotated briskly in the air like a bee, teleported to Haoren's side, pointed to the molten pulp below and smiled, "Elder Qian, 100 real charms, plus one million lower-grade spiritual stones, 100,000 medium-grade spiritual stones, 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones, using the small cosmic array in the body developed by Chong to form a closed space. With the power of the real person's self-explosion, it stimulates the explosion of the lower spirit stone, and then detonates the whole small universe. Under the chain reaction, here is the result.

So that's it! Haoren is relieved. But when I saw the destroyed spiritual grass, it suddenly felt a lot of pain. As soon as he saw the power of the explosion, Hao Ren knew that it was at least equivalent to a fairy-level self-detonation. However, on second thought, this guy began to be happy again. Tens of thousands of such bombs were thrown into the demon army. With a roar, thousands of demons disappeared in an instant...

Haha, Haoren looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Ling Huying, you did a good job. I want to reward you and your team... Well, when can it be finalized?"

Ling Huying broke his fingers, calculated in detail, and laughed in a low voice, "Esbyterian Qian, ten times, ten times is enough. If you want to destroy the whole planet at one time, well, I have to calculate..."

Mad people are all madmen. Haoren staggered and pale. He almost didn't fall from the clouds. He gritted his teeth and said hatefully, " Ling Huying, a good planet, why did you destroy it? No, too powerful bombs are not allowed to be tested here! Well, I'll find someone else to test it for you." How many people can a planet feed? How much strength can be enhanced? In particular, once this kind of bomb is developed and thrown on the soul light planet, then with a bang, the whole planet disappears, where will the Hao people go?

No, you can't make such a horrible bomb. Even if you do it, you can't try it on the soul light planet! Moreover, the successful research and development of destroying bombs has made Hao people have a deep fear. Such weapons of mass destruction must be strictly controlled. At the very least, we should prepare for a rainy day and find a good way out.

Haoren must have an idea and immediately released a split. Along the memory of Yamaixiu and Yamai chatter, he quickly flew out of the soulless planet and flew towards the endless void. It is said that outside the soul light planet, there is a void, countless emptiness, and the strong wind can blow away the souls of the immortals below. Beyond the wind belt, there is a chaotic meteorite belt with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, and beyond that, it is the remote area that founded the world...

A heavy reward was given to the destruction plan team led by Ling Huying, and set the highest ceiling of the destruction of the bomb according to the memory of Grievance and others, that is, after the golden fairy level self-detonation, Hao people took Ling Huying and others to another planet in Xumi space, a barren planet with a diameter of more than 100 million miles, and let them toss go.

A fairy at the level of Taiyi Golden Fairy can destroy a small planet under one blow. And the golden fairy level can't be achieved even if it explodes. Obviously, Haoren's requirement is not to destroy a planet. Ling Huying and others are well aware of this and understand it very well. After all, the soul light planet is everyone's home, and no one wants to destroy it.

followed by a series of tasks, such as rebuilding the planet that has just been destroyed, replanting, cultivating spiritual grass, etc. There are Haobao, Haofuqi and others, and there is no need for Haoren to deal with it.

Seeing that Linghuying and others began to work hard again, Haoren smiled and went straight to Feilong Cave, the base camp of the demon world, where the predecessors of Danzong were not good, and there were nearly 100,000 practitioners, and Haoren's plan was to kill them all and recruit them all into Danzong.

Along the way, he tried his best to play the role of his subordinates and patiently introduced the information of Feilong Cave to Haoren.

In the Flying Dragon Cave, the ancestor of the Flying Dragon Sect, the Flying Dragon, saw the construction of a large array covering the sky. He did not know when he would have the opportunity to retreat to the last base camp of human beings. He immediately mobilized the whole clan and opened a huge cave at the depth of 100,000 kilometers under the demon clan with supreme magical power as the base of the Flying Dragon Sect. Later, as the war progressed, Xiuzhen Tongdao retreated, and the masters of Feilongzong fell one after another. Feilong Cave quickly became the last fortress of Xiuzhen Tongdao in the demon world, and Feilongzong also lost its dominance over Feilong Cave.

Although the practitioners are greedy, they also know that the Flying Dragon Cave is everyone's last basis. Once lost, everyone has only one way to die. Therefore, although several sects are stronger than Feilong Sect, they dare not lighten the dispute. Instead, they try their best to maintain the order of Feilong Cave. Anyone who dares to destroy the order will be jointly attacked by everyone.

And Muhao is the surviving predecessor of Danzong. Thanks to his amazing alchemy technology, he has saved countless people and has a transcendent position in Feilong Cave.

Time passed in the question and answer of the two. Although Haoren has extracted the memory of grievances, he still asked for complaints in detail. And don't complain, and I know everything, and I don't hide anything.

Tao Daozong's transmission array of the original mountain gate, and soon, Haoren and grievances appeared in Feilong Cave.

Outside the transmission array, several ferocious and murderous guys immediately surrounded them when they saw Mo Mo complaining and Haoren coming out. The first black-skinned man glanced at Haoren on the third road and down the third road. His face suddenly sank and shouted, "Where did my friend come from?" No wonder the people in Feilong Cave have retreated underground for many years and are short of resources. Among other things, they don't even have a decent dress. Everyone is thin and dark. And Haoren and don't complain, dressed brightly and blushing, obviously not the same person.

"Xiaohei, haha, don't you remember me? I'm a moral sect. Don't complain and laugh.

Xiaohei looked at the resentment carefully and applied for a slight loosening, but his wary eyes turned to Haoren with a smile: "It turned out to be the head of resentment. I haven't seen you for a long time. Well, is this one?

Don't complain with a calm expression and smile faintly: "My elder, who has been practicing for many years, has just achieved great magical skills. Haha, come to Feilong Cave to find some good materials and help the door refine some magic weapons. Damn demons, we really have no power to fight back these years. When will these damn days come to an end? With that, don't complain about throwing out ten low-grade spiritual stones, and Xiaohei and several people guarding the teleportation array.

"Yes, the damn demon clan, it seems that they won't let us go if we don't kill them all." Xiaohei muttered a few words, and his attention was suddenly diverted. He weighed the low-grade spiritual stone in his hand. His expression was much looser, and his face was full of smiles: "Go in and complain about the leader. You know the rules."

"I understand, haha, thank you, Xiaohei." Don't complain and take Hao people into the hole behind the transmission array.

The hole is very rough. No matter how you look at it, it is a mouse hole, and it is a pit dug by an irresponsible mouse. Entering the earth cave, I walked down the crooked and uneven stairs. Along the way, there was not even a fluorescent stone, which was black, which showed the lack of materials in the Feilong Cave. However, Hao people can feel that the long mouse hole is surrounded by powerful prohibitions. Even if the person with distracted cultivation triggers these prohibitions, he will die.

Maybe this is the reason why the Flying Dragon Cave can be maintained, Haoren thought to himself.

The two didn't know how far they had gone. With the appearance of a ray of light, they seemed to penetrate a water curtain. Their eyes suddenly lit up, and a huge cave appeared in front of them, and the noise and noise came with a hot wave. This is a huge cave dozens of miles long and a few miles high. The cave is crooked and uneven everywhere. The surrounding walls and the top of the cave are inlaid with dozens of gems. With spells such as the "light spell", the jewels shine everywhere, like a dazzling little sun.

In such a large cave, there are ragged clothes, thin faces, and godless eyes. Like the concentration of scattered cultivation, everyone occupies a small territory and struggled to absorb a little poor aura from the thin air to restore strength. In the cave, there are all kinds of strange plants, only gray plants. Think about it, what good plants can be without the sun shining and staying tens of thousands of kilometers underground all year round?

In a word, this is a gray dead cave, a cave without any vitality, and everyone is waiting to die! But this is only the surface. Hao people can keenly feel that there is a magnificent surging force under each mummified body, and the turbid eyes are shining from time to time. Although everyone's posture is different, sitting, standing, or standing, they can make a fatal blow at any time.

Can live in the demon world for nearly a thousand years. Isn't the person in the Flying Dragon Cave not dead after a hundred battles?

"After getting this group of people, I immediately attacked the wind and moon!" Haoren's eyes suddenly lit up.