Zhu Xian

Chapter 44 Golden Bell

Biyao was stunned and read it carefully again. She saw that the four lines of writing were more detailed, which was very different from the Tianshu stone carving in the stone room just now. It seemed to be the work of another person.

Looking at the meaning of this, it is like the resentful words of an infatuated woman, but how can it appear in the "blood hole" of this demon religion? It's really strange.

She thought about it for a long time, but still didn't come up with any result. She shook her head and was about to give up. Unexpectedly, she turned around and saw Zhang Xiaofan coming out of the stone room silently and standing behind her, with a strange expression on her face, as if he was sad and surprised, as if There was still a little confusion, and his eyebrows were frowned, his muscles were slightly twisted, and he was almost ferocious.

Baguio was shocked and couldn't help shouting "ah" and took a step back to her head. The delicate little bell shook gently around her waist, making a crisp and pleasant "jingle" sound, echoing in the cave.

When Zhang Xiaofan heard the sound of the bell, his body shook, as if he suddenly woke up, and his face gradually calmed down, but it was replaced by confusion.

Just now, he was thinking hard about Tianshu Stone in the stone room. Suddenly, the fire stick at hand woke up. Not to mention, the cold feeling almost covered his whole body in an instant. Then, he came out as if he subconsciously, until he saw the pile of broken skeletons.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the burning stick tied to his left hand and saw that it was still bright, with a faint blue light, facing the broken and fallen skeleton, as if mourning for his old friend.

I don't know why Zhang Xiaofan suddenly had this idea, but looking at this skeleton, he was also a little sad in his heart. Although he clearly knew that the person who died here must be an important figure in the magic blood refining hall. Maybe it was the black-hearted old man himself as Biyao said, but somehow, he It means a little close to this skeleton.

The brilliance of the fire stick gradually dimmed, returning to the ugly black, motionless, but Zhang Xiaofan still stared at the skeleton, and then slowly walked up under the gaze of Baguio.

Biyao snorted, dodged in front of him, and sneered, "Although I don't have a good impression on the black-hearted old ghosts, and the factions are different, we are all disciples of the Holy Religion, and we all swear in front of the throne of the Holy Mother of Youming. If you want to

Zhang Xiaofan took a look at him and couldn't help saying, "He's smashed to pieces now. I'm afraid it's thanks to you!"

Baguio's face turned red, but Ci Feng did not give up at all. He resolutely said, "I will naturally repent to the Virgin King, but I will never allow you to be rude!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at him and suddenly said, "I don't mean that."

When Baguio was stunned, he saw that he looked calm and had no hatred. He only felt that the teenager in Qingyunmen seemed to be very different from those righteous people full of benevolence and morality he had seen before. In hesitation, he was passed by Zhang Xiaofan. She hesitated for a moment and turned to look at him.

Zhang Xiaofan walked in front of the pile of skeletons and saw that he was old, and the pale bones had a faint green glow. Just now, with the heavy blow of Baguio, the bones below his chest had dispersed, and only the skull was still intact, falling at the top of all the bones. The empty eyes were facing Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan shivered and vaguely felt that there seemed to be a soul in his eyes, staring at him. But after all, he walked up and slowly reached out to put together these scattered bones. The cold feeling came from the bones, but there was no feeling of fear.

It seems to be an old friend for many years!

Zhang Xiaofan felt as if he was relieved, a feeling of relief from doing what he should do. Although it was strange, he really had this feeling, but he secretly thought to himself: this burning stick is too strange. If he has a life to go back this time, it seems that he must ask the master.

He finished this and was about to stand up straight. At this time, the corner of his eyes looked at the place where the skeleton sat just now. Because he swept away the bones, some handwriting was faintly revealed, and he couldn't help saying "wow".

Biyao, who was standing on the side, looked coldly at Zhang Xiaofan doing these strange things. Suddenly, she heard a low cry that Zhang Xiaofan seemed to find something. She was curious and walked over. Looking at it, she saw a few lines engraved there.

Heart is bitter, bear to review,

Regretful, difficult to get along with.

The golden bell is crisp and eats blood,

A lifetime...

When it comes to the fourth sentence, the pen is getting weaker and weaker, especially when it comes to the third word "general", which is even more scribbled and can hardly be distinguished. In the end, it is broken. It seems that the person who wrote it here is unable to write it again.

In the cave, Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio were silent for a while. Both of them faintly felt that between the two words, they were afraid that there was a sad thing. The woman was heartless, and the man also regretted.

Zhang Xiaofan was a little distracted. Although he had never seen this unknown couple, somehow, thousands of years later, he was still a little sad to see this unknown relic.

But Biyao, who was standing aside, frowned, looked straight at the lines of words, and said, "The golden bell is crisp and eats the blood, and the golden bell is crisp and eats the blood... Golden bell? Ah! By the way, Jin Ling!"

She seemed to think of something, shouting happily and looking happy. Zhang Xiaofan was shocked by her and said, "What's wrong with Jin Ling?"

Baguio seemed to be extremely excited, full of joy, and said, "It's 'Mrs. Jinling'! Don't you know?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head blankly. Biyao snorted, stared at her, and then said happily, "Mrs. Jinling is the great man of our holy religion thousands of years ago!" It is said that she is extremely intelligent, profound in Taoism, and has a great understanding of the classic books of the Holy Religion. She created the 'Hehuan School' series in the Holy Religion alone. She is a first-class figure of women in my religion!"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly lost interest. After listening to her, she knew that Mrs. Jinling was a figure in the magic religion thousands of years ago. She seemed to be very powerful, but when she heard the name of the faction she created was called "Hehuan", she knew that this old woman was not a good person. Biyao worshipped Mrs. Jinling very much.

Zhang Xiaofan snorted and didn't pick her up. He turned around and reorganized the pile of bones that were messed up in order to read, but a strange idea came to his mind: It seems that you are also a lover, and maybe you died for a woman!

The dead naturally ignored him, but Zhang Xiaofan thought nonsense and actually had a little more closeness to the skeleton.

Baguio had fun for a long time and said to herself, "I didn't expect Mrs. Jinling to fall in love with this damn black-hearted old ghost. Humph, it must be the black-hearted old ghost who is heartless and has no lover. She deserves to be struck by lightning! It's best to die!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Zhang Xiaofan suddenly shouted beside him.

Baguio was stunned for a moment and couldn't speak for a moment. After a long time, she reacted and stared at him for a long time. She said strangely, "What are you talking about?"

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan said something, he knew that it was wrong. As a righteous man, he inexplicably defended a vicious demon murderer 800 years ago. If this spread to the ears of the Qingyunmen division commander, it would immediately be a heavy punishment. But at that time, somehow, I was so excited that I blurted out. At this time, I was asked by Baguio, but I couldn't speak.

Biyao looked at him strangely and suddenly remembered something. She immediately forgot Zhang Xiaofan, grabbed the golden bell around her waist, was excited, and laughed loudly, "Ah! Isn't this Mrs. Jinling's 'Hehuan Bell'!" As he spoke, he quickly turned the golden bell upside down and checked it carefully. Sure enough, he saw three small words on the bell wall inside the golden bell.

acacia bell!

When Zhang Xiaofan saw Biyao's happy face, he almost didn't smile. It seemed that this was an extremely powerful magic weapon. She accidentally got it. She felt uncomfortable and said coldly, "Have you found a way out?"

Biyao's eyes were full of the little bell in front of her, and she casually answered, "No!"

Zhang Xiaofan turned his head and said lightly, "Then you can die in this cave with this golden bell in your arms."

Baguio was stunned and thought it was true. Now the most important thing is to find a way to escape from here first. She quickly asked, "Have you found it?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head silently, and the two looked at each other. Biyao put away her smile and said, "Then let's find the way first!"

At the moment of life and death, Zhang Xiaofan nodded silently. At present, the two worked together in the tunnel cave and carefully checked every wall and every gap. Zhang Xiaofan even ignored Biyao's strong opposition. He even checked the two statues of Our Lady and the King of Heaven, but he still found nothing.

When they met again in front of the pile of skeleton bones, they saw the other party's depressed expression and darkened.

Baguio said in an astringent voice, "Are we going to die here?"

Zhang Xiaofan lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. Biyao was also silent. Suddenly, the shadow of death covered their two young lives.

For a long time, in the silence, when the two were relatively speechless, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly jumped up and turned around and walked away. Biyao was shocked and said, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Xiaofan gritted his teeth and said, "I'll look for it again. There must be a way out. We won't die here!"

And in his heart, there is still a sentence that has not been said, echoing for a long time: I will definitely see Sister Linger again. Even if I die, I will be buried on Dazhu Peak!

Baguio did not move. She just sat on the platform and looked at Zhang Xiaofan's straight face. At this moment of life and death, she suddenly burst out a strong desire to survive and kept searching.



Three times.

Four times.

Biyao can't remember how many times Zhang Xiaofan went in and out of this stone chamber cave. Every time he returned in failure, but he was still not discouraged. He didn't know why his nature was so stubborn, or his desire to survive was so strong. He kept looking for a way out, all the time, all the time...

Until his footsteps began to shake, until he lost his strength, until he walked past Baguio, shook his body, fell down, fell to the ground heavily, and fainted.

Baguio looked at it in a daze, hesitated for a moment, and then walked over. He turned his body over and explored it. It was not a big deal. He was just overworked, and he was hungry and thirsty, so he fainted, so he was relieved.

But she suddenly stared, looked at herself and asked in her heart, "Why should I rest assured? Why should I breathe a sigh of relief when he is fine?"

This idea flashed through her heart like lightning.

She looked at him deeply. The young man's face was a little haggard because of injury and hunger, and even his lips were a little cracked.

Baguio gently put him down, stared at him for a long time, and said gently, "Since we are destined to die here together, I don't want to leave one person too early, at least one to accompany me, which is also good."

She went out, took some water from the small pool at the mouth of the cave, took out some dry food, and wanted to feed Zhang Xiaofan.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan was the cause of his coma. He couldn't eat any dry food at all. He just daged some water in Biyao's water bag, but he was not awake.

After being busy for a long time, Biyao herself was also tired. After watching Zhang Xiaofan's situation seemed to be stable, she gradually closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long she slept. Biyao just woke up. The first reaction was to look at Zhang Xiaofan just now. Zhang Xiaofan still lay there calmly, motionless and was sleeping soundly. Then she was relieved, but she couldn't help scolding in a low voice: "How can it be like a dead pig!"

With that, she also smiled, as if looking at the teenager, she was in a good mood. Even the upcoming death not far ahead, she temporarily forgot.

It's just that she suddenly felt that although Zhang Xiaofan was still sleeping soundly, his face was flushed, and something was not right. She quickly stretched out her hand to check. At one touch, it turned out to be hot. She was shocked. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan was not sick for a long time, and he had a high fever at this time

Generally speaking, the people in the practice of the truth are naturally strong, and they usually have no diseases, but Zhang Xiaofan has been seriously injured in the past few days. He is not to mention his mental exhaustion, and his body is also greatly damaged. Finally, in this blood pit, he desperately searched for a way out and his physical strength is exhausted. After this

His illness is really not light, and his fever has not subsided for a long time (in the cave, Baguio doesn't know how many days have passed). Baguio has no choice but to take more cold water to cool him down, but it doesn't work at all.

After that, Zhang Xiaofan did not retreat in high temperature, and he actually began to talk nonsense. Biyao was anxious and worried. At the thought that she would wait to die alone in this empty cave in the future, she was almost creepy. At this moment, it was Zhang Xiaofan's nonsense, even a gasp, compared with the terrible days in the Get up, it's almost like fairy music.

But let Biyao think of all the way, in fact, it is just to get more water. In this cave, there is no doctor and no medicinal materials. How can it help? Zhang Xiaofan's condition is getting worse day by day, and the frequency of talking nonsense is getting closer and closer.

On this day, Baguio was anxiously guarding Zhang Xiaofan's side in a coma. Suddenly, she saw him turn over and his whole body shrunk. She screamed in a daze, "Ghost, ghost, ghost..." Suddenly, she gritted her teeth and said, "You killed my parents and the whole village. I

Baguio was shocked, quickly hugged him and said repeatedly, "No, no! There is no ghost here!"

I don't know if her words worked. Zhang Xiaofan gradually calmed down, and the frightened look on his face slowly calmed down, but what followed was a sad expression.

He kept his eyes closed and whispered, "Senior sister, senior sister, don't ignore me, I, I want to... don't ignore me..."

Baguio was stunned: Suddenly there was a sourness in her heart, but she didn't know where the courage came from. She said softly, "No! Your senior sister is here, and she won't ignore you.

A smile appeared on Zhang Xiaofan's face, as if this was his most blessed moment. He kept saying, "Senior sister, senior sister..."

Baguio looked at his face with a faint trace of happiness in pain, and there was a trace of pain in his heart.

What kind of person is the woman who is so missed by him, the senior sister who can't be forgotten even if he is in a coma?

She suddenly remembered that the female disciple of Qingyunmen with a blue fairy sword that Zhang Xiaofan tried his best to maintain under the abyss of the dead. Is it her?

Baguio frowned. She remembered clearly that the woman had a beautiful face, and it was not too much to say that she was in love with the country. No wonder this Xiaofan would be fascinated by her! However, Ren Biyao naturally won't know how smart she is. What Zhang Xiaofan never forgets is Tian Linger, who is still on the Dazhu Peak of Qingyun Mountain.

In the following days, Baguio, who had been guarding Zhang Xiaofan, heard more about him from Zhang Xiaofan's nonsense, knew that he was born in a place called "Gras Miao Village", knew the terrible slaughter of the village, and knew that the woman he missed in his heart was on Dazhu Peak. The senior sister, but she is still not sure whether this senior sister is the woman holding the blue fairy sword that day.

However, in the care of Zhang Xiaofan these days, even Biyao herself felt that she had a strange feeling about this teenager. Staring at his haggard face every day could almost be the only way for her to pass her boring time.

She often stared at him like this for a long time, but she never thought that in the stone room on the other side, there was a magic classic book - "Heavenly Book".

Sometimes, after Zhang Xiaofan fell asleep, she slowly paced to the text left by Mrs. Jinling, stared at it for a long time, and then said gently, "Madam, it has been passed down from ancient times. You have left a reprimand. The men in the world are all heartless, but have you ever seen that this What about it!"

No one answered her question in this empty cave, but when she turned around, the little golden bell made a crisp and pleasant bell, beside her, in the cave, gently echoed, as if to say something.

It's like a pair of gentle eyes, that wisp of lingering ghosts, staring at them and entangling them.