Zhu Xian

Chapter 5 Magic Array

Huqi Mountain.

The general hall of the ghost king is located.

Under the desolate mountain, the main hall of the Ghost King Sect is hidden in the hard cave. In the winding tunnel, in a deep and quiet place, the long tunnel is empty, only several feet on the stone walls on both sides, inlaid with a copper lamp, illuminating some places.

The girl with a dark veil, her figure is erratic and she walks forward alone. Looking from afar, she looks like a ghost in the dark.

This place is already the forbidden place of the Ghost King Sect. It is also the most mysterious place in the Ghost King Sect with the cold ice cave where Baguio is located. Ordinary disciples have always been strictly prohibited from entering and leaving. However, as one of the four holy envoys of the Ghost King Sect, Youji is one of the core members of the Ghost King Sect, so she can freely enter and exit these places.

However, she glanced at the deep tunnel in front of her, which seemed to be endless, and her footsteps suddenly slowed down. It seemed that there was some hesitation, but she finally walked away.

Deep in the shadows ahead, there seemed to be a few strange low roars at this moment, like some kind of beast roaring.

After another long tunnel, the lights on both sides became darker and darker. Finally, after turning a corner, Youji walked to the end of the tunnel, where there was a stone door, and three words were engraved on the lintel:

Trapped in the dragon.

Youji stared at the three words for a long time, and there was silence around her. Only the strange roar that sounded from time to time from the moment just now gradually became clear, and the air seemed to be filled with a faint smell of blood.

The black veil on her face moved, as if she shook her head, sighed softly, and then walked into the stone door.

As soon as I entered the stone gate, it suddenly opened, and there was a huge grotto inside. The strange rocks on the rock wall next to it were abrupt, with their own shapes. In front of the stone gate where Youji is located, there is a hanging stone path, winding forward and leading to the center of the grotto. At this moment, she turned out to be in the air of this huge grotto.

It was obviously not the first time for Youji to come here. When she saw such a scene, she was not surprised. She was silent for a moment and walked along the narrow stone path. The upper half of the grotto is dark, but just under the stone path, there is a red light shining faintly, reflecting up, but reflecting the rock wall above the grotto a little ferocious.

The smell of blood in the air is getting heavier and heavier.

I don't know whether the suspended stone path in this huge grotto is natural or artificial. It is so hanging in the air. From a distance, there is no stone pillar to support it, which is inconceivable.

Youji's black figure is walking on the stone path, but there is not even a sound of footsteps while walking. It really looks a little ghostly. But it didn't take long for her to see the figure in front of her.

Ghost King.

At the end of the stone path is a seven-foot-sized stone platform. The Ghost King is standing on it at this moment, standing with his hands behind. Looking from behind, his figure is calm and thick, which seems to have a strange feeling of integration with this huge grotto.

Youji walked behind him and whispered, "Suzerain."

The ghost king turned around, nodded, smiled and said, "Here you are."

The black veil on Youji's face suddenly stopped, as if she was shocked. When the stone path reaches this platform, even at the end, the front is empty. Correspondingly, the mysterious red light under the grotto is much brighter from here. The ghost king turned his head, and the red light suddenly shot from his turn, faintly blurring his face, and even his eyes seemed to be faint red.

The ghost king didn't seem to notice this, but said, "Come here."

Youji walked over and stood on the platform. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and there was no stone path to cover her, so she could see all the things at the bottom of the grotto.

Under this grotto, there is a huge blood pool. The bright red blood fills the bottom of the huge grotto. I really don't know where the ghost king got so much fresh blood. I think the strong smell of blood in the air comes from below.

In the blood pool, there are two giant beasts, one is a yellow bird in the swamp of death, and the other is a strange beast on the Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea. Most of the bodies of the two ancient beasts were soaked in blood, and at the same time, there was a dark red light covering them from the top of the blood pool. Look at the place emitted by the dark red light, it is the Fulong tripod that is suspended in the air by inexplicable forces.

The location of Fulong Ding is far away from the ghost king and Youji, but Youji can still see a black figure casting on the Fulong tripod, but it is blurred under the red light. However, even so, she still knows who it is - Mr. Ghost, the most mysterious figure in the Demon King Sect.

As one of the four holy envoys of the previous generation of the Ghost King Sect, Youji knows almost everything about the ghost King Sect, but only this Mr. Ghost is an exception. The reason is very simple. This person was not originally a figure in the Ghost King. After the contemporary ghost king ascended the throne, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared beside him. The ghost king respected him very much, and the strange Taoism shown by this mysterious figure in a very few times also moved the masters of the ghost king such as Qinglong and Youji.

But in Youji's heart, he has always been deeply vigilant about this person. The most important reason is that under the strong promotion of Mr. Ghost, the Ghost King finally began to launch the "Four Spirits Blood Array" ten years ago.

The magic weapon "Fulong Ding" passed on by the ghost king in past dynasties is mysterious, which contains endless spiritual power, which is not good or evil, and extremely strange. On the body of the Fulong tripod, in addition to the ancient clumsy pattern, there are also many mysterious inscriptions, which cannot be seen through by the ancestors of the ghost kings in all dynasties. But in today's generation of ghost kings, he is all-encompassing, and he is really an unworldly born wizard. It just so happens that a ghost gentleman who seems to have an exclusive study of this mysterious word suddenly appeared beside him. Together, the two worked together to solve these mysterious words.

It turns out that the inscription of the Fulong tripod is recorded as a strange magic array called the "four spirits blood array". It needs to use the spiritual power of four strange beasts in the ancient flood and famine era to trigger the strange mana of the Fulong tripod itself, which will become an unparalleled powerless magic array. According to the inscription of Gu Ding, once the four spirit blood array is formed, its power is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth.

The ghost king is an immortal hero with great talent. Naturally, he will not turn a blind eye to this powerful force. Ten years ago, in the battle of Qingyun, the Qingyunmen Jade Immortal Sword Array shocked the world. It was invincible and could not be resisted by human resources. The Ghost King thought carefully. Only with these

Since then, all the actions of the Ghost King Sect have begun to revolve around the blood array of the four spirits.

Youji withdrew her eyes from the blurred figure of Mr. Ghost and looked at the two spirit beasts in the blood pool. Although surrounded by blood, the yellow bird, which doesn't know how many years it has lived, is obviously unwilling. From time to time, it let out an angry roar, spread its wings, and immediately bulged out huge waves of the blood around it.

It's just that the blood in the blood pool seems to have a strange restraint function for it. The spiritual power and power of the yellow bird are obviously far from comparable to that day. Especially on its head, there is a dark red light from the Fulong tripod covering it. As soon as the yellow bird moved, the dark red light suddenly brightened, and the yellow bird shrouded in it was suddenly suppressed by Mount Tai. The newly raised body immediately seemed to be crushed back by unparalleled gravity.

After so many rounds, the yellow bird's movement gradually slowed down. Although it was still resisting, it became more and more powerless. At the other end of the blood pool, the whole body of the one-footed beast Kui Niu was soaked in the blood pool, motionless, and only occasionally looked at the yellow bird. I don't know if he had completely given up resistance because he had been trapped here for a long time.

Looking at these two originally invincible spirit beasts falling into this end, Youji couldn't help frowning slightly under the black veil, with an inexplicable disgust in her heart.

The ghost king standing beside her seemed to feel something. Looking at her, he suddenly said, "What are you thinking?"

You Ji was shocked, and then calmed down and said lightly, "Nothing, suzerain."

The ghost king looked at her, and then his eyes moved to the blood pool. After a long time, he slowly said, "Now that half of the four spirit blood arrays have been completed, as long as the other two spirit beasts are found as a guide, the day when our ghost king dominates the world is just around the corner."

Youji was silent for a moment and whispered, "Yes."

The ghost king stood with his hands behind his back, and his eyes still did not leave the two spirit beasts in the blood pool, but he suddenly changed the topic and said, "You went to death before me. I told you to observe the ghost secretly. Do you have anything to say to me?"

The black veil on Youji's face moved gently. After a moment, he said, "In the midst of death, he led his hand in the poison gate, the acacia school and the right path next week. Under such a complex, mysterious and murderous situation, he still has evidence to advance and retreat, and finally joined hands with others to destroy the Changsheng And..."

When she said this, she suddenly paused. The ghost king was slightly surprised and said, "How's it?"

Youji hesitated for a moment and said, "He was in Neize. He suddenly attacked Qin Wuyan, who seriously injured Wandumen. He was patient and fierce and could not be underestimated." With that, Youji suddenly felt in a trance. Was the person she was talking about really Zhang Xiaofan in those years?

Is the person that Baguio really loves really him?

The ghost king seemed to be quite satisfied. He nodded and said, "This son is patient and resolute. He is indeed a rare talent. Over the years, he has practiced my holy teaching skills, and there are unparalleled evil weapons in the world day and night. His temperament is more violent and easy to kill, which is normal."

Youji looked up at the ghost king and saw a faint smile on his mouth, but against his angry and powerful face, there was a chill.

"However," the ghost king suddenly said, "I heard that when the ghost is in the middle of death, when he meets those righteous people, especially when he meets a Qingyun disciple named Lu Xueqi, his situation is a little different, but what's the matter?"

You Ji's body was shocked, but the ghost king's face was indifferent. She couldn't see what he was thinking, but somehow, there was a sudden disorder in her heart. She and Qinglong secretly sneaked into the dead. The relationship between Gui Li and Lu Xueqi was a little subtle, and most of her saw it in the dark. Just thinking about it at this moment, she felt an inexplicable heartache.

It's like a sharp needle that pierces the atrium.

"What's wrong?" The ghost king turned his head and looked at Youji.

Youji slowly lowered her head, because the black veil was masked, and no one could see her expression. After a while, her voice somehow seemed to be a little hoarse, but she was still very clear and indifferent, answering the Ghost King:

"Yes, there is indeed some ambiguity between him and Lu Xueqi of Qingyunmen. I saw with my own eyes that outside the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house, in the face of the black water snake, he risked his life to save the woman's life!"

The ghost king did not speak again, but only in a moment, the bloody smell around him suddenly became ten times more intense. The man still stood with his hands behind his back, but I don't know if it was illuminated by the red light under the grottoes. His eyes were red and prosperous.

Youji slowly saluted the ghost king, walked back, and slowly walked out of this faint and breathless grotto.

It's just that as soon as she got to the stone gate, she was suddenly stunned. Qinglong stood quietly outside the stone gate and looked at her faintly.

Youji met his eyes, and the two looked at each other like this and didn't talk for a long time.

After a long time, Qinglong slowly stepped forward, passed by her, and walked to the depths of the grotto, leaving Youji alone and standing in the tunnel in a stun.

From beginning to end, he didn't say a word to Youji.


The quiet moon in southern Xinjiang hangs alone in the western sky.

Deep mountain ancient temple, insects sing sadly, a desolate and dark scenery.


With a roar, the light flashed, Lv Shun's sword flew and fell into the ancient temple courtyard. His eyes shone brightly, and he swept the ancient temple carefully.

He had just mastered the sword and searched all the nearby ten miles. He didn't find anything. Unexpectedly, he didn't see a figure. After thinking about it, he suddenly realized that this ancient temple was his negligence.

The night wind is cold, and the abandoned hall is no longer even the gate. Although not long ago, Lv Shun was still talking to people in the hall. Just looking at it at this moment, it suddenly became gloomy, as if something was peeping at him in the dark.

A little cold sweat suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

The fish-headed monster who just died is the patriarch of the southern barbarian fish clan. This time, when he met him, he was killed by a sniper, and he really couldn't get rid of it. He was well aware of the mysterious relationship between the southern barbarians and his own sect, and knew more about the horror and cruelty of those barbarians. If he didn't give an explanation to the barbarians this time, he was afraid that he would suffer.

However, with his understanding of the southern barbarian aliens, the combat effectiveness of these fishmen is not small. Although they are still inferior to those of such highly practicers, if they want to kill in one move, I'm afraid that the sniper's Taoism is not below him.

Lv Shun inhaled deeply and suddenly said loudly, "Which person is it? Please come out and speak."


Ye Feng drifted gently in the middle of the ancient temple with the end of his voice, but there was still silence in the hall without any sound.

Lv Shun's face was even heavier. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the fairy sword in his hand was shining brightly, and the man and sword rushed into the hall. For a moment, the hall became bright. But just as other people's shadows had just sank into the hall, on one side of the ruined wall of the hall, two dark shadows quickly left the hall, into the dark shadow next to it, and there was no sound.

For a long time, I only heard Lv Shun look around in the hall. The ping-pong rang for a long time, but in the end, he came out in a downs and obviously got nothing. He stood on the steps, his face dark and sunny. After a long time, he stamped his feet and sighed, "That's all, that's all."

He kept shaking his head, and then got up with the sword, went south, and disappeared for a moment.

The ancient temple suddenly quieted down. The sound of insects that had just disappeared from being frightened by Lv Shun also sounded again. The cold moon breeze was another desolate scenery.

Just as Lv Shun disappeared for a long time, the ancient temple seemed to have lost its vitality, and there was still no movement. After a while, there was a sharp roar in the air, and the red sword suddenly rushed down from the high clouds and quickly landed in the ancient temple courtyard, shaking a few times, and Lv Shun's figure appeared.

When he came back, he actually made an empty city scheme, pretending to be far away, but turned back from a distance and hid in the dark clouds in the sky. Unfortunately, no one appeared in the ancient temple. Lv Shun finally showed a depressed look on his face. He sighed and was silent for a moment before flying the sword again and flew south. After that, he was never seen again. It seems that he really left this time.

In the ancient temple, the tranquility was restored again, but after a moment, the two dark shadows shook and slowly appeared two figures.

When the first person walked slowly to the courtyard, the moon was as gorgeous as water, sprinkled coldly, and pulled out a slender shadow on the broken bluestone courtyard slab.

It's the ghost.

Look up and look at the moon.

The moon was cold and shone on his face.

Suddenly, he seemed to have some vicissitudes.

Even the monkey Xiaohui lying on his shoulder seemed to be silent at this moment. Like his master, he looked up at the moon silently.

"What, do you like the moonlight in southern Xinjiang?" Suddenly, another delicate figure behind him, which was still hidden in the shadow, made a pleasant and soft voice, which came into his ears.

Gui Li slowly withdrew his eyes, but did not look back and did not answer the shadow woman's question. Instead, he asked, "Why did you kill that fishman?"

The woman who was still invisible in the shadows smiled and said, "Those fishmen not only harmed the prince's subordinates, but also my men. I did this for the sake of your breath."

Gui Li's face did not change at all. Obviously, he didn't believe these words at all. He said lightly, "I have heard for a long time that the 'Purple Awn Blade' is a nine-day soldier. Today, it is unfolded in the hands of the girl, and it really has the power of gods and ghosts."

The woman smiled softly, and her voice was soft and pleasant. In this desolate night, she suddenly seemed to add a few colors and became alive.

The footsteps sounded slowly, and she slowly walked out of the shadows.

It is the golden bottle of the demon cult, known as the "Miao Gongzi". Under the moonlight, she was still dressed in goose yellow, her soft clothes swinging gently in the night wind, and a few strands of thin hair hanging between her temples, slightly messy, but it seemed to be more inexplicably seductive.

Deep mountain ancient temple, cold night beauty!

At this moment, her eyes are as full of water, and there seems to be a picture of spring light between her eyebrows, which is beautiful and square. For a while, even the night seemed to be gentle.

Gui Li turned around and looked at her face.

Jin Ping'er still smiled at the corners of his mouth and said softly, "Sir, you have a strange treasure. It is a rare treasure that combines 'blood-eating beads' and 'dementor'. How dare I be compared with your soul-eating soul-eating?"

The red light flashed in Gui Li's eyes, but his face did not change. He said, "Is the girl going south this time to track down these fish people?"

Jin Ping'er nodded slightly, and then his eyes flowed and said, "But I didn't expect that this matter had something to do with Burning Valley."

Gui Li glanced at her and didn't say anything, but she was more and more wary of this woman in her heart. Just now, she suddenly sniped up to kill the alien patriarch of the fishman. This road seems to be much higher than the Taoism revealed when he and Qin Wuyan and others besieged Changshengtang Yuyangzi She didn't do her best that day.

It's just that this line is profound, but it's still the second, and I also have a back hand on that day. However, the golden bottle sniper killed the fishman, but it clearly had the intention of burning incense valley, provoking the relationship between the barbarians and the burning incense valley.

This woman's scheming is so deep and her means are really not small.

Jin Ping'er turned her eyes a few times on the ghost's face, and suddenly smiled and said, "The prince must be tracking down these fishmen when he comes to the south this time. I don't know what he found?"

The ghost said lightly, "No."

Jin Ping'er listened to his answer indifferently, but she was not angry. Instead, she smiled softly and said, "It's just that now we all know that the Burning Valley seems to have secret dealings with these barbarian monsters. I don't know what the prince intends to do?"

Ghost eyes flashed and said, "What do you think, girl?"

Jin Ping'er smiled and said, "I asked the prince first."

Gui Li listened to her and asked back with a smile. He frowned, and his heart had turned countless thoughts: This time, he suddenly found that the Burning Valley had secretly colluded with the southern barbarian aliens, which was really a sensational event. If it spreads to the world, I'm afraid that those righteous figures will be stunned with fear.

Under this situation, the best way is naturally to explore the mysterious incense valley, but in the current situation, there seems to be a lot of articles. Not to mention that the southern barbarian aliens have always been extremely mysterious, just a incense valley, the strength cannot be underestimated. In the past, Li Xun, Yan Hong and others who came out of the incense valley, including the old man Lv Shun just now, are extremely high.

Jin Ping'er slowly walked to Gui Li, looked up at him, smiled and said, "Do you want to visit the incense valley at night?"

Gui Li's eyes flashed and said, "Why, does the girl have this intention?"

Jin Ping'er smiled slightly, charming and touching. It seemed that there was a beauty in front of her face. The ghost's fierce ambition was actually moved, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

I only heard Jin Ping'er say faintly, "I naturally want to go this trip with the prince, but there is one thing, and I hope the prince will agree to me."

Gui Li's eyes condensed and said, "What?"

Jin Ping'er smiled and said, "I just hope that the prince will not deal with Qin Wuyan and suddenly kill me."