Zifu Xianyuan


Nantianba is most proficient in earth spells, which are usually strong in defense and weak in attack. As for fire spells, although the attack is strong, Nantianba can only have one fireball.

Ye Qin finished reading the Nan Clan Genealogy and had some confidence in his heart about the strength of Nan Tianba.

Ye Qin then looked through the Fenglingjing and found that this is a secret of immortal cultivation in the qi refining period. It is specially designed for those who have Fengling root, which is suitable for immortal cultivators who have Fengling root to practice.

He is already learning the "Sitting Forgotten Sutra", so naturally there is no need to practice the "Fengling Sutra", which is also a low-level immortal cultivation method.

Ye Qin excitedly picked up the last book, "The Basic Spells of the Five elements", which is the good thing he really wants.

A total of eight series of spells are recorded in the book.

includes five common spells of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and three variant spells of wind, ice and thunder. Each magic system records the spell oral decisions of several basic spells in detail, including offensive spells, defensive spells, and auxiliary spells.

At the beginning of this book, the opening of the Mingyi explains the relationship between spiritual roots and spells in detail.

In fact, every immortal practitioner can practice all the eight-series spells, but the effect of the practice is very different.

For example, the immortal cultivator of the earth single spiritual root can practice all spells. However, only when practicing earth spells is the fastest. It only takes a few days and a half months to roughly release the basic spells of the earth system, and if you practice the fire "basic" spells, it will take at least a few months or even years to release the same powerful effect. If an earthling root foolishly practices the fire "primary" spell, then he estimates that after practicing for decades, or even a hundred years, he may be able to release a weak fire "primary" spell.

Jin Linggen is best at gold spells. Mu Linggen is best at wood spells. Water spirit root is best at water magic, followed by ice. Fire spirit root is best at fire spells, followed by wind. Tulinggen is the best at earth spells.

Among them, the earth fire and water. It is the most unstable of the five spiritual roots. Therefore, it is easy to produce the following three mutant spiritual roots.

Wind spirit root. It comes from the mutation of the fire spirit root. He is best at wind spells. The second is the fire system. Ice spirit root. It mutated from the water spirit root. I am best at ice spells. The second is the water system. Lei Linggen. From the fire spirit root and the water spirit root. Integrate into one. It mutated. He is best at thunder spells. The second is the water system and the fire system.

Under normal circumstances. Have a certain kind of spiritual root. Only then can you practice a certain system of spells. As long as this immortal who is not stupid. This time will not be was in vain. To practice the legal system that is not compatible with your spiritual root.

According to this logic. The more spiritual roots there are, the more people there are. Naturally, the more types of legal systems can be cultivated. A person with all five spiritual roots. The advantage is the biggest. You can practice all the eight-line spells without limit.

However, in fact. Those who cultivate immortals in the five spiritual roots do not have an advantage. After all, the longevity of every immortal who cultivates is very limited. Practicing spells takes a lot of time. No one can practice all local magic spells to the advanced level. I can practice a series of magic to the advanced level. That's very good. Let's talk about eight-series spells.

It was the first time that Ye Qin understood that the spiritual root and the legal system had such a relationship. I finally understood it. Why does Nantianba know the earth foundation, primary spells and fire foundation spells?

He is a little annoyed.

He has all five spiritual roots. According to the book, if he practices multiple magic spells at the same time, the practice speed will definitely be very slow.

What really annoyed him was that when Nan Tianba taught him six or seven auxiliary spells, he did not tell him about this matter at all, but taught him the basic auxiliary spells of several different legal systems such as wood, water and earth, deliberately dispersing his practice and "killing" in the invisible. This trick It's really insidious.

Ye Qin quickly cleared up his mood and stopped thinking about these things. Anyway, he wants to turn against Nan Tianba, and this account will be calculated together with the old account. The goal of everything now is to learn offensive spells and find a way to kill Nantianba.

At present, he only masters a few auxiliary basic spells, which poses almost no threat to Nantianba. To deal with Nan Tianba, you can only work hard on the offensive spells in the Five-elaws Basic Spell Collection.

He first excluded all the defensive spells and auxiliary spells in the book, and only picked out the offensive spells in it for research.

There are not many offensive spells recorded in the Five-ecutive Basic Spells, only about five or six spells - the "fireball" of the fire system, the "water ball" of the water system, the "earth thorn" of the earth system, the "wind blade" of the wind system, the "ice cone" of the

Ye Qin intends to choose one or two from these offensive spells to deal with Nan Tianba.

Along the way, Ye Qin was thinking about these spells and understanding the mystery of them.

On the mountain road of hundreds of miles, the little donkey cart squeaked and walked in the mountains for seven or eight days. I am timid in my hometown. The closer the little donkey cart was to his hometown, Ye Qin felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart, and he became more and more excited, unable to calm down.

In that year of the drought, he and Da Niu and others left home to make a living. It has been five or six years in a flash. Now Da Niu has become a blacksmith's apprentice in the Yang family's iron shop, and he has also become a medicine apprentice. He has accidentally learned a few fairy tricks. Over the years, it is like a dream, illusory and real.

Cing Da Niu waved the donkey whip excitedly, "Go, hue~!" His excitement is no less than that of Ye Qin.

The donkey cart overturned another mountain, and there was a small valley between the old ditches. There was a small village in the valley. There were dozens of thatched huts and mud houses in the village, and 20 or 30 households of hunters and tenant farmers.

Under the big tree at the entrance of the village, some children in hemp were playing with stones. When they saw a small donkey cart staggering into the village, some bold children stood on the dirt slope next to the entrance of the village and watched curiously, and some timid hurriedly ran home and shouted for the adults to come out.

Two or three yellow dogs came out of the village, wagging their tails and barking excitedly around the donkey cart.

Many Chinese village women quickly came out of the village, carrying iron fork hoes and looking at the entrance of the village, worried that the strong man would come. After all, in this sparsely populated Laogou village, there have been no outsiders in three or two years. It is extremely rare for two strange outsiders to appear today.

Da Niu's eyes were sharp, and he saw a lot of acquaintances from these villagers. He waved his hand and shouted excitedly on the donkey cart, "Oh, isn't that Ergouzi, and Xiao Liuzi. That's Shi Bo, Sister-in-law Zhang. I'm a big cow, do you remember me!"

"Big Bull!"

"Brother Qin! It's the two of them who came back.

The villagers looked at them in disbelief. Some of the people who left the village came back. Although it has changed a lot when I grow up, I can still see the eyebrows. Several of them were Ye Qin and Da Niu's playmates when they were young, and they could faintly see what they looked like in those years. Adults don't change much in appearance, and they are even more familiar with them.

The donkey cart entered the village surrounded by many villagers and asked excitedly about their experience in the past few years.

Several village women saw the basket on the donkey cart with their eyes wide open, "Da Niu, this donkey cart is yours?" What's in these big baskets, coarse cloth? Come and see, a basket of good coarse cloth!" There are also exquisite pottery. It's a good thing. Only people in the county can use it. The villagers were surprised.

Da Niu said excitedly, "Don't rob, don't rob, everyone has a share. My Daniel and Brother Qin came back from the county, and each family gave a generous gift.

"Ye's baby, go home quickly and see your father's situation."

Uncle Shi, with a kind face, said to Ye Qin with a pipe in his heart.

Ye Qin was stunned for a moment and answered, "Hmm!" He quickly jumped out of the cart and asked Da Niu to deal with the dry goods of the donkey cart. He carried his own package on his back, followed the vague memory of five or six years ago to the village and came to his small courtyard. From afar, he smelled a strong smell of herbs. After staying in the medicine collection hall for so many years, he was extremely familiar with the smell of various herbs. As soon as he smelled it, it was an herb to treat serious bone damage.
