Zifu Xianyuan

140 Dan recipe, wine recipe

When he came out of the transmission array, Ye Qin was immediately shocked when he felt a high-temperature heat wave on his face. He hurriedly pinched the method and applied a King Kong shield to himself.

Then a flash, far away from the white-haired old man who was refining the machine, not far from the transmission array.

The white-haired old man's hands changed rapidly, constantly bursting flames, patted the golden **, felt Ye Qin's gaze, and laughed:

"Kon, don't make a fuss. It's okay to hide away. I'm so proficient in refining techniques that I can't make mistakes. Also, all the recipes here are three spirit stones. There are some blank jade slips on the outermost bookshelf. You can copy them by yourself.

Ye Qin opened his eyes wide and stared away for a while, speechless. The naive fire of the monks in the foundation-building period is more domineering than the sunny fire. If it touches a little, I'm afraid that the diamond mask may not bear it. The old man's refinery was afraid that it would not end for a while. He did not disturb the master's refinery and walked to the bookshelf in the distance.

The collection of books on the second floor is much less, and there are few pure theoretical research books, mainly all kinds of practical things. Like refinery recipes, alchemy recipes, brewing recipes, cooking recipes, books, embroidery, jade slips, etc., are almost full of bookshelves.

Ye Qin searched carefully for a while, and his eyes lit up.

"The formula of Pigu Dan! Pigu Dan, low-level immortals can't do without diet for a long time. When they are closed, they can take one pill for less than half a month. Materials: Cangshu, Huang, Baishu, Dangshen, Maimendong. This recipe is good. In case you want to sit at the critical level of life and death, you can use it.

"Huiyuan Dan formula! One to three layers can be taken during the foundation period to increase cultivation. Materials: "

"Peiyuandan formula! The fourth to sixth layers of the foundation period can be taken to increase the cultivation.

"Guiyuan Dan Recipe! It can be taken from seven to nine layers during the foundation period. Growth in cultivation."

Ye Qin quickly looked for his ground alchemy formula on the second floor in the future. As long as you see good things. Take it in your hand without saying a word. There are too many recipes here. He can't even pick it up.

Go to the innermost part of a row of bookshelves. A precious wooden box contains a piece of milky jade Jane.

He picked up the jade slip curiously. Explore with divine knowledge.

"The three major Qidan formulas of Qingdanmen - the foundation elixir formula, the Shouyuan elixir formula, and the Linggen potential elixir formula."

Ye Qin took a breath of cold air. The face is ecstatic.

was finally found by him.

Zhujidan is a reward item for Qingdanmen Xiaobi. And this Shouyuan Dan must participate in the large-scale comparison of disciples in the foundation-building period of the sect to get the reward items. As for the Linggen potential elixir, it was the first time he had seen it.

Ye Qin quickly took a look at the recipe introduction:

"The foundation elixir, the ninth level of the monk in the gas refining period breaks through the realm and is a must-have for entering the foundation-building period. Rare things in the immortal world.

"Shouyuan Dan, used to prolong destiny. According to the power of the elixir, a small amount of life expectancy can be increased. The most common is five-year and ten-year longevity elixir, and there are rare ones that can prolong life expectancy by 20 years. If there is a monk who is about to break through and is about to run out of longevity before entering the foundation period or the golden elixir period, then taking this elixir can directly renew the longevity yuan and make a breakthrough at a critical moment. Shouyuan Dan, to supplement the fate, needs to consume a lot of spiritual herbs. The cost of refining land is extremely high, and the quantity is unusually scarce. Even if it is Qingdanmen, it is only three grains that appear on the ratio every nine years. In addition, Shouyuan Dan is not an elixir that can be taken indefinitely. For each extra pill, the effect of the medicine will be halved in turn. After taking three or four pills, it is almost ineffective to take it again, and it can't last for a longer life.

"The spiritual root potential elixir can directly increase the spiritual root potential and permanently improve its own cultivation talent, which is against the sky. The elixirs needed for this elixir are extremely rare and can be encountered but not sought. As soon as the spiritual root potential elixir comes out, it is enough to make the whole immortal world crazy. Even the monks of the elixir period will definitely grab it. Although Qingdanmen has the formula of the spiritual root potential elixir, it is difficult to find the elixir. It is 500 years ago since the last appearance of the spiritual root potential elixir.

Ye Qin was shocked after reading the introduction of these three Qidan.

Build the foundation elixir, enter the foundation; Shouyuan elixir, supplement the destiny; spiritual root potential elixir, increase the potential. Any kind of elixir is enough to make people crazy. However, the problem is that the spiritual herbs needed for these three elixirs are expensive elixirs of at least three or four levels or above, at least hundreds of years of medicinal power.

Put away these recipes first.

Ye Qin continued to look over the bookshelf. To his surprise, there are many strange recipes here, such as brewing, cooking, weaving and so on.

"Chen Sang Niang Recipe". Pick a number of spiritual grasses and brew them into mulberry wine, which can quickly restore mana.

"Flower Brewing Recipe". Pick a kind of spiritual flower and brew it into wine. If you can pick a hundred kinds of spiritual flowers, it will become a hundred flowers, which can quickly restore the mana.

"Fruit Wine Recipe". Picking all kinds of spiritual fruits and brewing them into wine can quickly restore mana.

A strange look appeared on Ye Qin's face. He used Linghua and Lingguo to make fairy wine, which has the effect of quickly restoring mana. This is a good thing! He bought a small gourd Chen Sangxian wine in Xianyuan City. The portion was only a small sip, and he spent a full ten spiritual stones.

It's hard to buy this kind of fairy wine.

Receive it.

In addition, there are refinery formulas on this bookshelf, such as various stages of spiritual weapons, golden lightsaves, flame knives, ice knives, etc., and the required ore material refining formulas are all available here. The number is so large that people's hands are numb.

It was just a short time. Ye Qin had already held dozens of recipes in his hand, which made him happy.

Ye Qin quickly took a large number of embroidered and jade slips from the bookshelf and held them in his hand. Somehow, he suddenly stunned, and his face changed, and a sad look appeared. He was silent for a moment.

Even the excitement of finding a bunch of formulas has completely disappeared.

The fatal defect of the ninth layer of the refining period of "Sitting Forgotten Sutra" is tightly wrapped around him all the time like a life rope. With the passage of time, it will be tighter and tighter, and finally force him into a closed and isolated state.

If you don't have the life to survive this most difficult life-and-death disaster, you will silently enter the state of fake death until you sit still and die. Is this pile of alchemy formulas in your hand going to be taken back as a funerary object?

No matter how many things there are, you have to use them. If this life-and-death disaster can't be passed, it will leave a lot of useless items like a miser after death, which will only let the fellow brothers see jokes and add laughter.

Ye Qin was silent and gradually calmed down. The original excitement has already been swept away.

He put all these recipes back in place.

"If you can't build the foundation, these Huiyuan Dan, Peiyuan

Yuandan, what do these elixirs used by monks in the foundation period have for themselves? Pure object. Where do you have the time to refine these refiner formulas now?

Now, my only goal is to get the foundation elixir, wholeheartedly hit the foundation, and break through this disaster. As long as there is nothing to help this, it is a burden, which will only distract him from energy and mind.

Ye Qin's hand is also much faster.

Finally, all I have left is the Foundation Dan Recipe and the Fruit Wine Recipe.

This foundation elixir formula is necessary for refining the foundation elixir.

In this "Fruit Brew Recipe", there are a lot of flame berries and frost berries in his purple house. Anyway, it is also placed. The brewing method is very simple. As long as you put the ingredients on it and let them slowly, it will not take his time, so it will be left behind.

As for other recipes, it's not too late to come here to get them when you have a life to survive. The Qingdan Library will certainly not be closed in three or two years. If you don't die, you will have no luck to enjoy these.

A trace of indifferent and resolute eyes flashed in Ye Qin's eyes, and the whole thing was much more relaxed.

He took a blank jade slip on the bookshelf and copied the two recipes.

In this short half day, the white-haired old man has almost finished refining his weapon. After completing the last few magic decisions, a golden sword full of strange charms and a round golden sword floated in the air.

Ye Qin came to the old man and said respectfully, "Uncle, the younger generation took two copies of the recipe. This is the spiritual stone."

The white-haired old man had grabbed the jade slip in his hand, glanced at it, and smiled strangely:

"Building foundation elixir formula, fruit brewing formula! Kid, old man, I have seen many descendants copy the foundation elixir here. These people, without exception, have an idea, that is, they all want to see if they can refine the foundation elixir. However, the old man has never seen anyone really succeed in refining. Hundreds of advanced spiritual herbs are needed to build the foundation elixir, which cannot be refined at all except for concentrating the power of the whole school. You can't get these elixirs for the rest of your life. This fruit wine is interesting. Can you make fairy wine? How about giving me an altar to the old man?

Ye Qin blushed slightly and said obediently, "The younger generation can't make wine yet. Just take it back and have a try."

"All right, you can copy it if you want. There are a total of six pieces of spiritual stones for the two recipes."

The old man took the spirit stone from Ye Qin's hand, but didn't let him go. "Don't worry, I've just refined the earth's spiritual weapon, and I'm missing a disciple in the refining period to try its power. You can try it!"

Ye Qin hesitated for a moment and said, "Uncle, this is not appropriate. If this newly made spiritual weapon is stained with the mana of others, the price is not easy to sell!"

The white-haired old man suddenly said angrily, "What's wrong? I'm doing experiments. It took me several years to design it, and I didn't plan to sell it. You can use physical control to see if you can make it fly.

Ye Qin complained secretly. The old man was purely a strong man, and the spiritual weapon was not manipulated by object control at all.

Here's the difference between spiritual and magic weapons.

Spiritual weapon: normal size, refined by monks in the foundation period with various refining techniques. When used, the body is controlled and injected with a small amount of mana, which can stimulate the five elements of damage attack.

magic weapon: very small, refined by the monks of the elixir period with various refining techniques. When used, the divine consciousness controls, injects mana, can fly, can easily become larger and smaller, can be long-range attack and close defense, unpredictable, and powerful.

This white-haired old man is a foundation-building monk, and the earth sword quenched with innate fire must be a golden spiritual weapon. If Ye Qin holds it in his hand, he can use it as a sword in his palm and use his body to fight against the enemy. However, it is extremely difficult to use object control to manipulate it.

Because the spiritual guide is not good enough, it needs to consume a lot of mana and a lot of divine consciousness to control it to fly.

Object control is not a high-level spell, but an entry-level basic spell, which makes the items move with the divine consciousness, which not only consumes mana, but also consumes the divine consciousness, and is tired for a long time. An advanced spell of object control, the royal swordsmanship, is famous and is specially used for driving magic weapons.

The white-haired old man didn't care whether Ye Qin wanted to or not. He stared at his big eyes and forced him to use object control to manipulate the golden sword. If Ye Qin doesn't agree, I'm afraid he will leave on the spot.

Ye Qin couldn't refuse. He was silent for a moment and used the magic of control. A mana hit the golden sword and manipulated the sword to fly.

To his surprise, the golden sword on the table only shook slightly, and then slowly flew up under the control of mana. Ye Qin's manipulation is not too skilled, so it flies very slowly.

Ye Qin was stunned, and his hands were quickly pinched, controlling it to fly quickly in the air. After a while, I only saw a golden light and shadow, which shuttled quickly in mid-air.


The golden sword flew so fast that it hit a transparent light wall in the library, stirring up a wave on the light wall, and then "Ding Dong!" It got out of control and landed on the ground.

Ye Qin accepted the Dharma decision, consumed a lot of mana, was mentally tired, and his face turned slightly pale. But he was already extremely shocked. This golden spirit weapon could fly quickly under his control.

"Haha, my pseudo-spiritual weapon is not bad! I carved several small wind formations on the sword to make it fly so fast.

The white-haired old man was overjoyed and waved his hand to take up the golden sword on the ground. When he received his hand, he grabbed it with both hands. The golden sword suddenly enlarged several times, and then pressed his hands to make it shrink several times. "Click", there were many fine cracks on the small sword, which obviously could not withstand The power of scaling and pulling.

Ye Qin was shocked and immediately pulled back a few feet. A spiritual weapon actually has a crack when it is pulled. I'm afraid that this white-haired old man is the strength of building the foundation above the middle stage. It's better to stay away from it, so as not to be accidentally injured by the broken sword.

"This pseudo-done can't be zoomed in and out, which is a little different from the real one."

The white-haired old man scratched the back of his head with regret, waved his hand impatiently, and muttered, "I have to find a way to make it zoom in and out. Oh, it's really nerve-wracking. The tensile toughness of this material is not enough. Next time you have to change a recipe and try it with other materials.

Ye Qin was stunned for a moment.

Is this small sword a fake magic weapon?

He saw that the white-haired old man had fallen into meditation, so he couldn't ask more questions. I came to the transmission array, left the second floor, and soon left the Qingdan Library. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to wwwidiancomm, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

First release