Zifu Xianyuan

385 setback

The leader of the Jing tribe of the sea-grabbing tribe, Jingbo is here!"

He wears a bronze ring animal armor. The burly Tu man standing above the head of the giant beast. Standing in the waves, he looked at dozens of Zijian Palace monks in the sky contemptuously and said proudly, "I have killed countless immortals in my life. Who dares to invade my Jing tribe?! Even if it is a golden elixir, it can still be killed. Who will fight with my leader!"

A shout is like a roar of thunder.

The giant man waved his thick huge arm, and the mottled cyan ancient halberd full of ancient atmosphere in his palm pointed to the sky, and a strong cyan evil spirit gushed out from the tip of the ancient halberd, forming a cyan cyclone.

The powerful cyan evil spirit rose to the sky like condensation.

The monks of the Purple Sword Palace felt a terrible breath rushing over. The qi and blood ***, the soul was panicked. Unexpectedly, they were rushed away by this domineering blue evil spirit and retreated one after another, away from the Turkish blue evil spirit.

When the burly ancient Han saw that the purple sword monks were cowardly retreating hundreds of feet in one breath, he couldn't help laughing wildly. He was so proud. The seven-level Lanhai beast under his feet stared at the huge eyes of the gong, patted the waves with its tail, and raised dozens of feet of waves, stirring up the sea water.

The Jing clan warriors riding on the back of the sea beasts around the sea saw that the leader waved and set off a group of immortals. They couldn't help laughing unscrupulously one by one, speaking native language loudly, mixed with some strange Middle-earth languages.

Zhou Yao saw that the foundation-building monks of the Purple Sword Palace of the ship Zhou Yu all retreated back. He scolded the rubbish. Listening to the unbearable noise of these Turkish people, his pink face couldn't help but turn white.

After Ye Qin saw the burly giant man with hundreds of Turkish wrestlers, his face returned to calm. A high-level wrestler of the Turkish clan appeared here, which was not a great threat to him.

He has enough time to take the next step.

transporting several ships is obviously a bait, attracting these immortals to gather here. And this group of Turkish sea riders have surrounded the sea around Minli and are ready to besiege them.

This is undoubtedly an ambush.

Zhou Yao, a first-layer monk of Jindan of the Purple Sword Palace, took action, and at most he could only reluctantly fight against this magnet, Wu giant man. Among the 17 foundation-building monks of the Purple Sword Palace, the immortals could not fight against more than 200 middle-level warriors of the Tu nationality.

There is a great possibility of defeat in this battle. If the war is forced, I'm afraid that the Purple Sword Palace will lose Ye Qin and didn't count himself in, because he didn't plan to take action here.

He doesn't even see the nest of the Jing tribe now. After finding the nest of the Jing tribe, I'm afraid the battle behind will still be long. Moreover, after fighting this Turkish tribe and grabbing the fruits of the war, I'm afraid there will be a dispute between the Jindan monks.

To seize the results, no one will give in to each other. It depends on your ability.

In order to successfully grab the sacred objects of the Jing tribe from the thirty-nine Jindan monks of the Tiandao League and the Tianmo League, the tenth-order elixir "Zi Youlian", he now needs to do everything possible to save his power.

Compared with the Jindan monks, he didn't pay much attention to this Jing tribe.

It's not that he looks down on this Jing tribe.

Although the strength of the Jing tribe is strong, it is already an enemy in front of the monks, and the enemy on the surface is usually easy to deal with.

But there are 39 Jindan monks, all of whom are dark competitors. He still doesn't know that those Jindan monks will compete with him for "Zi Youlian". Even Zhou Yao. It is also possible to compete with him.

He doesn't want to spend this time fighting with this group of Turks and consume his strength.

Ye Qin has never valued victory or defeat, and it's not a big deal to escape. He looked into the distance and thought about it. Should we retreat immediately? First, join the monks of the Jubao Palace and the Guangyu Palace behind, and their strength will be greatly increased, and then turn back to fight with this group of Turkish sea riders.

However, Ye Bao obviously underestimated Zhou Yao's determination to fight with the monks of the Purple Sword Palace.

When he was calculating that it would be more advantageous to break out of the siege from that direction, he was stunned to find that the monks of the Purple Sword Palace and this group of Turks had begun to fight.

"The purple sword monk obeys the order. Form a five-eword array, kill me, see what skills these Tu people have, dare to speak wildly!"

Zhou Yao's eyes almost spewed flames, gritted her teeth, and pointed to the sea rider on the sea and shouted.

In the middle of the monks of the Purple Sword Palace, fifteen monks immediately flew out. A group of five people divided into three small pictures, each throwing a high-level flying sword, namely, the golden sword, the wooden sword, the water sword, the fire sword and the earth sword, just formed three large five-line sword arrays, and then they killed

Carved the two foundation monks, Qian Zhitian and Chu Ting, who could not form a formation, but stayed in mid-air to watch the battle.

Ye Qin couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this scene.

He has always thought that the big five elements sword array can only be used by one monk, but he still doesn't know that the big five elements sword array of the Purple Sword Palace can be formed by many people. Each monk controls a flying sword, and the difficulty of controlling the sword array is significantly reduced.

However, Ye Qin quickly thought of a question.

There are many monks, and the control and cooperation of the sword array is a problem. I'm afraid it takes a long time to exercise together to communicate with each other. It's far less than a monk to control the big five elements of sword array like a heart to make the arm 0 light shine on the sea for a while, and the three sword arrays Fight with a group of more than 200 sea riders at sea.

Zhou Yao was not idle. She patted the storage bag around her waist and flew out three small swords with various colors of light. These five small swords soared in an instant and turned into five ten-foot giant swords, shining around her.

She was in mid-air, holding the decision with her delicate hand. Standing proudly, overlooking the burly giant of the Tu nationality on the sea.

Under the guard of five flying swords, the sampan's expression at this moment is extremely proud and disdainful.

What if it is a trap ambush?

She is a Jindan monk. There is a large five-eword array composed of five top-level flying swords. The lethality is very strong, and the Turkish warriors kill one by one. Even if it is an ambush, it can also be forcibly broken.

She is not afraid of this high-priced wrestler at all.

The burly giant standing above the head of the giant beast suddenly shrank his eyes, revealing a dignified color. The blue veins of his arms burst out, clenched the cyan ancient halberd, and stared intently at Zhou Yao's five flying swords, and had no time to pay attention to the battles around him.

The flying sword of the monk Jindan is not so easy to deal with. If you are not careful, you will be cut off. Ye Qin saw that the two sides had already fought, so he had no choice but to watch the battle.

"Big Five Lines Sword Array...!"

Zhou Yao scolded, pinched the formula with both hands, and quickly hit a white mana and shot on the sword of the golden flying sword.

This gold top-level flying sword, which contains strong ** power, suddenly shines brightly, stirring out a golden brilliance with thick arms and shoots at the top-level flying sword of the water system. The water flying sword stirred out a blue light with thick arms and shot at the wooden flying sword. The Kihara flying sword stirred out a cyan light and shot at the fire flying sword. The fire flying sword stirred out a fire color and shot at the earth flying sword. The earth flying sword shot a yellow light and shot at the gold flying sword.

The Guanghua cycle for a week, and the sword array has been completed.

The five luminances, like five long lines, connect the five flying swords into a large sword array, with integrated attack and defense, and vertical and horizontal sword spirit.


The burly man couldn't help but change his face. He has been on the battlefield for a long time and has been with many immortals. Obviously, he is not an ignorant person. Naturally, he has some insight. Seeing the change of these five flying swords, he immediately exclaimed.

Zhou Yao has finished casting. With one finger of the jade hand, the five swords came out together, turned into five dragonflies and long rainbows, pounced on the magnet, the giant man.

On the one hand, it is the upper-class monk of Jindan who controls five flying swords at the same time, and on the other hand, it is a high-priced Turkish wrestler who holds a cyan ancient halberd to control the seventh-order sea beast. The two began a bloody battle at sea.

The scope of the big five elements sword array is very wide, with a radius of more than a hundred feet. It directly covers the burly giant man and the fierce beast of Lanhai, and is trapped in the big five elements sword array together with people and beasts.

"See how my leader breaks your sword array!"

The burly giant man sneered at the corners of his mouth, stamped his feet, jumped up, and the blue ancient halberd in his hand was like a spirit snake, hitting one of the flying swords.

Tuzu li shi, the best at defeating the enemy with strength. If the golden elixir monk only uses a flying sword, he may be able to compete with him. But the mana was scattered to five flying swords. As long as he broke one, the sword array would be useless.

He just wants to use strength. Come and break through this sword array.


A loud noise.

The tip of the cyan ancient halberd. The tricky point is on the tip of a gold flying sword. The golden flying sword was hit hard, and it was immediately shaken violently like thunder, and the light quickly dimmed. However, a yellow light of the earth flying sword shot into the gold flying sword → divination, and the gold flying sword immediately was dazzling, bouncing the blue ancient halberd.

The burly giant's arm is slightly numb.

At first, he didn't realize anything, but after attacking the enemy continuously, he was bounced back. The burly giant almost couldn't hold the ancient halberd, and he felt a headache.

The brilliance of these five flying swords is integrated. No matter which flying sword he attacks, the brilliance of the other four flying swords will be poured in one after another. He is equivalent to fighting against the five flying swords at the same time.

The burly giant man and his giant beast were trapped in the big five elements sword array, conflicting left and right, but they were unable to rush out of the shackles of the big five elements sword array.

In the whole sea area, only Ye Qin, as well as Qian Zhitian and Chu Ting, two foundation-building monks, are watching the battle. "Elder Ye, you can help Uncle Zhou." Chu Ting's cultivation is limited. She only saw the fierce fight between Zhou Yao and the burly giant, but she couldn't see who had the advantage at this moment. She was worried that Zhou Yao would be defeated, and said to Ye Qin anxiously. No, your Uncle Zhou has the upper hand now.

If I take action, I'm afraid she will be annoyed.

Ye Qin said indifferently.

With the big five-element sword array, Zhou Yao can win the third island in one fell swoop at the island-grabbing conference attended by many Jindan monks, and her strength is still very strong. Although she is arrogant and wayward, it doesn't mean she is stupid. I don't have much strength and self-confidence. Do you dare to take the monks of the Purple Sword Palace to rampage here? Without this big five-eword sword array, I'm afraid she will learn from Liao Xiaozi of the Guangyu Palace and slowly push forward with her men. Instead of killing all sides with Turkish wrestlers here.

Chu Ting saw that Ye Qin was unwilling to take action and did not dare to force it, and her face was full of anxiety. Qian Zhitian looked at Ye Bao strangely and despised him in his heart. Although this senior Ye is a Jindan monk, I'm afraid it's much worse than Uncle Zhou Yao's five-element sword array. He just excused and didn't want to take action, so as not to come out to make a fool of himself.

After a moment of fighting. The war situation has finally changed.

Culgor!! Han's moves are very simple. He has been using the ancient halberd to hit the flying sword, breaking him with all his strength to use the cyan halberd, and the blue flying sword trembled violently on the tip of a cyan flying sword! A little, light! It faded a little. Then there is a blue light of the flying sword of the water system. Inject it into its sword body and let it cheer it up.

However, that's the problem.

Although the brilliance of the blue flying sword is still the same, when it hits the ancient halberd on the tip of the sword, an extremely fine crack appears with a click.

This slight crack was found by the burly giant's eyes, and he was immediately ecstatic.

The quality of this cyan flying sword is not as good as his cyan halberd. As long as it attacks fiercely, it can directly destroy the cyan flying sword.

Zhou Yao's face suddenly changed, and she complained secretly. I don't know what this cyan ancient halberd is made of. It is so hard that even her top-level wooden magic weapon has been cracked.

"Miss Zhou, do you need me to take action?"

Ye Qin immediately saw this scene and frowned. It seems that Jingbo has found a way to break through the battle. He knew that Zhou Yao was very arrogant and was not willing to accept his help, so he asked before taking action, so that she would not have resentment for no reason.

"No, it's a high-level wrestler, I can kill him!"

Zhou Yao had silver teeth, and her face was already a little pale. She patted the mana one after another, quickly controlling the flying sword and struggling to support it. Quickly adjust the wooden sword weapon, and use the harder golden swordsmanship and earth swordsmanship to arrest the parrot, the blue ancient halberd of the giant man.

However, the burly giant was surprisingly fast and sensitive. He rushed back and forth like lightning in a narrow space to avoid the golden sword and the earth sword. The blue halberd in his hand was extremely tricky, and every time he rushed straight to the wooden flying sword.

After dozens of hits, the cracks of the wooden top flying sword are getting bigger and bigger, and the brilliance of the big five-emen sword array has become unstable.

This five-eword sword array seems to be a burly man.

Ye Qin's face was uncertain, and he seemed to be thinking about something. His eyes condensed, and finally showed a trace of determination on his face. Suddenly, he spit out a purple Nanming Li fire sword, turned into a twenty-foot sword in the wind, and roared to join the battle map. Nanming Li's fire sword fell on the top of the big five elements sword array, facing the head, and patted the burly giant who was about to rush out of the sword array.

The burly giant man was about to rush out of the big five-line sword array. Seeing that there was a sudden more turbulent fire sword in front of him, he was shocked and hurriedly waved the ancient halberd to resist.

Port! The burly giant man was detained back into the sword array by a huge force. Ye Qin, besieged by the big five elements sword array, patted the burly giant man with a sword, but immediately stopped again, took back the fire sword of Nanming, and continued to stand by coldly. Let Zhou Yao and the burly giant continue to fight.

Zhou Yao was embarrassed and refused to ask Ye Qin to take action. Seeing that Ye Qin took the initiative to take action, she was secretly happy. But look at Ye Qin's actions. Suddenly, I was angry and smoked.

"You should simply do it, or don't take action and let him run out. Otherwise, just cut him down and kill him! What do you mean by patting him back into the sword array? Do you want to see me fight with this Tu people?"

Zhou Yao scolded her angrily. After a few more attacks, I'm afraid that her wooden flying sword will be shattered.

Ye Qin saw Zhou slowly panicking and controlling the sword array, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing the burly giant of the Tu nationality. At this moment, he was even more depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Just as the monks can't distinguish the strength of the Turkish warriors. The Turkish warriors can't tell the strength of the monks. Experienced Tufei Lishi. From the aspects of the monk's momentum, magic weapons, etc., we can see some clues to distinguish the status of the monk.

So he saw the identity of Master Zhou Yao Jindan at a glance.

However, Ye Chun is dressed in an ordinary way. The momentum was not high, and it was not like a golden elixir monk at all, and Ye Qin did not even release a decent magic weapon at the beginning. He intuitively classified Ye Qin as a foundation monk.

The burly giant always thought that there was only Zhou Yao, a Jindan monk, who didn't expect that there would be another Jindan monk.

As a result, Ye Qin suddenly released a fire sword. After a fight, he was almost detained. The giant man was extremely depressed. I couldn't attack in my chest.

With Ye Qin, a Jindan monk, he vomited blood and couldn't beat the two.

"Sister Yao, I'll come!"

In the distance, a dazzling golden light came. From afar, there was a hurried roar of the golden fat man, and the flying sword was killed by the wind and fire. It turned out that the Purple Sword Palace fought with the Tu people here and the golden fat man who gathered in the treasure palace for a long time, and finally killed him.

The burly giant man resented Li's angry look at Ye Qin, jumped into the depths of the sea, and fled hurriedly. When the giant man left, the sea riders suddenly retreated one after another.

And those Purple Sword Palace monks, under the siege of hundreds of Turkish warriors' black iron guns, only have the power to fight and can't rush at all.

Zhou Yao was furious and led the team to chase and kill for a while, only to find that the sea predator sank into the water and disappeared.

Seeing that she didn't catch up, she turned around and looked at Ye Qin angrily. It was the first time she found that she was so narrow-minded and hateful. She just looked down on him before. She actually took the opportunity to deliberately set a trap for her. The insidious means made her embarrassed in public, and even the magic weapon

Ye Qin didn't see her, and he didn't look at her.

Secretly said in my heart. Unless he does his best. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to keep the giant. He didn't want to fight with the burly man.