Zifu Xianyuan

210 Tugong

In the palace hall, the foundation monks rushed to grab the treasure gourd. To almost the extent, they rushed to the gourd one after another. However, whoever is closest to the gourd must be the first to be attacked by other monks.

In just a few blinks, several high-level and middle-level monks who rushed to the front were "dead" by other monks, directly turned into light and disappeared, and were moved out of the maze by the forbidden array. In two or three breathless time, the number of monks in the hall was greatly reduced by more than half.

Although the foundation monks in the field covered their identities with masks, hats and so on, once they do their best, it is easy to see their history. Because the seven major immortal sects and the famous monks of the immortal family have some unique means. Whether it is magic weapons or skills, it is easy to observe the origin.

After a wave of rapid and short drama fights, the situation in the wooden palace hall suddenly became clear, leaving only six monks in the hall. The treasure gourd is still on the ground and has not been picked up by anyone.

Ye Qin and Han Xu had been hiding in the corner, but they couldn't help rushing out to pick up the bargain at the last moment. They did not enter the fierce battle group that had just grabbed the golden gourd in time, so the two of them were still in the hall.

There are four other high-level monks in the center of the hall.

A tall and thin old man of Da Luomen, with a flag-shaped magic weapon, rolled out dozens of red wind arcs with a wave. One is a cold-faced middle-aged man in yellow, wearing a thick layer of light armor, manipulating a magic knife with both hands, pricking his feet to the ground, staring at the tall and thin old man without moving his eyes. Both of them are masters of building nine floors. There is also a female monk from a family in Nanliang, with eight floors during the foundation period, holding a high-level water system sword.

Three people are working together.

The last one is the deputy master Wei of the Sanxiulian, who is concerned about the unextinguished fire in Ye Qin's hand, instead of paying too much attention to it. Although this treasure gourd can make money, it is definitely not as good as the value of not extinguishing the fire, which is a direct help to the cultivation of immortals.

Although Lord Wei also joined the battle group to grab the treasure gourd, he fought with three people. But he didn't try his best. At least half of his mind was on Ye Qin's secret words, urging Ye Qin to agree to trade with him.

The four high-level monks built the foundation and gathered the treasure gourd together. Ye Qin and Han Xu can only be in a hurry on the periphery. Can't rush in. As long as they are hit by any of the high-level monks with all their strength. The ground boundary charm shield on the body will be broken immediately.

But let Ye Qin take the initiative to give up the golden gourd. That's also unrealistic. No one can die in this maze. No one will be afraid of death and will do everything possible to grab this golden gourd.

Ye Qin also has an "advantage". That is, his strength is so weak that he is the lowest among the foundation-building monks present. If it's a head-on fight. In the face of any monk present, he is afraid that he will be defeated. It is because the foundation-building monks have no time to seize the treasure gourd land. His low-level cultivation is obviously not the priority of the foundation-building monks. Who will take time to attack Ye Qin?

The only pity is. This advantage does not allow Ye Qin to grab the treasure gourd.

He considered using the bat king's wings to break through the sky. Fly to the middle of the four people to grab the treasure gourd. But this wooden palace is too narrow. Four foundation-building high-level monks released more than a dozen spells and various medium-level spells. The formation of a wide range of energy almost filled the whole hall. If he wants to use flash words. It is very likely that it will hit a magic weapon or spell in it. As a result, it leads to the failure of the flash.

"Even if it is a failure. At worst, it's just that it's moved out. It's better than that."

Ye Qin laughed at himself and patted the storage bag around his waist, and a pair of huge snow wings immediately appeared behind him. Before the flash, he also did something that looked very crazy, threw the dementor bell magic weapon, and bombarded the five people present in the middle of the hall. Including Han Xu, who had just met, is also within the scope of the bombardment. Ye Qin can only secretly apologize for this. Whoever grabs the treasure gourd belongs to whom. There is no way to say.


An invisible large-scale wave with the power of dizziness rolled up towards the five foundation monks aimed at the mouth of the clock. How could they think of Ye Qin, who had just built the foundation, and such a magic weapon as the dementor clock.

At this moment, the foundation monk suffocated almost at the same time, and there was a pause in both divine control and mana output.

also means that the magic weapon they control has also lost command in an instant, and the attack has stopped.

Ye Qin wanted to rely on this moment to defeat four high-level monks, plus Han Xu, a low-level monk, was almost impossible. Their cultivation and mana are too different, and the deterrent effect is greatly reduced. The time for the foundation-building high-level monks to be stunned is too short to break through their defense.

Fortunately, his purpose is also to fight with these four high-level monks, but to grab the gourd. At this moment, it was enough for Ye Qin to perform a flash. He almost patted his wings with his eyes closed.


Ye Qin passed through the gap of the battle, appeared in the middle of the four foundation-building monks, and collected the treasure gourd on the ground.

Ye Qin's almost unscrupulous action almost shocked the four high-level monks present on the spot. Before they could take the gourd hand, a monk who built a layer of foundation, instead took the lead and picked up the bargain from their hands.

Han Xu's eyes widened and found that Ye Qin seemed to be much more powerful than he thought. He also seemed to understand that Ye Qin was by no means lucky to break into the wooden palace hall with the strength of building a foundation.

Dementor bells and bat wings that can flash through the air, these two magic weapons and spiritual weapons are very rare.

The clock is usually used as

Use, used to resist enemies and protect yourself, without dizziness

However, there are very few bell magic weapons. The waves provoked by the magic power have the effect of deterring the soul and stuning the opponent. This kind of bell magic weapon is called the soul clock. This kind of dementor clock is no longer a defensive magic weapon, but a control magic weapon - the monks who control the scene were stunned on the spot and could not make any response. If the opponent is prepared, he may be able to resist it. If it is under raid, even high-level monks are very easy to be plotted.

The dementor bell can only be made by the top refinery master of Da Luomen who likes to refine partial gates, and rarely falls into the hands of outside monks.

As for the bat wing, let alone the fact that a spiritual weapon can cast a high-level spell of the wind system, which is simply incredible. In particular, this high-order spell can still be teleported to break the air. Even many foundation-building monks have only mastered the middle-level spells. If they can't use high-level spells at all, they will naturally be extremely jealous of this spiritual weapon.

The value of these two items is extremely high, and if they are combined, it is simply enviable.

"Dementor Bell! Why is my son's soul clock in your hand? Who are you? The tall and thin old man stared at the blue bronze bell in Ye Qin's hand, and the corners of his mouth moved cowardly, with surprise and anger in his eyes.

The old man is extremely familiar with this bell. This was originally a high-order magic weapon he used to re-refine it, and it was greatly reduced to a low-order magic weapon. Three years ago, he gave it to his son, who was still practicing Qi at that time, to participate in the Wankuling Cave trial. Unexpectedly, his son would never return to the cave. He can't do anything even if he wants to revenge, because the cave trial is extremely complicated and he can't find who killed his son. This matter has been going on for a long time. He had given up the investigation for a long time, but he didn't expect to see the dementor clock here.

Ye Qin took the gourd and curled his lips carelessly, knowing that the tall and thin old man was the father of the golden monk he killed in the mine, and he was just sneering in his heart.

Of course, that man is dead. In the cave practice, he fought for the interests of the sect. Do you still want to take revenge?


The whole wooden palace began to collapse in a large area. When the wooden palace completely collapses, all the monks who remain in the wooden palace will turn into white light and disappear from the maze.

While the five monks were still stunned, Ye Qin appeared on the transmission array in the wooden palace hall and disappeared. He finally came to the maze, and he always had to go to the Tugong to have a look and see some.

Seeing this, several monks scolded in their hearts and rushed to the transmission array one after another, and entered the earth palace before the wooden palace collapsed.

Everything around has returned to tranquility, and there is no sound of fighting.

Ye Qin looked around and couldn't help smiling faintly. He was still in the maze, and now he should be in the Tu Palace. There are a total of eight palaces in the maze of Xianyuan Hall. The mythical beasts in the Fire Palace, the Wood Palace, the Earth Palace and the Golden Palace are more powerful than the first palace. For the powerful monks in the foundation period, it is easy to break into the fire palace, but the wooden palace is already very difficult. And this earth palace, it is said that only a very small number of high-level monks can break through in time in one day.

Ye Qin was very curious about how powerful the mythical beast in the earth palace was.

Don't be in a hurry to explore, sit down to recover your mana, and take a look at the treasure gourd in your hand. This golden treasure gourd seems to be a little strange, non-wood or non-stone, very heavy, and I don't know what material it is made of. The most surprising thing is that there seems to be an unusually strong aura in this gourd, which is by no means the aura that the spirit stone should have.

Ye Qin didn't figure out what was going on for a while.

It is not convenient for him to study and experiment in this maze. After his mana recovered, he flew to the depths of the earth palace. Surprisingly, after flying for a long time, he did not see any mythical beasts in the tunnel of the earth palace.

Ye Qin was puzzled.

"This earth palace is said to be very dangerous, I'm afraid some of them have a false reputation."

He had just come up with this idea, and suddenly a khaki light rushed to the sky from the ground, covering his whole body.

Ye Qin was shocked. He slapped his wings and flew forward, out of the yellow light. But with a "dang" sound, he hit his head on a thick yellow light wall, hit him with seven meat and eight vegetables, and fell down from the air.

Ye Qin's shocking discovery was blocked by light walls in all places around him. The soil under his feet is "climbing" up crazily along his legs. It has been wrapped in a thick layer of earthy yellow, and his body is so heavy that it is almost impossible to move.

"earthlao shu--!"

"Earth Binding--!"

Ye Qin was shocked and lost his voice. No one was attacked by these two Middle-earth spells at the same time, it was inevitable that he would show the same horror. The earth dungeon is one of the intermediate spells of the earth system, which specializes in confinement. The ground binding is even more entangled, and it is difficult to move.

A ten-foot-tall five-level giant ground tiger, with a low roar, came out of the ground, and the yellow claws patted Ye Qin with one claw.


It's very crisp.

The boundary charm on Ye Qin's body was as crisp and broken as paper, and then the claws were to pat Ye Qin's body.

Ye Qin was so entangled by the ground binding that he could hardly move at all, and he could only watch his claws fall.

At this moment, he almost thought he was going to be slapped to death by a claw.

Then, there seemed to be an extremely powerful pulling force in the maze forbidden array, which moved his whole body in an instant and disappeared from the earth palace. Ye Qin's trip to the earth palace has just begun, and it has ended. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to www**, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)