Zhu Xian

Chapter 3 Fighting

The strong bloody smell enveloped the peak of Qingyun Mountain. Even the mountain spirit beast water unicorn, which had always been lazy, looked anxious at this moment. He kept swimming back and forth in the cold water pool, making a low roar. And the righteous people standing on the Yuqing Hall looked grim and looked at the bottom of the mountain. After crossing the Hongqiao Bridge is the huge Yunhai Square. At this moment, a fierce and cruel fight has been going on there for a day and a night.

Although the horror and tragedy of this battle of beasts and demons have been expected, the cruelty of the scene still chills the hearts of many people in the right path. The beast demons attacked from the bottom of the mountain and swept along the way like a storm. Although the people in the right path kept attacking, the huge torrent formed by countless beast demons did not care about the few enemies who attacked on the side, such as thunder and anger swept up, and the people were invincible in an instant. And the people around the attack and block are actually a feeling of helplessness. In the face of the black pressure, killing one or two or even more than a dozen beast demons is almost nothing at all!

In this way, the offensive originally arranged by the mountain to block the slow beast demon was destroyed by these seemingly cruel and ignorant beasts in a blink of an eye. The people in the right way were forced to retreat to Tongtianfeng until the beast demon attacked the Yunhai Square. Daoxuan Zhenren and others made a decision to concentrate most of the Zhengdao forces and confront the enemy head-on in the huge Yunhai Square. For a moment, in the light of the magic weapons flying all over the sky, on the sea of clouds, flesh and

The dark tide came one after another, and in front of them, half of the hundreds of people on the right path stood on the ground, and half flew in the air. Countless colorful and gorgeous lights stood up colorful cold walls in front of the crowd, blooming cold light.

The beast demon seemed to know no pain and fear at all, like a tide coming, hitting it with flesh and blood in front of the light wall almost miles wide. In a moment, the cold light trembled, the strange light flashed, and the frightening sound, like a dense rain, swept across the peak of the sky in an instant and pierced

The hundreds of beast demons were instantly twisted into broken flesh and blood by the cold light. The thick blood swept over their ears like a strong wind. The rain of blood all over the sky exploded and then slowly fell, little by little, and fell on the faces and hands of the people in the right path.

I want to vomit when I hear it!

Before people calm down, the subsequent beast demons have come again. The original flat light wall was suddenly squeezed by a huge force, and many places were pressed in, showing an irregular curvature. There are even a few places. The disciples with slightly weak skills and weak intentions are a little softer. One of the magic weapon in his hand is not well mastered. The huge force surged. In the roar, the monster rushed up in an instant and threw several people to the ground. In the scream, no one saw their figure again.

Outside the Yuqing Hall, Daoxuan Zhenren, Puhong Shangren, Yun Yilan and others looked solemn. Dao Xuanzhen took a look at the two of them, and they nodded at the same time.

Yun Yilan said, "It's up to my brother."

Dao Xuanzhen turned around with a blank face and looked down the mountain for a while. He saw that on the sea of clouds, the light wall was crushed by a huge black tide, and several of them were shaking in some weak places. Seeing that he could not support it, there were tragic voices from time to time, and the bloody smell in the air became more and

He frowned and suddenly looked up. He saw that the sky was high, the dark clouds were sinking, and it seemed that he could faintly see the mysterious figure when the wind and clouds galloped. Dao Xuan Zhenren looked deeply. After a moment, he turned his head and took a step after Xiao Yi, who had been following him. Dao Xuan Zhenren said lightly, "Go!"

Xiao Yi answered, quickly turned around, waved his right hand, and flew up first. Behind him were nearly a hundred people in the right path. Although the number of people was not as large as on the Yunhai Square, the magic weapon was shining and dazzling, but it was far from the disciples below. At a glance, it was obvious that they were all in the The elite disciples and some scattered immortals, under the leadership of Xiao Yicai, flew to the tight cloud sea.

It thundered, and the electric light rushed around in the sky, as if it had returned to the rain many years ago. It's just that somehow, even on this rainy day, there is such a strange moon in the sky, which is very bright and white.

The feeling of rain hitting the face, so cold...

Zhang Xiaofan turned around, the wind and rain Xiaoxiao, that small village, finally quietly disappeared. He involuntarily stretched out his hand and wanted to catch something, but it was empty. Only behind him, Pu Zhi's eyes looked at his figure quietly.

The next moment, he was already in that familiar room. The unique breath on the Dazhu Peak was so kind and familiar. In the distance, there were the laughter of the brothers, the noise of rhubarb and Xiaohui, and such a familiar footsteps. A girl smiled like a flower, rushed into the room and shouted with a smile, "Big lazy, get up, go up the mountain to do your homework and cut bamboo..."

His whole body trembled, and suddenly, the heart dam built in his heart for decades was broken and collapsed.

He burst into tears!

The withered palm stretched out from behind and patted him gently on the shoulder. The kind voice asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, child, why are you crying?"

Zhang Xiaofan turned around and looked at the compassionate face, and his body couldn't help tightening. He stared deeply at the eyes in front of him and wanted to see the deep heart of the compassionate old monk, but Puzhi's eyes had always been so peaceful but deep. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see through it after all.

He asked word by word, as if he were roaring, "Why, why, why, why, why did you choose me, why did you do this?"

Pu Zhi did not answer. He just looked at Zhang Xiaofan so compassionately. In his eyes were not only compassionate or peaceful, and he could not see any emotional fluctuations, let alone regret!

Everything around him disappeared again, and the whole world was left with only the two of them. Zhang Xiaofan, no, now it seems that he has become a demon. The fierce blood-red eyes once again occupied his eyes, revealing such a murderous intention from head to toe. With a soft "pop", his clothes in front of him cracked, and the soul-eating magic wand flashed dark red light rose across his chest.

Pu Zhi's eyes finally shook and slowly looked at the murderous thing. At the top of the soul-eating, the shining "blood-eating bead", a trace of dark red blood all over the bead body, as if they were also staring at him, with a cold sense of ridicule.

The bloody breath suddenly appeared out of thin air from the ghost in front of him, and then rushed over like a wild wind. Like a strong wind, the general wise monk's robe hunted and fluttered, and he was stunned. The ferocious red light with despair rushed like a trapped beast.

He didn't mean to avoid it at all. He stood there motionless. The next moment, the desperate and fierce red light passed through his body and slowly stopped behind him, condensing a fierce figure.

The old monk slowly lowered his head and slowly looked at his body. Then, he sighed, his head hung down, and his body slowly fell aside. Behind him, the ghost turned around fiercely and looked at Pu Zhi. His face looked like a storm, and he changed rapidly. Gradually, the fierce color quietly faded, and the pain rose again. The red light in his eyes dimmed. He looked at the body that seemed to have gradually lost his life. In an instant, he let out a heartbreaking roar!

"Ah! ..."

The black magic wand fell to the ground, and he seemed to lose all his strength in an instant. There were thunderstorms in the sky, lightning and thunder. In the wind and rain, a chill fell on my heart.

He stumbled towards Puzhi, and the land under his feet seemed to become muddy. Every step made him exhausted. He kept falling and getting up again, and used all his strength to crawl towards the thin body. Finally, he struggled to Puzhi's side.

He grasped the withered palm tightly. For more than ten years, the most cordial palm has been held in his hand, and he has been in tears.

"Master...Master..." He choked, shouted in a low voice, with tears on his face, and seemed to be a little hysterical: "Why, why, why is this?"

Puzhi turned his head with painstakingly and looked at the teenager who seemed to have become helpless again. He did not answer, but his face was as pale as that. His lips moved gently, but after all, he didn't say anything more.

The withered palm slowly raised and stretched out to the face of the teenager in front of him. The hand was constantly trembling in the wind and rain, and the wind knife and rain arrows seemed to fall into his hand. Zhang Xiaofan stopped crying, raised his head and looked at him.

The eyes of the two people saw in the wind and rain, looked at each other, frozen, still, strange, alienated...

Pu Zhi's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Then, his hand fell gently without any sound.

Life seems to leave in an instant!

The teenager was stunned, and his whole body was stiff. He slowly bowed his head and looked at his hands: "I killed him, I killed him..."

As if it was the strange atmosphere around him, he suddenly began to change strangely on his body. For a moment, he showed a ferocious and fierce look on his face, incarnated as a ghost, but for a while, he seemed to be in pain, as if he had become Zhang Xiaofan, the once simple disciple of Qingyun. Right next to Puzhi's body, he struggled in pain.

In the sky, under the sky, it is still windy and rainy, desolate!

As soon as Xiao Yicai and other elite disciples joined the battle group, they immediately stabilized the situation. Moreover, these disciples obviously had a tacit understanding for a long time. They flew straight to the most difficult battlefield. Those gaps that were originally attacked by beast demons suddenly received the strong support of these new forces. They immediately rebounded back and killed the beast demons in a blink of an eye, and the whole light curtain turned to be more Strong and bright, indestructible.

Among the crowd, the most dazzling place is in the center of the curtain of light. Lu Xueqi holds the Tianya sword and stands proudly in the clouds like a nine-day fairy. In the light of the light, Tianya seems to turn into a bloody slaughter knife. The place where she passes is full of blood and rain, and There is a small mountain piled up under the feet.

After a while, not to mention that those fierce beast demons also worry about this cold woman who has turned pink in white. Even the righteous people behind Lu Xueqi are also shocked. On this battlefield of life and death, Lu Xueqi actually looked directly at life and death as nothing, galloping across, and killing into the beasts and demons in every gap, setting off waves of bloody storms.

However, on her face, there was no expression, no fear and pain, no fear and disgust, and even the bloody and smelly blood splashed on her body, Lu Xueqi did not have any reaction. She just fought like this and tried her best. In the bloody wind, her cold and beautiful face seemed to be particularly touching, which made people suddenly shocked, but she did not dare to approach at all.

An hour passed quietly, and the black torrent always oppressed the light curtain, but it did not break through after all. On the once fairyland-like sea of clouds square, there were lifeless bodies and rivers of blood stains. In the dark sky, dark clouds lingered and watched all this coldly.

Suddenly, in the depths of the swarm of beasts and demons, a strange sound suddenly sounded from an unknown place, like a horn and a howling. The voice was sad and sad, like a full moon night, with a lone wolf roaring at the moon. With this sound, the torrent of beast demons, who were not afraid of death, suddenly stopped, stopped the offensive, and then slowly retreated, opening the distance between them and the right path.

And here, the light curtain also dimmed with the temporary cessation of the battle, and then rose up. In an instant, it was the fierce gasp of countless people who filled the sea of clouds.

Everyone's body seemed to be bloody, desolate and strange blood stained the whole sea of clouds. In the open space in the middle of the sea of clouds opened by both sides, there were corpses everywhere, including beast demons and human disciples.

Most of the righteous disciples who flew in mid-air fell down and took a break. No one knew when those crazy beasts would attack again. Only a few well-cultivated disciples still flew warily in the air, staring ahead.

Xiao Yi frowned and withdrew his eyes from the distance. There were beasts and demons, dark, and there was no end at a glance. This life-and-death battle still has no bright future. He sighed gently in his heart, turned his head, and was suddenly stunned. Just not far from him, Lu Xueqi stood quietly in the air, with the fishy wind blowing, and the clothes stained red by blood gently swinging.

On that peerless face, there was no trace of anger at this moment, just staring at the front, the black torrent.

Xiao Yi frowned and intuitively found that Lu Xueqi was in a very wrong mood. When she was about to go up to ask, suddenly there was a roar again in the group of beasts and demons in front of her. After a moment, the running footsteps like thunder, the endless black torrent like mountains and seas, rushed over again. And this time, among the beast demons, in addition to those fierce beast demons, there are also several huge monsters with huge bodies, rushing towards the right path with their teeth and claws.

In a moment, the righteous people stood up one after another, and the brilliant light magic weapon flew to the sky, once again forming a grand light curtain wall.

Xiao Yi was immediately attracted to it. He suddenly forgot a little doubt about Lu Xueqi just now. At this moment, in everyone's eyes, there is only the black torrent, rushing from far to near, roaring, with the breath of death.

It seemed that there was a thunderstorm in silence, tearing the world apart. This time, the loud noise burst out on the black torrent rushing to the light curtain dam. The pressure of death seemed to be a little heavier in an instant. The broken bones fell like a drizzle again in a blink of an eye, and the torn body was thrown into the air and pierced on the sharp claws.

The combat power of the huge monsters who joined the battle group far exceeds that of ordinary beast demons. Generally, the human magic weapon in the right way hits them, but it doesn't work at all. And these monsters' claws flew by, and it was a bloody sea of wind in an instant. In a blink of an eye, the unexpected man on the right path was led by seven or eight huge monsters, and he broke through several openings, and the whole light curtain was shaky and extremely difficult.

On the high ground, Yun Yilan and Pu Hong's superiors and others all changed their faces. Yun Yilan frowned and looked at Dao Xuanzhen, but only saw Dao Xuanzhen's face was solemn. Looking at the war situation at the foot of the mountain, the tragic voice came. The corners of his eyes seemed to be faintly twitching There is not a single word.

Yun Yilan withdrew her eyes, was silent for a moment, and looked down the mountain again.

The war situation became more and more fierce. The righteous disciples on the sea of clouds knew that at the critical moment, everyone was fighting to the death and went all out. Even at this time, the hysterical roar in their mouths were almost the same as those beast demons. Perhaps, even the monks were facing the juncture of life and death. At that time, it's not much different from these beast demons, right?