Zifu Xianyuan


However, Ye Qin did not give up completely. The ruins of this underground imperial mausoleum are very large, and there are many spiritual treasures buried with him. In addition to practicing the "Sitting and Forgetting Sutra" every day, he now has enough time to search for these things, and it may be possible to find spiritual stones here.

Ye Qin thought of this and was moved, so he immediately took action.

The first target he searched for was the palace group of the inner palace of the imperial mausoleum. Most of the underground imperial mausoleums are ruins, and only the inner palace group is basically intact and has not been significantly damaged. Moreover, the foundation monks who broke into the underground imperial mausoleum rarely dared to search in this dangerous inner palace, so as not to offend the majesty of the Holy Emperor, so it is more likely to find spiritual treasures here.

Ye Qin carefully knocked on every slate on the stone wall of the palace in every palace and every corner of his internal power to explore whether there was a secret room for treasure in the palace. If he heard an abnormal thmping echo of the slate, he would break the slate and find out.

Ye Qin used his magic to break several large slates one after another.

"Shout up!" The hoarse voice of the Holy Emperor suddenly sounded, and he stopped Ye Qin's behavior warmly.

"The younger generation just wants to look for it. Is there any treasure here?" Ye Qin shook his head disapprovingly.

"There is no treasure in this palace. Even if there is, you can't take it away. Don't bother!" The Holy Emperor said in a cold voice.

"Since there is no treasure, why is Your Majesty nervous?" Ye Qin is very strange! The Holy Emperor tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

"These relief engravings on slates are extremely valuable items. I specially invited several mason masters to carve them. Don't destroy them at will." He knows very well that even if he is angry, he can't solve any problems. Without the golden armor guard, he was unable to stop Ye Qin from doing anything in this palace.

Ye Qin was even more surprised. Are these slates valuable? Even if it is worth some money, the Holy Emperor's money is inexhaustible, so there is no need to care about these slates.

In this huge palace, there are floating sculptures on each slate of several feet in size, with a total of thousands of people. These floating maps, carved with monsters, rare birds, mountains and rivers, sea rivers, cities, ancient monks, etc., record a completely different geographical environment.

Ye Qin didn't care too much about the content of these floats at the beginning, but he suspected that these floats might be related to the treasure room of the palace, so he inadvertently thought about it and combined all these floats to see if he could find something.

The clue of the treasure was not found, but at this time, he was surprised to find another thing - thousands of pictures, which seemed to form a super-giant geographical map.

Ye Qin and others found this. He was surprised to go all over the hall and wrote down every floating picture. The more he looked at it, the brighter his eyes became.

"Wow! Isn't this Lingwu Xianyuan City? Three light red, dark blue and dark flying swords, which are the symbol of Lingwu Xianyuan City. These more than a dozen floating pictures should be all descriptions of the fairyland of spiritual fog cultivation.

"And here, this is the Flame Mountains, and these two are the Holy Emperor's Fairy City and the Holy Emperor's Mausoleum. This area should be the boundary of the Holy Emperor's cultivation of immortals, which is today's chaotic place.

"This is the original fairyland of the sky, the original fairyland of the sky!"

"This is Wanyue Lake Fairyland City, Wanyue Lake Cultivation World!"

"I've never seen it here. I don't know which fairyland it is."

"These floating pictures are put together... It should be the complete geographical map of the whole Middle-earth continent.

In the end, Ye Qin was almost shocked and took a few steps back. He looked up at the floating pictures on the stone wall of the imperial palace, and was extremely surprised! Judging from these floating maps, the four major immortal worlds are only a small part of the Middle-earth continent. On this map, there are many other fairy cities and immortal cultivation worlds, at least no less than hundreds. Each Xianyuan City is connected by some western lines, and finally connects the whole Middle-earth continent. These floating maps, even the dangerous monsters and famous immortals in the major immortal cultivation world, are recorded one by one.

Looking at these floating pictures, Ye Qin was not only shocked, but also shocked.

He thought that the four immortal cultivation worlds of Lingwu were big enough, and it would take several years for the foundation monks to fly with their swords to reach the nearby world of immortal cultivation. But he didn't expect that the middle-earth continent was so huge that it was beyond his imagination that he could not fly all the immortal worlds in his whole life.

And it is much more than that. In addition to the Middle-earth continent, these floating maps also record the surrounding sea areas.

Ye Qin looked carefully at the sea areas of Germany around the Middle-earth mainland, and suddenly said to himself, "The geographical map here only records some of the East China Sea of the Middle-earth continent and has carved a lot of islands. But the flotations involving the South China Sea, the West Sea and the North Sea are almost blank. What's the matter?

"The floating pictures in this palace are all where I have been there in person, or what I have seen and heard. As for the fact that I have never been there, naturally there is no record. In the palace, the voice of the Holy Emperor sounded again.

"Your Majesty has a broad vision. He has been to so many immortals, and the younger generation admires it!"

Ye Qin said sincerely and seriously.

He has now understood the real value of these slates, and naturally he will not destroy them again. This super-giant map is the most complete geographical map of the Middle-earth continent he has ever seen. If you want to go to these places in the future, with this geographical map, it will be much more convenient. He has seen some plans of the immortal world before. They are all small geographical maps of the spiritual fog cultivation fairyland. The vision pattern is too small, which is far less valuable than this geographical map.

Ye Qin quickly took out a piece of jade slip from the storage bag and copied and recorded these floating pictures one by one.

"Ha ha, this is nothing. If I hadn't been trapped in this underground imperial mausoleum, I would have taken the time to go to the extremely dangerous South China Sea, and even go to the West Sea to see what terrible things are there." Oh, can your majesty talk about these flotations? The younger generation 16 is very curious about the strangeness of these places. Ye Qin is very interested in these places. He raised the jade slip in his hand. Of course, if Your Majesty doesn't want to tell the younger generation, I don't mind treating these floating pictures as waste stones. Anyway, the younger generation has recorded the contents of these relief engravings.

The Holy Emperor was silent for a while. These relief carvings are indeed just some stone slabs, but the contents were also sorted out after hundreds of years of painstaking efforts, and he hired the top craftsmen in the Middle-earth mainland to carve these in the imperial palace to decorate the facade of his imperial mausoleum. If it is destroyed by Ye Qin, he will spit blood depressingly.

Perhaps he feels that the value of these floating sculptures is extraordinary and it is necessary to preserve them. In the face of Ye Qin's little "blackmail", he compromised wisely.

"Well, I have nothing to do anyway. I will tell you about the situation of the Middle-earth continent and the surrounding sea areas. Let's talk about Middle-earth first,..."

Middle-earth, with a region of about 1 billion miles and a population of more than 100 billion. Among them, mortals account for the vast majority, and immortals are only a few of them.

The history of the Middle-earth continent is dominated by mortals, and it is also the birthplace of immortals. In the millions of years of mortal countries competing for glory and fighting, mortals have created martial arts and become martial artists. Some top martial artists are unwilling to have only peerless martial arts, so they want to get the art of immortality.

In order to pursue the way of immortality, they have experienced hundreds of thousands of years of hardships. A small number of mortals with high talent have gradually understood the art of immortal cultivation and gave birth to a group of early scattered cultivation. The immortals were intoxicated with the way of immortality, and gradually broke away from the vulgarities of the secular mortal world and focused on cultivating immortals. These immortals married each other and formed a large and small immortal cultivation family, and the immortal cultivation family evolved into a sect of immortal cultivation. The sect of cultivation of immortals concluded an alliance and formed into the world of cultivation of immortals.

Nowadays, the Middle-earth continent has been divided into hundreds of large and small immortal cultivation circles. Within each immortal cultivation world, there are many immortal cultivation sects, immortal cultivation families, mortal countries and Jianghu gang forces.

Then a set of increasingly complete order of immortal cultivation has been formed, and each immortal who cultivates divides the top and bottom according to his own cultivation power and spiritual root qualification. At the same time, it also pays attention to family, background, backer, marriage and other factors.

The Holy Emperor obviously knows very well about this Middle-earth continent. The geography, history and other aspects of the Middle-earth continent are explained in detail.

Ye Qin listened calmly and silently..16 He suddenly remembered the marriage between him and Huangfu Binger. The power of the Huangfu immortal cultivation family is deeply rooted in the Qingdanmen and Lingwu immortal cultivation world, and he is only a scattered cultivation, with a low status and no family background. This kind of marriage is very unstable. Because of this, he and Huangfu Bing'er did not dare to mention this matter at all in Qingdanmen to avoid disaster.

"Next is the situation of the Middle-earth continent and the surrounding waters."

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, with the rapid growth of the number of immortals, the consumption of various spiritual stones and medicinal herbs used to assist the cultivation of immortals has also increased significantly. However, the spirits of Middle-earth are extremely limited and increasingly scarce.

In order to compete for spiritual objects, I don't know how many bloody battles have been fought in the immortal world. Every war greatly damaged the vitality of the immortal world, and even led to the destruction of the immortal world.

A group of visionary top immortals, after careful consideration, decided to leave the Middle-earth mainland for various reasons and go to the dangerous waters around the Middle-earth mainland to find a new place to cultivate immortals.

But only the four seas around Middle-earth are not calm. On the contrary, these seas are extremely dangerous.

There is a demon in the East China Sea, and there are countless sea beasts lurking in the sea.

There is magic gas in the South China Sea. Those who inhale magic gas are very easy to become crazy and become murderous evil monsters.

There is a black death in the West Sea, and the person who touches it will die.

Above the North Sea, there are ice and snow storms all year round, which is almost equivalent to the high-level spells of the ice system, ravaging the sea. The monks who went to the North Sea have never returned, and so far there is no exception.

During the hundreds of thousands of years of exploration, the immortals in the Middle-earth mainland found that there are no return in the three directions of the South China Sea, the West Sea and the North Sea. Only the East China Sea is relatively safe and can fly across with swords, and there are many small islands on the way to the East Although there are sea beasts in the East China Sea, many of the islands here have rare spiritual herbs that have grown for hundreds of years and thousands of years, which are of extraordinary value and can be used and cultivated.

Therefore, the practitioners left Middle-earth in batches and went to the East China Sea to find islands suitable for immortality.