Zifu Xianyuan

130 Spirit Stone Crisis

Dan Mountains.

The main peak, in front of the Zijin Hall. Dozens of chemy disciples in clear blue clothes and holding dust in their hands hurried to the front of the hall, lined up, and stood firm in high spirits.

There is a huge bronze bell hanging high on the front side of the hall. This bronze bell is solemn and solemn, and the ancient Sanskrit script engraved on the face of the clock. The bronze body is mottled, and the age is obviously extremely long.

An old Taoist priest held a bumping tree, "Ding, Dong, Dong!" Three rings. The bell is low, not harsh, but loud and long, spreading from afar, even if it is thousands of miles away, it can be clearly audible.

Between the towering mountains, countless disciples of the refining period looked up in astonishment and didn't understand what had happened. The bronze bell of the main peak hall will only ring during the celebration or when something big happens.

Sanxiang is used to summon the deputy door owner of Qifeng to go to the hall for discussion.

Soon, all kinds of magic weapons appeared in the sky, and there were foundation-building monks on each peak. They controlled the magic weapons and fell in front of the Zijin Hall. They dress differently, but they all wear white clothes with different logos.

In Qingdanmen, Qingyi is a miscellaneous disciple of the gas refining period, and Lanyi is the core disciple of the gas refining period. Grey clothes are the disciples of the foundation-building period, and the white clothes are the stoman of the foundation period. The classification is strict, and the clothing alone is clear at a glance.

Now these foundation-building monks who come to the front of the hall are the masters of the six peaks. There is a head of Qingdanmen and six deputy door owners. The head of the town sits at the main peak. The owner of each peak is actually the deputy owner of Qingdanmen.

The six deputy door masters greeted each other in front of the hall. They didn't know why the door master summoned them. They looked puzzled and stepped into the Zijin Hall in turn. The disciples of the refining period standing in front of the hall welcomed them one after another.

Enter the hall.

Wu Ruiyang, the current head of Qingdanmen. He had already sat on the throne of the head with a solemn look. Deeply lock your eyebrows. It seems to be meditating on something. Six deputy doorkeepers entered the hall. He just nodded.'s nod. He didn't say anything about it.

Another young foundation-building monk was standing next to him. He bowed to the deputy doorkeepers.

The six deputy door owners couldn't help showing surprise. The head of the family has always been well-in-lawed. Be able to take charge of a school of immortal cultivation. Sit firmly in the position of the head. Nature has something extraordinary. They rarely see the leader so serious. Look at his worried face. He looked at his face. It seems that there are problems that can't be solved.

They then sat down at the next head.

The rest of the disciples. They all stood outside the hall and waited. Without permission. You can't step into the hall at will.

In the hall, the atmosphere is solemn.

For a long time, Wu Zhangmen stood up, looked up at the towering hall, glanced at the six deputy door owners, and said in a low voice, "Today, there is an important matter to gather six brothers and sisters. We need to know the brothers and sisters. A few days ago, I inventoryed this year's spiritual stone income account and found that the output of spiritual stone in Beiying Mountain Mine had been sharply reduced by nearly one percent. You should know that the quality and output of the spiritual stone in the Beiying Mountain mine have always been very stable, which is very strange. So I specially sent Zhang Yang's little brother to investigate.

He pointed to the young foundation-building monk standing next to him, and then said, "Brother Zhang Yang entered the spiritual stone mine in Beiying Mountain for a thorough investigation, and found that the mine was almost hollowed out, and there were not many spiritual stones left in it. Brother Zhang initially estimated that the remaining residual mines are only enough for us to dig for three or four years, and it will be sharply reduced sharply every year until it is depleted.

"What? Is the spiritual stone in the Beiying Mountain mine about to be hollowed out?

"Isn't the Beiying Mountain mine reserves a medium-sized vein? How could it be hollowed out so quickly?"

"Brother Zhang Yang, is your investigation true? At this time, it is a matter of great importance, which must not be careless. One is not good, which may cause a disaster for me in Qingdanmen.

The deputy masters showed shock one after another.

It's no wonder that they will be surprised.

Beiyingshan Mine is more than 2,000 miles away from Qingdanmen. It is one of the five spiritual stone mines controlled by Qingdanmen and has been open for hundreds of years. The years of mining are even longer than those of the leaders and deputy door owners on the site.

Among the deputy door owners, they have rarely considered that the Beiying Mountain mine will be hollowed out. Even if it was Wu Zhangmen, it was because of the sudden sharp decline of the spiritual stone that he remembered that the Beiying Mountain mine had been dug for almost hundreds of years, and hurriedly sent the disciples of the foundation period to explore.

The young monk named Zhang Yang looked serious and swore on the spot that there was no mistake in the situation he explored. He stayed in the Beiying Mountain mine for dozens of days, carefully estimated the intensity of the spiritual stone in each place, and made an accurate estimate.

Zhangmen Wu waved his hand to calm everyone down, shook his head and said with a wry smile:

"I have two hundred monks in the foundation-building period of Qingdanmen, and eight thousand disciples in the refining period. The monthly consumption of medium-grade spiritual stones is more than 1,000 yuan, and the lower-grade spiritual stone is as high as more than 100,000 yuan. The Beiying Mountain Mine is just a medium-sized mine, which has been mined for hundreds of years. In fact, it is almost on the verge of exhaustion. If I had paid a little attention a few years ago, maybe I should have found this situation earlier. Brother Zhang Yang's exploration only confirms this situation. That's why I invited you to come to the hall to discuss how to deal with it. Dear brothers and sisters, what do you think about this?

Wu Ruiyang only mentioned the consumption of the lower-grade spirit stone and the medium-grade spirit stone, but did not mention the consumption of the top-grade spirit stone at all. The deputy masters knew this and didn't mention it at all. Up

That is the item that only a few ancestors of Qingdanmen are eligible to enjoy. Thoughtful?

Immediately, an old man in white robe murmured, "At present, there are five mines in Qingdanmen, the Beiying mine is the largest, and the rest are small mines. The spirit stone of the Beiying mine was hollowed out, and we immediately lost a mine outlet. In the next three years, the spiritual stone supply of our sect will be increasingly tight. You also need to be cautious."

The old man in white said a lot about how important it was, but he didn't mention the coping strategy at all, which means he didn't say anything.

The deputy doormasters nodded one after another and agreed. There are still several other spare small mines available in our door. Even if the Beiying Mountain mine is empty, there will be no spirit stone available for decades. But we must find a countermeasure as soon as possible.

Of course, some of them have ideas.

"There are many ways. I just don't know which one is the most suitable. Reduce the number of disciples' recruitment, and the number will be reduced, and the consumption of spiritual stones will naturally be reduced.

Wu Zhangmen's face darkened and he immediately said, "No, we have dropped to the level of only 30 disciples per year. If it continues to be cut, after one hundred years, I'm afraid that my Qingdanmen will no longer exist.

"If you can't reduce the number of disciples, you can only reduce the supply of spiritual stones per disciple! If each person is reduced by one or two yuan a month, the vacancy can be made up.

The rest of the deputy door owners looked at each other and nodded secretly in their hearts, but there was no expression on their faces. This method is feasible, but it will definitely attract fierce protests from the disciples. Who will announce this?

"If it neither reduces the number of people nor the supply of spiritual stones. So the only way is to find a new mine source and open a new mine to maintain the spiritual stone supply of my Qingdan Sect disciples.

"Seven out of ten of the spirit stone is in the Lingwu Mountains, and the mine points are concentrated and of high quality. One-tenth is in the Lingwu Grand Canyon, but the Lingwu Grand Canyon was basically hollowed out ten thousand years ago. Two-tenths of them are scattered in hundreds of countries around the Lingwu Mountains. The quality is poor and it is difficult to mine and utilize them centrally. The mineral resources of the Lingwu Mountains are the most abundant. We need to send more disciples to search everywhere.

Several deputy doorkeepers immediately shook their heads.

"It's not easy to find a new spiritual stone mine source! For tens of thousands of years, those easy-to-mine spiritual stone mines in the Lingwu Mountains have basically been found and carved up by the sects.

A deputy door owner pondered for a moment and proposed carefully. We still have a few reserve deposits, in case we really have to.

Wu Zhangmen categorically refused: "No! Reserves will never move unless they encounter a major crisis. Otherwise, I'm afraid that after thousands of years, I will really face the disaster of extinction. And without the consent of your uncles, no one can use this reserve mineral deposit. Who dares to talk to your uncles about the use of reserve minerals?

The doorkeeper was shocked, shrank his head and didn't say anything again.

There are also nine monks of the Jiedan period in Qingdanmen, who are all closed to each peak and practice, and rarely go out of the customs. Unless it is a big deal, they will not easily disturb these uncles. The use of reserve mineral deposits is related to the foundation of Qingdanmen. The uncles will definitely not agree. This proposal is fruitless.

However, the deputy door owners are controversial about various plans.

Wu Zhangmen was helpless, "What is the way to solve it? This is related to the lifeline of my Qingdanmen for hundreds of years in the future. Let Uncle Huangfu make the decision. Uncle Huangfu has been out of the gate for a short time recently, and now he has not yet entered a state of isolation. Take advantage of it now to ask him for advice.

"I can only let my uncle decide."

The deputy door owners looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They filed through a gate in the Zijin Hall, entered the underground passage, went thousands of feet below, and came to a secret room in the abdomen of the main peak of Qingdan. Wu Ruiyang took out a note and sent a message to Uncle Huangfu, who was in the closed room.

Then, everyone could only wait anxiously.

Soon after, a golden light shot out of the retreat and fell in front of them. A hoarse and majestic voice sounded: "The reserve mine is immovable. The rest are at your own discretion.

The deputy door owners look at each other in consterance, and they have to solve this problem by themselves.

Although Uncle Huangfu did not give advice, he let them do it, but he had a bottom of it in his heart. He thought for a moment and said solemnly, "Since Uncle Huangfu has sent the order, we can only follow it.

Now, the head of the book has issued a decree. The spiritual stone supply of the disciples in the foundation period remains unchanged. Reduce the supply of the two-layer spirit stone for the disciples of the gas refining period, and concentrate it on the core disciples of the most successful base construction during the gas refining period.

In addition, the matter of the Beiying Mountain Mine must be kept strictly confidential and there must be no leakage. If other sects know that the Lingshi mine in Beiying Mountain in my hands is exhausted, it will definitely take the opportunity to raise the price of spiritual objects and give us a heavy blow!"

After saying that, Wu Zhangmen asked the deputy masters to execute it.

As for how to explore the source of spiritual stone. For the major sects of immortal cultivation, it has been a big problem for tens of thousands of years. It's not something that Wu Zhangmen can easily solve at once. Let's find a way to solve this problem slowly.