Zifu Xianyuan

381,382 Xiuer's penance, on the eve of the expedition

A group of Turkish wrestlers with spiritual blade swords rushed out of the bluestone houses on both sides of the alley. No matter how dull the two monks were, they knew that they were trapped and were lured into the alley by the Tu nationality young woman to ambush them.

The rough man's original look of #11916; greed #11916;** has disappeared, and he has turned into anger. The foundation-building monk was actually ambushed by a group of poor natives, which was not bad. He patted the storage bag around his waist and flew out a blue flying sword.

However, it's so close. How can you have time to cast the magic tool?

A rough man, take a step back and buy time.

But the little Tu nationality #11916; The woman jumped and jumped in front of the rough man. The bird iron fork waved fiercely and hit the rough man's chest with a half-arc.

Rough Han suddenly felt the heartbreaking pain from his mouth. He lowered his head and was shocked to find that his body shield had been pierced by the spiritual fork. The sharp spiritual fork pierced his chest, and then he heard the sound of bones and meat stirring in his body.

"Damn it!"

The rough man was pierced in a hole in his chest, and his blood exploded #1916; shot was hit hard, but he was fierce. With a finger in his hand, the low-priced flying sword that had just been released was shot against the Tu nationality.

Tu's young #11916; Women have no fear. He leaned backwards backwards, dodged the flying sword, then put his palms on the ground, twisted his soft waist, and a pair of snow-white jade #11916; his legs turned into two white wind knives and swept forward.

How could a rough man think of the Tu nationality #11916; The woman actually had such a strange attack skill, and the abdomen failed to avoid the Tu nationality #11916; female leg attack, bang! Bang! His whole body suddenly bent and deformed like a thunderbolt. He flew back a few feet away and fell to the ground. His waist bone and flesh had been completely broken. Blood waded to the ground and could no longer get up.

Tu nationality young man #11916; The woman did not stop, the monk had no flesh, and there were other means to admonishing. Zhan, she did not leave future troubles, flew over and kicked over, smashed the rough man's brain, and turned into a bright red brain.

"Middle-level wrestler!"

The short black-faced monk who followed him took a breath of cold air and showed his fear. With such a terrifying leg, the middle-level wrestler of the Turkish clan can hit it. Even if he is a foundation monk, without protection, his body alone can't withstand the full blow of the middle-level wrestler. He is a monk in the first layer of the foundation period, who is not the opponent of the middle-level wrestler, especially blocked in the narrow roadway.

His face is extremely ugly. The Turkish woman dared to ambush their two foundation-building monks here. Obviously, it was not easy to provoke. It was clear that she would swallow them in one bite and put them to death.

He was shocked and turned around to escape, but a large group of Turks around him had already attacked him.

The short monk was frightened. The control method #11916; the weapon crazily slashed these Turkish wrestlers, trying to kill a bloody road, a humble alley.

However, there are too many Tu's wrestlers here. Min's ten tattered coarse cloth shirts rushed up and sealed the Tuan Tuan Tuan. They rushed up and slashed his shield. There were even a few tough Turkish wrestlers who simply lost the spiritual knife in his hand and rushed up to hug his legs and feet to prevent him from controlling the flying sword. The brute force was so great that he could hardly struggle with him.

Bai Xiuer finished cleaning up the rough man. Turning her head and seeing the short monk who was fighting with the Turkish warriors, a fierce color flashed in her eyes. Meng shook the bird iron fork in her hand, and a dark light flashed.


The short monk, who was besieged by the Tu people in the middle, was pierced and cold, splashing #11916; a large mass of snowflakes. The short monk's shield was broken and suddenly stagnated. The Turkish warriors were overjoyed and made a mess of swords. In the blink of an eye, they cut the short monk into plasma mud.

Poor pity those two foundation monks. Before he escaped from the alley, he was killed by a group of Tu people.

After a bloody battle, two low-level Turkish warriors died, and several were seriously injured. In this chaotic alley, the lives of the Tu people are worthless, and no one is sad about the dead Tu people.

And the two monks had a lot of storage bags and valuable things on them. The Turkish wrestlers looked at the goods eagerly, but did not move.

Bai Xiuer stepped forward and turned out the valuable goods and storage bags on the bodies of the two foundation monks.

Tear Joe's storage bag torn #1916; cracked. I was quite satisfied to pour out the spiritual stones, several low-order tools and materials inside.

"Come on, let's split it. The injured brother has more"

She gave half of the spirit stone in the storage bag to herself, and the rest of the goods were scattered to the local warriors.

"Thank you, Sister Xiu!"

This group of low-level Turkish warriors was overjoyed and robbed all the goods and divided them up.

Ye Qin hid his figure and stood in the distance, watching this scene.

Originally, he was a little worried about whether Bai Xiuer could stay in Xianque City, but when he saw this, he only had a bitter smile. Bai Xiuer seems to have become the head of a small group of low-priced Turkish wrestlers in this chaotic alley, and has started the business of killing and selling goods.

He found that he seemed to worry too much.

Even if he doesn't come, Bai Xiuer can live a good life in Xianque City.

Moreover, looking at Bai Xiuer's means of killing the two foundation-building monks in an instant, her divine power seems to have grown extremely fast, and even the three-level monks in the foundation-building period can't withstand her double #11916; leg blow. Although there is a surprise in it, it is enough to show the horror of its magic power.

It seems that it has been a short period of two years. Xiuer's strength has increased a lot.

Let her live in this city of Xianque, and there is no need to disturb her.

Ye Qin thought of this and shook his head and planned to leave.

At this time, she saw Bai Xiuer holding the bag of spiritual stone and was very proud. She hummed the nameless little song and left the alley, as if she was going somewhere.

Ye Qin was a little curious. Bai Xiuer robbed these spiritual stones and went to do something.

He followed far away.

Bai Xiuer drilled around in the chaotic alley, and after a while, she came to another bustling city in Xianque City. It is very lively here. There are many monks and Turks. Occasionally, you can see the monk patrol passing by. Naturally, this is not a messy place like a messy alley.

Bai Xiuer came to a large pavilion store selling elixirs.

"Ten low-level blood elixirs!"

Bai Xiuer took out the cloth bag containing the spirit stone, patted it on the counter, and shouted in a crisp voice.

"Girl, come to buy the blood elixir again? I bought several pills a few days ago, and this time I bought another ten pills? Your master is really willing to spend money on you. A servant selling elixirs in the store glanced at Bai Xiuer's delicate figure and smiled.

"Why, I buy the elixir. Do you have an opinion? Do you need me to tell my owner?

Bai Xiuer stared at the waiter.

" No, no problem! Show girl. You just don't say anything when you're little."

The waiter waved his hand in a hurry and took ten low-level elixirs from the counter and gave them to Bai Xiuer. A beautiful Tu nationality like Bai Xiuer is less #11916; female, with more money, must be a waitress of a deep monk in a fairy palace in the city.

A shop waiter dares to offend.

The blood elixir taken by Tuzilishi is actually not common in Xianque City.

Few alchemists will refine this kind of blood elixir.

However, as the largest city in the East China Sea, many monks of the great immortal cultivation family in the city have Tu maids and are willing to spend money on these maids. Therefore, some alchemists saw that it was profitable, so they specially planted blood fruit and sold alchemy.

The growth of blood fruit is extremely slow, so most of them are low #11916; price blood elixir.

Of course, this market is relatively small. There are only some large elixirs. Only then did the blood elixir say, "Well, you don't have the courage to measure it!"

Bai Xiuer took the blood elixir and put it away carefully. She left the lixir shop. Walk on the lively road. I vaguely found something. I suddenly looked back, but I didn't find anything.

She was puzzled and suspected that someone was following her and quickly shuttled through several streets, but she never found anyone following her.

Bai Xiuer was puzzled. A smoke entered an alley and disappeared.

After half an hour, she came to the alley and entered a small yard.

The nearby alley is full of rags, and there are many low-level Turkish wrestlers in the small yard. The small Tu people are only ten years old, and the old ones are fifty or sixty years old. When everyone saw Bai Xiuer, they made way one after another. Obviously, I have great respect for Bai Xiuer.

Bai Xiuer came to the inner house of the courtyard, swallowed a blood elixir with joy, and then began to meditate cross-legged.

"Sister Xiu, you are really awesome. The two foundation-building immortals have been cleaned up by you. In our area, it belongs to Sister Xiu. You have the strongest magic power.

"The news that we have killed the two foundation-building monks has spread, and the Turkish warriors of several small gangs on the other side of Seventh Street are ready to join us. If they also join, our Bai clan will have more than 100 low #11916; price wrestlers.

Ses of a few little Turkish boys in their teens rushed into the inner house, full of worship.

"Of course. I'm the young patriarch of the Bai clan. Bai Xiuer maintained a meditatory posture #11916; momentum, showing #11916; proudly, said to several small Tu people, "Mountain melons, don't sleep lazily all day long, follow me to practice #11916; refine!"

"We Turkish wrestlers can't practice #11916; immortals like immortals, don't we also increase our divine power when we sleep! Why do you have to work so hard to medit?

The little Tu people of mountain melons suddenly looked sad.

"The reason why our Turkish warriors are so weak is that we don't practice #11916; refining. If they all practice like immortals, how can they not compare with immortals? Bai Xiuer's pink #11916; tender face shows #11916; with a strange look, but at this point. The ground condensed for a moment, and a man in white suddenly appeared in his heart.

She has always thought that she has excellent talent and is unmatched in the Bai tribe. Sooner or later, she will become the strongest wrestler in the tribe.

But when she met the man in white, she knew how weak her strength was.

In those years, she drove the bird cloud barrier and flew on the sea for nearly a year. She was almost suffocated, but he did not move #11916; in #11916; heart, day after day meditation practice #11916; refining.

With his strength. Even if she is besieged by a group of winged demon fish, she can rush out, far more than a Turkish warrior like her. But he didn't stop the idea of practicing at all.

It was that year that crossed the sea. Looking at him sitting and practicing #11916; day after day, she suddenly became cunning.

Her talent is nothing.

He won't stop. If she can't quickly strengthen her strength with the blood elixir, I'm afraid she will never be able to catch up with him. Compared with him, it will only get farther and farther, so far away that you can't see it.

When Bai Xiuer thought of this, there was an inexplicable panic in her heart.

Ye Qinshan hid his figure and stood quietly outside the courtyard for a long time.

Seeing Bai Xiuer meditated in the elixir, there was an indescribable surprise and vibration.

Bai Xiuer took a huge risk to rob #11916; robbed the foundation monk, and then used to rob #11916; the robbed spiritual stones, all of which were used to buy #11916; to buy blood elixir, in order to cultivate #11916; to refine the divine power?

He fell into condensation.

At the beginning, Elder Bai tried to entrust Bai Xiuer to him as his maid. He is very reluctant. He doesn't want to waste his time and energy. Therefore, he only promised to take Bai Xiuer to the East China Sea Islands.

Now it seems that Bai Xiuer is not stupid and knows the importance of practicing #11916; refining. Although she used the "unbelievable" method of robbery to rob the spiritual stone, at least it shows that she really wants to practice #11916; to improve her divine power, but she has not found the right way.


"It's not good, there are immortals sneak attacks! Come on, run away.

Suddenly, there was a violent noise in the distance of the alley, mixed with sonorous noises, killing #11916; killing, and the Turkish people in the alley were in chaos.

A young Tu people guarding outside the small yard rushed open the door of the courtyard and stumbled into the inner house. He looked panicked and shouted, "Sister Xiu, it's not good. It's the fairy who killed me!"

"Who are they?" Bai Xiuer's face turned cold. Huo Ran stood up.

"It's a ghost house of immortals, there are dozens of them! There are also five or six foundation-building immortals and a group of qi-practicing immortals. We robbed a batch of their goods on North Street half a month ago and were found by them to retaliate. We can't beat them. Let's go!"

The young Tu people shouted anxiously.

Bai Xiuerlu #11916; shocked. The strength of the land can't stop five or six foundation monks.

She quickly took it and rushed out of the house.

Outside the small yard, there has been a lot of noise, "Come on, surround it, don't let go of the Turkish warriors here!" Five foundation-building monks in black clothes with ghost heads, with dozens of practicing monks, have rushed into the alley, cut down many low-level Turkish, came to the outside of the small yard, and gave Surrounded by a group.


A leading man in black, a high-level monk, kicked the door and led the crowd into the hospital.

"You should be Sister Xiu of the White Clan! I'm finally blocking you!"

The leader monk glanced at Bai Xiuer and smiled grimly. He waved coldly to several foundation monks and dozens of practicing monks behind him, "In addition to this little girl, kill all,!" Sister Xiu, let's go!"

The 20 or 30 Turkish warriors in the small yard were furious and stood in front of Bai Xiuer. They attacked with knives and guns regardless of their lives, fighting with those monks in the period of training. After several flying swords, they rushed into the battlefield. It was just a confrontation, and the Turkish warriors were killed and injured.

Bai Xiuerjiao #11916; sudden change of volume, pumping #11916; two black iron forks at the waist, retreated quickly. She couldn't fight against five or six well-prepared foundation monks, so she had to escape. Her heart ached. It took nearly a year to pull up the Bai clan meeting. This was hit by a devastating blow.

At this time, I heard a cold hum.

A huge spiritual pressure was suppressed. Several foundation-building monks and dozens of Qi practitioners in the small courtyard suddenly fell into an ice cave, and their look suddenly changed. The terrible spiritual pressure instantly suppressed the monks in the qi practice period.

"The ancestor of Jindan!"

The foundation-building monks were shocked. Before they could rise the meaning of resistance, they saw a dazzling golden light. It rose in the small yard, and then there was a crackling explosion.

A white shadow flashed through the small yard.

Wait for the golden dazzling light to dissipate.

Bai Xiuer disappeared.

The arrogant leader in black of the Ghost Club, the high-priced monk who built the foundation, has burst into a blood fog.

Those foundation-building monks and the monks in the period of practice were clear #11916; When they woke up, they looked at each other, and their faces were full of fear and panic. They are not stupid, and they can also understand that this Bai clan will have Jindan ancestors, which is not what they can provoke at all. I don't know who called "Oh, my God!" Then a group of monks rushed out of the courtyard crazily and disappeared in an instant.

Only a group of dull Turkish warriors were left, and they were at a loss with spiritual swords.

After a while.

From the transmission array of Xianque City, it appeared directly in Baifu City in the northern islands.

Ye Qin's face was unpredictable, and he walked in front with his hands.

Bai Xiuerjiao #11916; Rong was full of grievances, followed, bowed her head and dared not nib at it. Mu secretly glanced at Ye Qin's back. Two years later, I saw him again with indescribable joy. However, she had just got into a lot of trouble, but she didn't dare to show that she came out.

"Trick #11916; Kidnapping, I have learned a lot in the past two years. How many monks have you killed in the past few years? "So many monks want to kill you?"

Ye Qin sneered.

"It's not much..." Find some spiritual stones every three or five times.

Bai Xiuer pulled up her tender and green fingers and was seriously sensitive, but she didn't count them clearly. She said in her heart that she couldn't blame me. After you left, I didn't have a spiritual stone on me, so I had to borrow it from someone else.

Ye Qin looked at her aggrieved appearance, but it was not easy to blame.

"If you make trouble everywhere, you will be killed sooner or later. You can live in Baifu City now. Go to find a Qingdan workshop in Baifu City, find a monk surnamed Chen, and ask him to arrange for you to do some rough work in the alchemy workshop. Although you earn less spiritual stones, it is enough for you. I occasionally come to Baifu City when I have time. Give me the spiritual stone you earn from working here directly. I will help you refine the blood elixir, which can save a lot of money, and it won't be worse than your robbery.


Bai Xiuer shows #11916; She is happy.

Ye Qin arranged Bai Xiuer to Qingdanfang to avoid trouble. He suddenly remembered something and said, "Yes. You are a native of the Tu people, the sea-grabbing tribe of the Tu people. How much do you know?

"Sea-grabbing tribe? I know something."

Bai Xiuer talked about this tribe, revealing #11916; with a look of disgust, "In the past, Elder Bai often told me about the major tribes of Tuyan! This sea-grabbing tribe is one of the top ten tribes of the Turkish people, with great strength. However, they often attack other tribes, so many Turkish tribes hate the sea-grabbing tribes.

"Oh, the sea-grabbing tribes often rob, and there is such a thing?"

Tie Qin Qidao.

"Of course. Before the monks came to the East China Sea, there were frequent wars between the major Turkish tribes, with countless casualties. This sea-grabbing tribe also has a deep feud with my white tribe. However, this was a long time ago.

Ye Qin understood a little bit. Just as there are often big blood wars between the immortal worlds in Middle-earth, there are also many grievances between the Turkish tribes.

Fight, which is the same for both monks and Turks.

"What's so strange about this sea-grabbing tribe?"

"Sea-grabbing tribe. The best naval battle. We Turkish have experience in fighting against the sea-grabbing tribes and try to avoid being at sea.

Ye Qin returned to Baifu City, and then went to the Purple Sword Palace in Baifu City.

After repairing the silver armor guard, he has some confidence in the matter of the expedition to the Tu tribe. Before that, you must join the Purple Sword Palace. Otherwise, a scattered monk like him will not be able to participate in the battle against the Turkish tribes at all.

After discussing with Zhou Yi, the young master of the Purple Scratch #11916; Palace, he officially joined the Purple Sword Palace and became a monk of the Purple Sword Palace.

Zhou Yi was very pleased with Ye Qin's joining.

Then, Ye Bao returned to the fire island.

There are still nearly ten months before the expedition.

On the Fire Island, Ye Qin and Huangfu Bing'er calmly practiced #11916; refining and preparing.

Although the ninth-order silver armor guard has been repaired, Ye Qin doesn't want to take this killer out and use it casually, so as not to be targeted by other monks. It will not be used until it is the most critical time of life and death.

Therefore, it is very necessary to prepare more other means of attack.

The yellow dust sand, which was originally piled up into a small mound in the earth house, has condensed significantly and turned into a small handful of yellow dust sand mud. This small handful of yellow dust mud has been strong for tens of thousands of years.

Go to sea for three hours a day to hunt sea beasts and get the essence of the earth demon elixir you need. These elixirs are not enough. He came directly to Baifu City, where he entrusted some foundation-building monks to hunt low-level earth sea beasts and obtain earth elixirs.

After it is fully prepared. In the island, Ye Qin began to melt the yellow dust sand and mud into yellow #11916; color liquid salary with the true fire of samadhi. Extract the essence of the earth demon elixir, integrate it into the yellow dust sand mud, and refine the "four-handled earth demon method #11916; weapon.

And Huangfu Binger is practicing #11916; In addition to refining, help him prepare a full set of ice #11916; fire silk armor body protection method #11916; weapon, even festival! Some high-level runes are purchased in Baifu City. Although she was a little worried, since Ye Qin insisted on going forward, she could only help with all her strength.

Both of them are busy preparing as much as possible for the conquest of the Turkish tribes.

Times are in a hurry.

In a flash, ten months have passed.

It took several months to refine, and finally before the team went out of the Tu tribe, Ye Qin made the fourth yuanshen method #11916; weapon... Huang Tianhouchen sword.