Zhu Xian

Chapter 5 Summon

At the foot of Qingyun Mountain, the ruins of Caomiao Village.

The sun rises and sets, the day and night change, but Lu Xueqi doesn't remember how many days she has been here. For more than ten years, she seems to be completely out of control. She can't and doesn't want to endure it anymore. Every day and night, she has to accompany the man and accompany him. If there is a future, it will be forever!

Gui Li, no, it should be said that it is Zhang Xiaofan. At least in Lu Xueqi's eyes, he has never changed. Now the haggard and sad man is gently held in his arms, still motionless and confused.

These days, Lu Xueqi has also thought of various ways to wake up Zhang Xiaofan from the nightmare, but she failed without exception. In the end, Lu Xueqi also gave up her efforts for the time being. Perhaps, only she can really understand the harm in Gui Li's heart at this moment.

So she stopped trying to wake him up, but quietly accompanied him and hugged him. The two of them sat quietly in the ruins of Caomiao Village, watching the sunrise in the morning, the sunset, the moon rising in the sky, and the stars. The wind of the wilderness blew, with the fragrance of grass everywhere, gently blowing on their faces.

Somehow, even with a trace of guilt in her heart, but Lu Xueqi really felt a kind of happiness from her heart. With the person she loved, she endured this simple thing for ten years and took on the heavy pressure of the mountain. At such a moment, she finally broke free from the shackles and threw away all the shackles, just for him.

The breeze brings a refreshing breeze.

Another night has come.

The two of them leaned on the broken wall and sat quietly. They moved twice in the weeds next to them, as if there was something foreign body, but Lu Xueqi didn't look at it more. Sure enough, after a moment, Xiaohui's figure jumped out of the grass, jumped a few times and jumped on the broken wall that Lu Xue .

The cloth belts that Xiaobai originally bandaged him have disappeared, and most of the exposed wounds have healed. It seems that they have been pulled off by Xiaohui himself. At this moment, he saw the monkey sitting on the broken wall, with his hands spread out, and there were a lot of wild fruits. They scattered casually and splashed off a .

Zhang Xiaofan did not respond. Lu Xueqi's head was also smashed a few times. Although it was not painful, it was not very elegant, which was not compatible with her usual cold temperament. Lu Xueqi looked at the wild fruit that fell to the ground and looked up at the monkey on the broken wall. Xiao Hui suddenly jumped up and took a few steps back. Her eyes were full of vigilance, but she still grabbed several wild fruits in her hand and chewed them in her mouth.

I don't know if it's because the monkey doesn't get along well with Lu Xueqi. Anyway, it seems that in Xiaohui's eyes, Zhang Xiaofan's hug by this woman in white seems to make it very unpleasant, but Lu Xueqi has seen it. Although she made provocative actions, she is still quite a little afraid.

While Xiaohui was staring at Lu Xueqi with three eyes, the woman in white, who had always been not close to the world, suddenly smiled at it. This smile was like spring flowers blooming, and the spring breeze was warm. There was no trace of her coldness to people in the past.

Lu Xueqi didn't even get angry. Instead, she saw that she was not in a bad mood. She smiled at Xiaohui, picked up a wild fruit from the ground and said softly, "You picked it up. Thank you."

Xiaohui was obviously calmed by Lu Xueqi's strange reaction for a moment. After a long time, the three eyes rolled for a long time, grinned, smiled dryly, and sat back on the broken wall and ate the wild fruit by himself.

Lu Xueqi smiled at the monkey and turned around. For her, how was that cold look natural?

Her eyes fell on Zhang Xiaofan's face and whispered, "Xiaofan, eat something."

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes didn't know where to look, but he was just blank and empty. Without saying anything, she did not nod or shake her head. Lu Xueqi seemed to have known that he would have this kind of reaction for a long time, and she was not annoyed. She smiled softly, lowered her head and stretched out her white and slender fingers, and carefully peeled the skin of the wild fruit. These days, Zhang Xiaofan has always been like this. Xiaohui often comes back with some wild fruits. Lu Xueqi peeled the peel and put it in his mouth like this, and then Zhang Xiaofan occasionally ate one or two petals like a mechanical reaction.

But what does it matter? Lu Xueqi thought faintly in her heart that she had been waiting for ten years. As long as she could be with him, no matter how long it was, she wouldn't care.

She lowered her head and peeled it carefully. Suddenly, the corner of her eyes swept into something. She was stunned for a moment and slowly put down the wild fruit in her hand. Zhang Xiaofan sat and did not respond, but his hand had been clenching his fist for the past few days. Originally, Lu Xueqi also found this, but she didn't care. However, at this time, he suddenly saw that Zhang Xiaofan's palm seemed to have something, revealing a corner.

She frowned gently, put down the wild fruit in her hand, pulled up Zhang Xiaofan's arm, and reached out to break his fingers to see what was in his palm clearly. Unexpectedly, although Zhang Xiaofan was still at a daze, his palm was extremely tight. Lu Xueqi couldn't break it, so she could only raise her hand a little and When he went in, he saw that even in this case, Zhang Xiaofan was still in his hand. It turned out to be a piece of water-green broken clothes.

Lu Xueqi silently looked at the little piece of cloth and slowly put Zhang Xiaofan's hand down. Her face was gloomy, but then she took a deep breath. When she turned to Zhang Xiaofan, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Gently, she stretched out her hand. Lu Xueqi held Zhang Xiaofan in her arms. The breeze blew, and her hair on her temples fluttered gently, and a few strands fell on Zhang Xiaofan's face.

"Xiao Fan, it will be fine, everything will be fine..." She smiled, and although there were faint tears in her eyes, her voice was still gentle and low.

"A long time ago, when I was a child, I remembered my mother holding me. It's also to see the stars on such a night. Lu Xueqi slowly looked up at the night sky, where the sky was like ink, and the stars were shining and shining in the night sky. "She told me that although everyone is going to die, good people will turn into stars after death. Live well in the sky. Every night, they will see us from the sky."

"She is a good person, isn't she? Then she may be looking at you in the sky, Xiaofan... Anyway, she won't want you to become like this, you think..."

Zhang Xiaofan lay in Lu Xueqi's arms, and his stiff body seemed to tremble.

Lu Xueqi smiled gently, and the two lines of tears slipped quietly. Under the starlight, her beautiful face seemed to have a strange sadness in the tears, but her hands hugged the man in her arms more tightly.

Hug him tightly.

As long as it's like this!


Suddenly, a shout came from the side, with the boss's impatience and faint anger. Lu Xueqi was shocked and looked aside. She saw a plump and beautiful woman standing aside. Her eyebrows were charming and charming. It was Xiao Bai. Xiaohui, who was behind Lu Xueqi, shouted happily and was very happy. He jumped down from the broken wall, rushed to Xiaobai a few times and climbed up. He sat on her shoulder and grinned. Obviously, he favored Xiaobai. Compared with Lu Xueqi, he could not talk to others.

However, Lu Xueqi naturally won't care about any monkeys. She frowned and was a little confused. She was stunned by the sudden appearance of Xiao Bai, "What?"

Xiaobai's pink face turned pale. It seemed that he was very angry, but when he looked closely, his expression was quite complicated. Under his anger, there was a little heartache. He only heard her coldly, "If a person dies, he will die. At most, he will become a yin soul. When he enters the hell and enters reincar

This was said to her face, but it was really unpleasant. Even if Lu Xueqi had been grateful to Xiaobai for telling her the whole story and the ghost in the ruins, she couldn't help but darken her face. It's just that before Lu Xueqi could speak, Xiao Bai had come straight forward, but he didn't look at Lu Xueqi and only stared at Zhang Xiaofan in a cold voice:

"How long do you want to go on like this? Do you want to live like a dead person for the rest of your life?"

Xiaobai asked fiercely. Lu Xueqi's expression moved on her face, showing a little unbearable look. She opened her mouth to speak, but she endured it, but her hand seemed to be distressed, and she hugged Zhang Xiaofan tighter.

Zhang Xiaofan was questioned by Xiao Bai Li, and the muscles on his face jumped, but then he closed his eyes and returned to his autistic appearance. Xiaobai looked at him and seemed to be even more angry. He went up and grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's neckline and picked him up. Lu Xueqi shouted in a voice, "Don't, don't do this, he, he can't stand it..."

Xiaobai sneered and said, "I'm going to wake him up. No, I'm not just going to scold him, I'm going to wake him up!" The sayer didn't wait for Lu Xueqi to react. Xiaobai suddenly raised his palm and slapped Zhang Xiaofan twice in the face of Lu Xueqi.

"Bang! Bang!"

The slap was crisp and loud. Zhang Xiaofan's face suddenly swelled under two red palm prints, and bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his whole body was beaten backwards. Lu Xueqi was shocked. How could she care so much? She quickly grabbed it, pushed Xiao Bai away, hugged Zhang Xiaofan, and wiped him with his cuffs regardless of the blood stain. Touching the palm prints on the two injured cheeks, Lu Xueqi was extremely sad. She stared at Xiao Bai and said angrily, "Are you crazy?"

Xiao Bai seemed to turn a deaf ear to Lu Xueqi's words. He just stared at Zhang Xiaofan, whose body trembled slightly, and said coldly, "What are you doing? Are you pretending to be a ghost all day long, or are you inexplicably thinking about how to mourn Biyao? Let me tell you, don't be an idiot. It's useless to do this. Baguio is dead, she's dead!"


Suddenly, a desperate roar burst out of Lu Xueqi's arms. Zhang Xiaofan suddenly pushed her away and rushed to Xiaobai like an angry and injured beast. Unexpectedly, Xiao Bai stood there and did not dodge at all. When the ghost roared, she did not retreat and took a step forward, and slapped it again.


A louder voice suddenly echoed in the ruins of Caomiao Village. Zhang Xiaofan was beaten to the side, and a mouthful of blood spewed out and dyed the skirt of his chest. Xiao Bai's face also seemed to have a trace of pain, but she gritted her teeth and looked more severe. She rushed to the weak gasping ghost on the ground, grabbed his skirt and shouted angrily:

"Wake up. Even if you do this until you die, Baguio will not come back to life. Do you think you can show your regret in this way? Do you want to torture yourself with this kind of prescription to make yourself feel better? I tell you, it's useless!"

Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes tightly, his body trembled violently, gasped wildly, and even his lips seemed to lose their blood color.

The crystal tears slipped quietly, but this time, it flowed out of Xiaobai's eyes. She bit her lips tightly, and two lines of tears flowed through her cheeks, constantly flowing, and her voice was already choked:

"Why do you think Baguio was desperate to save you in those years? Is it to see you live your life like this today? Baguio's death has nothing to do with you. If you go on like this, Baguio will not rest in peace in the spirit of heaven. Do you understand?

Xiao Bai grabbed him and slowly knelt beside him, as if he had exhausted his last strength, hoarse and said to him word by word:

"Live, live well, this is what Baguio wants to see!"

After saying that, as if she couldn't stand it any longer, she suddenly stood up and turned around and strode away from the place. Lu Xueqi has been standing silently since just now. When Xiao Bai strode past her, Lu Xueqi suddenly said softly, "Thank you!"

There were tears on Xiaobai's face, and his body paused. In Lu Xueqi's opinion, the two beautiful women reflected each other in the moonlight. After a moment, they gently stretched out their palms and shook them together.

Xiao Bai's face, behind the tears, showed a faint smile, and nodded to Lu Xueqi. But he didn't say anything again and strode away.

After her figure disappeared in the dark, Lu Xueqi slowly walked to Zhang Xiaofan's side, squatted down, and slowly hugged him in her arms. Zhang Xiaofan's body trembled and slowly raised his head to look at Lu Xueqi.

His eyes seemed to go back to the past in an instant. The deep pain and endless scars in it were like a child, with his lips trembling and tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Buio...is gone..."

He trembled at Lu Xueqi, and tears finally came out of his eyes, as if the injured child finally cried out. Decades of sadness could no longer be tolerated. He grabbed Lu Xueqi's shoulder, held her in his arms, cried loudly, and kept choking.

"Buio is gone...Buio is gone...Buio...Gone..."

Lu Xueqi never thought that this strong man would be so fragile in front of her, but at this moment, she has not only tenderness left in her heart. She hugged him tightly and desperately tried to comfort the crying heart with every trace of warmth on her body. Behind the hot tears, she kept saying softly, to the man and herself.

"It will be fine, everything will be fine..."

This night seems to be particularly long and sad.

After that night, Zhang Xiaofan woke up from his nightmare, but not long after, he had a high fever again.

With his Taoist behavior at this moment, it is impossible for any illness to happen in normal times, but at present, the fever is so hot that his whole body is confused. Lu Xueqi knew more or less that his serious illness was actually caused by the severe pain in her heart. Biyao's death was an introduction, but most of the mental disorder that Zhang Xiaofan had worked hard to support in the past ten years was the root cause of the serious illness, but no one could cure it.

Sure enough, even if Lu Xueqi used up all kinds of methods, she took all the elixir for Zhang Xiaofan, but it was like a mud cow into the sea, and it had no effect at all. And this fever was so fierce that it was unimaginable that the fever did not subside for ten days. If it had been ordinary people, At present, even Zhang Xiaofan is already haggard, no matter how haggard he is, he looks quite skinny.

Lu Xueqi was very anxious. She guarded Zhang Xiaofan day and night for ten days, and she also looked obviously lost weight. Perhaps after seeing her infatuation, God finally opened his eyes and showed mercy. On the eleventh day, when Lu Xueqi was about to despair, Zhang Xiaofan's high fever finally subsided.

Although the fever subsided, Zhang Xiaofan was still unconscious. Despite this, Lu Xueqi was still greatly relieved. This mood was slightly relaxed from the tension, and a sense of fatigue surged into her heart from every corner of her body. She forced her to tidy up the ghost's clothes, and then leaned against the ghost's side and fell asleep Yes.

On the beautiful face, there was a faint and reassuring smile. Even when she was asleep, her hand grabbed the ghost's shoulder. The breeze blew through the ruins of the grass temple village, and the grass fluttered around their bodies. Heaven and earth are silent. Only in this forgotten corner of the world seems to have a strange peace and happiness.

I don't know how long I slept. The stars are changing, and the eyes are full of flowers. It's vaguely in a dream. She saw everything she once dreamed of!

Together with your beloved, for a lifetime...

Then, she woke up.

With a reassuring and happy smile at the corners of her mouth, she gently opened her eyes, and the body next to her was still there. He was sleeping calmly, and his breath was beside her.

Lu Xueqi did not move, as if this was her favorite appearance. She leaned quietly beside him and listened to his sleeping breathing.

Suddenly, at this moment, in the direction of Qingyun Mountain in the distance, suddenly made a violent explosion in the sky, and then a huge fireworks burst. Lu Xueqi's face changed slightly, frowned, and slowly sat up and turned her head to look.

Fireworks slowly change into the appearance of a long sword in the sky. For a long time, it is a signal rarely used in Qingyunmen. Only when major changes occur in the door are extremely critical, will all the disciples nearby be summoned to be released. Lu Xueqi was silent for a moment, turned her eyes back to Zhang Xiaofan for a moment, and slowly stood up. After hesitating for a moment, she finally reached out and took the Tianya leaning on the broken wall and floated out.

The wind is still blowing, and the grass is still blowing back and forth.

Zhang Xiaofan slept quietly in the grass. In the depths of the grass beside him, he suddenly poked out a head, but it was a gray-haired monkey with three eyes. He turned his head and looked around and shouted twice. It seemed that he was a little surprised that Lu Xueqi's figure was suddenly missing here, and then jumped to Zhang Xiaofan I touched my head and sat down.

Zhang Xiaofan still fell asleep so quietly, but on his right hand side, his fingers trembled gently.

After about half a cup of tea, there was a soft sound from the entrance of the ruins of Caomiao Village, and then Lu Xueqi's white figure washed up and walked towards Zhang Xiaofan's sleeping place. Xiao Hui, sitting on Zhang Xiaofan's chest, made a grimace at Lu Xueqi, jumped down, squatted aside and looked around.

"Xiao Fan... something happened." Her voice sounded so empty, as if she had no strength at all. She said quietly, "I just saw the emergency signal for me to summon my disciples. I went over and took a look. It turned out that something big had happened outside during the days when we were here. In the ghost king sect where you used to be, the ghost king, the suzerain, didn't know what kind of evil magic weapon he got, and he could actually win people's hearts and use it. What's more terrible is that he hides in a huge red shadow and blood. As long as the red shadow goes, whether it is ordinary people or practitioners The dead are driven by him.

Lu Xueqi's face was pale, and she gently clenched Tianya in her hand, but looking at Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, there was still a gentle and reluctance: "Before, the righteous factions had launched several sieges against him, but all of them were destroyed. Not to mention that the vitality of the factions was greatly damaged Mang took away his mind, became the servant and thman of the ghost king, and in turn killed the decent. Now the world has collapsed, and the ghost king has recently approached the foot of Qingyun Mountain, showing off the demon method. Unexpectedly, all the people of Qingyun Mountain, including the large and small towns and villages of Heyang City, are confused. In addition to those people before, the total number is not less than 100,000, and they are about to attack Qingyun Mountain.

She looked at Zhang Xiaofan's face in a daunt. Suddenly, two lines of tears fell from her eyes, and tears fell on the back of Zhang Xiaofan's palm.

"I wanted to be desperate for everything. I wanted to stay with you several times and accompany you for a lifetime. Even if I was rejected by the world and punished by the teacher, I didn't care. But now, but now..." Her lips trembled slightly and slowly lowered her head, "But now Qingyun is in trouble! Qingyunmen has raised me since I was a child. It is the city government that loves me and teaches me, and my kindness is as heavy as a mountain. If it's just for us to be together, even if I'm scolded and spurned by them, I'm willing to, but now that they are in trouble, I... I can only go back and be with them."

Lu Xueqi looked deeply at Zhang Xiaofan's face and didn't look away for a moment. It seemed that she didn't want to give up at a glance. The breeze came, and her skirt fluttered gently.

"Maybe you don't know that Qingyunmen is secretly in turmoil, and the 'Zhuxian Sword Array' that used to be invincible in the world can no longer be started. This battle is just... I'm afraid it's really bad, and I don't know if I can come back to see you again."

Lu Xueqi took a deep breath and reached out to take away the tears on her face. Then, a slightly bitter smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. She looked at Zhang Xiaofan and whispered, "Xiaofan, I don't know if it's God's will. We always have no fate to stay together. But," she paused for a moment, and then said quietly in a low and firm voice, "But, I never regret it!"

After saying that, she bent down and gently kissed Zhang Xiaofan's lips. The warm feeling of the lips seemed to spread all over her body.

A faint, happy feeling...

She smiled, bit her lip, stood up, and finally looked at the sleeping man. She turned around and walked, but she walked so well that her body often seemed to turn back and look again, but after all, she didn't look back.

Perhaps, even she herself knows that if she looks back, she will no longer have the courage to leave.

The white clothes fluttered, and she finally left.

The wind blew and the grass moved, with astringent fragrance. Xiaohui quietly came over, climbed on Zhang Xiaofan's chest and sat down, silently looking at the distant white back. Under it, Zhang Xiaofan's palm moved his fingers gently again.

The light wind has been blowing, the time has passed quietly, and the Caomiao Village has fallen into a long silence again. The day has passed, the night has come, and the stars have fallen, and you can see all the vicissitudes of the world.

Xiaohui sat on Zhang Xiaofan's chest and seemed to be a little sleepy. He opened his mouth and yawned, and his mouth squeaked a few times. Then, it seemed to suddenly feel something. Its eyes turned and looked at Zhang Xiaofan under it.

A low gasp came, and then Zhang Xiaofan slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that came into view was an endless sky, dotted with countless stars shining in the deep darkness. He didn't move. He lay quietly and stared at the sky.

Xiaohui seemed to be a little puzzled beside him. He touched his head and crawled over to have a look, but then withdrew. The wind is blowing at night, and the grass is floating. That deep darkness has been like this for thousands of years, and compared with it, a person's life, like a firefly, is just a fleeting moment.

Perhaps, it was the ancients who understood this that tirelessly pursued immortality!

It's just that if it's an empty shell, what if it's long-term?

His expression was very calm, unprecedented calm, no sadness or excitement, he just looked up at the sky silently.

The sky is infinite, the stars are changing, the heavens and the earth are silent, and only the sound of the wind blows in the secluded place.

Unconsciously, it was dawn.

But when the morning light fell and the last darkness disappeared, Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes. He lay quietly for a long time. It was not until the sun rose and the warm sun shone on him that he opened his eyes again. This time, he stood up.

Standing where he is, he looks around. The ruins annihilated in the weeds are desolate but kind. There are many places that have been deeply engraved in his heart many years ago and will never be erased, and how many places are the places where he used to run and play as a child and leave simple

He walked away, stepping on the grass quietly. The little gray next to him rushed over, grabbed his skirt three times and climbed to his shoulder and sat down.


The wind blowing from behind seemed to be a little bigger, making a roaring sound, and the grass around him fluctuated with the wind, like waves. The ruins were like silent but gentle people staring at him. He walked to the north of the village, where there was a ruin, which was even more dilapidated. From a distance, the outline vaguely looked like a dilapidated temple.

This time, Gui Li stood for a long time. He stared deeply at the ruins of the small temple. After a long time, a faint and kind smile appeared on his lips. The smile was gentle, and there was no longer a trace of resentment and regret.

Then, he turned around and walked like this, never looking back.

"Let's go, Xiaohui."

"Squeak" Xiaohui shouted softly on his shoulder and touched his head.

He smiled faintly, facing the oncoming breeze, and smiled, "Let's go where we should go."

His eyes moved and looked into the distance. The towering Qingyun Mountain pierced the sky.

On the peak of Qingyun Mountain, there is a busy scene everywhere, but it is near the back mountain, but it seems more secluded, not even a person. I think it is because of the strong enemy's pressure, and the focus of Dao Xuan Zhenren disappeared for no reason, so no one will notice this.

In the afternoon, when the sun shined on the quiet woods of the mountain, Gui Li was already walking in the quiet mountain forest road. It was not the first time for him to come to the back mountain of Tongtianfeng. He fell several times before and later. He was already familiar with the nearby terrain. He just looked at his expression, but he was not a little anxious. He still walked slowly with the calm smile he had had since he woke up.

The mountain road is rugged, and there are ancient trees on both sides. From time to time, there are a few birdsong in the forest. The ghost's fierce eyes turn from the forest to the ground and look forward. The winding ancient road, I don't know how many past things have happened on it.

The mountains and forests are quiet, the wind is tidy, and it seems that there is no vulgarity in the world.

The familiar fork in his memory slowly appeared in front of his eyes. Zhang Xiaofan stopped at the intersection and looked to the right side unexpectedly. After the dense forest, the gap between the dense branches and leaves faintly revealed the corner of the majestic ancestral hall. He smiled and turned around and stepped on the path.

The intersection was not far from the ancestral temple, and soon the solemn hall soon appeared, but Zhang Xiaofan did not go to the open space. He just stood quietly behind a leafy tree next to the mountain path and looked in that direction.

The hall is still so dark, and the stone steps and open space in front of the door are still like countless past days, with dead leaves all over the ground. After a while, a white figure came out of the hall, with a handsome face and a peaceful smile on his face. There was no sharp sword in his hand, but a broom made of bamboo.

He glanced at the fallen leaves everywhere, but there was a slight smile on his face. He raised his hands and stretched out, took a deep breath of the slightly sweet air in the mountains and forests, and then began to quietly clean the fallen leaves on the ground.

The broom flew, and the fallen leaves were swept aside little by little. Some of them were blown up by the wind like disobedient children. They stubbornly wanted to return to their original place, and were swept back by him again with a smile.

The wind passes through the mountains and forests, and Lin Tao bursts.

In the distance, behind the big tree, Zhang Xiaofan quietly looked at the familiar white figure, showing a heartfelt and quiet smile.

On the open space, Lin Jingyu seemed to suddenly feel something. He paused in his hand and turned to look at the mountain road leading to the outside world, but the mountain road was empty. Except for the ancient trees and shrubs, there was no trace of anyone else?

He was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head slightly and smiled. Maybe he heard it wrong. Thinking of this, he picked up the broom and swept it again.

Behind the dense forest in the distance, Zhang Xiaofan walked slowly and gradually walked away from the ancestral temple behind him. Soon, he came to the fork again. This time, he looked in the direction of the Magic Moon Cave, and without any hesitation, he stepped over the forbidden place and walked slowly.

He could not be more clearly felt that in the depths of the Huanyue Cave, there seemed to be a mysterious force constantly calling him to go to that place.

This feeling was already strong when he was still in the ruins of Caomiao Village!

Standing in front of the Huanyue Cave, Zhang Xiaofan stopped and stared at the mysterious place in front of him.

The appearance of this cave looks no different from other ordinary mountain wall caves in the world. The rough stone is slightly different from the hard ground. Probably only the ground in front of the cave door has been trampled on for a long time, showing the wind and frost here.

From that small stone gate, a generation of proud Qingye Taoist came out of Qingyunmen, and countless powerful figures in the past years have left their footprints here. This magic moon cave is really a witness to the rise and fall of Qingyun Gate for 2,000 years.

And now, in front of Zhang Xiaofan, it is just an ordinary cave.

He smiled and walked in, as if he were coming home, without any hesitation or hesitation.

The sunlight outside the cave is blocked by the stone wall and can't shine inside the cave. The cave looks very shady. The simple scene is just like when he first came here, even the Tai Chi pattern hanging on the wall is exactly the same as before.

Zhang Xiaofan walked over, put his hand on the Taiji map, and the light shone brightly. It was the true method of Xuangong of Qingyunmen. In the clear brilliance, the Taiji map slowly reacted and lit up. After a moment, as he expected, the mountain wall next to him slowly moved away, revealing the strange water wave The revolving door of white fog.

Zhang Xiaofan stared at the unfathomable rotating water wave. The last time he entered it, he was seduced by the mysterious power contained in it and almost fell into a doomed place. Now facing it again, the depths of the deep water wave seemed to have a faint force of erosion, which made people fall into The illusion in it.

He took a deep breath, stopped hesitating, stepped in, and walked in.

A cool feeling rushed towards him, as if he had really stepped into a deep-water world. However, after a moment, Zhang Xiaofan found that he was once again like the previous time, surrounded by an empty world.

It was dark, boundless, and there was no light. Xiaohui, who lay on his shoulder with no end, became uneasy. He moved and shouted twice in his mouth. Zhang Xiaofan gently stretched out his hand and patted the monkey's head, as if to comfort him. Xiaohui then calmed down.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan stared forward, but there was nothing in his eyes except darkness. He looked at it for a long time and did not move. Until the end, his mouth suddenly smiled faintly, but he closed his eyes and walked forward.

After just a few steps, suddenly the death-like silence had been broken. With a sound, a hot air rushed towards him. Zhang Xiaofan could even clearly feel that he was like walking into a sea of fire. The skin and flesh of his whole body were burning by the sudden flames, and the pain surged crazily from every corner of his body. Come on, the whole body seems to be going to be destroyed in this sea of fire.

But he still closed his eyes tightly, and even when the muscles on his face were slightly twisted by severe pain, the corners of his mouth still maintained a faint smile. He walked forward step by step, slowly but continuously.

On his shoulder, the monkey Xiaohui let out a little frightened cry, which sounded very frightened, but Zhang Xiaofan immediately held it in his arms, so that Xiaohui's head was deeply buried in his chest and stopped looking out. Soon, it seemed that the heartbeat in the master's palm and his chest made Xiaohui calm down and did Get down on your stomach.

The sound of flames burning is getting louder and louder, and even the air around the body seems to be filled with a terrible smell of anxiety. The pain of the body is increasing, and every step seems to endure thousands of times the pain.

However, his footsteps still did not stop, and he walked forward slowly and firmly.

I don't know when, I felt that the sea of violent flames slowly receded, and around him, there was a wide silence of nothingness again, and the pain of the body disappeared.

In the silence, suddenly, a crisp drop of water dripping sounded in his ear. I don't know where the cold drop of water came from, fell from nothingness and fell on Zhang Xiaofan's face.

It's cold and piercing.

In a moment, the rumble of no sign came from the front, and it seemed to be ubiquitous. Except for the terrible scene, the huge waves were like dragons, high, and everything in front of the power of heaven and earth was as small as ants. Even the towering Qingyun Mountain was swallowed up by it in an instant. The cold wind tore his body apart in an instant, and the pain ten times worse than the flames just now came from all corners of his body again.

Zhang Xiaofan never knew that a person's body would be tortured like this, and he would feel such severe pain. Even his tenacious nerves seemed to collapse before the pain. Thousands of hands were tearing him, and even he could no longer breathe, as if trapped under the deep sea, and the infinite pressure immediately pressed him into powder and turned him into the water of silence.

Even if you die, open your eyes and look around before you die...

Like a lamp, the idea suddenly appeared in his deep heart, flashing from afar, like a kind of **.

Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath and slowly continued to walk forward, closing his eyes tightly!

The cold waves on all sides seemed to be enraged, and suddenly became more and more angry. The roar was deafening, and the feeling of torture like a thousand knives came one after another. Zhang Xiaofan's forehead was even covered with cold sweat, and his face was extremely pale, but he always maintained the remaining Qingming before the collapse. The old is walking slowly.

Step by step, step by step, never stop, just like life, slowly move forward, after all, you can't turn back.

The tide slowly receded, the deafening terrible sound also disappeared, and the silence returned to his side, a piece of emptiness, echoing as if only his footsteps were heard.

One person, go forward alone!

"Xiao Fan..."

Suddenly, a voice called quietly behind him. In an instant, Zhang Xiaofan was shocked by thunder, and his body was shocked, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face. It was the first time that he couldn't help but stop.

His eyes were still closed, but his lips began to tremble slightly, a little choked, a little heart was cut like a knife, and a little desperate, he said in a low voice, "Biyao..."

The familiar voice seemed to be behind him, with infinite tenderness, with a little unforgettable tenderness, he said quietly, "Xiaofan, don't you ignore me? Look back at me."

Zhang Xiaofan's body began to tremble slowly. His body seemed to have fallen into a fierce battle. He tried to turn around several times, but he endured it. Although there is no pain and torture, at this moment, he is sweaty and his face is distorted, which is even more painful than the terrible fire that burned into the deep sea just now.

A low but clear call floated behind him, as if there was no end. Isn't the ups and downs of this life just for that sound? Why don't you look back?


He suddenly roared, his body trembled, his teeth clenched, and his bones all over his body rang one after another, as if he had finally reached the extreme of patience.

However, it seems that this is not over yet. Except for Baguio's voice calling him behind him, slowly, he heard other people's voices, all of whom were unforgettable people in his life.

Dad, mom!

Master Puzhi!

Tian Buyi, Su Ru!


Endless, the sound piled up, wave after wave, calling and shouting behind him, the past of his life was like smoke, and scenes flashed by.

Thousands of mountains and rivers, one person treks; twilight snow, only shadows walk alone.

He doesn't want to be lonely, don't live forever. All he wants is to be with his beloved...

He hugged his head and cried, like a child, with nowhere to hide.

Tears dripping, and there is a faint warmth in the palm of his hand. The endless calls around him were still calling in his ears, lingering, ** with him, let him open his eyes and turn back.

It's just that the faint warmth suddenly calmed down his trembling body. This familiar and warm feeling seemed to have felt it not long ago. There was also a man who accompanied him on the verge of collapse, hugged him tightly in countless nights, and warmed him with the warmth of his body.

Once, in the emptiness and darkness, he was half asleep and half awake. In a trance, there were warm tears dripping on his face. In a terrible cold world, I told him that he was not alone.

In this life, thousands of mountains and rivers, the twilight snow and mountains,


One person!

The countless voices around

suddenly became eager, as if they had been stimulated. They continued to call him with a little sadness, but Zhang Xiaofan's body slowly stood up, and the painful distortion on his face was replaced by a calm and slow.

Then, he smiled gently, with a deep attachment, an unforgettable miss, and a faint smile. Then, he turned around and walked away, leaving all the voices behind him, let the voice scream sadly, and then gradually calmed down in the shrill sound.

Silence finally came again.

A gentle cough came from in front of Zhang Xiaofan. It was an old voice, with a little fragility and a little surprise, "It turned out to be you..."

Zhang Xiaofan stood still, took a deep breath, slowly exhaled a long breath, and slowly opened his eyes.