Zifu Xianyuan

336 Akamatsu Island Stone Hall

In the next few days, Sun Taozhen and Brother Jiang came to Ye Qin's cave almost every day to visit each other, occasionally learning about Taoism, or chatting about some anecdotes they had seen in the East China Sea.

In the past few days, Ye Qin learned a lot about Sun Taozhen and Jiang's brothers through side attacks. I have to say that Sun Taozhen and others have been in a rather difficult situation recently.

On this desert island, there is neither a spiritual stone nor an elixir to refine the elixir, and there is even a decent spiritual vein on the island. They have been here for more than ten years, and there has been little progress in their cultivation.

Because there are not enough spiritual stones on their bodies, they can't even leave the island and go to the East China Sea Islands.

A few years ago, the small Turkish tribe migrated to Chisong Island near the Great Desert Island. The elixir formula of this Turkish tribe naturally made them salivate and wanted to get it immediately.

Even if Ye Qin did not appear on the desert island, they planned to fight against this small Turkish tribe. They have been practicing spells in isolation for several years, for this reason. Ye Qin's appearance only made them overjoyed, and they were more sure of this trip.

It can be said that whether Ye Qin is here or not, the monks of the Great Desert Island and the Tu people of Chisong Island will inevitably have a bloody conflict. Ye Qin was very clear about this swallow.

He was not interested in the conflict between the Great Desert Island monk and the Tu people of Akamatsu Island. He had decided to take the main Qin. After getting the elixir formula he was interested in on Chisong Island, he left here, but asked about the tedious little things here. Three more days have passed.

Sun Taozhen and Jiang's brothers, with a young and strange monk, came to visit Ye Qin.

"Brother Ye, this is Zhu Heyuan, one of the five foundation-building monks on the Desert Island. I just finished practicing a spell. I heard that Brother Ye has come to the desert island and can't wait to see Brother Ye.

After Sun Tao really finished speaking, he turned back to the young monk with a smile and said, "Brother Zhu, this is Brother Ye. You have always boasted that you have a high potential, and your cultivation has progressed rapidly. Now you are convinced?" I've met Brother Ye. When Zhu Heyuan saw Ye Qin, his face changed. Well, now that everyone has arrived, let's go!"

Ye Qin glanced at Zhu Heyuan and said flatly. This person is quite young, almost the same age as him, but his cultivation is too far away, and it is only the third floor of the foundation period. Well, if you want to practice to build the foundation of the ninth floor, I don't know when. Each of the five of them threw their flying swords, turned their swords into streamers, and flew to Akamatsu Island. On the way, Ye Qin has negotiated the conditions with the four people.

Conquer the small Turkish tribes on Chisong Island, and Sun, Er Jiang and Zhu will take action. He will not take action easily. Unless Sun Taozhen and others encountered an unmanageable enemy and were in danger, Ye Qin dealt with it. After the event was completed, Ye Qin took half of the elixir and formula found, and the remaining four people went to share.

The world of immortal cultivation has always been respected by the strong. Although Ye Qin's condition is high, Sun Jiangzhu and the other four have to accept it. After all, Ye Qin's nine-story cultivation is strong enough to be higher than the four of them, and he has to accept it even if he doesn't accept it.

Chisong Island is a smaller island with a radius of only dozens of miles, and there is a low valley on the island.

Except for a stone hall more than ten feet tall in the valley, there are hundreds of small huts scattered everywhere. There are a lot of Turkish people, reclaiming land in the mountains and forests of the island, and driving boats near the beach for fishing.

If nothing happens, this Chisong Island can also be regarded as a very ordinary, peaceful small island in the East China Sea.

On this day, five kinds of streamer appeared from the sky, like lightning, reaching the sky of the island valley and stopping. The figure of five monks appeared over the island with swords.

They did not restrain their mana, and a strong spiritual pressure enveloped the island. Such a strong spiritual pressure is unbearable for ordinary people. This immediately aroused the fear of the Turkish people on the island. They felt this strong spiritual pressure, looked up at the immortals who appeared in the sky, threw down the tools in their hands, fled in panic, and screamed one after another.

"There are thousands of Turkish people on this island. Turkish warriors are no different from secular people, and they can't find out anything by divine knowledge. How can I find the Turkish wrestler?

Ye Qin looked at Chisong Island, a very ordinary island. If he didn't know it in advance, he would even think it was an island inhabited by secular people.

Of course, the Tu people are very bold in dress, and the clothes are simple. Men's breasts are mostly covered with animal skin, and women are also wrapped in animal skin, revealing pink shoulders and smooth thighs. The accessories are also exquisite animal bones and teeth, which is still a little different from the linen clothes of Middle-earth secular people.

He found no abnormality in his field of vision. Ye Qin swept the whole island with his divine consciousness, and there was no aura reaction. He also had no harvest. He vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the stone hall in the valley, but he couldn't say how to feel it.

"Brother Ye, you can't find it by divine consciousness. However, there is a stone hall at the highest point of the valley, which is the place where the elders of the Turkish tribe gather to discuss, and it is also the holy place of the Turkish tribe. The elders of the Turkish tribe must have the formula of elixir in their hands. As long as we take down this stone temple, we don't have to worry about them not calling out the formula of the elixir. Sun Taozhen shook his head and pointed to the valley stone hall not far away.

"I just finished practicing the fifth level of the secret of burning fire. It's better to wait for me to investigate. If they are willing to hand over the recipe, that's all. If you refuse, I will burn their stone temple with a fire. Zhu Heyuan's eyes showed a fierce light. Our two brothers also went with Brother Zhu. Jiang's brothers Jiang Yichun and Jiang Yiqiu said one after another.

"It's also good. Two brothers Jiang and brother Zhu, be careful. Don't kill the Turkish warriors. It's still useful to keep them. If you find something wrong, return it immediately. Sun Taozhen nodded and agreed that they would go to the Stone Hall to investigate.

The Jiang brothers and Zhu Heyuan, the three of them immediately turned into three streamers, each holding their own magic weapons, and rushed directly to the valley of the island.

At this time, hundreds of natives with bows and arrows, wooden lances and harpoon roaring around the Valley Stone Hall. They guarded around the stone hall, trying to prevent the immortals from approaching the stone hall. Among these Turkish people, there are ordinary Turkish people and Turkish wrestlers, but they can't tell them apart.

The cultivation of the Jiang brothers and Zhu Heyuan in the initial stage of the foundation period can't be resisted by those ordinary Turkish people. When the three of them rushed into the valley, these Tu people had been crushed to a large area by the huge spiritual pressure.

There are only five or six low-level strong men of the Turkish nationality, about the strength of the monks in the qi period, and they can barely stand in place and open the strong bow and shoot arrows. Occasionally, several iron arrows were shot randomly, and they were also directly smashed by the shields of the three people, without causing any damage. Ye Tai and Sun Taozhen still stopped their swords in mid-air and watched the battle. Brother Ye, it seems that I have overestimated the strength of these Turkish people before. If we are lucky, we can get the elixirs formula without even the two of us doing it. Seeing this, Sun Tao couldn't help laughing. Oh, let's see what happens. These Turkish people can make Brother Sun so cautious. It should be more than this strength.

Ye Qin said flatly.

Sun Taozhen didn't say anything. He laughed a few times.

Under the fierce impact of the three foundation-building monks, Er Jiang and Zhu Heyuan, the Tu people in the valley collapsed very quickly. Even those low-level Turkish wrestlers could not hold on for a moment, so they were knocked down by the three of them.

If it hadn't been for Sun Taozhen's previous explanation, he wanted to catch some living Turkish wrestlers as hard laborers, I'm afraid that these Turkish wrestlers had been killed by three people. When Er Jiang and Zhu Heyuan were still a hundred feet away from the Stone Hall. Let's look for it!"

The door of the stone hall opened, and a tall man with thick eyebrows and burly feet walked out. Surrounded by a demon shark belt around his waist, he holds a half-foot-long black iron heavy knife, and the heavy knife is full of mottled gaps. At a look, you can see that he has experienced a lot of battles.

The big man stood in front of the hall and was not angry. Such a tall figure stands out among the Turkish people. Big leader, these immortals bully people too much!" After suffering, we drifted hundreds of thousands of miles across the sea. We finally took root on Red Pine Island and were disturbed by them.

In addition, there were more than a dozen low-level Turkish wrestlers who rushed out of the hall and stood beside the strong man, staring at the five immortals angrily.

"Why do you immortals on the desert island disturb the peace of my Akamatsu Island? A few years ago, the elders of our clan made an agreement with you that the wells of the Desert Island and Akamatsu Island did not violate the river. What's the matter with you disturbing my department today?

The big man waved his hand to stop the crowd from shouting, and then questioned Er Jiang, Zhu, and Ye Qin, Sun Taozhen and other monks in mid-air. Chief, I'm just here to borrow a few items from your tribe today. As long as you are willing to borrow it, our two islands will still get along well. Sun Tao really laughed and said. What do you want to borrow?"

The big man thought for a moment. Obviously, he was not too willing to fight with the immortals. If he could solve the conflict at a small cost, he still planned to consider it. He held his breath and asked loudly.

"The treasures in your tribe, the elixir, and all the alchemy formulas. In addition, I still need a few handymen in my cave, and I want to pick a few diligent men and women in your tribe to go to the desert island. I don't know if the big leader is willing?" Sun Tao really smiled and said. Don't even think about the treasures of our tribe. Brothers and sisters of my tribe, how can you be a handyman!" The big man was furious when he heard the words. When I was someone's handyman, I still wronged you! Since I refused, I had to take it. Brother Zhu, don't do it yet!" Sun Taozhen's face suddenly sank and he shouted.

Zhu Heyuan got instructions, shouted loudly, controlled the fire low-level flying sword, turned into a foot-long red sword light, and cut towards the big man. Good to come!"

The big man shouted angrily and slammed on the rock ground. He was not afraid of the magic weapon. Instead, he jumped up and bumped over.

Although he is tall and burly, his skills are extremely agile. He suddenly jumped down and was only half a foot away from the flying sword. With a wave of his hand, he was paralyzed like lightning. The black light flashed by, and the heavy knife was suddenly chopped and cut on the tip of the flying sword with incomparable precision.

The clear sound of the fire-based flying sword was actually directly cut off by the black iron knife. A small gap has been added to the knife of the bird iron heavy knife. But it doesn't matter. When the big man fell, he was only more than ten feet away from Zhu Heyuan. Brother Jiang, help me!

Zhu Heyuan's face suddenly changed dramatically and he shouted loudly. It's not a good thing to be approached by such a strong Turkish wrestler. With the knife of the Thunder, his fire shield may not be able to stop it.