Zhu Xian

Chapter 8 Strange Treasure

The ghost was speechless, and the room was silent.

After a while, Master Puhong said slowly, "Brother, you know the cause and effect of this matter, and I don't need to say more. Today, the ghost beneer came to borrow a treasure from our Tianyin Temple to save people.

Master Pu De still stared at the ghost calendar. His eyes have gradually softened from the initial shock and stunned. Obviously, Master Pu De has the same extraordinary feeling as Master Pu Hong and others. After hearing Master Pu Hong's words, Master Pu De's expression remained unchanged and said hoarsely, "What is it? What a treasure?"

At this moment, although Master Pude's gorgeousness is still a little paused, it can be roughly coherent.

Master Puhong took a look at the ghost calendar, sighed, and said, "He wants to borrow the land, which is the reincarnation of the universe."

Master Pude was stunned, and Gujing Wubo's face changed slightly, which was obviously surprised.

The ghost calendar took a step forward and said earnestly: "The soul of the two masters and disciples has always been detained in a foreign body for ten years, which is no different from the living dead. Every day, the disciple is as eager as a knife. Although he dares not give up his hope, he begging the two masters for mercy. If he can The cow is a horse to repay the kindness of the two masters.

Both Master Puhong and Master Pude recited the Buddha's name. Master Puhong said, "Don't be like this. Kill me and wait." It's just that after the initial surprise, Master Pude has regained his calm at this moment. He frowned slightly and said, "Excuse me, where did the beneer hear the news that the universe is reincarnation in our temple?" The ghost looked embarrassed and looked at Master Puhong.

Master Puhong smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, I have just asked the ghost priest about this matter, but according to the ghost priest, the predecessor who told him this secret insisted on refusing to let him disclose his identity. As a senior brother, I can't make a decision for a moment. I think that the universe reincarnation is kept by you on the ground, so I came to disturb my brother's cleaning. What do you mean? Only then did Gui Li understand why Master Puhong and Fa Xiang wanted to bring him to see this Master Pude. It seems that this mysterious treasure universe reincarnation is really not small. Unexpectedly, Master Pude, one of the four great monks, has to keep it personally for decades. I don't know if it really works wonder if it can save Baguio? At the thought of this, Gui Li couldn't help heating up all over his body and clenched his hands into fists. At this moment, there was silence in the room, and everyone looked at the silent Master Puhong. Master Puhong's eyes drooped and seemed to be thinking about something. Looking at the expressionless face, Gui Li couldn't help sweating in his hands.

I don't know how long it took for Master Puhong to slowly raise his eyes and look at Gui Li and gently say, "Master."

Gui Li hurriedly returned the salute and said, "Please benevolence from the master."

Master Pude's voice was still hoarse and his tone was slow. He said, "Ten decades ago, the third brother Pu Zhi made a big mistake on you. I really owe you a lot in Tianyin Temple..."

Next to Master Puhong and Dharma heard that both palms were in hand, and they gently chanted "Amitabha Buddha"

Master Pu De continued: "And this universe reincarnation was brought back to this temple by Puzhi's brother himself who traveled through the northwest wilderness. Speaking of which, you are also a disciple of Puzhi's brother, and you take it for granted. It's just..."

The ghost calendar was happy that Master Pude's words were getting hopeful. Unexpectedly, Master Pude's face suddenly showed a look of embarrassment, and he seemed to be quite hesitant. Suddenly, his heart flashed by Baguio's green figure lying quietly in the ice stone room of Huqi Mountain Yong, he gritted his teeth and strode forward two steps and came to Master Pude.

Master Puhong and Dharma were both shocked, and Master Pu De was also a little surprised. He looked up at the ghost, but only saw that the ghost did not have no disrespect, but his knees softened and knelt down in front of Master Pu De.

bu zhou�!

The low and muffled sound echoed from the stone slabs on the ground. The ghost calendar's forehead was buckled on the ground in front of Master Pude. Looking from the side, his hands clenched his fists tightly, his joints were faintly white, and his body was trembling slightly. His voice was already a little cho I have a lot of sins and a lot of burdens. If I can't save her, I, I, I... Ask the master for mercy, ask the master for mercy..." Speaking of the back, he seemed to be uncontrollable, just pleading loudly.

The Dharma standing aside couldn't help but be moved, and the unbearable color flashed on his face.

Master Pu De couldn't help but be stunned. For a moment, he turned his head to Master Puhong and looked at Master Puhong. He saw Master Puhong with his palms together and didn't say anything. After a long time, he nodded gently.

Master Pude slowly turned his head and looked at the young man who was still crawling in front of him. After a while, he said softly, "Get up!"

The ghost is still kneeling on the ground and motionless.

The corners of Master Pu De's mouth pulled a moment, as if there was a faint smile. I don't know what he remembered. I just heard his low figure and slowly say, "Your temper is really completely different from that of Pu Zhi's brother in those years..." The expression on his face, for a moment, seemed to flash a faint sadness, and then whispered, "Get up, I promise you."

Gui Li's body trembled, and his inner ecstasy was uncontrollable, and he suddenly looked up.

Master Pude stretched out his hand and slowly took out something from his arms. His movements were very slow, and there was a feeling of pause from time to time.

Gui Li looked at it and saw that Master Pude took out a half-foot-square round object wrapped in a black cloth, but it was not clear what it looked like. This treasure turned out to be Master Pude's personal collection, which was really not to be underestimated.

It was not a dead knot to wrap the black cloth that he could lie about. Master Pude put him on the ground in front of him and untied the knot with a gentle hand. However, when he was about to lift the black cloth, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then sighed, shook his head and lifted the black cloth.

A soft white brilliance slowly emitted from the movement of the black mantle, becoming brighter and brighter, but without giving people a shred of dazzling feeling. In the soft light, I saw the faint flying dust fluttering gently. In this remote and quiet hut, it seemed that a melodious and low pleasant song came from nowhere, faintly echoing in the invisible space.

The black cloth was completely lifted, and the ghost calendar finally saw the things in front of him, which was a magic weapon that he placed in the hope of saving Baguio. Only the next moment, his face suddenly appeared in astonishment, as if he could not believe it. He looked up at Master Pude in astonishment. Master Pu De was expressionless. After a moment, the ghost calendar subconsciously looked at Master Puhong, but Master Puhong just sighed gently and put his hands together and said gently: "Amitabha"

Fox Mountain, the General Hall of the Ghost King.

It can't be said that from when, many disciples in the Ghost King Sect began to feel that the environment around them was a little vague. Inexplicable and strange things, some things that didn't happen before, but they have appeared again and again these days.

For example, in this cave, which has been extremely strong for hundreds of years, the stone chambers where the disciples of the Ghost King Sect live are surrounded by hard polar rock walls. Not to mention broken, even if everyone in the room wants to take a knife and poke a small hole in the wall, it may not be able to succeed. However, in the past few days, strange cracks have appeared on many stone walls in the main hall of the Ghost King, and these cracks are still expanding.

For example, the ghost kings and others living in the cave of the belly of the mountain have long been used to living in silence. However, I don't know when, whenever they go back to the knife room and lie in bed in a sleepy trance, many people will hear that it seems that the depths under the stone room are faintly coming. Afraid of the polar sound. The strange sound was like a huge magma torrent flowing under the body, which may break out at any time to flood the crowd. The strange sound pierced into the ear like a sharp needle, waking people up, but after waking up, it seemed that nothing could be heard.

These strange things have never happened before, but the most frightening thing for the disciples of the Ghost King Sect is some strange things that happened in the crowd. There are a few disciples of the Ghost King Sect, who obviously look the same as usual, but they will suddenly go crazy and completely lose their minds. They attack anyone around them like crazy beasts. Even if they stand beside him, their relatives or best friends, these crazy disciples of the Ghost King Sect will still use The cruelest way is to kill anyone you can see until you are killed by other people coming from Wen Xun.

In a short period of time, this terrible thing has happened one after another in the Ghost King Sect. For a while, everyone was in danger, and even relatives and friends could not believe each other. No one knew what had happened. People were panicked, and the whole Huqi Mountain seemed to have fallen into a dangerous and strange atmosphere.

The remnant sun was like blood. At dusk, several disciples standing at the gate of the Ghost King Sect stood restlessly. Some people silently looked at the sun about to go down the mountain in the distance, and some people were stunned and didn't know what they were thinking.

Suddenly, someone gave a "sneer" and said, "Someone is coming."

Everyone was stunned and looked up. Sure enough, under the sword fox Qi Mountain, there was a white shadow far away in the afterglow of the sunset. The direction was exactly towards the ghost king. Everyone didn't know whether the person was an enemy or a friend, and they couldn't help but feel a little nervous for a moment. The white shadow was quite fast. In a blink of an eye, it was halfway up the mountain. Near the entrance of the General Hall of the Ghost King Sect, the disciples of the Ghost King Sect greeted him and looked at it very eagerly. With a "wow" sound, he sighed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the ghost king, the head of

Xiaobai stopped and felt a little strange in his heart. The relieved expression on the faces of these disciples of the Ghost King Sect looked a little different from the past. Maybe those people themselves did not feel it, but Xiaobai had never seen anything of the nine-tailed Heavenly Fox that had been cultivated for thousands of years. It was almost an intuitive reaction. She The disciples of the Ghost King in front of him seemed to have pressed some huge stone on their backs, like tight strings that were difficult to control themselves.

But at this moment, it is naturally impossible for her to say something as soon as she meets. What's more, all the disciples have made way and accompanied her smiling faces. Xiao Bai nodded slightly to them and thought to himself, maybe the ghost king's master was too strict!

Xiaobai took two steps into the belly of the mountain, and suddenly stopped and turned around and shouted to one of the disciples of the Ghost King Sect: "Hey!"

It's not okay. She just suddenly shouted behind them. At almost the same time, all the disciples of the Ghost King Sect were almost like being shocked by electric shock. They jumped all over their bodies. What's more, someone has waved a sword weapon, which is like a life-and-death battle. Potential.

Xiaobai was stunned and said disappointedly, "What's wrong with you?"

The disciples of the Ghost King Sect looked at each other. After a while, they gradually put down the blade in their hands and relaxed. Among them, the disciple of the Ghost King Sect, who was called by Xiaobai, smiled bitterly and said, "What's the matter?

Xiaobai looked at them carefully. She saw that these disciples of the Ghost King Sect all had dark eyes, their eyebrows were locked, and their faces were quite tired. It seemed that she hadn't had a good rest for a long time. She was more confused and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why am I so nervous when I casually?"

The disciple of the Ghost King Sect smiled bitterly again and shook his head and said, "Girl, don't ask. What did you call me for just now?

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment and said, "Is your deputy suzerain in the mountains?"

The disciple of the Ghost King Sect shook his head and said, "The deputy suzerain has been out for many days and is not in the mountains."

Xiao Bai frowned and said, "Where did he go? Did he say when he would come back?"

The disciple of the Ghost King said, "The deputy suzerain has always been mysterious. How can we know where he is going? As for when he comes back, we naturally don't know."

Xiaobai stood gloomy for a moment, nodded, and thought to himself that it was true. If Gui Li wanted to go, these ordinary disciples of the Ghost King Sect would not know if they thought about it. He turned around and walked in the middle of the mountain.

Just when she stepped on her feet and gradually disappeared into the shadow of the belly of the mountain, with her ear power far better than ordinary people, she heard the disciples of the Ghost King Sect talking in a low voice at the mouth of the cave from afar: "Lao Li, what's wrong with you? You even pulled out the knife? Fortunately, Miss Xiaobai doesn't care about it, otherwise how will you end up?

Another person next to him smiled bitterly. It seemed that it was the person called "Lao Li". He only heard him say, "Why are you so nervous? If you have nothing to do, you can jump as high as a rabbit. During this period of time, it's really not a human life. If the wind blows me, I will be scared

The people next to him sighed one after another, but no one refuted Lao Li's words, but they seemed to approve of it. After that, everyone seemed to be worried and didn't want to talk anymore.

Xiaobai was hidden in the shadow of the corridor in the belly of the mountain, and his face became more and more doubtful, but after a few thoughts, he still couldn't think of anything wrong, so he had to walk forward first. When she returned to Huqi Mountain this time, naturally the most important thing was to find the ghost. Some days ago, she re-entered the Miao altar in southern Xinjiang. According to the hint of the lich, she finally found the secret of the ancient witch carved after the Miao dog god statue. One of them was what she had been looking for for the ghost, but she also Strange things, until now, she has not made up her mind whether to tell these things completely to the ghost.

But at this moment, the ghost is not in the Huqi Mountain, and Xiaobai naturally has no way to start. Not long ago, she and Gui Li passed by in the abandoned Yizhuang outside Heyang City. If she was present, she would think that she would have traveled for thousands of years, and there may be a turning point in what happened to Gui Li. It's just that in the dark, there is a certain number, which no one can say.

Xiaobai made up his mind that the world is boundless. It is really as difficult to find Gui Li alone as looking for a needle in a haystack. However, there is Biyao here in Huqi Mountain. If you think that Gui Li will return here sooner or later. Anyway, he is hesitating to say something to Gui Li all the way. It Let's wait for the time here to think about it!

With this in mind, Xiao Bai made up his mind and subconsciously turned to the ghost's residence. Her footsteps echoed in the corridor. After walking for a while, Xiao Bai suddenly frowned and stopped.

In the long corridor, there were often places where the disciples of the Ghost King Sect walked around, talked and laughed. At this moment, it turned out to be empty, and she was the only lonely figure standing in the corridor.

All the people hid for some reason and disappeared!

Xiaobai looked back at his way. The end of the corridor seemed to be shrouded in deep darkness, so thick that it could no longer melt.

She looked silently for a moment and turned around and continued to walk forward. The tired footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, as if it was several times louder than usual.

In this strange silence, Xiaobai slowly walked to the ghost's residence. Somehow, although the ghost was not there, she subconsciously walked here. Just as she was about to reach out and push the ghost's door, her body suddenly stiffened, as if she had found something, and then slowly looked up.

On the hard stone wall of the stone outdoor wall where the ghost lives, there are seven or eight deep cracks. The rock that comes out of ** is rough and pothole, just like being abruptly torn apart by some huge force, painfully twisted, like a huge wound engraved on the stone wall, but I don't know if it will ble Come on!

Xiaobai's body suddenly trembled slightly, staring at the cracked eyes, and her pupils contracted slightly. With her thousands of years of practice, she even keenly felt that there was a strange smell floating beside her and those dazzling twisted cracks.

This breath makes her subconsciously disgusted!

But before she thought about these things, the mutation suddenly appeared. From the distance behind her, there was a huge roar that was heartbreaking, and then screams sounded everywhere in an instant. Some people were furious, some people were afraid, and the sound of scolding and crying was blown over like the wind.

Xiaobai's figure shook and skimmed over to the place where the shout came. It was not until now that she really confirmed that there was indeed a strange change that she didn't know here in Huqi Mountain, and it was mostly a terrible change!

Her soul's figure flew quickly in front of the corridor. In the empty corridor just now, many people suddenly came out of nowhere, but someone fled from a distance, but more people rushed to a roaring place with a knife blade. In the distance, someone cried with a cry: Here comes again, again. This time, Lao Li is crazy...

Xiao Bai's heart rattled, and somehow her heart sank. Then, her figure had already approached and stopped beside an empty space surrounded by many people.

Everyone has a murderous intention on their faces, but Xiao Bai can clearly see that behind their murderous spirit is more fear. In the crowd, a man with blood held a sharp blade, roaring fiercely like a trapped beast, waving the sharp blade from time to time, and there were several people lying at his feet. Everyone could see several deep wounds on his body, which seemed that most of them were difficult to cure.

Xiao Zhe stared at the murderer who seemed to have completely fallen into madness. Just a moment ago, at the mouth of the cave, she heard him speak like a normal person and saw him worried, but in a blink of an eye, several of his partners were lying at his feet and killed by him. And he himself, like a mad beast, kept roaring and roaring.

The people around him roared. After a moment, the crowd surged up. Lao Li waved the sharp blade in his hand to kill him, but in an instant, more sharper blades had knocked him to the ground. After a while, the crowd slowly dispersed. Xiao Bai looked at it silently and saw his body trembling gently on the ground The head slowly turned around, and for a moment, Xiao Bai's eyes met his sight.


Like an invisible thunder in his mind, Xiaobai couldn't help but step back half a step back, and his face was completely lost. The man's eyes turned blood-red. Except for killing, there was no trace of humanity at all. The cruel despair, even her thousand-year-old road seemed to feel a little breathless. It's too much.

What kind of madness is this space!

The crowd whispered and slowly dispersed in fear. Xiao Bai slowly stepped closer to the body that had lost his life. Produced by Miwo

The red blood flowed silently and slowly penetrated into the earth rock on the ground. The crazy blood-red eyes, probably because of the loss of life, have become dim and turned red. Xiao Bai watched deeply. Suddenly, he suddenly turned around, his face was as cold as ice, and he looked at the depths of the corridor that had become empty again.

In the darkness in front of him, a strong and extremely bloody smell kept emitting, like a greedy bloodthirsty beast, staring fiercely at everything outside, longing for endless blood.

A figure, quietly standing in the depths of darkness, looming!