Zifu Xianyuan

277 Fighting

In a short moment, Ye Qin drove the dark cloud barrier and flew forward along the mountains of the Bianhe Gorge, escaping dozens of miles away from Lvjiabao, which became a small black spot behind him.

He is too fast. Most of the large group of monks and guests of the Lv family are busy chasing five or six other monks from the chaotic land, and few monks are willing to chase him.

But Ye Qin's tension did not ease at all, and he had the right to control the dark clouds. Ye Qin clearly felt that a foundation-building monk was chasing behind him, and the closer he chased, only dozens of feet away. He looked back. His face suddenly turned cold, "Yan Wei!"

This foundation-building monk, who was also from Qingdanmen, gave him a headache.

Yan Wei built the foundation very early, and Ye Qin had no contact with him. However, he has heard the name of this person in Qingdanmen. He is a disciple of the Great Immortal Cultivation Family, a natural monk with a potential of more than 80 years. He is known as one of the best potential monks in Qingdanmen. He is one of the foundation-building monks who are most likely to reach Jindan in Qingdan This person is very famous in Qingdanmen, and his strength is first-class.

Because of this, Ye Qin is unwilling to fight with Yan Wei. He can run as far as he can.

Let's not to mention that you can't beat it. Once you are entangled by such a powerful opponent, it is extremely difficult to get out. If you are caught up by the Lu family monk again. That's death without life. Naturally, he doesn't want to be entangled with Yan Wei

In addition, Ye Qin also had a worry that he did not dare to easily associate with Professor Yan Wei. That is, although he disguised his face, he and Yan Wei are from Qingdanmen, and it is extremely easy to reveal his identity. If Yan Wei finds out that he is a disciple of Qingdanmen. I'm afraid that Qingdanmen will never have a place for him again. After offending the ancestor of the Lv family, even if he fled from the Lv family, he could not stay in the spiritual fog cultivation fairyland.

"Come out, don't hide your head and shrink your head. Let me see who the monk is. He is so bold that he dares to commit a crime in Lvjiabao!"

Yan Weike didn't know Ye Qin's idea at this moment. He had caught up with him and laughed wildly. Then. He casually took out several middle-order ** runes, patted them out with one palm, and several runes immediately turned into several huge fireballs, hitting Ye Qin's dark clouds fiercely.



Support, hurry up! Come on

This message is made through the form, and I also need to leave a message with the form!

Yan Wei knew nothing about Ye Qin's dark cloud barrier weapon and was quite cautious. There is no release of magic weapons, and you dare not rush into the clouds and attack with rune paper, which is undoubtedly the best means of tentative attack. Let's see how powerful this dark cloud is. At the same time, Ye Qin was forced out of the dark clouds.

The dark clouds are fast, but they are not flexible. Several big fireballs hit the dark clouds. In an instant, the dark clouds changed and rolled. The dark clouds swallowed the big fireballs in an instant. The clouds bulged, and the powerful fireballs disappeared, just like cotton absorbing water. A drop of water on the big ball of It didn't have much effect at all.

In addition to Ye Qin's feeling, the Holy Emperor said that this flying magic weapon has a defensive effect and can greatly weaken attacks from the outside world. He knew this, but he did not expect that even the middle-level spell did not pose any threat to this dark cloud barrier.

Yan Wei was also shocked. Such a level of attack did not test any effect. He did not believe in evil. In his hand, a pile of more than a dozen middle-level runes came out, and a series of black clouds bombarded fiercely.

Ye Qin cursed the prodigal son secretly. The middle-level rune paper seemed to be free of money, but at this time, she sucked the palm of her hand and turned the large dark clouds into the size of a palm. Yuntuan, in the storage bag, collected the dark cloud barrier. Ye Qin patted the storage bag in mid-air, with a pair of snow-white bat king wings on his back.

Although the dark cloud barrier magic weapon used by the Holy Emperor in the past is quite magical, Ye Qin is not fully familiar with it, and it is not easy to use it. It is okay to use it to escape for his life, but it is a little reluctant to fight with other monks. He can still use his most familiar attack and defense methods to fight with Yan

The snow-white wings suddenly slapped, and Ye Qin flashed out of the sky fifty feet away, turning back and facing Yan Wei. The more than ten powerful intermediate copies played by Yan Wei naturally failed.

Well, your bat-wing spirit weapon is good. How did you get it?

Yan Wei stepped on the flying fire wheel and suspended in mid-air. Looking at Ye Qin, he became more and more interested. The monk covered in black in front of him is like this

Easily dodged his two attacks. It seems that there is still some strength.

Ye Qin doesn't want to go on like this. Yan Wei's attack will interfere with the speed of dragging him, and he must find a way to get rid of this. He flew in the direction of Lujiabao

took a look, and no other monks rushed here for the time being. He was a little relieved and looked back at Yan Wei.

Yan Wei shook a high-level fire feather fan in his hand and stepped on a huge flying fire wheel under his feet. A handsome man's style, flying in the sky, this fire

The wheel magic weapon burst into flames and turned quickly. This fire wheel is just a flying high-order magic weapon, not as fast as the dark cloud barrier. Yan Wei can catch up

He obviously used other secret tricks.

"Your Excellency is from Weiqing Danmen. Why do you replace the ancient instrument gate

Lv Jiabao's people worked so hard to chase me so desperately? Ye Qin, dressed in black, was silent for a moment, flew in the air with the bat king's wings, and carefully guarded

, lower the questioning in a hoarse voice.

Haha, I, Yan Wei, naturally can't mention Lu Jiabao to work hard, but if it's in public, I'll let you escape like this.

Then what's wrong with Yan Wei's face?"

Yan Wei smiled faintly, "I see that you also have some ability, courage and strength. I don't want to kill you. You go back to Lvjiabao with me, by the people of Lvjiabao

Put you. If what you committed in Lvjiabao is just a small thing, I will be a middleman to reconcile you with the Lv family. What do you think?" Your Excellency joked. The monks of the Lu family were afraid of killing me a hundred times, which was not enough to vent their ruthlessness. Do you know that seven or eight of us come from chaos

What did the monks in the land of

do in Lvjiabao? Ye Qin said faintly, quietly misleading Yan Wei. Draw Yan Wei's attention as much as possible

, and let Yan Wei misjudge his origin. Oh, what did you do? Yan Wei shook the fire feather fan and was very interested. Lv Yuanhong, the young master of the young master, can make trouble with Lv Jiabao up and down.

It is not easy to implore the core disciples of the family to take action. Naturally, he wants to know more about the situation.

"In the ground of the secret room of the ancestor of the Lu family, there is a water pool, and there is a spiritual fruit tree beside the pool. You are one of the most outstanding disciples of Qingdanmen. You should know

The wonderful use of this number of spiritual fruits?

"Sor, how can there be such a thing? ...Are you going to steal the spiritual fruit of Lvjiabao? No wonder you dare to do such a crazy thing... put

Take out the spiritual fruit on your body, and I'll let you go immediately.

Yan Wei's expression changed indifferently, and his eyes became sharp. Lingguo is one of the rare elixirs that break through the bottleneck of the golden elixir period. There is no foundation-building monk in the world

will be moved. Even if he learns such news, he will have the crazy idea of stealing.

There are only three spiritual fruits, all of which are on the other three high-level monks. How can I have them? If you go back now, it may be possible

snatched one or two from them.

Ye Qin said coldly, ignored Yan Wei, turned around and flew away. Can you use the spiritual fruit as **bait to let Yan Wei automatically give up the pursuit? He is not full

's grasp, but in the end, you have to try to make it clear.

Yan Wei looked at Ye Qin and looked back at Lv Jiabao in the distance. He was really a little hesitant. He hesitated to catch up and capture Ye Qin, or

Immediately return to Lvjiabao to see if there is a chance to get spiritual fruit from several high-level monks there.

But Yan Wei soon came to his senses.

There are many foundation-building monks on the other side of Lvjiabao, but they have lost the best time. There is no need for him to have more than meat. Now it's up to him to go back. Also

There is no chance to grab the spiritual fruit at all. If you catch up with Ye Qin, it may be more likely to get more from Ye Qin. Maybe Ye Qin's body

There are also spiritual fruits. The worst, Ye Qin's dark cloud barrier is also a very good magic weapon. Hey, you have a good idea. You want to trick me back, but it's not that easy. Today, your ** life will be left." Yan Wei's eyes are dripping,

I figured out the gains and losses, and I became greedy. Laughing and driving the flying fire wheel to catch up, he threw out the fire feather fan in his hand and turned it into a length and width of several feet

Giant fire fan, a continuous fire cloud, swept away from Ye Qin in all directions.

Ye Qin was besieged by a mass of fire clouds, and his face darkened. It seemed that Yan Wei wanted to fight with him immortally.

The bat king's wings behind him slapped fiercely, and the flexible iubi dodged the attack of the fire cloud. He is not leaving his hand. Avoiding the attack while from the storage bag

went to a dark low-level evil ghost fork and attacked Yan Wei back. This was in a small mine when he was practicing in the Zhou Dynasty.

It came from the hands of a low-level monk Chelong in Tianqiongyuan. Go! "

Ye Qin roared.

This rod is wrapped in a thick blue fog ghost fork for more than ten feet long, with rolling blue fog, emitting a disgusting smell of blood, to maintain peace with Yan

The flying fire wheel under his feet pulled over fiercely. This ghost fork evil weapon is extremely ** Once the poisonous ordinary monk is stained with the blue fog on the ghost fork, he will immediately be

The force is greatly weakened, and even the magic weapon is easily damaged.

Ye Qin rarely used this ghost fork after getting it. But it is best to deal with Yan Wei at this moment, which will make Yan Wei more convinced that he is a monk from the land of chaos, and he is also an evil sect.

"Evil Cultivation"

When Yan Wei saw the ghost fork, his face really changed. He blurted out in anger. To refine this kind of filthy evil weapon, a large number of human blood and soul must be used, otherwise it cannot be successfully refined at all. Even if it is just a low-level evil weapon, it is enough to make Yan Wei change color and hurried to dodge.