Zifu Xianyuan

235 Shadow

Master Lingru, you stay at the entrance of the cave with the poor monk and seal the way out of the spiritual stone cave. In addition, Master Zheng, Bart, Che Long and Brother Qian, the four of you are divided into four teams, each with three or four black-clothed monks, and searched carefully in the cave. Try to find this person as soon as possible before dawn.

Basha's deep and hoarse voice commanded the monks to act. Among this group of monks, he not only has the highest cultivation, but also seems to have the highest status. Most of the other five foundation-building monks obeyed his arrangement.

"It is divided into four teams, and a team is only a foundation monk? Is this too dangerous?"

"Well, the monk surnamed Qin just built the foundation for the first level. Which of you is not higher than his? As long as it can be delayed for a moment, the others around him will be enough to arrive and kill him. We don't have so much time to delay now. The four teams can open the range to find him as soon as possible.


The monks were no different. They filed into the cave and began to search for the net.

Ye Qin's face was expressionless, his feet were lighter, and he disappeared in the shadow of the mouth of the cave.

He quickly retreated to the depths of the cave, so that the area that the other party needed to search could be as wide as possible, so as to open the gap between the teams and avoid being besieged by a group of monks at the same time.

At the same time, he is also thinking about a strategy quickly in his heart.

This spiritual stone cave is the place where the Zhou clan and the Lu family compete. In order to avoid the other party stealing the spiritual stone, it will definitely often send people to check it. Once the monks of the Zhou and Lu family come here, they will definitely clash with the large group of monks outside. In this way, he can take the opportunity to get out of here easily.

But. Ye Qin couldn't confirm when the monks of the Zhou family and the Lu family would come back here. He is a little worried. In case this group of monks have other accomplices and grab them before the Zhou and Lu family monks. He rushed here in time and said that he was blocked in this small spirit stone cave. But it's very dangerous.

So. We must find a way as soon as possible. You have to leave this natural cave.

Ye Qin wanted to retreat. I soon found it depressed. I have reached the deepest part of the cave. There is no way to go.

The most unfortunate thing is to find that someone is following him.

Dozens of frost and thorn seeds appeared in Ye Qin's hand. He began to set traps in the cave. This kind of second-order thorn. In fact, it has no effect on the monks during the foundation period. But it is completely possible to trap the monks during the training period.

After arranging the trap. Ye Qin calmly pinched the law. Hit a pillar-like earth mana. Magic Shadow**!" Soon. This mana is ten feet in front of him. Form a smooth ground mirror. The magic mirror is mirrored with a touch of Ye Qin.

Then, the magic mirror began to deform and gradually transform into a human figure.

After a short time of talent, Ye Qin's face has been full of sweat to support the output of mana, and every time he persists for a while, his pressure doubles. After all, it is not easy to create a phantom that can exude the atmosphere of a foundation monk.

After a hard time, the magic mirror finally succeeded, and Ye Qin immediately finished his work.

Use this magic shadow**, which consumes nearly 10 of his mana.

At this time, two Ye Qin, who were exactly the same, each holding a golden sword weapon and stood in the cave. Even Ye Qin himself can't tell the difference between his magic shadow and himself. Even the breath emitted and the magic weapon in his hand are the same.

The biggest difference is that this subtle and delicate magic shadow transformed from the reflection of mana is just a group of mana and will not move by itself. Ye Qin must control it with divine consciousness.

Moreover, Ye Qin found that he and the shadow could not be too far apart, beyond the scope of divine consciousness, and would be uncontrollable. The magic shadow can also last for a long time. Once the mana is exhausted, it will be automatically destroyed.

This magic shadow ** is a spell he has just refined. To save his life, he must use this spell. The fewer people know, the better.


In the depths of the cave, there was a sudden exclamation.

A strong monk in black carried a flame knife and walked forward cautiously. He accidentally stepped on a seed of frost thorns under his feet and was immediately completely bound by more than a dozen frost thorn branches. He couldn't break free and exclaimed loudly.

What frightened the tough black monk was that a "blue monk" was standing quietly in front of him. The "blue monk" held a golden sword and looked at him and sneered.

The monk in black was really scared this time. Except for the scream just now, he didn't dare to move. He is not enough for the foundation monk to cut a sword.

However, the monk in blue didn't know why, but didn't do it. He just stood still and looked at him and sneered. ( 1&6&K&x*s Novel Network Computer Website www.1&6&^X*S.c&om)

Walking with this monk in black is Che Long, the foundation monk, and two other monks in black. Che Long was stunned when he heard the sound and jumped quickly. He had arrived at the scene almost in the blink of an eye.

Chelong, Basha, Bart and others are all monks from the sky. His cultivation is at the bottom of the monks, and there is only a layer of foundation.

However, he is not worried about his safety at all. The Qingyi monk on the opposite side is just building the second floor. He is sure that as long as he delays for a moment, the monks who are searching elsewhere in the cave can hear the sound


The car rattled a grue, waved the long pole in his hand, wrapped around the thick green fog, and the ghost fork held the rolling blue fog and rushed straight at the monk in blue in front of him.

To Che Long's surprise, the monk Tsing Yi stood still and didn't even blink his eyes, driving the golden sword to block the ghost fork.

The ecstasy can't be suppressed in the eyes of the car's eyebrows. His ghost fork is extremely sinister. Once the ordinary magic weapon is stained with the blue fog on the ghost fork, it will immediately greatly weaken the mana, and even the magic weapon will be damaged.

However, the fact is a little different from his. The ghost fork that pierced out penetrated the golden sword like nothing, and then penetrated the "blue-clothed monk" fiercely on the ground in the cave, banging out a big hole, which was ten feet deep. And the "blue-clothed monk" was actually "alive" intact, but his breath was much darker.

What kind of spell is Che Long's astonished?

Just when Che Long was in a daze and didn't understand what was going on.

When he failed to see, an extremely dim shadow was emerging from the edge of a stone behind him. A golden light shot out of the shadow's hand.


Che Long looked at his chest in a daze. A golden light rushed out of his chest, and a huge blood hole appeared in his chest. Che Long looked back unwillingly and saw a monk in blue standing behind him three feet, looking at him indifferently.

"The one just now, is it a phantom? The real person in front of me is the real person.

This is the last thought in front of the car's fall to the ground, and he can't figure out how can there be such a subtle and delicate phantom in the world, which makes him unable to tell whether it is true or false.

Ye Qin looked at the corpse on the ground, sneered faintly, and took back the golden sword. When he came to the big pit in front of him, he carefully put away the ghost fork weapon in the pit to avoid contamination. Although this is an evil weapon, it is also worth a lot of money.

Two monks in black had just arrived at Chelong, who was dead, and then looked at Ye Qin's eyes in awe. And the black-clothed monk, who was tied up by frost and thorns, was already shivering with cold.

Ye Qin glanced at them and the golden light flashed, and there were three more bodies with a few screams.

They must die.

His "Magic Shadow**" sounds good, what kind of mood**. To put it hard, it's just copying one of your own shadows. If it is known by the opponent, it is easy to find a way to deal with it, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

The whole battle only took a few breaths.

More than a dozen monks from the other three teams in the natural cave heard the violent sound of spell bombing. When they arrived at the scene, they only saw Che Long, who was stunned to death with his eyes open, and the bodies of three monks in black.

Looking at the three bodies, their backs were cold.

Judging from the scene of the battle, it was so clean and neat that it was all fatal. Except for a big pit on the ground, there is no trace of fighting. Che Long's strength is not strong, but at least he is also a foundation monk. He is absolutely not much weak, and he can't make it until they arrive in time.

Zheng Daochang turned over the body of Che Long and said in a low voice, "This opponent is very cunning. It should be a raid from behind. When Che Long died, he was still very surprised. However, how did that man cheat Chelong?

"Be careful, everyone!"

The three teams continued to disperse the search, but this time, they didn't dare to pull too much, and the search speed slowed down.

Just when the monks in the cave were annoyed by the air.

The two blue shadows are rushing to the mouth of the cave very quickly. This person is the magic shadow controlled by Ye Qin and him.

He used a small trick to attract all the monks who entered the cave to the depths of the cave.

There are a total of six foundation monks on the other side, and there are already four in the cave. The number of monks left at the mouth of the cave has been reduced to the lowest.

Now is the best opportunity for him to leave this spiritual stone cave.

The magic shadow was stabbed by the ghost fork and became much thinner, and the breath also dropped to the only period of qi practice, which was almost shattered. Ye Qin tried to play a mana, input mana into it, and unexpectedly restored it to its original state, which surprised Ye Qin.

Basha stood outside the cave with his eyes closed, and suddenly felt a fierce murderous atmosphere in the cave rushing out.

He immediately opened his eyes angrily, waved the staff in his hand, pinched the formula with one hand, hit a yellow beam of light on the ground, and roared, "Stone dragon art! Come out!" The ground in front of him shook violently, "Wow", a stone-long earth dragon of more than ten feet, roared out of the ground and stopped in front of the cave.

And the female monk Lingru also stood still, raised her right two fingers, and quickly recited the spell in her mouth, "Ice Cone!" A huge ice cone floated above her head in front of her, and there were more than ten of them. Once they are all released, the whole cave exit is within the scope of her ice cone, and she will not be spared. If you are hit by an ice cone, even if you can't break the shield, it will greatly slow down the escape speed.