Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0454: The Aura of the Protagonist

Magic World. Outside dozens of channels opened by the vision of heaven and earth, the dense demons waited for the passage to be opened again. Once, magic soldiers invaded the human race through the channel and entered the fertile founding world. There are countless human beings, full of blood and energy, which is the best tonic for magic soldiers.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The first batch of magic soldiers who entered the founding world were destroyed by the devastating blow of the masters of the human race who fell from the sky. Except for a few demon leaders who saw the opportunity early and were able to escape, all the others were dead. But this does not hinder the demon's desire for the human race.

Yes, the human race, compared with the demon race, is a fat little sheep! Killing human beings, devouring human blood, and then improving their cultivation, so as to better hunt human beings and their peers, there is no psychological burden for the demon clan, but they enjoy it. After all, the demon clan has always done this.

The magnificent purple light lit up, and the dense ancient runes on the passage suddenly moved slowly like tadpoles, and finally turned into a cheerful little frog, condensing into a whirlpool and spiraling rapidly. The stirring whirlpool slowly sank deeply, and then cracked, collapsed and sank little by little.

There was a loud noise, and the sealed fellow road opened again.

A purple road with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers runs through the sky, leading from the distant founding world to the demon world!

The demon clan stared at this incredible scene stunned at the same time, and remained motionless, with countless sorrows and exclamations of the magic soldiers behind them. But at this moment, he couldn't hear anything. There was only a loud noise in his ears, and only the incredible huge direct connection in his eyes.

At the moment when the same road opened, a group of purple figures were constantly shooting out of the same way, and I don't know how many people came out. I saw a purple sea rapidly spreading around, spreading, and then spreading again. The originally dark magic soldiers disappeared in the spread of the purple sea, and even the reaction was too late.

Even the commander of the demon clan was beaten into the purest energy particles at the moment of opening the channel. In various places in the demon world, a larger number of sharp knives composed of the founding seven tripod cultivation masters floated out of the split of Hao people, fiercely * inserted into the important strongholds of the demon clan, and threw one powerful annihilation bomb after another. The frightening black light flashed, countless demon clan disappeared, and only a huge ones were left in place. Black hole.

Ziqiong was dressed in purple and suspended in the air, silently calculating the soldiers and horses entering the demon world. In just a few blinks, there have been more than 100 military flags from next to her. Each military flag corresponds to a huge legion with more than 100,000. At this moment, more than 100 million soldiers and horses entered the demon world. What is fatal is that with this 100 million soldiers and horses, everyone has the founding of the five tripods, and everyone has 10 million lives!

This is only the strength of the human race, followed by a scarlet sea of blood, which is soldiers from the Panda Legion.

The vast panda army ** demon world, they silently entered the demon world, their steps are neat and uniform, and their breath is integrated, which makes the demons tremble, and the mountains towering into the clouds crack, shaking the torrential river back, scaring the magic soldiers within thousands of miles to flee in panic.

Years of careful training, harsh training to countless deaths and injuries, and the accumulation of massive elixirs and spiritual stones have made the soldiers of the Panda Legion loyal to Hao people. Such a strong army crawling out of countless killing battlefields and moving forward, and the momentum suddenly covered the army of the Purple Fire Hall.

The corners of Ziqiong's eyes twitched, and she looked down at the endless panda army. The dense legion was scarlet, extending to the end of the world that was not sighted by the naked eye. The murderous spirit of the silent marching panda legion condensed into a terrible dark curtain and soared in the sky.

Ziqiong believes that the well-bred human priest is a pile of scum when facing the soldiers of the Panda Legion! How many people are there in the panda army of this size and such a murderous army? She tried to peep at the number of people, but as soon as the divine consciousness extended, it made her blood boil and almost fainted. In the same path behind him, there are countless Panda Legion soldiers who continue to drive in, drive in...

"Damn it, Haoren, how many soldiers do you have?" Ziqiong screamed franticly.

However, no one answered her words, and the huge army of the Chinese Empire kept pouring out from the same road, moving forward, moving forward and moving forward. The scarlet ocean floods a vast area of land with millions of miles, and the murderous soldiers drowns all resistance like destruction, and continues to move forward accurately according to the predetermined goal, advance, and then move forward.

The earth of the demon world is trembling, the demon sky is shaking, and the dark demon world is also touched by the rising murderous atmosphere. Wherever the Panda Legion went, everything turned into the most basic energy particles and returned to the world, including mountains, rivers, magic soldiers. Behind them, there was only a smooth black ground.

No matter how powerful the magic soldiers are, how strong the commanders of the demon clan are, and how horrible the masters of the demon world, under the scanning of the annihilation formed by the cultivation of hundreds of millions of calculated panda army soldiers, none of them were spared, all disappeared, and even even screams became history before they had time to send out.

In this way, quietly, the army of the Chinese Empire marched forward silently, moved forward, and then moved forward!

Qin Wuyun, General Amber, Yi Xin, Priest Wu Qixian and Wu Jing looked at the endless panda army pouring out of the huge channel. Everyone was extremely shocked. It was the first time they had seen the superpower of indigenous hunters. In contrast, the Red Cloud Legion was nothing. Question mark

However, the Panda Legion never ignored other people's eyes. No matter how surprised other people's eyes were, they ignored them and still followed the orders to move forward mechanically and flexibly. They strictly abide by Brother Sharp's order, strictly form a zombie array, output their own cultivation with all their strength, gather together, and turn into annihilate all energy streams, which will block everything in front of them!

The Panda Legion is moving forward, and their goal is to win, win, and win again!

Never shrink back!

The same scene happened in the spiritual world and in Taoism and Buddhism.

The different dimension array accelerates 10,000 times, that is to say, in the year since the founding of the world, the alien dimension array in Xumi Space has been 10,000 years, coupled with huge galaxies, countless elixirs, and supporting magic soldiers, it is enough for Hao people to cultivate an extremely amazing number of troops that have experienced hundreds of battles.

The tide-like panda army flooded the whole founding world! Wherever he went, all resistance turned into smoke.

At the top of the Purple Fire Hall, there is a vast purple fire from above, a few sofas made of logs, a few bottles of wine, cigars and other luxury goods, lying crooked by several gorgeous people, either gentle and obedient, or full of power, or murderous... This is the scene that Ya Xiuyun, a disciple of Qingyunzong, was arrested, who saw again.

blinking, Ya Xiuyun with a thin face turned his eyes to a handsome young man. Although his strength is very low, it is necessary to be immersed in the big dyeing tank of Qingyunzong and observe the color. Although this young man could not show momentum, Ya Xiuyun knew at first sight that this young man was the head.

"Your excellency, Xiuyun is willing to do anything for you!" Yaxiu cloud piled up with flattering smiles and asked in the most humble voice. His heart was beating drums and banging non-stop. He knew that Qingyunzong had been completely destroyed, Taoism was finished, and the world in the future would be the world of the human race.

This is common sense for all Taoist disciples who have seen the horror of the Panda Legion.

The only thing Ya Xiuyun doesn't know is why he was caught here. In the faint, he vaguely guessed some clues, especially after seeing the horrible annihilation bomb, the feeling became clearer. After all, on the soulless planet, the terrible black light almost killed him. That's why he, who had been frightened, was afraid, worried and panicked. Even if he came back from the Soul Light Planet, he dared not go out and had been hiding in the heavy retreat of Qingyunzong. Because he has an intuition that the enemies of the soul-light planet will come to him sooner or later.

I hope he is not an enemy. Ya Xiuyun thought to himself, and the smile on his face became brighter. He couldn't wait to grow a tail immediately, and the begging young man who shook his head and tail let him go. However, the young man's soft words sent him to hell, and he was cold and stiff as ice in an instant.

Haoren asked lightly, "Did you do the thing about the soul light planet?"

Ya Xiuyun swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty and nodded bitterly. Although he had expected the origin of young people, he never thought that in just ten years, the other party had grown enough to destroy the whole Qingyun Sect. Unfortunately, this is the point, and regret is useless.

"Well, you can die." Haoren smiled gently, smiling extremely happily, with an indescribable pain and endless sadness. He slowly raised his hand and gently closed it. Ya Xiuyun in front of him was accumulated into a meat pie by a huge force, and finally disappeared into the most primitive energy particles.

Brother Sharp, Haobang, Mickey Mouse and others quietly watched this scene. They know that Hao people need to be quiet at this moment.

The big revenge is revenge, but Haoren has no happiness in his heart, and there is no ease at all. He looked at the air in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking. Perhaps, only the beautiful and beautiful girl was his sustenance. He still remembered that on the crowded street, Shuihua said to him seriously, "Men, you shouldn't flatter others!"

A tear flowed from the corner of Haoren's eyes and was instantly evaporated by powerful energy!