Zifu Xianyuan

31 Return to the county

During this period of time of living in the deep mountains and old forests to practice alone.

In the first month, Ye Qin could only eat one small dew grass a day, and the pain of the swelling of the meridians of his whole body would crack, and he could hardly bear it. But he gritted his teeth and endured it. The speed of cultivation in the first month is ten times that of the previous one.

With the deepening of the practice of the skill and the gradual brightening of the small photosphere, his meridian endurance also began to increase.

By the second month, he was barely able to eat two plants a day, twenty times more than before.

In the third month, I was able to forcibly eat three small dew plants every day.

One plant is added every month, and the progress of cultivation is extremely fast.

In the beginning of the fifth month, it would have taken ten years to complete the first level of the realm of <sitting hopeless>, which was perfected by him. The small ball of light at the size of the thumb is twice as bright. Originally, it was as thin as light smoke, and it was afraid of the light ball that it could dissipate at any time. Now it is much thicker, and it is no longer thin and scary.

Ye Qin also felt that his facial features seemed to suddenly open a spiritual trick, and the outside world became extremely vivid. For the first time, he was surprised to find that everything in front of him had become so bright that everything within a few feet of range, what he saw or didn't see was almost completely under his control. This sense of control has never been experienced before.

The ears moved slightly, and you could hear a cricket lurking in the grass more than ten steps away, making a low puffing sound, and the sound of flying insects buzzing their wings within a few feet away. The eyes seem to have been washed by a clear spring, bright and clear, the leaf texture on the old tree, and every silk thread of the spider web is clearly visible. The nose can smell the faint flower smell dozens of steps away, and the strong smell of moisture in the forest.

Ye Qin's heart moved slightly. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked a few feet away from the left. A spotted silver-ringed poisonous snake was motionless. He stared at him with vicious eyes for a long time, and then got into the grass and stone cracks and wanted to swim away.

Silver ring snake can be used as medicine.

Ye Qin habitually twisted a stone. Shoot with one finger. A wisp of wind stopped. Slap it. The collarbone of the silver-ringed snake a few feet away was broken by pebbles. Paralyzed on the ground.

After Ye Qin finished playing. Stayed for a while. He looked at his dexterous hands in surprise.

There seems to be a sense of strength in the body that has never been before. He used his hands and feet. Punching, chopping, kicking, sweeping and other basic attack movements. It is surprisingly fast, fast, flexible and accurate. In the blink of an eye. Able to play dozens of boxing shadows. He jumped down from the top of the tree several feet high. The body is light and comfortable. The ground is silent. The light body effect is not much worse than ordinary light work.

Ye Qin then tested his fastest punching speed.

Drop small drops of water from the branches in the deep forest. He was instantly cut into more than ten smaller drops of water. Although the attack power is not necessarily strong. But the reaction speed is surprisingly fast. Shocking.

Even if he hasn't learned offensive martial arts. I also have a certain ability to protect myself.

He is sure that even if he uses a woodcutter now, he can play a few tricks with those tycoons he has seen before.

Ye Qin was surprised. For the first time, he felt that this "Sitting Forgotten Sutra" was not as useless as he thought, but had some special effect on the body. If you finish practicing the three-level skills of "Sitting Forgotten Sutra · Sitting without Self", I don't know what the effect will be.

In the past four or five months, in addition to cultivation, Ye Qin has also collected some ordinary medicine collection in the surrounding mountains for the drug collection task of the medicine collection hall.

Then, Ye Qin began to practice <sitting and hopeless> the second floor. The dew grass needed to practice the second layer is double that of the first layer. That is to say, he needs to double the amount of dew before he can repair the second layer.

But he had no choice but to find that there were few blue rocks left in his possession.

In the past four or five months, he has eaten a large amount of dew grass, and he consumes a large piece of green rock every day to cultivate dew grass. As time went by, the pile of bluestone hoarded in the Purple House was quickly consumed, leaving only the last small pile of bluestones and a small piece of very pure bluestone marrow.

Without the spiritual stone supply, the dew grass can't continue to be cultivated, and his cultivation progress will stop here.

Ye Qin had no choice but to look for a spiritual stone similar to a green rock in the deep mountains and old forests. However, like dew grass and blue rock, they are very rare herbs and rare stones. How can they be so easy to find?

The blue rock halfway up the gray eagle peak has been completely dug up by him for a long time.

Ye Qin buried himself in the deep mountains and old forests for more than half a month. He did not find any spirits that could be moved into the Purple House, but made him tired. After all, he needs to use divine consciousness and constantly try to move all kinds of plants and stones into Zifu to see if he can find something similar to small dew grass and green rocks. The use of this divine consciousness is very exhausting and will damage the vitality.

After more than half a month, Ye Qin was very depressed and gave up the idea of looking for rare spirits in ordinary vegetation and stones. It seems that this little dew grass and blue rock are things that can't be encountered. There are thousands of miles in Zhuqi County, and there are countless deep mountains and ditches. Where is he going to find such rare things?

Thinking that I have been out for nearly half a year, the big herbal basket has long been full of many ordinary herbs. Ye Qin decided to return to Zhuqi County first to hand over the drug collection task, and then go to the dangerous peaks in various places in the second half of the year to look for green rocks.

Ye Qin's footsteps were very fast. Ten days later, he appeared in Zhuqi County, five or six hundred miles away, with a big herbal basket on his back.

This time, Ye Qin was surprised to find that there were many strangely dressed Jianghu people in the county, post stations, hotels, inns, and groups of heroes everywhere. Many of them wore various unique signs of gangs on their clothes. In the past three or four years, he has never seen so many foreign gangs appear in Zhuqi County.

What's going on? Ye Qin was a little uneasy and accelerated his pace to the medicine collection hall. Fortunately, everything inside and outside the medicine collection hall was fine, and the apprentices in the door were still busy as usual, which made him a little relieved.

Ye Qinxian went to the medicine appraisal office of the inner hall and handed in all the herbs he had collected, and won a total of 90 silver leaves. On average, the number of 18 silver leaves per month is more than three times the minimum limit.

Then, Ye Qin greeted his master Wang Cai, which was something he had to do every time he returned to the medicine collection hall. The class of the medicine collection hall is strict. As a disciple, it is necessary to often tell the master about his whereabouts and accept the teacher's instructions.

Wang Cai was very gratified after learning about Ye Qin's drug intake in the past six months. This result is already at the upper-middle level among the 20 or 30 pharmacy apprentices who entered the same class as the medicine collection hall and Ye Qin. Maintain this level and work harder. As long as you don't die, it won't be a big problem to be promoted to a pharmacist in five or six years.

Ye Qin chatted with Wang Cai's pharmacist and asked the master why there were so many people in the world in Zhuqi County.

From the mouth of Wang Cai's pharmacist, Ye Qin knew that a big thing had happened in Zhuqi County. It turned out to be the owner of the Yaowang Gang of the Medicine Collection Hall. It planned to hold an extremely grand drug trading conference in Zhuqi County in the second half of this year, and invited major gangs in Pingzhou to participate.
