Zhu Xian

Chapter 3 Clery

When Zhang Xiaofan woke up, it was already dark. I'm afraid he slept for at least five or six hours, but Baguio still didn't wake up. She clutched his clothes tightly with both hands and looked like a frightened child. No one wanted to find that she was actually an important figure in the magic religion!

Zhang Xiaofan put his hand under his head and listened to the sound of the trees blown by the mountain wind in the forest. Suddenly, he thought of the bamboo peak of Qingyun Mountain, didn't that bamboo forest also make such a sound?

In these days, I disappeared under the Ten Thousand Bat Ancient Cave. I'm afraid the news has been sent back to Dazhu Peak. I don't know if Sister Ling'er will be a little sad after knowing it? However, if I suddenly appear in front of her, she will definitely be happy. She will definitely grab my hand, be excited, and scold with a smile: Son of a bitch, I knew you didn't die so easily!

On his face, in the dark night, a smile floated. Even his eyes were so bright in the dark night, but they didn't see that beside him, there was another pair of bright eyes. I don't know when he began to look at him quietly.


It was dawn again, and there was a song of birds in the mountains, which was crisp and pleasant to the ear.

Zhang Xiaofan walked to the edge of the stream, folded his hands, picked up a handful of water and splashed it on his face. The cold feeling went straight to the bottom of his heart. He checked his left hand and removed the bandage. The broken bone was almost fine. He was happy. He took down the fire stick tied to his hand and inserted it in his waist, and moved his left hand hard. Sure enough, it was nothing serious.

"Are you ready?" Baguio came from behind him, looked at him, and then squatted down to wash his face with brook water.

"Yes." Zhang Xiaofan said happily, "It's nothing serious. It doesn't hurt."

Baguio gently wiped the drops of water off her face with her sleeve and said, "Don't move around. It hurts your muscles and bones. It's better to rest for a while."

"I got it." Zhang Xiaofan answered by the way, then looked at Biyao, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Miss Biyao, now we are lucky enough to save our lives and escape from the belly of the mountain. You and I have made friends, but after all, we don't want to do anything. We broke up here today."

Biyao squatted by the water and didn't get up, but her body seemed to tremble. Zhang Xiaofan couldn't see her expression. After a while, he heard her low voice and said, "Oh, is it different?"

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said, "Yes, I'm the right way. You are a demon religion. My teacher has taught me since I was a child. Good and evil are not inexistible. See you next time. I'm afraid that you and I are already enemies and friends. You took care of me and saved me in the belly of the mountain. I am really grateful. This kindness will be predestined in the future, and I will naturally repay you.

Baguio looked at the hazy figure from the reflection of the clear water and read in a low voice, "Will you repay me?"

Zhang Xiaofan answered and said, "Yes, we have a clear grudge. If you hadn't saved me, I would never have survived. If there is a place where I work in the future, I will serve myself." Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something wrong and hurriedly added, "But you can't let me do something wrong to the master."

Baguio suddenly stood up, turned her head and said, "I think you are also a talent. Why don't you join our holy religion? I recommend you to my father. He has always loved talent and is bound to be willing to use you again, which is better than being an unknown cook on Dazhufeng."

Zhang Xiaofan's face suddenly sank and said, "Miss Baguio, don't talk nonsense. I'm a decent person. I'd rather die than enter the devil. In my opinion, being a small cook on Dazhu Peak is much better than calling for wind and rain in your demon religion."

There was a sneer at the corners of Biyao's mouth, and her words were sharp and indifferent. She said, "The right person? There are no fewer human sins in your right path than those in our devils. In those years, in the war against demons, your immortals and ancestors killed people when they saw people, and the old and weak women and children were not let go!"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Xiaofan was furious, "These are all good things done by your demon religion. You think I don't know. In those years, you killed people and ruined your lives..."

Baguio said angrily, "Did you see those with your own eyes? It's not what your teacher told you. How can they tell you the truth for the sake of their own face?

Zhang Xiaofan sneered and said, "So have you ever seen it with your own eyes? You are here to tell me that the right way is evil, and the demon religion is right, isn't it your elders to whitewash the words of your ancestors!"

Baguio was stunned and couldn't speak for a moment. Zhang Xiaofan looked at her and recalled that he had lived and died with her a few days ago. His heart softened and lowered his voice and said softly, "Miss Baguio, no matter what the predecessors are, let's leave him alone. It's just that our Qingyun People come and go. I'm good at Qingyun, and I dare not violate it. Let's say goodbye today. See you in the future. If you can repent and abandon the secret, I, Zhang Xiaofan, will definitely protect you with my life, so that you can enter the right path..." He said with vigor, but as he spoke, he stopped, and , sneering:

"You bullshit, you can't even ask me to go, and you say to abandon the dark, or even, I'll point out a clear way for you. If you don't go, just be your right person. See you later. I'll take your head first!"

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. He only felt that the woman turned her face faster than turning over the book, but after all, he had no intention to argue. And to Biyao, he always felt that there was something to owe. Then he arched his hand and said, "Take care." After saying that, he turned around and walked away without looking back.

When Baguio watched him go away, she did not look back once. After his figure disappeared in the woods, suddenly, his heart was empty, as if he had lost something important. He suddenly lost his energy and sat down slowly. His eyes wandered and inadvertently brushed the pile of flame ashes of Zhang Xiaofan's barbecue rabbit last night. He was stunned and shed tears unconsciously.

She looked at the pile of ashes and sat like this. I don't know how long it took until she suddenly found that the crisp sound of birds in the woods behind her suddenly calmed down, as if she felt some fierce smell, and she didn't dare to make a sound.

Then, she saw a dark shadow slowly moving out from behind her and shrouding her.

Although it is in the daytime, somehow, it seems that the sky is gloomy.

Baguio turned around and looked at the people behind him in a stun. After a long time, she suddenly shouted sadly, "Dad! ..." He threw himself into the man's arms.

The shadow seemed to be stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect Baguio to do such a thing at all, but he was happy to see that his daughter was in trouble, but the joy could no longer be concealed.


Zhang Xiaofan walked in this mountain and forest for a day before he came out of the boundary of the empty mulberry mountain. Originally, if he had walked in the air, he would have come out in half a day, but he was willing to walk for a while with his left hand injury, but the empty mulberry mountain has always been sparsely populated,

After staying overnight in the barren mountains, Zhang Xiaofan embarked on the official road. The road was spacious, and the number of people gradually increased. He asked pedestrians on the way, inquired about the direction of the road, and headed north.

At noon this day, the day was just right and it was very hot. Zhang Xiaofan traveled for a long time, and his mouth was quite thirsty. He saw a small tea stall on the roadside under a big tree beside the road. There were already five or six guests sitting in it. Looking at the shade, he walked over, bought a bowl of tea to .

Not to mention, the tea at this small tea stall was actually really cool to quench his thirst. Zhang Xiaofan drank a bowl and immediately felt comfortable up and down, as if it was not so hot. He thought about it and saw that the injury on his hand had recovered. In the afternoon, he found a place where no one was quiet, so he flew back from the It's Master.

Thinking about it, he naturally thought that he was about to see his senior sister Tian Linger, and couldn't help but feel hot. At this moment, a gentle voice came from the side of the road: "Boss, give me a bowl of tea."

At noon, a rare breeze blew by, making the branches and leaves of the tree shake, and the sun was scattered to the ground. The tea stall owner in his fifties agreed and leaned over to pour the tea. Zhang Xiaofan inadvertently looked over and couldn't take it back.

A middle-aged scribe, with thin eyebrows and a square face, looks elegant, but his eyes are clear and his forehead is full, but he has his own momentum of not angry and powerful in this elegance. In a Confucian robe, there is a light purple jade pendant at his waist, which is exquisite and transparent, and there is a faint auspicious atmosphere. At

After looking at it for a long time, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized that he was broken by the demeanor of this middle-aged scribe. He only felt that when he came in, including himself, five or six guests who drank tea together at the tea stall were silent and were suppressed by the man's momentum.

Zhang Xiaofan withdrew his eyes, but he was slightly surprised in his heart. At the same time, he was very distressed by the middle-aged scribe. Although he was not so handsome to look at this man, this temperament from the inside was really rare.

The scribe entered the tea stall, took the tea handed over by the boss, sat down casually, and began to taste the tea slowly. The guests who were still talking and laughing around were now silent. In this tea stall, the atmosphere was a little strangely quiet for a while, but only the middle-aged scribe was calm and didn't notice the situation around him at all. He drank tea alone and rested there.

After a while, the other guests either had enough rest or finished drinking tea. They checked out one by one, and the boss came to clean up the bowl. Under the big tree, there were only Zhang Xiaofan and the middle-aged scribes left.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't feel uncomfortable, but after sitting for a while, he felt that he had a good rest. When he was about leaving, he suddenly heard a voice behind him:

"Little brother."

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned and heard the gentle and familiar voice. He turned his head and saw the scribe smiling peacefully at him. He was surprised and said, "Sir, do you call me?"

The scribe nodded with a smile and said, "Exactly." With that, he stood up and walked over slowly. Zhang Xiaofan stood up with him. When he got closer, he held his fist and said, "What can I do for you, sir?"

The middle-aged scribe looked up and down at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "No, it's just a lonely journey, and I looked at the little brother. Come and have a chat. Do you mind, don't you?"

Zhang Xiaofan quickly shook his head and said, "No, sir, please sit down."

The scribe nodded with a smile and said, "Come on, little brother, sit down too."

When the two sat down, the scribe looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "May I ask the little brother's name?"

Zhang Xiaofan grew up in Caomiao Village, and then was taken in by Qingyunmen. Over the years, except for the same door of Dazhufeng in Qingyun Mountain, he has hardly said anything to outsiders. Of course, the days ago, the days when he was trapped under the dead abyss with the demon girl Baguio were At this time, he talked to the scribe. Somehow, he had a little respect for this man first. At that moment, he said respectfully, "I dare not, next Zhang Xiaofan, what is your name?"

The scribe first read: "Zhang Xiaofan," he nodded, smiled, and said, "My surname is Wan, and I'm a cursive person."

"Ten thousand people are going!" Zhang Xiaofan read it in his heart. The name was ordinary, but it made people feel like a golden horse. Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help looking at him. The tens of thousands of people were gentle on their faces, but the power between the eyebrows seemed to be innate, and it was extremely heavy. With this name, there was a faint meaning of controlling the crowd.

Tens of thousands of people looked up and down at Zhang Xiaofan and smiled, "With all due respect, is Brother Zhang a person of cultivation?"

Zhang Xiaofan was surprised. After he and Qi Hao and other four people went down the mountain, for convenience on the road, they all changed Qingyun clothes and wore ordinary clothes. They looked no different from ordinary people, and I don't know how the middle-aged man could see it.

He was surprised when he just wanted to ask how the middle-aged man knew it, but he smiled at the middle-aged man, pointed to the north and said, "Excuse me, Brother Zhang, but is it under the door of Qingyun Mountain, the first major school in the right path now?"

Zhang Xiaofan was even more shocked. He couldn't help standing up. Looking at the tens of thousands of people, he was surprised and said, "Brother Wan, how do you know?"

Tens of thousands of people waved their hands with a smile and said, "Please sit down."

When Zhang Xiaofan sat down slowly, tens of thousands of people smiled and said, "I saw Zhang Xiaoren, you are full of energy, and you are not tired all the way. Looking at the young age, you are better than many middle-aged people. In this world, the style of monasticism is prevalent. I think you must be a person with unique skills.

Zhang Xiaofan bowed his head and said modestly, but he couldn't help saying, "Then how did you know about my sect?"

Tens of thousands of people smiled casually and said, "No, I see the little brother. I can't help looking north, with a look of missing, as if returning to the heart, and in the north, the most famous Xiuzhen sect closest to this place is Qingyunmen. Speaking of which, I also guessed randomly. He talked nonsense casually and made Brother Zhang laugh.

Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly said, "Where is it? Sir is so clear that you and I have never met each other, and we can see it at a glance. It's really admiring and admiring!" He said these words from the bottom of his heart.

Tensmiled and said, "The Qingyun family has been famous for practicing the truth in the world for a long time. It has a long history and profound Taoism. It is admired by people all over the world. The little brother entered the famous family at a young age. The future is unlimited!"

When Zhang Xiaofan heard these four words of "unlimited", his heart moved, and he inexplicably remembered Qi Hao, who was the dragon's head peak. Finally, the shadow of Lin Jingyu flashed in his mind. He shook his head and said, "Sir, I'm flattered. The disciple in Qingyunmen, hides

Tens of thousands of people were stunned for a moment and laughed, "I didn't expect Brother Zhang to tell jokes."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to argue with him on this topic, so he asked him, "Brother Wan, I don't know where to go?"

Tens of thousands of people stood up leisurely, with their hands on their backs, looked up at the sky, and said, "The world is so big and boundless. I travel around the world, the mountains and ancient worlds, and go at will."

"Ah!" Zhang Xiaofan exclaimed and said, "So that's it."

Tens of thousands of people looked back at Zhang Xiaofan, and suddenly a strange smile flashed on his face and said, "Since Brother Zhang is under the door of Qingyun, he must be profound in Taoism."

Zhang Xiaofan quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm an unspeakable person in Qingyunmen. How can I say that Taoism is profound?"

Tens of thousands of people smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, you're welcome. I have a heartless invitation. I hope Brother Zhang can complete it."

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment and said, "Brother Wan, please say it."

Tens of thousands of people said, "I have admired you as a true master since I was a child. I have no choice but to have enough opportunities, so I can't enter the door. Moreover, I have dreamed of being able to walk the magic weapon of the masters for nine days. For decades, I have been eager to get a magic weapon of Brother Zhang is a disciple of a famous family. I don't know if he can fulfill my little wish? After saying that, he bent down deeply and made a big salute.

Zhang Xiaofan was dumb. Looking at tens of thousands of people saluting, he panicked and hurriedly held him. He was really embarrassed. He hesitated for a moment. Looking at thousands of people still looking at him with an expectant face, he sighed and said, "I'm not afraid of Brother Wan's jokes. It's not I'm afraid it's in the way..."

Tens of thousands of people immediately said, "What's this, the magic weapon of the immortals, how can't it be on the table?"

Zhang Xiaofan's face was slightly red. After all, he couldn't put it down. He pulled out the fire stick from his waist and handed it over. Looking at such a thing handed over by him, the surprise of tens of thousands of people flashed on his face, but then disappeared and solemnly took it.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at him and said with a wry smile, "Don't say it's you, even the people in my school often laugh at me." After saying this, Zhang Xiaofan was suddenly shocked. He only felt that he was so strange today. In front of this ignorant person, he seemed to be willing to say anything to him.

The tens of thousands of people didn't notice Zhang Xiaofan. His eyes were on the burning stick. Originally, his face was solemn, but his eyes were still a little casual, but gradually, he seemed to see something. Not only did his face sink, but his eyes stare at the black ugly stick.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the side and only felt that the tens of thousands of people looked strange. He took a foot long fire stick in front of him, looked carefully, held it with his right hand, and gently stroked the slender five fingers of his left hand on the stick. He clicked it gently. He couldn't help asking, What's wrong with you?

Tens of thousands of people were awakened by a dream. He hesitated for a moment, returned the burning stick to Zhang Xiaofan, and said, "Brother Zhang, because I admire Xiandao, I have read some books in this regard. There are some words, and I also need to ask Zhang Xiaobo.

Zhang Xiaofan said, "Please say it."

Tens of thousands of people glanced at the burning stick and said, "Brother Zhang, does this magic weapon contain your blood?"

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. In an instant, the terrible scene in the secluded valley behind Dazhu Peak floated in his mind. Huo stood up and pointed to thousands of people and said, "You, what did you say?"

Tens of thousands of people looked at him and said slowly, "Excuse me, Brother Zhang, this magic weapon combines two things into one?"

Zhang Xiaofan's secret, one of the deepest secrets hidden in his heart, has now been told by this person. This surprise is not a small thing. He only feels that there is a buzz in his head, and he can't speak.

Tens of thousands of people looked at Zhang Xiaofan's stunned expression and understood that what he expected was good. He seemed to lower his head slightly and seemed to remember something. He sighed faintly and said, "You don't know that the beads on this stick were originally sacred objects of the magic religion."

Zhang Xiaofan became more and more shocked, almost holding his breath, but there was a voice in his deep heart, as if he was sneering, "You already knew it, you knew it. This stick is naturally the evil thing of the devil's religion."

"What did you say?" Zhang Xiaofan gasped and stared at him, word for word.

"This bead is a relic of the black-hearted old man, the ancestor of the demon religion, 800 years ago." Thousands of people's words are like nails, nailing the tip of Zhang Xiaofan's heart word by word. "The name is 'blood-eating beads'."

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned and held his breath, but there were thousands of thoughts in his mind, but there was always a picture lingering: the skeleton in the deep cave of the empty mulberry mountain!

Tens of thousands of people looked at him in shock. They stopped for a moment, but said lightly, "Brother Zhang, you know the origin of this bead, but you don't know if you still want to know the origin of this black stick?"

Zhang Xiaofan's body shook and he couldn't speak, but just stared straight at thousands of people.