Zhu Xian

Chapter 6 Warcraft

'Well,' The beast god smiled faintly and turned around. The tiredness on his face seemed to be deeper. He said, 'What are you doing here? Is it to kill me?'

Ghost Li shook his head.

The beast god was slightly stunned for a moment, and then laughed and said, "I didn't expect that there was anyone who didn't want to kill me. I didn't expect it." In the past few months, in the words of you human beings, I have poisoned the world and disastered the world. I was a person who deserved to die, but how could you not want to kill me?'

Gui Li silently looked at the beast god, and the beast god also looked at him. Between the two men, the flame was burning quietly and reflected in their eyes at the same time.

'Should I want to kill you?'

'Shouldn't it be?'

Silence for a long time, for a long time...

'Maybe!' On Gui Li's face, a very complicated expression suddenly appeared, with a little memory, a little pain, and a little vague confusion. In the face of the most vicious demon in the world, he seems to be able to completely let go of his mind, without the indifference and autism in front of others.

'Ten years ago, I would definitely do my best to eliminate harm for the world. Even if I know that I can't catch it, I can't take half a step back after all. But now...'

The beast god stared at him and asked, 'But?'

The confusion on Gui Li's face was heavier, and he said slowly, 'I just suddenly felt that what does the world have to do with me? My lifelong wish is that I just want to live an ordinary life. I don't want to learn Taoism, I don't want to cultivate immortals, and I don't even want immortality.'

The expression on the face of the beast god suddenly changed. His eyes changed from a faint sneer to a solemn smile, and even there was a little confusion similar to the ghost, as if something touched somewhere in his heart.

He suddenly said, 'So what exactly do you want?'

Gui Li smiled indifferently and slowly looked up at the sky, but it was just the deep darkness in the ancient cave without a trace of light. He said, 'I don't know. Sometimes I also thought that maybe I could go back to the days when I was on the Dazhu Peak ten years ago? Or maybe my dream is to go back to my childhood when I didn't know anything, but,' he said with a low smile and said, 'There are right and wrong in the middle, kindness and resentment, how can I give up and forget it?'

The beast god was silent for a moment and said, "Do you regret it?"

Gui Li did not answer immediately. After a while, he looked at the beast god again, looked at the eyes behind the flame light, and shook his head.

The Beast God sneered and said, "In your words, you have been ups and downs for half your life, and you have a lot of sad past, but this time I ask you, but you don't regret it. What do you say?"

The ghost said fiercely: 'I have been bumpy for half of my life, but it's not up to me. I want to live an ordinary life, but I am involved in the battle of Buddhism and Taoism; I want to practice at ease, but I have become a demonic evil way; I would like to sincerely treat people, but I don't expect to have a wrong love. When I understand who I am...'

His face slowly showed a desolate look. After all, he didn't say any more. After a long time, he whispered: 'Regret? How can I regret it? What's the use of regretting...'

The Beast God silently looked at the man standing there. For ten years, he did not seem to depict many traces of vicissitudes on his face, but his figure standing there looked so tired. The beast god couldn't help but imagine what kind of life the teenager was like ten years ago.

The two men fell into silence, as if they had unconsciously fallen into the memory of the past.

How much is everyone's life and past worth remembering?

Ten years? A hundred years? Thousands of years...

Or do you have to spend slowly in time and pass away silently?

The beast god thought silently, and the tiredness on his face became heavier. His eyes slowly moved to the direction of the hole of the ancient cave, through the endless darkness. In a distant place, there was a figure standing alone, right?

Such a life, but what kind of life is it?

He suddenly asked Gui Li, "What do you think is the purpose of living?"

'What do you live for? ...' Gui Li recited in a low voice, silently for a long time, looked up and said, 'I don't know, but it's just that I seem to live for others in my life.'

The beast god was stunned for a moment and said to himself: 'Live for others, what about me! Who do I live for?'

Gui Li was slightly surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect the beast god to say such a thing. Then, he frowned again. Obviously, recalling his words just now, he felt a little surprised. How could he speak like this?

After calming down, the ghost's face returned to calmness. It seemed that the weakness that flashed at that moment had disappeared and had never existed in him. He looked deeply at the beast god and said, 'I'm not here today to kill you.'

The beast god still seemed to be a little absent-minded. Thinking about something, he answered indifferently and said, "Oh, so what are you here for?"

Gui Li pointed to the glour lying on the ground beside him and said, 'I'm here for it.'

The beast god frowned, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but the glampant on the ground immediately reacted. He immediately opened his huge eyes like a copper bell, opened his mouth, roared at the ghost, and slowly stood up, murderous. The three-eyed monkey Xiaohui seemed to be a little confused. He slowly left the glout, ran back to Gui Li's feet, looked up at Gui Li, and seemed to be a little puzzled by the master's words. However, after a moment, it still climbed up to the ghost Li's shoulder, but the three eyes looked at the gl

The beast god snorted and said, "It's strange. You didn't come here to kill me, but for this glour? What do you want it to do?'

Gui Li said lightly, 'It's not that I want it, it's another person who wants it, and that person, as long as it's not too much, I will help him.'

The beast god looked at him for a moment, suddenly laughed and said, "You owe someone, don't you?"

Ghost Li silently for a moment and said, 'I do owe a favor, a lot, so much that I can't pay it back in my life, but it has nothing to do with you.' He raised his eyes, solemnly, and slowly stepped forward.

Watching his figure slowly approaching, the eyes of the beast god seemed to shrink slightly.

The flames in the brazier were reflected on the ghost's face, and the dancing light and shadow trembled in the junction of darkness and light. He calmly said, 'I don't mean to be your enemy, but it seems that this is inevitable.'

The beast god looked up and sneered and said, 'Do you think you can beat me with your way?'

Ghost didn't say anything.

didn't stop either.

The deep footsteps echoed in the empty space. There was no wind, but somehow, the only flame in this huge stone room suddenly began to swing, and the light gradually became stronger.

The darkness is like the underworld, silent and unfathomable. I don't know how many demons are staring at the people in this light in the darkness.

Gui Li walked towards the beast god in the fire.

Suddenly, the flame suddenly rose and burst into a dazzling light, and the volume of the whole flame was several times larger than when it burned calmly just now. In the blazing flames, a dragon-like sound echoed from afar.

With the sound of the dragon, the whole space of the huge stone room trembled. The sound of the dragon was from low to high, and the echo from the depths of the darkness did not tend to weaken. Instead, it rose higher and higher, almost sharply. In the end, it was deafening like a tsunami.

Gui Li stopped, because the flame in front of him had soared from the brazier and stood in front of him, and in the hot flame, there seemed to be a pair of ferocious eyes looming, staring at him.

The figure of the beast god has disappeared after the firelight, but his calm voice came out clearly from the flames and said, "This is a magic array inherited from the ancient inheritance in southern Xinjiang, called the "Eight Evil Mysterious Fire Magic Array". If you can break it and not die, what do you will be up to you."

His words fell, almost at the same time, a roar burst out from the most dazzling part of the flame. The flame trembled violently and changed, and the land within five feet around was scorched. It can be imagined how hot it was near the brazier.

A strong hot wind poured in from the front, and the ghostly clothes fluttered backwards, but his face seemed to be unaffected. Even the monkey Xiaohui, who was lying on his shoulder, stared at the blazing flame three times, but there was no fear and pain. However, their expression is serious. No matter who knows, this is just the beginning.

The first blood-red fierce god pattern slowly appeared in the sky of the flames. The ferocious face and strange posture were exactly the same as the pattern seen in the Xuanhuo altar of the Burning Valley. Gui Li stared at the image, and a complex expression slowly appeared on his face.

One after another, lit up in turn, and the blood-red light gradually connected into pieces around the flame, becoming a ring shape, surrounding the burning flame in the center.

When the last blood-red light closed under the flame, suddenly, the whole red halo shone in an instant, and the red light soared, and even the flame in it seemed to be suppressed. Then, a fierce anger came to this space out of thin air. In the depths of the flame, the pair of faint eyes were also enlarged in an instant.


With a roar, the whole stone room shook together in an instant, and the hot flame danced like demons, swinging crazily. In the depths of the flame, the fierce beast appeared in a fire, roaring at the world.

Red Flame Warcraft!

Warcraft, who once guarded the eight-hates mysterious fire array handed down by the ancient witch clan in the incense valley mysterious fire altar, reappeared, and the second time facing its ghosts and ghosts, it couldn't help changing its color slightly. The little gray grinned, lay on Gui Li's shoulder, and roared angrily at the warcraft.

The huge body of Red Flame Warcraft keeps appearing from the huge aura of the eight fierce mysterious fire array, first the huge head, then the shoulders and forefoot, slowly, the body and hind limbs also slowly appear. With its arrival, the temperature in the whole stone room rose sharply, and the ghostly clothes even began to turn yellow.

Finally, the last part of the burning body appeared. The red flame warcraft, a huge thing, was surrounded by fire, standing in front of the ghost and the little ashe. The ghost was even half the foot height of this fierce monster. And behind this Warcraft, the strange halo composed of eight fierce images is sometimes bright and sometimes flashing, following behind the Red Flame Warcraft.

It seems to be a demon, smiling ferociously in front of him!

The fierce atmosphere surged from all directions, and the familiar feeling seemed to begin to faintly boil in the blood again. Gui Li even vaguely remembered the last time at the Xuanhu altar of Burning Fragrant Valley, that tragic drama.

The ghost did not move, but stared deeply at the invincible Warcraft in front of him.

The red flame warcraft with its teeth and claws slowly turned back, and a hot wave surged by. The eyes that seemed to be burning saw the ghost, and the three-eyed monkey ash on his shoulder.

The huge head of Red Flame Warcraft stopped for a moment. After a while, it suddenly made a huge earth-shaking roar!

The roar was full of anger, resentment and a strong desire for revenge!

The hot flame burst in an instant, from the red light almost turned to pure white. Countless flames rose into the air, forming a burning fireball, constantly spinning rapidly, the horrible head, Huo Ran opened his huge mouth, roared, and bit it down.

Before the head reached the ground, the surrounding ground had cracked, and the endless flames fell into the world like a scorching sun, roaring down, drowning the ghostly figure in an instant.

The flame that roared in that moment, like ** after a life carnival, is in full bloom!

And behind the flames, in those tired eyes, I can't see half of the sadness and joy of life.

It was dark and quiet around. Lu Xueqi and others had been walking in this ancient cave for a long time. Although they were vigilant all the way, they had walked for so long without any attack.

In the dark, the beautiful figure shrouded in soft and light blue light, Lu Xueqi's cold face stared through the darkness, as if it was more beautiful and indescribable. Under the background of darkness, it seemed to have a trace of mysterious and cold breath.

It seems that the legendary black lily that blooms quietly in the dark grows for thousands of years and blooms only for a moment.

From time to time, the eyes that looked away from behind her were lingering, but Lu Xueqi seemed to have no feeling about it. In her bright eyes, she just stared ahead. Although there was only endless darkness, there seemed to be something she wanted to see in the depths of darkness.

She walked forward without looking back.

The darkness retreated quietly in front of her, and then slowly closed behind her. Such a soft figure was so conspicuous in the dark, and even covered the light of the people behind her. It seemed that she was alone.

Suddenly, she suddenly stopped.

The people behind him also stopped. Li Xun looked around warily and came up. He was about to ask. Suddenly, he was stunned. There was a complicated look on Lu Xueqi's face, which seemed to be extremely alert.

At this time, the darkness that had been silent in front of him suddenly changed, and there was a slight throbbing, as if it suddenly appeared in the dark, and then slowly began to roll, become bigger and stronger...

In the dark, there seemed to be a slow condensation, like a roar, like a roar, but everything was silent.

After a moment, it's coming, coming...

From an unknown place in the distance, there was a strong vibration, accompanied by a deep roar, rumbled from the distance, and then quickly became bigger. Like in the depths of this cave, there was an invincible huge spirit beast, roaring up to the sky!

The originally silent darkness around it began to boil as if it had been ignited at this moment. In the depths of the darkness, I don't know how many whistling sounds came from all directions, and everyone changed color for a while.

Li Xun stepped back a few steps and shouted: 'In a circle, be careful.'

Everyone in the Burning Valley are veterans who have been fighting for a long time. Although they are not shocked, they leaned together one after another and looked at the front warily.

The surrounding stone wall began to tremble slowly, and it seemed that some huge force began to slowly emanate, and even the land under his feet had a slight tendency to tremble. In the darkness ahead, the weird ** is even stronger, as if it corresponds to something and roars something.

Under this situation of great change, which was almost like a landslide, Lu Xueqi's figure did not retreat for some reason, but did not take half a step away from the companions behind her. She stood alone in front of the darkness, in front of the light blue light, and the darkness seemed to look at her ferociously, going to swallow

Without warning, a heat wave suddenly rushed out of the depths of darkness, like a huge wave surging through this ancient cave. Lu Xueqi's clothes and hair floated at the same time in an instant, but her figure did not waver at all.

The feeling of the heat wave blowing on the face is faintly a little crazy, and it is even more difficult to imagine what kind of scene the source of power is at this moment in the depths of the cave. Lu Xueqi didn't say anything, but stared at the rampant dancing darkness in front of her in the storm.

The hot wind is crazy!

She suddenly looked up.

The wind blew her face like frost, but in her eyes, it seemed that there were more fiery eyes burning deep hearts.

The depths of darkness, the distance of darkness...

She roared, and her figure turned out to be in the shaking of the mountains and the hot wind, going up against the wind, trying to shoot into the depths of the darkness.

Li Xun, Zeng Shushu and others behind him discolored the color and couldn't understand his meaning. Li Xun was about to shout, but he saw the light blue shining figure, like a sharp arrow off the string, without any hesitation, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

He was dumbfounded and couldn't speak for a long time.

Zeng Shushu slowly walked to Li Xun's side and patted him on the shoulder. Li Xun did not look back at him.

The heat wave gradually weakened, and the violent shaking around it gradually stabilized. Everything slowly returned to its original state. If it hadn't been for the debris falling around, it would have been almost an illusion. It was just a dream in the dark.

It's just that the beautiful figure that has disappeared clearly shows that this strange cave is full of danger.

Li Xun was silent for a moment and calmed down for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, suddenly a young disciple of Burning Incense Valley next to him shouted, "Someone, who is there?"

The rest of the people were shocked and hurriedly looked forward. Sure enough, they saw a flash of a figure in the dark. They actually came out of a person and looked slim, walking with a trace of charm. She was a beautiful woman.

Everyone was stunned and thought for a moment that it was Lu Xueqi who had gone and returned.

Li Xun almost called out with great joy, but when the words came to his mouth, suddenly, the smile on his face turned stiff and slowly turned black. There was hatred in his eyes, and at the same time, there was a little incredible sneer, saying, "So it's you...'

The woman seemed to be shocked when she heard the voice. She looked up and her face changed again.

This woman is beautiful and charming, but she is a golden bottle.