Zifu Xianyuan

298 Yin Fire Refinery

Ye Qin fell on the mountainside of the sky ridge, collected the dark cloud barrier magic weapon, and gently flashed into a dense jungle nearby with his toes on the ground. Then, he walked through the dense dead trees of the jungle and ran to the nearest stream hundreds of feet deep that he had just seen, jumping down.


There were countless screams on the top of the head, and two huge adult three blue birds had rushed down. The huge shadows shrouded the earthwork of the dense jungle with the fishy wind, flapping their wings and hanging sharp wind blades. In a blink of an eye, a dense jungle of hundreds of feet was directly destroyed by the messy wind blade, and several feet of ravines were split between the mountains and rocks. They were bare and could not hide anyone.

At this time, Ye Qin had fallen into the deep stream, hidden in the dark corner of the rocks, restrained his breath, and avoided the fierce eyes of the three blue birds. After a while, a large group of red blue birds fell down, tossing around where he had just landed, searching for his breath and traces.

After tossing around for a long time, he failed to find Ye Qin's group of three blue birds, and then flew to the sky.

From time to time, several three blue birds flew through the sky above the mountain stream, searching for traces of the invading "enemy".

Ye Qin looked up at the clouds on the top of the mountain, and his heart was depressed. He found that above the peak was a nest of wild red-green bird boat nests. From time to time, he could see red-green birds flying in and out of the peak clouds.

The sky gradually darkened, the Cang Mang Mountains were finally quiet, and there was a dead silence around the mountains. Occasionally, there were some sharp and violent roars in the distance of the mountains. It was the monsters fighting between the mountains, and then they came out of the deep streams and rocks in silence, carefully looking at the topographic map scrolls of Cangmangling Mountain.

The Cang Mangling Mountains are thousands of miles in size, and there are several main peaks. There are all kinds of demon birds in the sky, including the wild Danqing birds he encountered, which is just one of them. If you want to fly away from Cang Mangling from the sky, you have to ask those demon birds if they agree.

Ye Qin thought about how to leave for a while and shook his head.

In the scene of the battle between the monks of Lingquanmen and Danqingniao, although he did not see it, the screams of those monks were heard clearly, and then the monks of Lingquanmen disappeared in a very short time. With their strength, the group of more than 20 monks of Lingquanmen are unlucky, and it is even more impossible for him to get any advantage from these red and blue birds.

The only way is to avoid the sky and walk from the ground. Leave Cang Mangling. But it may not be easy to leave from the ground. There are also monsters in the mountains and jungles of Cang Mang Mountains. A person who accidentally provoked a high-level monster is also a huge trouble.

Ye Qin looked at the sky. It was already late at night.

It is very dangerous to walk in the mountains where the monsters are coiled. He couldn't help smiling bitterly. He found a clean lawn in the bamboo forest of the stream, meditated cross-legged, and thought about what he should do next.

Ye Qin was not too happy to return to Lingwu City. Even if he went back, he would inevitably be sent to carry out the task of nine deaths. With his current strength, although he is already the top-level with the same level of monks, as long as he meets a few more opponents, the fighting method is still very reluctant, and he may die and fall at any time.

Anyway, he is already trapped here. He can't leave this fierce place for a while, and he is not in a hurry to leave.

Ye Qin put away the topographic map scroll, touched the storage bag, and took out two jade slips. One is the black jade slip that records the Yin Xuan Dafa, and the other is the purple jade ancient slip that records the Purple Sword Secret.

He hesitated for a moment. The divine consciousness enters the jade book that records the Yin Xuan Dafa.

He only refined a fire-based magic weapon, and it is too difficult to refine the four wooden water, earth and gold magic weapons in the Purple Sword Secret. It is very laborious to collect a drop of essence. At least it takes more than a year to make a yuan magic weapon.

The "Yin Xuan Dafa" is relatively simple. He has a skeleton of a rotten bone crocodile in his hand. He can directly refine a sixth-order skeleton with the alchemy inside. After refining, it can be used immediately, which greatly strengthens his self- protection.

The two-pointed monk team of Qingdanmen in Lingwu City, who carried out the sneak attack mission, finally fled back to Shen Bao and the other world. Zhang Bao was able to escape his life, which was purely an accident. The monks of Lingquanmen chased other high-level monks, and his cultivation was almost the lowest among the monks, but he narrowly escaped.

In another world, he stayed in a small jungle to rest because of a serious injury. He missed the later fighting method and was not discovered by the monks of Lingquanmen, so he fled from the cold lake forest in embarrassment. The two happened to meet on the way. They talked about what happened at that time and couldn't help sighing. They didn't know Ye Qin's life and death, but thought that only the two of them had escaped.

After returning to Lingwu City in embarrassment, the two immediately reported the situation of the sneak attack to Elder Yan, who was in charge of the dispatching the task.

"Brother Yan, after entering the cold lake forest, I was ambushed several times with my Wanyue Lake foundation-building monks. All the brothers died miserably! Later, only Brother Shen and I went through dozens of deadly battles, killed several enemies, and narrowly escaped. If you fail to maintain the thorough protection of the brothers, please punish them!"

In another world, his whole body was black, and he cried with sadness in front of Elder Yan and the Qingdan monks present. But in his heart, he was secretly lucky that he could escape for his life. He has lived for more than 100 years, and he has been used to life and death for a long time. How can he be sad about the life and death of his peers? However, Ye Qin failed to escape. He was somewhat regretful. After all, Ye Qin once saved his life.

In the pavilion hall of the temporary residence of Qingdanmen, dozens of Qingdan monks were all gloomy, sighing and sad. Maybe next time, it will be their turn.

Elder Yan's face is pale.

The ten foundation monks sent out actually killed eight of them in one go. Although these foundation-building monks have a low status in Qingdanmen and are the first to be sent to the battlefield, they are also a group of good combat forces. After dying like this, it was difficult for him to explain to the leader and the ancestors.

But what can he say?

Other worlds have been seriously injured. Even if they are cured, they are half-wasteful and will not live for a few years. Shen Bao looked submissive and bowed his head and dared not say anything. Can you accuse them of fighting unfavorably?

Elder Yan shook his head and arranged several well-cultivated fellow monks to expel the corpse poison from his body for other generations, and then left with his hands to report the Ancestors of Huangfu and Chen Min, who were sitting here.

If you want to send your disciples to the cold lake forest again, you have to think carefully.

Wuhuangfu Binger, who they didn't notice, was standing at the guardrail on the third floor of the pavilion at this time, listening to the report of other worlds clearly. Her beautiful face under the veil turned white in an instant, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

Brother Ye didn't come back?! What happened to him?

Her heart is already confused.

After a short while, Huangfu Binger suppressed the chaotic emotions in her heart and returned to the inner room on the third floor to see her father Huangfu Rui and Uncle Chen Min.

After Elder Yan reported to the ancestors of Huangfu and Chen Min, he told them to quit. Seeing Huangfu Binger coming in, his expression seemed to be a little cold and a little emotional. He was slightly surprised. He had never seen Huangfu's sister look like this. He didn't dare to think too much, so he arched his hand slightly and withdrew.

"Bing'er, what's wrong?" Huangfu Rui was looking at a topographic map of the Lingwu Mountains on the table with his hands. He looked at Huangfu Binger with gentle eyes, saw that Huangfu Binger was restless, and asked faintly.

"Dad, the child wants to lead a team to the cold lake forest to carry out the attack mission." Huangfu Binger bowed slightly and said flatly.

"Is it because of him?" Huangfu Rui thought for a moment, paused, and then asked, "There is a blood-inducing soul seal in your county. Even if it is thousands of miles away, you can also feel his life and death. Is he dead?"

"No." Huangfu Binger shook his head, "The blood and soul seal can only know life and death, but I can't know whether he is in trouble. My induction is very weak. He should have not returned in the Lingwu Mountains, where he is the only one left. The child is worried..."

"It's okay if you're not dead yet. Now the war is tense, and there are not enough people to go to the cold lake forest. The rest depends on his own fortune. He can't deal with this little thing. What qualifications does he have to be the son-in-law of the emperor's family? Binger, you lead the team to the Guiyi Mansion in Linju Kingdom, where there is a rich secular family surnamed Wei. Wei Shi is the descendant of a senior of this family a thousand years ago, and only the secular bloodline is still there. I'm afraid that the enemy monks may find out their background and bring them the disaster of destruction. Go and escort a direct son of the Wei family to the mountain gate of Benmen to leave a bloodline for the Wei family. This matter is far-reaching and more important. You can take people there in person, don't delay.

Huang Furui interrupted her words and said lightly.

Huangfu Bing'er looked at her father in a sdarling, her eyes were red, and she bit her delicate red lips, almost dripping blood. Perhaps in my father's eyes, the sect is always more important than her and mother.

"Yes, the child is going to deal with this matter!"

In the end, she bowed slightly and turned away, but a tear slid down silently.

Lingwu Mountains, Cang Mang Mountains.

After half a month.

Deep stream, an ordinary young monk in a white shirt sat in front of a small open space. In front of him were dozens of bones of unknown monsters piled up into "firewood", burning, with wisps of flames floating out.

However, these firewoods do not come from yang fire, but a wisp of yin measured phosphorus fire, to be precise, yin fire. These yin and fires did not have the slightest temperature. When they reached out, they felt a deep cold.

Next to the skeleton firewood, there is also a huge demon crocodile skeleton several feet long, with a dark luster on the white bones, and a little poisonous gas can be faintly seen.

This scene looks extremely strange in the dark and silent Cang Mangling.

If you are seen by a monk in the spiritual fog world, I'm afraid you will exclaim that there are evil monks here who are practicing evil poison.

Ye Qin can't control so much. He has tried several times these days to leave the vast ridge, but he couldn't even go out of the deep stream of this number of miles. There are monsters all around, and he can only stay in this narrow place and can't move. In order to save life as much as possible in this vast ridge, skeleton art also has to be practiced. ( To be continued)