Zifu Xianyuan

163 Skull puppet

Qin came down from the small transmission array and was immediately transported by the scene in the cave in front of him. There were hundreds of feet of caves full of miners' bones, at least hundreds of them, which were left thousands of years ago. Judging from the posture of these corpses when they died, these miners in the depths of the ground rushed to escape to the transmission array of the cave and planned to go out with the transmission array, but they died in the cave because there were too many people to transmit it.

On each side of this huge cave, there is a spiritual stone mine, which extends to the depths of the earth. There are also a large number of corpses in these spiritual stone mines.

Ye Qin looked at these corpses a few times and was slightly shocked.

But he soon calmed down and looked at the stone wall. The faint light emitted by various spiritual stones on the wall of the cave is dazzling.

Ye Qin was suddenly ecstatic. He finally found the spirit stone in the underground mine of Wankuling. As long as he stays in this cave for a few months and gets enough spiritual stones to plant spiritual grass and refine the foundation elixir, his chances of successfully building the foundation will be greatly improved.

Ye Qin suppressed his excitement and looked at the 20 or 30 monks around him.

After a short shock, the monks had woken up. They rushed to these corpses, turned over the bodies of these corpses, and eagerly searched for some important items. Of course, they didn't forget to take away the spiritual stones carried by these corpses.

Ye Qin naturally knew that what they were eager to find must be the scroll of the Kuling Mine Map.

Most of his disciples who were the first to enter the mine will be explained by their respective teachers to find the mine map scrolls. Only by finding the scroll of the mine map can the sect quickly grasp the distribution of the spiritual stone veins and the various situations of the mine, so as to occupy an advantage in the competition for the Wankuling spiritual stone.

This kind of: the picture scroll is usually carried on the miners' heads of various sects, and the latest found all kinds of spiritual stone mines, new mining lanes, and abandoned mine lanes are recorded on the scroll at any time.

All the disciples were searching for the scrolls on the body of the corpse. They all walked with the same door very carefully. And keep a distance from other sect monks. Beware of sneak attacks.

After Ye Qin was clear about the actions of the monks. He also began to look for scrolls in the pile of corpses. And I was thinking quickly in my heart. What should we do next? It's to leave the team directly. Go to the depths of the spiritual stone mine to dig the spiritual stone. Or stay at the same door with Qingdanmen all the time.

Now he has found the location of the spiritual stone vein. Act alone. It is safer and more convenient for him.

These ten thousand dry mountains. It has been dug up by dozens of immortal sects. The underground spirit stone mine road must be extremely huge. And it's complicated. I'm afraid no sect can figure it out. How big is this underground mine? He just needs to find a small place to hide and dig the spiritual stone. It's not too much of a problem. In terms of safety. He has two magic weapons to protect himself. It's enough to compare with the core disciples of any sect. There is still a place to protect yourself.

But. Let's not do this first.

Let's find the map scroll first. If you can get the map scroll. He can accurately know the detailed distribution of various spiritual stone ore sites. For example, wooden spirit stone. This kind of spiritual stone is in the greatest demand for the cultivation of medicinal herbs. The demand for other types of spiritual stones is much less. Map scroll. He is alone in the hinterland of the underground mine. It will bring great convenience. Even if you are in danger. It's easy to run for your life. It won't get into the dead mine.

Ye Qin thought silently.

His calm and restrained eyes swept over the hundreds of corpses in the cave. The baskets on his back were holding the remains of the miner's pick in his hand, and he didn't look at them much.

He once stayed in the Beiying Mountain Mine Road for three years and was very clear about the difference between ordinary miners and miners.

The miners don't mine at all. They all carry spiritual weapons such as spiritual whips and walk around the mine to supervise the work. Moreover, there are often many land miners around the miner's head. A group of people dominate the mine road and suppress ordinary miners. The highest-ranking miner's head is often the highest in cultivation, and only with the best spiritual weapon can he shock the scene and prevent miners from making trouble. Thousands of years ago and thousands of years later today, although the years are far apart, I'm afraid this point is not much different.

After Ye Qin swept most of the corpses in the cave, he was secretly disappointed. There are almost ordinary miners with baskets on their backs and picks. They are all miners who are buried in mining, and there is no map scroll in their hands.

In the whole cave, only Ye Qin stood alone, frowning and quickly looking at hundreds of corpses without searching.

The remaining 20 or 30 monks present obviously did not stay in the mine and did not know the difference between the miner and the miner's head. They were very eager to turn over each corpse, searched all the places on the corpse, and wanted to find the map scrolls from them.

When Ye Qin had made sure that the body here did not carry the map scroll at all, the other monks had only searched through less than a hundred corpses.

The transmission array kept emerging with new light, and new repairs constantly entered the mine, and they immediately searched on the corpse.

Among the disciples of Qingdanmen, Old Kong was the first to send in, and Ye Qin was the second to come in. Yan Xuan, Shen Bao and Zhang Yunzi also stayed on the first floor of the cave and did not enter the second floor of the cave.


When the monks were rummaging for the scroll on the body of the corpse, they heard a strange sound of bone rubbing. They were all stunned and turned their heads to look.

In the huge cave, near a spiritual stone mine, the hand bone of a miner's corpse suddenly moved, and then he supported it on the ground, supported it with a set of skeletons, stood up in place, still holding the pickaxe in his hand, and looked around blankly.


A monk first found something wrong, shouted in a low voice, and hurriedly withdrew and retreated.

Dozens of monks looked at the corpse one after another, and a chill suddenly came out of the bottom of their hearts almost at the same time. They had no time to go to search for the corpse again, and hurriedly retreated away from the suddenly moving corpse.

Ye Qin was one of the first monks to find the skeleton standing up. His heart tightened, and he flew to the edge of the transmission array at the fastest speed. He looked back at the corpse and was ready to stand on the transmission array at any time.



Or a skeleton puppet? Or a puppet?

A huge doubt appeared in Ye Qin's heart. He has joined Qingdanmen for so many years, and now he is no longer the kind of new monk who knows nothing. Although most of the time is spent in retreat, I occasionally hear a lot of things from other fellow monks, and some of the most basic common sense is still clear.

He quickly sorted out the situation he had mastered about the ghost monk.

You should know that after the immortals die, the shen can also escape from the body to avoid destruction with the body. However, the yuan god has a limit on longevity. As long as the longevity is exhausted, the yuan god will still disintegrate and disappear. All the gas refining monks usually live for about a hundred years. Ye Qin's own longevity is 81 years. If he doesn't die because of practicing the Sitting and Forgetting Sutra and not being killed by other monks, he can live 81 years old, and then Shouyuan will die when he is exhausted.

After the yuan god is destroyed, there is only one way to prolong the longevity, that is, ghost cultivation, stepping into the ghost path.

An ordinary immortal must constantly break through the bottleneck from the gas refining period to the foundation period, from the foundation period to the golden elixir period, and from the golden elixir period to the Yuanying period. Every time you cross a disaster and enter a higher level of cultivation, you can greatly increase your longevity.

And ghost cultivation also has to go through the kind of cultivation stage and cross the disaster to increase the longevity. Otherwise, even if it becomes a "ghost", the yuan of the yuan god is exhausted, and it is also necessary to collapse and solve the death.

All local creatures must face the first-line of the heavenly opportunity of Shouyuan.

Whether it is a seeker, a ghost monk, or a rare bird, a monster or so on. In front of Shouyuan, they are all selfless and ruthless. If you can break through that line of sky, you will be born until you are flying immortals. If you can't break through that line of sky, you will die and become earth and dust.

However, it is even more difficult to cultivate immortals than to cultivate immortals.

After all, immortals have a physical body. They can increase their vitality by practicing skills and taking elixirs, so that they can grow their vitality quickly.

But the ghost monk lost his body and could not practice with his body, let alone take elixirs to increase his vitality. The yuan god cannot directly absorb the aura of the spiritual stone. The aura of the spiritual stone is too strong and lacks buffer, which will make the yuan god explode and die. Ghost monks can't be active during the day, and the spirit of Yangshen will greatly kill the vitality of the Yuanshen.

Only a few yuan gods with extremely high talent and destroyed bodies have created a way to practice without a body. There are very few monks who master ghost cultivation skills, and the monks who have successfully stepped into the ghost road are even more rare in the world.

Wankuling has been sealed by more than 30 boulder pillars for thousands of years, during which it is impossible for monks to come in.

Is it true that thousands of years ago, among the thousands of mining disciples of more than 30 sects who were lost in the mine, some monks became ghosts and lived all the time~?

Ye Qin was shocked to the extreme.

According to Shouyuan, it will be at least 3,000 years of ghost cultivation, which is at least comparable to that of a monk of Yuanying. Blowing a breath is enough to wipe out the ashes and smoke of those of the gas refining disciples who entered the mine. The strength of the Yuanying monks is probably enough to sweep the whole Lingwu Mountains, which is by no means what low-level disciples like them can resist.

Almost all the disciples of the sect have speculated about this possibility, and their faces are pale and extremely ugly. If this speculation comes true, then their large group of gas refining disciples are equivalent to coming to die in vain, the real cannon fodder.

In addition to ghost monks, there are two possibilities, that is, zombies and skeleton puppets.

Zombies are far worse than ghost monks, and usually become places where ghost monks live. After the body of the ghost monk was destroyed, only the yuan god was left. The activity was very inconvenient and very easy to be hit. The corpses soon after death are often refined into zombies, and the Yuanshen is housed in it, which can provide maximum protection for the Yuanshen.

Ghost monks and zombies are two completely different things.

Ghost monks have their own motogami and complete divine consciousness.

But zombies don't have it, it's just a physical body. It has no consciousness, only a very low instinctive reaction. If no ghost monk controls it, it will rely on instinct to carry out activities.

Ghost monks can practice and increase their cultivation. Zombies can't practice, but relying on instinctive activities will make it stronger.

Ghost monks can constantly refine zombies, making zombies more and more powerful. It may be very appropriate to call "zombie" a weapon. A ghost monk in the Yuanying period, coupled with a pair of zombies that have been refined for thousands of years, is extremely powerful.

And the skeleton puppet is the lowest level. It's just a tool used for manipulation after being simply refined by a ghost monk. If no one manipulates it, the skeleton puppet will not move by itself.

It's not just ghost monks who can manipulate skeleton puppets. Ordinary immortals, if they know how to refine and control the skeleton puppet, they can also refine and manipulate the skeleton puppet.

The standing corpse, with a glance of spiritual eyes, can be seen that there is no yuan spirit attached to the skeleton. There must be someone manipulating it before it can carry out activities. This is what scares the 20 or 30 monks present the most. A small skeleton is not terrible, but a ghost monk who has lived for thousands of years.

The skeleton's skull's head creaked and turned stiffly, stared at a bald man monk, raised the mine pick, stepped away, creaked over, and knocked on the bald man.

The bald man's heart was empty, but in full view of the monks of various sects, he could not be scared by this little skeleton. He was bold, roared, held a flame knife, and suddenly split the corpse.

As soon as the corpse was raised, it was split from the head to the foot by a fanatical flame knife, split in two pieces, and completely fell apart.

"Boh, I thought it was a ghost monk. It turned out to be a skeleton puppet. I'm afraid that such a puppet can't help but have the strength of the gas refining period. The bald man killed the skeleton puppet, spit, laughed a few times, and his confidence began to soar.

But dozens of other monks couldn't laugh at all. Instead, they held all kinds of spiritual weapons and couldn't help retreating, looking solemn. In this cave, the corpses kept swaying and stood up.