Zifu Xianyuan

34 County Market

After a day's rest in the medicine collection hall, after Ye Qin finished the meditation and practice that day, he felt that the practice was too slow and a little bored, so he went out of the house of the medicine collection hall and wandered in Zhuqi County.

Looking at the bustling street, Ye Qin sighed with the familiar and strange feeling.

Since I came to Zhuqi County and joined the medicine collection hall, I haven't really visited the county town once. I am usually busy not learning to distinguish medicine and collecting medicine, or busy with meditation and practice, and I don't have the intention to wander around the street.

He first went to the largest "Jinji" bank in Zhuqi County and took out more than 180 silver leaves he had accumulated in the past five or six years. This money is also a big sum of money for ordinary people. One silver leaf can be exchanged for a hundred copper coins, and ten copper coins are enough for ordinary men in the county to have a full day's meal. All the money is equal to the five-year meal of an ordinary man.

With money in his arms, Ye Qin thought in his heart about what valuable things to buy to strengthen his strength. He didn't pay much attention to the fight with the disciples in the inner hall in ten days. Now the most urgent thing is to find a spiritual stone that can help practice the Sitting Forgotten Sutra and cultivate small dew grass.

Ye Qin knew that there was a trade fair square in Xicheng District, which was specially designed for people in the world to trade. In addition, there are several good jade shops in the city, and there are also jade sales, but I don't know if there is the kind of spirit stone I need.

Ye Qin thought to himself and walked to the trade market in the northwest city first.

With the increase in the number of foreigners in Zhuqi County, the number of people trading in the trading market has also begun to surge. It's ten minutes in the evening, and the whole market is bustling. There are as many as hundreds of Jianghu tourists, either sitting on the floor to set up stalls, or watching goods and bargaining.

Ye Qin walked among the crowd of people in these rivers and lakes, which was not abrupt. He is now more than 16 years old. He is physically strong, steady and powerful, and his eyes are restrained, which is not much different from these Jianghu guests.

In the past few years, with the rapid increase in his own strength, Ye Qin has long been out of awe of those tough heroes.

It's still early for the drug conference of the Yaowang Gang, and the real Jianghu master has not arrived in Zhuqi County. Most of the market is also second- and third-rate Jianghu customers. There are no first-class masters, and few can get into his eyes at all.

Ye Qin looked at the stalls one by one. Carefully select items from it. However. Most of the things on the ground did not suit him. Big knives, long swords, long guns, bows and arrows, darts, iron armor, inner soft armor, wrist protectors, leg protectors, cowhide boots and other kinds of blade armor. The price is not expensive. Dozens of silver leaves. But it's not what he wants at all.

Occasionally, you can find one or two low-level martial arts secrets on the stall. He can practice. Unfortunately, the price is a little too expensive. Several golden leaves are needed. It's better to buy a low-level secret book directly in the secret room of the medicine collection hall. Just one golden leaf.

Let's talk about it later. He doesn't like this kind of low-level secret now.

In addition. There are also some strange raw materials on the stall. There are all kinds of strange things. Use gold and stone for iron. It's a dark subway block. It is said to be a meteorite iron. A lot of medicinal herbs. Bear bile, rhinoceros horn, rhinoceros tendon, tiger tibial bone, etc. A lot of stalls. There are also underground drugs in Dan bottles. Like hemostatic powder, Dingtong powder, and Jinchuang medicine. A few Chinese drugs are active. Top-quality drug black cream, tendon powder and so on. It's just rare.

Like those hemostatic powder, pain powder, and gold wound medicine. You can tell at a glance what they are used for. This kind of drug is clearly priced. And the price is stable. One piece of silver leaf. Chinese-quality drug Huoluo powder. But it needs ten silver leaves. Products such as black paste and tendon powder on the ground. The quantity is quite scarce. But there is no price.

Ye Qin saw a stall full of goods on the market. There is a bottle of black paste to renew the tendon powder. A movement in my heart. Go forward and ask.

"Brother, how to sell this black paste continuous tendon powder?"

The stall was a dark middle-aged man. When he saw Ye Qin asking about the price, he immediately gave a thumbs up: "Brother, your eyes are really awesome. This black paste is a rare treasure for walking in the world. If the tendons and hamstrings are cut off by the enemy's weapons during the fight, as long as the tendons are connected within a day and the black paste is applied, it will not take two or three months to fully recover, and the future practice will not be affected at all. If you want, brother, I'll give you a discount, one golden leaf.

"If it was broken four or five years ago, can it be connected?"

Ye Qin asked.

The dark man's face stiffened and he quickly waved his hand: "Are you kidding? The tendons that were broken four or five years ago can't be continued even if the immortals come. Our medicine saves those who can be saved, but we can't save those who can't be saved at all. I see that the little brother doesn't seem to have any broken muscles!"

"Of course, it's not that I was injured, but my brother's calf tendon was injured, and that was four or five years ago. Since this medicine is useless, it doesn't matter. It doesn't work if you sell it.

"Oh, little brother, don't hurry. I still have a lot of good things here, which are essential for walking in the world. There must be something you need in it. How about a bottle of Huoluo powder? It can activate the meridians of the whole body and wash away the meridians blocked by blood, just ten silver leaves. Be prepared, carry a copy with you, and you don't have to worry about your meridians being blocked because of injury in the future.

"My meridians are very good. Why do I spend so much money to buy an unusable Huoluo powder?" Ye Qin shook his head, turned around and planned to go to other stalls.

"Don't go, little brother. I still have good things here."

The dark man showed a painful look and took out a book of herbs hidden in his arms.

"I think your dress should be a disciple of the medicine collection hall in Zhuqi County. I have a herbal spectrum "The Rare Grass Atlas", which records dozens of absolutely rare precious herbs and the pharmaceutical formulas of these herbs. You may need it.

"The Rare Straw Book", dozens of rare and precious herbs?"

When Ye Qin heard the words, he immediately stopped and couldn't help laughing.

Can anyone in Pingzhou have more herbal genealogy than the Medicine Collection Hall of the Medicine King Gang? That's definitely a joke. Over the centuries, the Medicine King Gang has collected countless herbal medicines from the world. If the Medicine King Gang is not recorded, it is incredible.

However, he still turned back to the stall, took the "Rain's Book" from the dark man, and quickly turned it over. If he can find one or two herbs that he has never seen in this herb, he will buy it.

Ye Qin kept shaking his head while watching.

The herbs recorded in

are indeed some rare herbs. But he has seen it on the cursage of the medicine collection hall for a long time, and this rare sketch book is worthless.

He turned down patiently, turned to the last few pages, and saw a familiar herb painted on it. Suddenly, his hand trembled almost imperceptably, and then quickly closed the sketch.
