Zifu Xianyuan

133 Get chores

I coded two chapters with 8,000 words a day, hey.


Dawn, Qingxiu Mountain, embroidery house.

On the embroidered couch, Ye Qin sat with his eyes closed. The aura in his body followed the meridians of his whole body. After running thirteen times according to the big week, he took a long sigh of relief, exhaled the turbid air in his body, and opened his bright eyes.

It took half an hour to complete today's meditation practice of "Sitting and Forgetting the Sutra".

Ye Qin stood up and slowly walked out of the bamboo house.

Outside the house, it seems that you can feel a trace of aura faintly in the fog. There have been a few rays of sunlight on the bamboo forest at dawn. From time to time, birds and beasts can be seen jumping among the bamboo forest, which makes people feel extra refreshing and happy.

Joining Qingdanmen, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, and nothing big has happened. I have passed through a very calm practice.

In this small half month, in the field in front of the bamboo house, under his careful care, dozens of grass species have begun to sprout and grow. However, I don't know how many years it will take to wait until they are ripe and can be used.

Ordinary disciples in the School of Cultivation of Immortals, although the conditions in all aspects are much better than those of the scattered cultivation of Xianyuan City, there are rich aura treasures that can grow herbs, the care and protection of the teachers, and they can easily communicate with the brothers of the masters. But if you want to cultivate immortals successfully, you also need to practice long and hard. I don't know how many monks of each sect are waiting for a long time.

Ye Qin smiled bitterly. He shook his head. Three or four tender bamboo shoots were pulled out in the forest. It is used to eat the stomach. Think of it as a day's food. Then I went back to the bamboo house. Start today's alchemy.

He still used the copper sand alchemy furnace, the first-level spiritual weapon bought from Zhang's brother and sister. This furnace tripod. It's enough for him to spend a long time. Fire. Fire. He prepared two kinds. One is green embroidery burned into ground embroidery carbon.

In addition, it is the ground fire emitted by his own fireball technique.

This kind of embroidered charcoal has a good effect. But the burning heat is not enough. It takes more than an hour to refine a potion. And use sunny words. Four furnaces of elixirs can be refined in an hour. It saves a lot of time.

And when you use Yanghuo to make alchemy. We must concentrate on consciousness. Provide continuous and stable flame for the furnace tripod. This can exercise his ability to control fireballs. Improve the proficiency of fire spells. This exercise spell control method. It is very popular among the disciples of Qingdanmen. He specially asked his brother for advice. Learn how to control the size and power of the sun and fire. Carry out alchemy.

The only drawback is. Alchemy with Yanghuo. The mana will be exhausted soon. It doesn't take long to use sunfire to make alchemy. He uses Yanghuo to make alchemy every day. After half of the mana is consumed. Then use green bamboo to burn it into carbon. To refine the elixir.

Place the copper sand alchemy furnace.

Ye Qin took out a Lanzhi grass from the purple house as the main medicine. In addition, he added some small grass by-medicines. He rubbed them into a delicate and uniform powder juice with his hands, then put them into a copper sand alchemy furnace and poured a small amount of clear spring water.

Then, Ye Qin released a thumb-sized fireball, controlled it, made it float three inches under the copper sand alchemy furnace, and quickly burned the copper sand alchemy furnace red. Concentrate all the divine consciousness, slowly feel the temperature of the flame, and refine the Naqi elixir.

It is easy to release the flame, but it is extremely difficult to control it for a long time and maintain the same power.

Ye Qin slowly released his mana and injected it into the flames.

After a column of incense time.


The aura in the copper sand alchemy furnace suddenly became disordered, and the lid of the furnace jumped up, and a strong burning smell spewed out from it.

Alchemy failed.

Ye Qin was feeling the temperature in the flames. He was stunned, frowned slightly, waved his sleeves, and a strong wind rose flat, swept away all the burning smell in the embroidered house.

He then poured out the waste elixir in the furnace tripod and cleaned it.

Once again, take out a portion of herbs from the purple house, turn it into powder, combine a portion of clear spring water, and put it into the furnace tripod.

After a sip of incense.


Another thick smoke came out, and the alchemy failed again.

When the sun rises from the east of the bamboo forest, sets from the west, and the sky gradually darks.

In the embroidery room.

Ye Qin received the furnace tripod and took the three nano-gas elixirs that were successfully refined today. He felt a little uncomfortable.

He has refined more than 20 furnace tripods today. Only two furnaces have succeeded in elixir, and the elixir rate is about one-tenth. This elixir rate is much lower than the elixir rate of about four-tenths of the dewdan.

However, this phenomenon is also normal. After all, he has been refining Deludan for at least three or five years, and he can refine it with his eyes closed. However, Naqi Dan has just begun to be refined, and he is not familiar with its medicinal properties. The elixir rate will definitely be greatly reduced by half. In addition, the grade of Naqi Dan is higher than that of Delu Dan, and it is more difficult to refine than the first-order Elixir.

Yangqi elixir, Naqi elixir and Juqi elixir are the first-level, second-level and third-level elixirs most commonly refined and taken by monks in the refining period. They are suitable for the initial stage of the gas refining period, the middle stage of the gas refining period and the high-level of the gas refining

Their quality is actually not very good, it can only be said to be very ordinary.

Just like the dew elixir used by Ye Qin before, it is also a first-class elixir, but one pill can match the effect of three qi elixirs.

However, the spiritual grass that refines these three elixirs is most suitable for large-scale planting. As long as there is a little aura of soil, it can grow. They are not as "dewy" as dew grass, and the environment is almost easy to die.

Although the disciples of Qingdanmen have planted a wide variety of spiritual grasses, they also have a variety of unique formulas. However, the most popular elixirs in the refining period are still these three elixirs. The seeds and alchemy formulas of these three elixirs are the stalls on the Qingquanfeng Market. As long as you spend a pen of the elixirs, you can get them.

He naturally bought the seeds and formula of Naqidan and came back to refine it by himself.

However, one thing that worries him is that planting second-order spiritual grass orchid in the Purple House consumes the lower-grade spiritual stone very quickly. A piece of lower-grade spirit stone can only plant ten Lanzhi grass, which can be used to refine ten furnaces of gas elixir.

And the elixir rate of refining Naqidan is only about one-tenth. That is to say, only a piece of lower-grade spirit stone can produce a gas elixir. Even if he is proficient in alchemy, the elixir rate can only be increased to about two-tenths in a short period of time, and it is impossible to achieve higher.

He can take three Naqi elixirs every day. Through meditation, he slowly refines and absorbs the power of the elixir into his own cultivation strength.

The consumption speed of this spirit stone is quite amazing. Three pieces of spiritual stones a day. In the past half a month, he has spent 30 or 40 pieces of spiritual stones. He used up almost all the wood and spirit stones in his hand.

Ye Qin smiled bitterly. He originally planned to stay safely for a month or two in this remote Qingzhu Mountain. Let those who are thinking about themselves forget themselves so that they can go out for activities.

But now it seems that he has to figure out how to get some spiritual stones back. And it needs a lot, three times a day

It costs 90 pieces of spiritual stone in a month.

Ye Qin thought about it carefully. Now I'm thinking about him, it's nothing more than Uncle Zhao, the manager of Qingquanfeng. There are also Shen Bao, Sun Yuming and other people who are a little familiar with each other. Other disciples, even if they see him, may not look at him a few more times.

Selling elixirs for spiritual stones is undoubtedly the best way to make money quickly. It's just that this kind of selling elixir can be done once or twice. If you do it every day, it's strange if you don't make people guess.

There are many ways to earn spiritual stones, but he doesn't have to sell elixirs.

In the comprehensive hall, there seems to be a lot of chores to do. The chores there may be able to help him get some spiritual stones for the time being.

The next day, early morning.

Ye Qin left Qingxiu Mountain and rushed to Qingquan Peak.

After an hour, he came to the comprehensive hall of Qingquan Peak.

It is also a helpless thing for the legs to come to Qingquan Peak. The birds of Qingquan Peak can only send disciples from the main peak to hundreds of miles around in one direction, but they cannot be transported in reverse. Fortunately, Qingxiu Mountain is only two or three hundred miles away from Qingquan Peak. It takes an hour to arrive. Just think of it as practicing Yufeng.

Along the way, he passed a lot of mountains. The disciples of Qingdanmen's qi refining period are known as the 8,000 people, but these 8,000 disciples of qi smelting period are scattered on hundreds of large and small mountains for thousands of miles, and there are actually not many disciples on each mountain. The most intense aura on the hill is only divided by nearly a hundred disciples. In other mountains, there are only 10 or 20 people. There are also many hills with no one.

Many places on the mountain have been reclaimed into fields, with all kinds of green, red, green and purple grasses in the middle, but most of them are immature. Occasionally, I can see some diligent disciples in blue who have picked up water and watered the spiritual grass on the mountain.

Ye Qin didn't look much. He came to the comprehensive affairs hall and walked in. He bowed to a young deacon brother in the hall who was responsible for managing and assigning "miscellaneous tasks" and proposed to receive the miscellaneous tasks.

Several other deacons in the hall took a look and were secretly envious of the deacon.

The deacon looked serious and looked at Ye Qin, showing some surprise. After all, the five-story monks in the gas refining period are still rare in Qingdanmen. He opened the grocery book in his hand and said indifferently, "This little brother, I have a lot of chores.

Let me arrange one for you!" He said so, but his eyes were staring at Ye Qin.

"This brother, help me see which kind of chores are easier to earn spiritual stones."

Ye Qin smiled, and a spiritual stone under his hand was stuffed with other deacons in the hall on his back.

Brother Sun Yuming has already told him that no matter the eldest brother or the little brother in this hall, whether it is cold or smiling, there is no one who does not accept the spiritual stone. If you want to get things done, you should be filial first. If you are not filial, then wait for how to be cheated by these brothers.

The deacon's brother was calm, and a piece of spiritual stone disappeared with the cover of his sleeve, and a smile finally appeared on his old-fashioned face.

The arrangement of this handyman is different from the arrangement of the place of residence.

Once the new disciples live, it will not change again. Unless they become a foundation-building monk, they will move to the seven main peaks. Therefore, the "filial piety" fee is a little expensive. Only with more than ten pieces of spiritual stones can be arranged in a slightly better position, which is normal.

But this handyman often changes, and it can be arranged once in a few days or months. A spiritual stone of filial piety is very high, and it is completely qualified to arrange a good handyman.

The deacon was very satisfied and spoke much more politely.

"This little brother has a skill, and it's okay to choose a suitable chore by yourself. Use your best. If you take the chores in the future, just come to me and I'll arrange it for you. My surname is Qian, just call me Brother Qian. Er, what kind of chores do you want to receive?

"Brother Qian. I just started, and I am not very familiar with these chores. Please give me more advice. Brother, I want to get the kind of chores that can earn more spiritual stones. The more I earn, the better.

Ye Qin said respectfully.

Brother Qian thought for a moment and said, "There are indeed a lot of daily chores to earn spiritual stones. The best one is to help Uncle take care of the field. There are a lot of uncles in the door. They don't have time to take care of the spiritual grass in their field. They need to hire someone to take care of them. This kind of handyman has a high income. If you take good care of it, you may even get one or two precious spiritual grass rewards. But those uncles have seen people in person and agreed to let you take care of them before they can receive this kind of chores. Brother, let me introduce you to some uncles. What do you think? This work is done well, and maybe it can be appreciated by the master.

Ye Qin quickly shook his head. These uncles and uncles in the foundation period were eye-catching. They could see through the growth of their cultivation at a glance. It was not easy to provoke. It was too late for him to avoid it. How could he take the initiative to approach them? Besides, although the spiritual grass planted in these uncles's land is quite high-level, most of them are used to refine the elixirs of the foundation period, and are rarely used by disciples in the refining period. He can only look at a pile of high-level spiritual grass, but he doesn't need it. This is also tormenting.

If he can now have the nine-layer cultivation of the gas refining period, and it is not far from the foundation period, it may be a good job to help these uncles in the foundation period take care of the herbal garden. Even the money to buy grass seeds can be saved.

Ye Qin thought secretly and said with a smile, "I'm not familiar with my uncles. Let's change to another kind of handyman."

"Brothers are afraid of these uncles in their hearts! Brother, I was worried a lot in those years. But if you are familiar with it, you will know that in fact, most of these teachers are closed all year round and rarely come out. As long as you take care of their spiritual grass, they will never embarrass you.

Seeing that Ye Qin insisted on not going, it was not convenient for him to make things difficult for him. He said:

"Okay. There are a lot of other chores, but they are mainly chores. It's like going to Qingquan Peak to pick up spiritual spring water, going to Qingshan Mountain to pick up a kind of soil and send it to a certain peak. And clean the door, cook, carry water and so on. I suggest that you don't have to think about these work. Less money, heavy work, and delay your practice. Only those monks who can't get along will do this kind of rough work.

Ye Qin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you can earn the spiritual stone. Please ask Brother Qian to help me find it carefully."

Brother Qian was a little surprised. He thought for a moment and said:

"Then let me have a look. There are also mountain patrols and miscellaneous workers who go to Qing to suppress the monsters that have been introduced into the Qingdan Mountains thousands of miles every day. Flying around with birds all day long is a certain threat. The income is still high, and the monsters he hunted belongs to himself.

Oh, there are still a few money-making handymen here, and I almost forgot.

In the Beiying Mountain mine, there is a shortage of more than a dozen miners. This chore is dirty and tiring, and you have to stay in the depths of hundreds of feet of mines all year round, so there have been vacancies and recruits. However, the treatment is very high. You can have a spiritual stone every day, which is the highest of all the chores." ( To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to www**com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)