Zifu Xianyuan

128 Join the sect

Ah, what kind of monster is that? It looks like a human, and it has a pair of strange monsters now. Can it be transformed into a human form?" Huh, where did the flight go? It was still there just now, and it disappeared all of a moment.

Many monks on the third and fourth floors of the gas refining period near Xianyuan City accidentally saw the missing wings flashing from the low sky. Their eyes were shocked, they opened their mouths wide, and pointed to the sky and shouted. They have never seen such a strange "monster".

"That's a wing spirit weapon that can fly! Kill the flying monsters and refine them with their wings. A few well-informed old monks shook their heads disapprovingly and felt helpless about the ignorance of the young monks. Learn a little, the types of spiritual weapons are not as simple as swords and armors. There are many strange spiritual weapons.

Although they said so, their hearts were equally envious. Being able to fly is usually the ability of monks above the foundation period. Wing-winged spiritual weapons are the only few spiritual weapons that allow gas refining monks to fly. But it's not that simple to hunt flying monsters.

It's only been a while.

A blue sword light rushed out of Xianyuan City, 30 or 40 miles away, just in a moment, it passed by and flew over a piece of the Gobi Desert. A middle-aged man in white with an indifferent look fell to the ground, and the long cyan sword was sharply reduced to a three-inch cyan wooden sword, which was put in his hand. This person is no one else, but a monk surnamed Kong in Baofeng Refinery.

Master Kong glanced around and did not find Ye Qin's figure. I only saw the old man with red eyes and crazy horses tied to the ground by thorns. The whole face of Master Kong was blackened, and the old man Ma said in the note to him that the spell attached to the wing spirit weapon was a high-level wind spell "breaking the empty flash".

"The broken flash turned out to be a high-level spiritual weapon with a broken flash!"

At the thought of this, the blue veins on Brother Kong's face burst out and were ferocious. This is unbelievable. Usually, the spiritual weapons refined from the first and second-order low-level monster materials are at most accompanied by low-level spells, with a very low-level spells, and the high-level spells are rare.

Actually. Most of the foundation-building monks. It's just a master of intermediate spells. Unless the spiritual root potential is excellent. Otherwise, it is difficult to practice high-level spells.

That winged weapon comes with a broken flash. It is equivalent to a run-threatening instrument.

If he has this spiritual weapon. On the basis of wood magic. He also mastered a high-level "life-saving" spell in the wind system. Although this is just a spiritual weapon used by gas refinery monks. But its value. It is immeasurable at all.

Master Kong stared at the old man on the ground fiercely.

Old man Ma is not dead. Obviously, he was poisoned violently. Fire poison rushes the brain. He is already a half-crazy person. Even if the poison is solved, it will be saved. It's also a waste. He doesn't have time to detoxify him.


Master Kong suddenly stared at Old Man Ma and picked up a flame thorn. He is a woody monk, and he is very ** to this woody. The second-order mutant thorn is still a fire system. This kind of mutant shrub can only grow in places full of fire spirit, which is rare.

If they are refined into demon-binding ropes, they are much stronger than ordinary demon-binding ropes. However, the number of thorn branches on the old man's body is too small. If you use the refiner method to quench it, you can get a few thorns at most, which is not enough at all.

"Damn it!"

An angry sword spirit of Master Kong was cut to the ground, and hundreds of feet of sword marks were cracked on the ground, and the whole ground was almost shaken within half a mile. The inch-long sword in his hand soared suddenly and turned into a huge blue flying sword. He jumped and walked in the air to the surrounding territory to look for the traces of Ye Qin.

However, now it is a busy time around Xianyuan City. There are many low-level monks coming and going. Where does he go to find a monk who has long disappeared in the vast crowd?

"This bat king wing, it's good, but it's too mana-consuming."

Ye Qin smiled bitterly on the inland streets of Xianyuan City.

He was thinking about the situation of casting spells with the bat king's wings just now, which was both gratifying but painful. This winged spiritual weapon in my hand, as a best spiritual weapon, is indeed extremely strong. But there is a great disadvantage, that is, the speed of mana consumption is too fast, so fast that he can't afford it.

He is a five-story monk in the gas refining period, and he is also a middle-level monk in the gas refining period. With a high-level spiritual weapon such as Bat King's Wing, he continuously used the "breaking the sky flash" high-level spell. After flying for five or six miles, he felt that his mana was quickly drained like a running stream.

Even with this bat king wing in his hand, he can only break through the air and flash a few miles away now, and it is difficult to play a powerful enough life-saving role.

Ye Qin shook his head secretly and saw that his cultivation was still too low.

Not long ago, he saw a sword light in Xianyuan City and flew quickly to the Gobi Desert in the north.

He was immediately alert and did not dare to use the bat king wing to fly away. Instead, he put away the bat king wing, changed his face, carefully mixed in some low-level monks, and followed into the city of Xianyuan.

I didn't feel at ease until I entered the city. There are no more than tens of thousands of monks in the city. He was not worried that it would be so easy for the religious meeting of Baofengfang to find himself. Moreover, in a few days, the monks of all sects will come to Xianyuan City to collect apprentices, and he will also leave this Xianyuan City. He is not afraid that the monks of Baofengfang will trouble him.

Ye Qin was walking on the street when he suddenly felt a huge spiritual pressure coming from afar. He was shocked and looked up. I saw more than a dozen flying swords of various colors, flying from the direction of Lingwu Grand Canyon to Xianyuan City

After flying to Xianyuan City, the more than ten sword lights slowed down and landed in the Xianyuan Hall Square in the distance. There were more than a dozen foundation-building monks in gray, both old and middle-aged, with a cold look. Where they stood, they immediately scattered a large area of hundreds of feet of empty space, and no one dared to approach.

They set up a temporary collection place in the square. As long as the monks complete the task of the ancient artifact gate, they can sign up for the ancient artifact gate.

Only a few leaders of the foundation-building monks of the escort of the Xianyuan City Sanxiu Alliance who came in a hurry dared to say hello. The monks of the Sanxiu Alliance are very humble in front of these more than a dozen monks.

Xianyuan Hall Square, a dead silence. But soon, the square began to boil.

"The ancient artifact gate is the elder of the ancient artifact gate. The ancient weapon door has come to collect apprentices. Brothers, go and have a look!!" I don't know who can be lucky enough to collect all the spirits of the ancient artifacts and be taken as disciples by the ancient weapons.

Thousands of monks were enthusiastically excited and rushed to the Xianyuan Temple Square to see the scene of the apprentice. Although most of them have no hope of joining the sect. But if they can take a look and have a good time, they can also have a few illusions in their hearts and inspire them to join the school in the coming year.

Ye Qin was also quite excited. He immediately followed the monks to the square in a hurry, squeezed into the middle of the crowd, and watched the ancient artifact gate from afar. The ancient weapon gate is the largest immortal cultivation sect in the Lingwu Mountains, which is extremely powerful. I don't know how many monks want to join the ancient artifacts.

However, the ancient instrument gate only receives 30 entry-level disciples every year, and the number can be said to be very small.

Thousands of gas refining monks around the square can only stare at the few dozens of monks who have successfully completed the task of the ancient artifact gate with envy and rushed to the door of the ancient artifact gate.

Ye Qin's goal is not the ancient artifact gate, but the Qingdan gate.

In just one day, seven schools of immortal cultivation in the Lingwu Mountains and more than a dozen small sects of immortal cultivation came to Xianyuan City one after another. The whole process of including disciples lasts for one day until it is full. If it is not full, leave as soon as the time passes.

After more than a dozen foundation-building monks from Qingdanmen came to Xianyuan City. Next to the ancient utensils gate and the Dique gate, a set of exquisite floor tables and chairs made of high-quality spiritual wood was placed, and the collection of Qingdan Gate was set up. Qingdanmen ranks third among the seven sects, and no other sect dares to compete with them. There are 30 disciples in Qingdanmen, just like the ancient utensils.

There is only one white-robed young foundation-building monk sitting in front of the table and chair to register the disciples who came to sign up. Later, the remaining ten middle-aged and elderly foundation-building monks were chatting.

Ye Qin did not go there immediately, but waited for a while.

It's too early to sign up, which is too eye-catching. It's very uncomfortable to stay under the eyes of thousands of gas refining monks around the square.

When there are more disciples who have signed up, he will not become the only focus of the public.

Until half an hour later, Qingdanmen had included 24 disciples, after a luxuriously dressed monk in brocade in front of him signed up.

Ye Qin suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, came to the landing place, took out a storage bag from his arms, and was ready to pour out 30 rare spiritual grasses specified by Qingdanmen.

At this time, suddenly a rough man not far away suddenly rushed in front of him, squeezed Ye Qin away, took out a storage bag, and poured a large handful of ground grass on the table for his hands. With a smile on his face, he said to the foundation-building monk in charge of registration, "This big brother, record me first, I'll come That boy came later."

Ye Qin was squeezed aside and stayed for a while. He didn't say anything and lined up behind the big man. Sign up one in advance, or the last one, which is the same for him.

The young disciple who built the foundation suddenly turned a cold face and shouted at the rough man, "Shut up, who is your eldest brother? Those who are higher than you are all uncles. The practitioners in the same period are all called brothers.

"Yes, it's my uncle!"

The rough man was suddenly dumbfounded, pulled his head, and didn't dare to say more. This rough man is at least 40 years old, and he looks older than the young foundation-building monk. However, the level of cultivation is here, and this uncle's shouting is not wrong.

Ye Qin stood calmly behind, with a faint smile hanging from the corners of his mouth.

After the registration monk is responsible for registering the Han. Finally, it was Ye Qin's turn. Ye Qin handed over all 30 spiritual grasses and explained his background.

In this regard, he dares not lie and make up his own origin. The identity of the entry-level disciple of the Cultivation Sect Party must be extremely strict. If it is found out later that his origin is fabricated, it will not be as good as him.

Besides, his origin is innocent, there is no shady place at all, and there is no need to make it up.

"Ye Qin, a civilian from the State of Wu, has no family background of cultivating immortals. At the age of 17, he has reached the five-level level of cultivation in the gas refining period.

The monk looked up at Ye Qin, his face was full of surprise, and he didn't know how strange his eyes were.

Ye Qin was slightly nervous. There should be nothing wrong with his information. Even if the Qingdan sect wants to investigate, it can't find any problems.

The young man's foundation-building monk thought for a moment and discussed with several other foundation-building monks behind him for a while. Finally, he registered and made a register for Ye Qin, so that Ye Qin passed the test and became the 26th disciple to join Qingdanmen this year. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to wwwidiancomm, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)