Zifu Xianyuan

266 Return to Lingwu City

"Senior Qin, the five major sects, and the masters of history all went to the spiritual fog to cultivate immortals. Nowadays, there are not many monks in the chaotic places above the foundation period. Elder Qin just needs to shake his arms here. Followers must be there. Do you think we are here to establish our own sect and start a great cause? ...Or, together with all the sects, they also went to the spiritual fog to cultivate immortals to seize a large piece of territory? With the strength of the predecessors, there should be no problem in recruiting soldiers and horses to occupy the territory of a small country in the spiritual fog cultivation of immortals. Decades later, Qin's cultivation became more and more profound, and even made golden elixirs like Hongyun's ancestors and other predecessors. It may not be impossible to call for wind and rain in the world of immortal cultivation.

Hou Qianji saw that Ye Qin was deeply thinking and carefully put forward his own suggestions.

Ye Qin glanced at Hou Qianji. Although Hou Qianji's cultivation was very low, he was ambitious. Unexpectedly, he encouraged him to go to the fairyland to seize a piece of territory and expand his strength. Hou Qianji has an idea. It's not wrong. After all, he is a monk in a chaotic land. He can't care about the survival of the fairyland.

But I'm different. I'm a disciple of the third largest immortal cultivation sect in the world of spiritual fog cultivation. Moreover, Ye Qin is self-akoned, and his own strength is compared with the low-level and middle-level monks with the same cultivation. It's not bad. But if you casually meet the Jindan monk, there is no life or death.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. You happen to be here. I have a few ordinary elixirs here. You two took them and sold them in the city. Try to exchange them for some Chinese spirits. If there is no middle-grade spirit stone, the lower-grade spirit stone is also OK.

Ye Qin took out several elixirs of elixirs and gave them to Hou Qianji and Tie Daring, and let them sell them.

"The elixir! This kind of low-level elixir that can improve cultivation is more scarce than spiritual stones, which is very suitable for monks in the period of Qi practice. The young master has met a lot of businessmen in Fangshi in the past year, and he should be able to help his predecessors sell these elixirs at the most suitable price!"

Hou Qianji picked it up in surprise, sniffed the smell, and exclaimed. With the elixir in hand, regardless of the level of the spiritual root potential, it can continue to grow. The elixir can be said to be the most popular. One of the easiest goods to sell.

Ye Qin handed over the task of selling elixirs to Hou Qianji and Tie Daring.

Hou Qianji and Hou Qianji knew the way well. It only took three days to sell these large bottles of elixir to the merchants here in Dazhai, Fangshi. Because most of the monks in the chaotic land went to the spiritual fog to cultivate the fairyland, now there are few monks in Fang City, and there are not many merchants. They collected almost all the middle-grade spiritual stones in the hands of all merchants in Fang City, and only got about a hundred middle-grade spiritual stones.

Fortunately, these quantities are enough for Ye Qin.

He received all the middle-grade spiritual stones with satisfaction. Give the extra more than 200 pieces of spiritual stones and a small bottle of elixir to Hou Qianji and Tie Daring.

"I'm going to rush to Lingwu to cultivate immortals to deal with an urgent matter. If you two want to go, go to Nanliang Kingdom of Lingwu to cultivate immortals. There are a few of my friends there. They are in need of manpower to expand their power. You can partner with them to run a Jianghu gang in Qingzhou, Nanliang. If you don't want to go, stay here in a chaotic place and practice slowly. This small bottle of elixir and spiritual stone is a reward for you.

Ye Qin finished ordering and left the city.

Hou Qianji and Tie Daring each took more than 100 fast spiritual stones and some low-level elixirs that Ye Qin gave them, and were a little dumbfounded. Elder Qin had just come back for a few days and left in a hurry. It seems that it should be the master of history to go. ( Electro-brain reading .1 6 . c )

"Laohou, it seems that Elder Qin is all about cultivation. I'm afraid he has no intention to establish a sect. Why don't we go to Nanliang?" Tie asked boldly.

"Go! If you have no future to stay here, it's better to go to the spiritual fog to cultivate the fairyland. Now the spiritual fog cultivation fairyland must be in chaos, and there are many opportunities there. Hou Qianji gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Ye Qin left the city, holding this large handful of middle-grade spiritual stones, thinking about where to go now. In fact, he has two things to do for promotion.

The first thing is to prevent Ma Dongyan from getting more than 80 bodies of Shan Linggen, so as not to let the Holy Emperor be re- born from the underground imperial mausoleum after taking the house. The second is to grab the spiritual fruit from the hands of Shi Hanyang and other monks. This spiritual fruit is the most important elixir for refining the golden elixir. It is about breaking through the bottleneck of the golden elixir and is the elixir that all foundation-building monks will fight for at all costs.

However, he didn't know where Ma Dongyan was going to get the body, so he couldn't speculate about Ma Dongyan's where he was going. So although this matter is urgent, there is no way to do it immediately.

And the second thing, Shi Hanyang went to the Nanliang Kingdom of Lingwu to cultivate immortals. There was a clear location, so it was easier to find.

Ye Qin thought of this and immediately drove the dark cloud barrier. Fly to the ruins of the Holy Imperial City, prepare to start the ancient transmission array in the ruins, and directly transfer back to the spiritual fog to cultivate the fairyland.

He is now very worried about the whereabouts of the fruit.

Because it only takes more than half a year to fly from the chaotic land of the fairyland. Shi Hanyang came out of the underground imperial mausoleum and rushed to the Nanliang Kingdom of Lingwu to cultivate immortals with a group of subordinates of the sunset religion. It was a year ago. Therefore, in terms of time, Shi Hanyang should have arrived at Lujiabao in Nanliang. They have enough time to get the spiritual fruit.

Of course, the Lu family in Nanliang is not easy to mess with.

Today's Lv family is not the Lv family thousands of years ago. Now the Lu family in the Southern Liang Dynasty is a great immortal cultivation family. There is a golden elixir in the family, and the number of foundation-building monks is also large, which is by no means comparable to a small sunset religion. Shi Hanyang wanted not to disturb the Lu family and take away the Lingguo. I'm afraid the difficulty is not ordinary.

Ye Qin still doesn't know whether the spiritual fruit of Lvjiabao in Nanliang has fallen into the hands of Shi Hanyang, or in Lvjiabao. Ye Qin has been worried about breaking through the bottleneck of Jindan, and naturally he is also extremely moved by the spiritual fruit. Otherwise, he would not have used a golden armor guard to exchange this information with the Holy Emperor.

He has to rush there in the shortest time to see if there is a chance to compete for this spiritual fruit from the master of history, the Lv family, and a group of coveted monks.

This ancient transmission array in the ruins of the Holy Imperial City. It can save him more than half a year's travel time.

As for Hou Qianji and Tie Daang, the two monks who want to follow him in the Qi period, they can only let them slowly run to the Lingwu cultivation fairyland by themselves - the monks in the Qi period can't fly with the sword, and it may be difficult to reach the Southern Liang Kingdom without five or six years of time.

Ye Qin flew to the ruins of the Holy Imperial City, landed on the ancient transmission array in the ruins, and quickly inserted more than 60 middle-grade spiritual stones in the southeast and east of the ancient transmission array.

This direction is to go to Lingwu Xianyuan City.

Start the transmission array.

A dazzling light rose to the sky, and Ye Qin disappeared from the ancient transmission array. After the light dissipates, all the middle-grade spiritual stones in the transmission array slot have become gravel powder without aura.

Millions of miles away from the ruins of the Holy City. The distant Lingwu Xianyuan City.

In the city, the central palace is surrounded by hundreds of golden armored monks in charge of guards, all of whom are the armor of the Sanxiu Alliance.

In the main hall, a group of hundreds of middle-level and high-level monks in the foundation period with different costumes and solemn looks are sitting on the CaoPu cushion. Judging from the signs on the clothes, they are completely from different sects of immortal cultivation, and they are all high-level figures at the level of elders and deputy leaders. Although he looked solemn, he was arguing fiercely about the problem of sending troops to guard Lingwu City.

"Elder Li, why do I have two Jindan monks and thirty foundation-building monks guard Xianyuan City? This is so unfair. If you transfer so many people away, then the mountain gate of my beast spirit gate. Who will guard it?" An old man in green shouted excitedly.

"Elder Wu, don't worry. The personnel dispatched by our seven immortals are the same. This is the fairest plan." An old man with gray hair in white next to him said Shi Ran.

"Gentlemen, in the present of the great enemy, we monks born in the fairyland should not distinguish between each other and work together to resist the enemy. Otherwise, once the Lingwu City falls, the whole Lingwu Mountains will lose the last barrier and be exposed to the enemy. The enemy can easily surpass the Lingwu Grand Canyon and attack the fairy gates of all sects. An old man in red sitting at the top of the head kept persuading.

He is the leader of the Lingwu City Sanxiu Alliance, and Wei Shanyi, a nine-story monk.

This time, all the sects of Lingwu cultivation in the immortal world joined forces to fight against the skyà. 1~~. He was the nominal convener of the invasion of Qiongyuan and Wanyue Lake.

However, he has no real power and can only try his best to coordinate from it.

After all, the strength of the Lingwu City Sanxiu Alliance is a little too weak to compare with any of the seven immortal sects of Lingwu. The real main force to resist foreign enemies is still the monks of all sects.

"Well, to be fair, we should send people to guard Lingwu City according to their respective strength! I have the smallest number of disciples, and I should have the least number of people. The person with the most people in Qingdanmen is. The old man in green still shouted angrily.

While the monks were arguing about the number of soldiers sent to each gate, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the corner of the palace.

Everyone was shocked, stopped the controversy, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the light.

In this heavily guarded hall, there is no way for outsiders to sneak in.

This light comes from a large transmission array in the corner of the hall.

"Ancient transmission array! Someone is transmitting from other immortal worlds. ......." Wei Shanyi looked at the transmission array and frowned, "The transmission shows that it was transmitted from a chaotic place.

It's likely to be the enemy. Be careful!"

The monks saw the light of the ancient transmission array. Instead, I was relieved.

These high-level monks of various sects often discuss important tasks in this palace. Naturally, they know that there is a transmission array left in the ancient times in this palace. It's just that this transmission array has not been used by anyone for decades or hundreds of years, and people ignore its existence.

Although the ancient transmission array is huge and can carry out ultra-long-distance transmission, the number of people transmitted each time is extremely limited. Whether the comer is an enemy or a friend. It can't pose much threat to them. Even if it's a Jindan monk, it's not a big deal.

Because in today's Lingwu City, the Jindan ancestors of all factions have visited more than a dozen people for a long time, and they are all in the city, and they will arrive in the blink of an eye. There are countless monks in the foundation period. The enemy dares to come to the ancient transmission array alone, which is no different from looking for death.

The war between the immortal worlds in Middle-earth. Although many people know that each Xianyuan City has such an ancient transmission array, which can directly reach the other party's Xianyuan City, no one has ever tried to make a sneak attack with this method. First of all, the cost of transmission is too large, and it takes thousands of lower-grade spiritual stones to transmit one person. Secondly, even if it is transmitted, because the number of people is too small, it will be killed directly by the superior force of the other party immediately. Instead, he died in vain.

So the elders wondered who would send it from the chaotic land.

After a while, above the ancient transmission array, the space fluctuated, and Ye Qin, dressed in a blue shirt, suddenly appeared in the hall.

Ye Qin saw himself in a large palace, and a group of hundreds of foundation-building monks were looking at him fiercely. He couldn't help but be stunned. This should be Lingwu City. There is only one large palace in Lingwu City, which is the Xianyuan Hall in the middle of the city.

He didn't expect that the ancient transmission array here was also in the palace.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Ye Qin quickly took out his sect identity token and bowed to everyone. Ye Qin of Xiaqing Danmen, I have seen all your brothers!"

"Disciples of Qingdanmen!? How did you come from a place like Chaos? Wei Shanyi is suspicious. He turned to the side and asked, "Elder Li, is this monk from your Qingdanmen?"

Then Elder Li stepped forward to look at Ye Qin, saw the token again, and shook his head with the same doubt. "There are two hundred disciples of Qingdanmen, and I have not seen all of them. This sect token is not fake. However, this man is extremely young, less than 30 years old, but he has four levels of cultivation in the foundation period. Such a talented monk must be famous in the sect. There is no reason why I don't know him. Moreover, our disciples already have their own tasks, will not act without authorization, and have never sent people to the land of chaos. How did he come from the land of chaos? He paused and asked Ye Qin, "Kid, since you are a disciple of Qingdanmen, do you know my name?"

Ye Qin was speechless and didn't say anything. There are also many elders in Qingdanmen. Elder Li has never seen Ye Qin, nor has he seen him.

"None who hasn't even seen this person, it must be a chaotic place to come over, pretending to be the spies of the disciples of Qingdanmen, arrest him, and interrogate him strictly!" Wei Shanyi suddenly shouted harshly.

With a loud shout, several foundation-building monks immediately rushed to Ye Qin with their magic weapons and wanted to imprison Ye Qin.

Ye Qin smiled bitterly. He is fine. Why is he not a disciple of Qingdanmen? But in the face of several foundation monks who rushed to him, he dared not underestimate them at all. Two blue and golden flying swords flew out of the sleeves. Protect your body.

"Sit, this son is my Qingdan disciple! Nephew Ye, come with me.

In the hall, there was a faint woman's voice. The voice was empty and ethereal, from far to near, a beautiful lady had arrived at the door of the hall in the blink of an eye. A faint spiritual pressure completely covered the hall.

The monks were shocked and looked out of the hall. He immediately lowered his head, and no one dared to look at the woman.

Those foundation monks also stopped in a hurry to avoid hurting Ye Qin.

"Li Hongxi has met Uncle Chen. Since Uncle Chen recognizes this brother Qin, he must be a disciple of Qingdan.

Then, the monks hurriedly saluted the female monks outside the hall, saying Uncle Chen. Although the person who came was the Jindan monk of Qingdanmen, the various sects of Lingwu were in the same spirit, and the younger generation should also salute.

Ye Qin looked at the beautiful young woman outside the hall, and his heart was a little numb. Here comes a Jindan female monk, and he is also a Jindan monk from Qingdanmen. Although there are nine Jindan monks in Qingdanmen, he has never met any of them in person, and naturally he does not know them.

It doesn't matter. He believes that the Jindan monk of Qingdanmen will not do anything to him. But the question is, how can this female uncle recognize herself?

Ye Qin received two flying swords and was puzzled. He bravely walked out.