Zhu Xian

Chapter 9 Spirits

A group of Miao people walked down the mountain. Gui Li and Xiao Bai looked at it, and saw seven or eight strong Miao soldiers surrounded by an old man in his fifties.

The shout just now was made by the old man.

The Miao soldiers around saluted one after another, and the originally excited crowd suddenly calmed down. Everyone bowed their heads one after another to pay tribute to the old man.

When the group of people came close, the old man walked out of the crowd, came to Gui Li and Xiao Bai, and looked at them. Gui Li was also looking at him at the same time.

The old man is quite tall. Although he has white hair on his hair and temples because of his age, he is extremely energetic and his eyes are bright. At this moment, he frowned and looked at the two of them carefully.

Then, the old man said, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Gui Li was stunned. It seemed to be similar to what the soldier asked just now. He thought it was mostly the same. He should ask what he was and what he was doing here, right?

It's just that he guessed, but he still didn't understand what he meant. He had to say, "We have something important to do, want to..." Just as he was about to raise his hand, he suddenly woke up, quickly put his hand down and said, "I want to see the great wizard in the altar."

He said this, in fact, he is also distressed in his heart. These Miao people can't understand the meaning of his words at all. What's the use of saying it? But not to mention it, it's even more impolite. I'm afraid that I will anger these Miao people at the moment, and I'm very anxious for a moment.

Unexpectedly, it seemed that God wanted to do it. When the old man heard Gui Li's words, he suddenly frowned and looked at the two of them carefully up and down. Suddenly, he said in a half-baked Middle-earth language, "You, are you native?"

Gui Li and Xiao Bai were shocked, and then they were overjoyed. At this moment, the best voice in the world was probably the old man's earthy words. Gui Li nodded quickly and said, "That's right, that's right. We are from Middle-earth. There is something urgent. I want to meet the great wizard of the nobles."

The old man looked at them and saw that they were wearing national costumes on the southern border, but it seemed that the texture was rough, but the two were very popular. Obviously, they were not ordinary businessmen, especially the woman, who was born beautiful. Even this set of ordinary seedlings looked down on her clothes. It has a unique flavor.

"Who are you? What's the matter with the big wizard?" The old man slowed down.

Gui Li and Xiao Bai looked at each other and arched their hands and said, "This... my father-in-law, I have a friend who has been seriously injured. Nine out of ten of the three souls and seven souls have been scattered, and only one soul remains. It's been like a fake for ten years, really..."

When he said this, the figure of Baguio, who is still lying in the ice stone room of Huqi Mountain, came to his mind. For a moment, he touched his feelings, and his voice couldn't help trembling. Although most of the Miao people next to him couldn't understand what he said, looking at his expression and listening to his tone, they probably knew what he was pleading for. For a moment, they had a good impression on him.

As for Xiaobai standing beside Gui Li, he looked at Gui Li with a pair of bright eyes. At this moment, he also put away the faint smile that had been hanging on the corner of her mouth, which seemed to see through the world, for which was solemn.

The ghost calmed down, calmed down, and said, "I once listened to the advice of the boss. Such an injury and disease must be a strange person who knows how to return the soul. With the remaining soul as the basis of the magic, it can be recovered to the lost soul. I have been looking for it for ten years, but the world is so big that I can't find it. Fortunately, recently," he took a look at Xiaobai and then said, "Fortunately, I recently heard that the great wizard of the nobles has such a re-soul magic, so I came here to beg for help. I'm really grateful!"

After hearing this, the old man frowned and looked very complicated, but looking at the ghost and sincere, he really didn't seem to lie. After meditating for a moment, he said, "It's rare for you natives to have such a kind of affection, but I can't decide this matter. Wait here for Go to the altar to ask the great wizard to see what he means. If he refuses to see you, there is nothing I can do.

Gui Li was overjoyed. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Thank you, father-in-law."

The old man nodded. After hesitating for a moment, he turned his head and said a few words to several Miao soldiers around him in Miao language, and the soldiers nodded at the same time. Then the old Miao man walked to the middle of the mountain alone, and the remaining Miao soldiers slowly gathered together, staring at the two people, and they didn't know it was surveillance! I was still ordered to protect them.

As for the other onlookers, the Miao people only saw the old man and the two outsiders chatte (in their ears, the Middle-earth language is the same messy bird language), and then ordered several soldiers to watch the people. He returned to the altar on the mountain, and talked and whispered for a moment.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, the ghost was full of thoughts and thought. He didn't notice the other Miao people at all, but Xiao Bai still smiled softly and slowly looked around, causing countless lustful or jealous or resentful eyes.

Only Xiaohui looked around on her shoulder and was not interested in these people. Finally, her eyes fell on the stream next to her. She was very interested in the fish swimming in it. She couldn't take her eyes off and grinned from time to time. The body is also ready to move, trying to jump into the stream to play.

The altars of the Miao people are all made of huge stones, majestic and tall with a trace of roughness and clumsiness. Before the old man walked up the mountain road and came to the altar, there was a platform in front of the altar, which was flatly paved with large rectangular stone strips, which was quite flat. At the back of the platform is the altar.

Two huge stone pillars stood high in front of the altar. At a glance, I was afraid that they would not be ten feet high, and there was no crack around the stone pillar, which was actually carved by a complete whole boulder. I really don't know where the Miao ancestors found such a huge stone, and they could actually Carry and erect it in front of the altar.

Walking through these two huge stone pillars, it is an altar made of stones. The Miao altar in Qilidong has always been famous in the southern border. Half of it is made of huge stones, and the other half is directly excavated from the mountain to the hard stone wall.

The old man walked in, and the light around him suddenly dimmed. The temperature around it also seems to be much lower than outside.

The old man obviously has a great identity. He is very familiar with this sacred place in Miao people's hearts. Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the depths of the altar. Occasionally, a Miao wizard appeared on the road, and the two sides greeted each other. If Gui Li and Xiao Bai saw it, they would probably be able to guess the identity of the old man.

In addition to other wizards in the altar, there is only the patriarch of the Miao clan.

The old man continued to walk in, walked through the spacious passage, and came to the deepest part of the altar, which was also the largest room in the altar.

On the stone gate, there is a decoration made of beast bones hanging, and on the surrounding stone wall, bright red blood is smeared everywhere, which symbolizes the piety of sacrificing ancestors.

From the darkness, everything here is extra ferocious.

However, for Miao people, this is the most sacred place. The old man also has a solemn expression on his face. He tidied up his clothes and slowly walked in.

In the huge stone room, it is empty, only the innermost, burning flame, which is particularly eye-catching in the dark.

In front of the flame, there is a strange stone statue also carved with a whole boulder. The head is dog-shaped, but it is full on the body, with sharp claws on the feet, and two pairs of wings on the back. It is really a very strange statue. It seems to be the god that the Miao people believe in.

In the huge stone room, there was only one person. His back looked very old and staggered, sitting silently in front of the flame, as if he were meditating and silent.

This strange place, somehow, gives people a strange feeling of keeping time and stagnating.

Here, it seems that everything is quiet and silent.

The fire was blazing, and the figure of the man in front of the flame was suddenly bright and dark.

The old man walked up slowly, stopped a foot behind the man, and said in a low voice and respectfully, "Big wizard."

The figure sitting in front of the flame moved, and an old voice came: "Tu Magu, why are you back again? Didn't I tell you the will of the dog god just now? Do you have any other confusion?"

This old man, whom he called Tu Ma Gu, is the patriarch of the Miao people on the southern border today. He only heard him say respectfully, "Big wizard, I fully know the meaning of the dog god, and I will definitely do it according to the will of the dog god."

The wizard still didn't look back, but only heard him say, "Oh, that's good. But what's the matter that makes you turn back? I feel a little uneasy about you.

The patriarch of Tu Magu frowned slightly, as if he was hesitating to explain it in some words. After a moment, he decided to say directly: "Big wizard, there are two strange middle-earth people under Qilidong. They hope to see the big wizard."

The body of the big wizard in front of the flame moved, and the head of the canine stone statue in front of the flame and the flame also turned slightly, but only his completely white and sparse hair could be seen.

"Who is it? I haven't walked out of this altar for nearly a hundred years. How can a native come to me?

Tu Mageu said, "Yes, I also feel very strange, so I came up to ask the big wizard, do you want them to come up?"

The wizard was silent for a moment and said, "What did they say?"

Tu Mageu said, "Yes, a man and a woman came. The man said that he wanted to ask a big wizard to help a friend treat him."

The great wizard snorted and said, "I want to serve the dog god. I don't have time to talk to these people. You refused them for me."

Tu Magu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say much. He said, "Okay, I'll convey what you mean." With that, he turned around and walked out.

It's just that he hasn't walked a few steps away, and suddenly the voice of the big wizard came from behind: "Wait."

Tu Mage turned around and said, "What's the matter, big wizard?"

The figure of the big wizard was still facing the flames, but the old voice slowly came: "What kind of disease did they ask me to treat?"

Tu Mageu said, "Listen to them, it's a rather strange disease, as if a person's soul is almost gone..."

The figure of the great wizard in the fire suddenly shook.

Tu Mageu continued: "The man said that a high-level person once instructed him, and this situation must be healed by magic. The man also got the news from nowhere, saying that you may have this kind of magic, so I want to ask you for your healing.

Tu Magu slowly finished his words, but the wizard did not react. He didn't move and didn't know what he was thinking.

The flame kept rising and falling, devouring the firewood in the flame. After waiting for a long time, he still didn't see the big wizard speak, so he hesitated, "Big wizard, so I... refused them and told them to leave immediately?"

The wizard was still silent and didn't say a word.

Tu Ma Gu slowly turned around and walked out, but just as he was about to walk out of the stone room, the voice of the big wizard sounded again.

This time, even he could hear that the great wizard, who had always been mysterious and wise, seemed to speak slowly after a long and complicated thought.

"You... bring them up!"

Gui Li couldn't help clenching his palm, and then slowly stretched out. He suddenly felt that the palm of his hand was overflowing with sweat because of anxiety.

How long has it been without such excitement and longing? With more and more uneasiness, Gui Li kept looking at the altar halfway up the mountain. But the old man still didn't come back after going there for a long time.

Isn't the great wizard in the altar willing to heal outsiders?

Or, did you do something wrong again?

Gui Li couldn't help thinking so, and even his heart began to beat faster and faster.

Xiao Bai was beside him, his eyes fell on the ghost's face, and looked at the man who could not hide his anxiety in his eyes. The vague affection seemed to be engraved on his face.

She sighed gently and turned her head.

The Miao people around are not as many as at the beginning. After all, after waiting for so long, the patriarch entered the altar but never came down, and there was no order to deal with the two foreigners. A considerable number of people dispersed.

However, because Xiaobai's appearance is too beautiful, it still attracts many young Miao men to stand nearby, looking at her boldly while talking and laughing loudly, thinking that they are talking about her beauty.

As for the monkey ash, I don't know when he jumped off Xiaobai's shoulder, ran to the river, squatted next to the clear stream, looked at the fish swimming between the cracks of stones in the water, and suddenly rushed down and wanted to reach out to catch the fish. Unexpectedly, the fish was very cunning and slippery, and ran away from its hand, splashing itself with splashes.

But Xiaohui didn't care. He withdrew his hand and waited patiently. After a while, the water was calm, and the fish swam back. Xiaohui saw the opportunity and jumped down again. So over and over again, Xiao Hui is very interested in this game and never gets tired of playing it.

At the foot of the mountain, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Tu Ma Gu still didn't come back. Gui Li's heart became more and more anxious. Several times, he really wanted to rush up like this, broke into the altar, and caught the big wizard and pleaded, but every time he thought of Baguio's figure, he finally suppressed his mind.

The taste of waiting is so tormenting.

The expression of anxiety on his face gradually became obvious. In addition to Xiao Bai's eyes, those Miao warriors also saw and watched each other at this moment. These Miao warriors were actually very strange in their hearts.

Just a question, why does it take so long? Is there anything else important for the patriarch and the wizard?

Miao people are rough and simple. Although they still don't understand the identity of Gui Li and others, these Miao people are also a little embarrassed to let these two wait here for so long.

A moment later, the tall little boss just now came up and said to the ghost in a rude voice, "Hu Lulu, quacoo!"

Gui Li was stunned and didn't understand what it meant, but he saw the Miao warrior untied a big bag sewn with animal skin from his waist and threw it to him.

Gui Li reached out to catch it, and his hand sank. He saw a wooden plug at the mouth of the bag. Then he looked at the Miao warrior who reached out to his mouth and made a drink. Gui Li felt something in his heart. He pulled out the wooden plug and smelled it. Sure enough, the smell of wine was strong. It was a bag of liquor.

Gui Li smiled bitterly. He was not good at this drink, and now he is not in the mood. However, those Miao people stared at him and thought that it was not good to let his kindness fail. Now he nodded and smiled at the Miao soldier, put the wine bag in his mouth, and took a sip.

Unexpectedly, this entrance suddenly frowned. The wine brewed by the Miao people was extremely strong, and the taste was even more with the backbone of the southern border. It was spicy and burst into his throat. He was unaware for a moment and felt quite uncomfortable.

His expression fell into the eyes of those Miao people, and more than a dozen Miao people couldn't help laughing. Presumably, the natives drank the liquor brewed by the Miao people. It was not the first time they saw the expression that they were not used to, and there was a little pride in the laughter.

Gui Li was angry, but then he thought that these people were actually not malicious, and he was asking others. How could he lose his temper? He had to smile bitterly and was about to return the wine bag. The Miao soldier laughed and stretched out his hand to take it.

Suddenly, a white palm stretched out from the side and took the big bag of wine from Gui Li's hand. Everyone, including Gui Li, was stunned. Seeing that the one who took the wine bag was actually Xiao Bai standing next to him.

She picked up the wine bag and put it on her nose and inhaled deeply. The smell of the wine was extremely strong, but the woman did not look at all, but intoxicated. Then she raised her hands, put the wine bag in her mouth, and took a big sip.

Everyone was shocked, and the ghost was also shocked!

Xiaobai took a sip of the boss, and then put down the wine bag. His face gradually showed satisfaction, and he shouted softly for a long time.

"Good wine!"


This cry is made by that group of Miao soldiers. The Miao spirits in southern Xinjiang have always been fierce, and there has always been the strongest man in this area, that is, the person who drinks the most. Among the Miao people, women usually don't touch this kind of liquor that men drink.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly soft woman in front of her today drank this liquor unexpectedly, and looking at her reaction after drinking, it was simply a special expression of a senior drunkard. The Miao men were all good at wine, and they were immediately moved and cheered one after another.

At this moment, Xiaobai's white face seemed to be covered with a faint blush because of the liquor entering her throat, but when she suddenly shook her spirit, she held the wine bag in her right hand, loosened her left hand, and gently snapped her fingers with the group of Miao soldiers with green onions and white fingers, making a thin "pop".

That group of Miao warriors had another **, and they were all surprised and funny on their faces. This gesture was obviously the posture that men often made when toasting and drinking with each other. This local-looking woman actually did an incomparable standard, and looked at each other for a moment.

But it's more powerful. What made them stare straight, it's still in the back.

Xiao Bai smiled softly. His eyes were as soft as water at this moment. He held his head high, his hair fluttered, put the wine bag to his mouth, and drank it.

The Miao people were shocked, and the ghost was not clear. They only secretly blamed Xiao Bai for doing this at this time, but in the eyes of the Miao people, this woman is almost the first strange woman in the world at this moment.

Miao wine is extremely strong. With such a large bag of liquor, looking at the whole Miao people now, no man can drink it in one breath. Most of the three-quarters of it is already drunk. But now I see that the woman's throat keeps moving, and she keeps drinking. For a moment, the men are moved one after another.

However, Xiaobai also made that extremely classic gesture just now!

After all, Miao people are straightforward, and when so many men face the challenge of a seemingly weak woman, how can they flinch at all? I don't know who was the first to shout, threw the long-handled sharp gun in his hand on the ground, untied the wine bag hanging around his waist, and looked up and drank.

Miao people's customs, generally every man has a wine bag around him. At the beginning of this, it was like exploding the pot, and the Miao people threw guns and drank one after another. The scene was really spectacular.

Only the little leader of Miao suddenly woke up and reached out to his waist to get the wine. Unexpectedly, he took it empty. Then he realized that the wine bag was already in Xiao Bai's hand. Seeing that the men and compatriots around him were drinking, the head of Miao blushed in a hurry. If he didn't drink at this time, it was difficult to guarantee the danger of leaving a bad smell for ten thousand years.

With his eyes turned, he was in a hurry. The leader of Miao rushed to a Miao soldier near the river. Huo Ran reached out and took off the wine bag in his hand and put it to his mouth and drank it.

The soldier was furious. The so-called Shi Ke killed the wine must not drink. He roared and was about to come up to grab the wine. Unexpectedly, the leader of Miao had been on guard for a long time. He suddenly kicked him into the river and splashed the big splash, scaring the little ash playing on the bank.

The soldier was extremely wronged, and it was a matter of face. How could he stop here? At the moment, he rolled and crawled to the shore. At a glance, he might not be able to grab the leader of the Miao warrior. He angrily stamped his feet, strode away, and rushed into a nearby family. After a moment, in He stood with other Miao's comrades-in-arms and shouted loudly.

Gui Li was stunned and forgot the altar on the mountainside for a moment. He saw a large group of Miao men on one side, but the other side was a delicate woman, but both sides were crazy to drink. Although this scene was spectacular, it was really funny, and it made people sweat.

At this moment, the scene was too spectacular. It immediately attracted other Miao people around, and the news was spread out in an instant. I only listened to the sharp voices of the Miao people one after another. There were at least three times more people surrounded by a large number of people than the onlookers just now.

The vendor left the stall, the hunter threw away the prey, and all the people in the room ran out, surrounded by water. There were three floors inside and three floors outside. It was really a sea of people.

From time to time, there are shouts and screams from the crowd. Most of them are shouting after being excited.

Seeing the center of the venue, the drinking competition between the two sides has reached a critical moment at this moment. Miao people's liquor is not idle. Even if it is a Miao warrior who often drinks, someone has slowly begun to fall down at this moment.

Whenever a person falls, there is a "clap" sound in the crowd, but the excitement is full of people's faces.

After a while, more and more Miao men showed pain, red-faced and unsteady standing. They couldn't help shaking. Although they had to struggle to support, they had to fall to the ground in a whirlwind.

Pa, Pa, Pa!

The Miao warriors' drinking capacity was not far from each other. They poured down a large area. On the side of Miao people in the field, there were only three people standing and barely supporting, including the little leader of the Miao warrior.

Looking at Xiaobai here, everyone looked straight. They saw that Xiaobai's eyes seemed to be closed, and the blush on his face gradually thickened, almost like coming out of her fair skin, full of amorous feelings. What's more, the eyes are like water, as if they are going to reveal, which makes people intoxicated when they look at them.

It's just that she is so beautiful, but her drinking capacity is even more terrible. Until now, she can't see any signs of unstable standing, and she is still drinking liquor in a sip.

The Miao people present, including some women, were all people who knew a lot about drinking. At a glance, they saw that the woman did not lie at all. They really challenged this group of Miao men with their own drinking capacity. In addition to their admiration, they were even more frightened by Xiaobai's peerless charming appearance and shouted for it one



With two muffled sounds, two more Miao soldiers fell down. At this moment, only the little leader of Miao soldiers was struggling to support, but seeing his footsteps gradually staggering, it was obvious that he had reached the limit.

Here, Xiaobai's face is getting more and more red, and suddenly his body is crooked. The onlookers suddenly exclaim, but Xiaobai slowly put down the wine bag and took a long breath. His eyes were like water dripping out. The wine is charming and gorgeous as flowers. His right hand is still holds the wine bag, but his left Kesey!"

The crowd was suddenly in an uproar. Aksi means good wine in Miao language. The woman is very drunk and looks more beautiful, and she shouted "good wine..."

In an instant, the crowd burst into extremely warm applause.

Xiaobai shook his head, seemed to be a little drunk, and his body staggered a little more. He slowly walked to Gui Li's side, leaned against his body, and smiled at him.

Ghost is fierce and dumb.

Xiao Bai closed his eyes, swung his head gently for a moment, suddenly smiled again, and laughed loudly, "Three hundred years! Three hundred years!"

Look up, raise your hand, drink!

The style of drinking is also peerless, gorgeous and soft!


The last Miao man, the leader finally fell to the ground. Although he was extremely unwilling, his face was red like a little gray buttocks. He was already powerless. After a while, he was unconscious and fell to the ground to sleep. Someone next to him ran to pick up his wine bag to check, and half a small bag of spirits couldn't help but change color. He loudly announced to the surrounding crowd, and the crowd was in an uproar. Obviously, this was an incredible record.

However, people have not forgotten that there is still an incredible woman who is still drinking.

Xiaobai's face is like red jade at this moment, and even her white neck and even a little chest skin are pale red.

Looking at her appearance, she seems to be unable to stand still at this moment, but she still drinks a big sip against the ghost's body.

In the crowd, it gradually calmed down at this moment, and the expressions on people's faces have gradually changed from excitement to admiration.

Finally, Xiaobai drank the last sip of liquor and took the wine bag away. It seemed that she couldn't open her eyes. Then she smiled with a red face and a lazy expression. She waved casually and threw the big wine bag out.

Immediately, someone ran over to pick up the wine bag for inspection, and then found that the wine bag was empty!

The man was stunned like a wooden chicken. After a moment, he announced loudly to the crowd staring at him. The crowd was silent for a long time and suddenly screamed at a high price.

In the noise, the ghost was like sitting on a needle and felt. Xiao Bairou's boneless body leaned softly on his body. His face was white and red, his bright eyes were half open and half closed, and his eyes were as soft as water, staring at him closely.

"Are you all right?" Gui Li suffocated for a long time before muttering this.

Xiao Bai reached out and grabbed his clothes. His body was stunned, as if he was drunk. His snow-white teeth gently bit his lower lip, and his breathing gradually became heavy, but his eyes were soft and his mouth smiled, but he did not change at all.

"You..." Xiaobai's voice, as soft as if it was about to drip water, said softly in Gui Li's ear.

"Do you like me?"
