Zifu Xianyuan

3 nights in the pergola

After Li Daguan finished speaking, he gnawed the beef bones in his hand, threw them out of the pergola, clapped his hands, and was ready to leave.

Ye Qin watched in a daze as the beef bone drew an arc in the air and landed in the grass a few meters away in front of him. He stared at the meat bone and dared not move. As long as this group of officials don't leave, he will never show his face in front of them.

Otherwise, as long as one of the more than a dozen men doesn't like him and comes to kick him, it will be enough to kick him half to death. His weak little body can't stand any blow. With a kick, he may be so painful that he can't move half a finger tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, he and the ox will starve to death in this wilderness because there is no food.

Half a year of wandering around, he understands that this kind of risk must not be risked.

Cheng Da Niu lost Ye Qin's pressure, woke up a little, and drilled half of his head out of the grass nest. But this time he saw clearly that it was a group of officials. Da Niu knew that he was powerful and did not dare to move. I just sniffed the smell of wine and meat desperately to relieve my gluff.

Li's official was full of food and drink, and he didn't say much about anything else, so he took the official who was full of food and drink on the road. The money for the drinks did not bother the official Li. Since several young officials casually lost some pieces of silver on the wine table.

The officials shouted, carried knives, found a way, and pursued the traces of those robbers.

When the old man in the restaurant saw that there was not enough money on the table, he could barely save his capital. He was afraid to say too much. He could only curse in his heart, and then cleaned up the tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks in the pergola. Xiao Er was busy collecting the rest of the wine, meat and tea on the table, as well as the meat bones and minced meat on the ground, and was ready to pull them back to feed the pigs. These days, there is a great drought, food and meat are scarce, and not a little can be wasted, especially for small businessmen like them.

The only thing Cheng Da Niu saw was that he didn't drool.

Ye Qin pulled the big cow and didn't let him go. They stayed here for half a month. They had long known that the old man of the restaurant and the little two were stingy and refused to give any wine and meat. The two of them are over now, and they are afraid that the old man of the restaurant will immediately hit them with a rotten broom and drive them away.

Fortunately, Xiao Er only cleaned up in the pergola and did not go to the messy grass outside the pergola. All the valuable belongings were moved into an ox cart. The old man and the little man of the restaurant drove the ox cart and walked slowly along the post road to the distance.

Ye Qin saw the ox cart go far away. Finally. He rushed to the haystack quickly. Pull out the dead grass. Look for the beef bone that was discarded by Li.

It's fast. Ye Qin found a thick cow bone with half a small arm of him. There are some unfinished shredded beef on it. It exudes an attractive fragrance. He licked the shredded meat stuck to the bones.

Cheng Da Niu also slowly crawled over. A face of mud. He stared pitifully at the meat bone in Ye Qin's hand.

Ye Qin got the meat and bones around his mouth. I hesitated. He knows it in his heart. Compared with myself. The big cow needs this meat bone even more. After Da Niu was injured last night. It's very uncomfortable. I can hardly eat anything today. And now he wants to eat meat very much. It's a good phenomenon. Maybe you will get better after eating meat. In the past, hunters who went to the mountain to hunt in their hometown were injured. They all eat meat to nourish the body.

Only he and Da Niu are left in the same hometown. He will never let the ox die.

"Give. Big cow. You were bitten by a wild dog yesterday. Just to make up for the body. I'll see if there is any other food left on the ground.

Ye Qin stuffed the meat bones into the hands of a big cow. After saying that, he went to the pergola and carefully searched everywhere on the ground inside and outside the pergola before it was completely dark. Occasionally, he picked up one or two grains of rice on the mud and stuffed them into his mouth.

Cheng Da Niu followed the bones, his eyes were slightly red, and his nose was sore.

"Brother Qin!"

He wiped his sour nose with a black rag and silently bit the beef bone. This is not the first time. Four or five of their partners came out to look for food. For more than half a year, almost all the oldest brother Qin was taking care of them. But Brother Qin couldn't take care of him, and in the end, several of them died.

I don't know how many times he died. Many times, he has become a burden, thinking that he will simply die. But he is going to die, so Brother Qin is the only one left. What if Brother Qin is alone? Brother Qin refused to let him die either. He can only try his best not to become a burden, make his injury better faster, and help find food.

At night, the moon hangs high.

Ye Qin laid a layer of dry grass on the cold mud floor in the humble bamboo house. A small hole in the corner of the bamboo house was also firmly blocked with a big stone and a branch. The old wild dog came in from this small hole last night and bit the big cow. The big cow ate beef bones and felt much better at night. A small half of the remaining water was found in the only broken water tank in the bamboo room. The big cow drank some and had fallen asleep on the straw mat.

Ye Qin lay on the dead grass, with a pair of small hands behind his head, silently thinking about what the group of officials said.

"The medicine collection hall in Zhuqi County should openly recruit a group of medicine collection children under the age of 12!"

In Zhuqi County, he went there with Da Niu two months ago and stayed there for several days, but he couldn't stay and escaped.

Because there is a group of local beggars in the county, who occupy all the begging places and places with oil and water, the beggars are very hostile to the outside world and will drive them away.

That's all. As long as you walk more diligently, you can always find half a mouthful of food, which is much better than the wilderness.

But what Ye Qin can't stand is that there are still some rogues in the city who want to use them to steal the wealth of rich families. Although he is still young, he also knows that if the theft is caught, he will be cut off by the owner of the matter, or hang up and beaten severely. He was forced to be helpless and found an opportunity to take Da Niu to flee the county town in a hurry and go to the countryside more than ten miles away to find food.

Ye Qin also heard the residents of the county say the name of Caiyaotang. He knew that there was such a rich family in the county, but he didn't take it to heart.

With such a big gate as the Medicine Collection Hall, there are countless fields and real estate. There are many slaves and disciples walking all over the street, and they will not have anything to do with wandering little beggars like them. Even if we want to openly recruit some medicine boys, I'm afraid it's not the turn of the two of them.

However, Ye Qin was a little unwilling.

Since you heard this from the official, if you don't try it, why should he pretend that he didn't hear it at all? If you don't get it, it's just a free trip. If you are really recruited, you won't have to wander and starve in the wild in the future. If you don't go, you won't even have a chance to be recruited.

Late at night, there is occasionally a sleepless tossing sound in the bamboo room.

Scared! Scared!

The sound of beasts gasping came from outside the bamboo room.

The haunted old wild dog came again. The sound of claws digging stones, angry roaring, and the sound of biting branches made people panic in the dark night, always worried that the beast would get in again.

After tossing in the middle of the night, it was not until near dawn that the old wild dog reluctantly left.

Ye Qin's idea of going to the county seat is even stronger.
