Zifu Xianyuan

389 Tianqi Tribe

The appearance of the department. Let the public enterprises of the Tiandao Cable and the Tianzuo League look at each other, see the worries in the eyes of other monks, and know the seriousness of the matter

"You can't let them complete the witchcraft, and immediately attack the city with all your strength to kill the scholar and destroy their witchcraft, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die here!"

Yu Weifeng was furious.

The most terrible thing about Turkish witchcraft is not the attack power of witchcraft, and even if the attack festival is within this chanting range, it will be attacked by witchcraft

This is completely different from the monk's spell. The magic sense of a golden elixir monk is only a range of hundreds of feet at most. Such a small range is fundamentally compared with the large range of dozens of miles and hundreds of miles of wizarding.

These golden elixir monks are all within the scope of witchcraft at this moment

Such a huge encirclement of witchcraft can either occupy this place in a hurry and slander the fierce fog islands. Or break through the stone city immediately. Killing the wizard to break the magic will face the witchcraft show and the invincible attack. They have the ears to bury all of them.

"These Turkish people seem to want to keep us all here. Yan Weibei only returned"

The eyes of the Jindan monks showed a crazy color, and there were even monks and those who rushed to come

"The highest point of the peak is the mountain pass with the weakest defense. The stone tower was demolished and the stone city was attacked. All the monks come with me!"

Yan Hao was obviously provoked, and the ferocious well turned into a Nuochai mountain pass and rushed away. In the previous observation, he has seen the biggest weak share of Shi Cao's defense

A large group of Jindan monks immediately followed the imperial weapon to fly to the mountain pass

Yu Weifeng lost a lot to Yan Hao. Even the monks of the Tiandao League commanded together, slightly unhappy but didn't say anything.

Now they are no longer in the mood to think about the division of the real thing after capturing the stone city. Well work together to defeat the Turkish warriors in this stone city

All the foundation-building monks of the fairy palace, whether they were injured or not, hit the mountain pass and launched the most fierce general attack on the Shicheng Tu people

With the wizard's singing, huge waves several feet high have begun to be set off on the sea dozens of miles around the island.

"Jingbo, how many stone towers have been built at the mountain pass"

The blue robe always saw that the Jindan monk had taken action. However, he was uneasy to attack the most heavily guarded wall area in Shicheng. Instead, he rushed directly to the top of the peak and spewed out a fierce mountain pass. His face couldn't help but change, and he shouted in a hurry.

"The big wizard, the blue fog of the mountain pass is extremely thick. The low-level wrestler Yunfa asked Yiyi to build enough defensive stone towers. There are only dozens of about 50 middle-level bone arch wrestlers to defend on it."

Jingbo said in a hurry.

"Damn, this little power can't stop them at all. We can't let them rely on Yishankou, otherwise the extremely important secrets of our Turkish people will be leaked. One of the decades of hard work will be destroyed, and we will try our best to stop them! If you can't do it, it's too late to have Beijing's strength to come to Anyang and go to the mountain pass to resist!"

The old man in blue robe was in a hurry. He jumped out of the towering stone tower with a black wooden stick and turned into a vigorous shadow. He rushed towards the mountain peak.

The high-ranking wrestlers of the tribes also changed their faces and did not dare to neglect, and then jumped out of the stone tower. Run to the peak at full speed to stop the Jindan monk from approaching the mountain, which is related to the fate of the major tribes.

Yan Hao and Yu Weifeng led the Jindan monks to rush to the top of the mountain pass. The magic weapons were wild, killing the middle-level bone archers, and demolishing dozens of stone towers in the mountain pass

Under the anxious leadership of the old man in blue robe. A group of hundreds of high-level Turkish wrestlers have arrived at the work. More Turkish wrestlers in the stone city are surging up the sky's bone real lock co-chairs and monks' magic weapons, staggering in the air, making countless pop blue sounds


The mountain pass is extremely chaotic. Thousands of taxi wrestlers with oaks in the narrow terrain, and groups of monks in mid-air are caught in a melee


Zhou Yao. The light of the five-color magic weapon flew out of his body, and one mouth and released five top-level magic weapons to form a big five-emen sword array, trapping a high-level wrestler of the sea-slayer on the mountain pass and killed the Beijing-level wrestler in the battle.

She is too hasty and eager. On the contrary, the attack is no lower than six


On the chaotic battlefield, a cold bone arrow shot at her, and she can easily block it at ordinary times, but now she manipulates five flying swords to trap the high-level forceman, and the elixir releases other magic weapons.

The bone arrow is about to hit her shield

Suddenly, a huge purple sword with a fierce flame came out, and there was a loud sound of "lock". Smash the bone arrow to pieces.

Zhou Yao suddenly looked back and was surprised to see it. It was the man who hated her in her heart to take action. This made her completely unexpected. When she reported that Ye Qin's song was not in line with her, she took the opportunity to trip her. How could she help her?

Ye Qin looked flat and didn't care about giving help

He pinched the magic, took back the fire sword of Nanming, and blocked it in front of him. "The situation here is complicated. Don't use all your strength. You'd better leave a little strength to prepare to escape from your life. It's not easy for me to explain to the palace owner."

"Oh, right!"

Zhou Yao gently squeezed her red lips and looked complicated. The liquid in my hand did not stop. I fought with the warriors in the same place.

Ye Qin looked around.

The battlefield at the mountain pass has fallen into a big melee. There are 70 or 80 monks in the Jindan period, plus 700 or 800 in the foundation period. There are also hundreds of Turkish high-level wrestlers and thousands of Turkish middle-level wrestlers. The two sides of the war are divided into two factions, occupying the ground and mid-air. Attack the other party

However, Ye Qin was not too worried about Zhou Yao's safety. The Jindan monk is eager to slander, and something else can do it. As long as Zhou Yao can go back alive, the Purple Sword Palace is ordinaryly built, and the base monk is injured. It is not too important.

Ye Qin entangled a high-ranking wrestler of the main clan with the fire sword in the south of the Ming Dynasty, which seemed to make Yixi look around the battlefield.

He looked at the mountain pass with some doubts.

This mountain pass is several miles in size! A large and thick blue fog spewed out of it. Almost the whole sky was shrouded. The momentum is surging

The blue fog is a little strange, and the monks are protected by bodyguards. The influence of the Turkish wrestlers seems to be quite taboo about the gushing blue fog.

Ye Qin withdrew his eyes.

Although the blue fog of this mountain pass is strange, now is not the time to consider it

He looked at the stone city again.

At the mountain pass at the top of this mountain, it is condescending. At this time, it has been easy to sell the whole stone city on the mountainside. There have been a lot of situations. You can see more than a dozen Turkish robe wizards dressed up on a stone tower on the tip of the towel of the stone city, and the singing is hanging from the stone tower

Ye Qin's heart stunped and hesitated whether to release the four-handled tooth magic weapon, ventured into the stone city with bone arrows all over the sky, and killed the more than ten witchcraft Wu Beiwu. It is estimated that he was 30% or 40% sure that he could kill these wizards

As long as the witchcraft of these wizards is broken, the certainty of capturing this stone city will also be greatly increased


He doesn't want to see the failure of the conquest of the Turks. After all, only by capturing the stone city can he find Zi Youlian in the tribe that plunders the sea. If the siege fails. This son You Zeng Ken Yu doesn't even report


However, in this way, half of his methods were exposed, which aroused the vigilance of others. After capturing the Stone City, he was guarded by the Jindan monks. I'm afraid that if the pen is in the hands of other Jindan monks, then he will be in vain"

Ye Qin is quickly thinking about the way to break through the city and try to avoid the emperor to expose his strength.


The large blue fog above the sky suddenly lifted a wave of air, and then there was a sound of slaps.

Ye Qin was shocked and suddenly looked higher in the sky.

Only seen coming through the clouds from the blue fog of the sky, there is a large group of flying demon birds with three or four hundred heads, most of which are flying demon birds from the fourth level to the sixth level, and more than dozens of them are on the backs of the seventh level or above. Suddenly, there are Turkish warriors in light armor and holding several feet of black iron guns

"The Great Wizard. Yan Xing came to meet!"

A white-c Armored middle-aged wrestler, holding a black iron halberd in his hand. Standing indifferently on the back of a golden elixir eagle with a long battle of more than 20 feet, he led the wrestlers and rushed to the monks in the air.

There were a lot of foundation-building monks present at this moment. There is almost an absurd feeling. They seem to be fighting with a group of resident beast monks, not with the weak Tu six

A group of monks flying in mid-air had no time to avoid being rushed into the formation by this group of demons and birds. The whole battlefield is even more chaotic

Now you can see the figure of Turkish monks regardless of the ground and in the air, and the number of high-level wrestlers has completely exceeded that of Jindan monks. And the number of middle-level wrestlers is more looking for Wang Chao to ask for a monk.

"Tianqi Tribe!

Yan Hao was commanding the monks to fight against the Tu people, but he saw a large group of Tu people who dared to fly in the sky, which completely disturbed the monk's position. He couldn't help but be shocked and had a desperate despair that was about to be defeated.

Among the top ten tribes of the Turkish people, the only one who is good at large-scale air combat is the only one in the Tianqi Department. He is good at domesticating demons and birds. He has been riding demons and birds since childhood. It is said that the Turkish people on the ground can't fight against monks who can fly with royal weapons. Well, the tribe is definitely out

All these clans. Unexpectedly, it appeared in this small blue fog archipelago.

This small blue fog island is only a few thousand miles in radius, and it is not a good to save a song in the East China Sea. If it weren't for the geographical location here. It happens to be on the road where the immortals expand to the east, the location is quite important, and the Tiandao League and the Tiantu League may not have this exciting attack scarf

After all, there are many islands in the East China Sea, and the main enemy of the immortals is the demon clan. If you don't gather, you have to have to fight with the Turkish tribe. If possible, you can not fight, and try not to fight

Yan Hao received the task of conquering this archipelago from the senior management of the Tianmo League. It didn't do the same thing about the Tu people of this armor.

But he never thought that there were so many Turkish tribes here. Among the top ten Turkish tribes in the East China Sea, the Sea-grabbing tribes, the bone bow tribes, the witch tribe and the Tianqi tribes saw the appearance of the high-level wrestlers of the four tribes one after another, and they wanted to kill them all the monks

This is absolutely an extremely abnormal thing.

There is nothing important. It is impossible for the Turks of these large tribes to gather in such a small archipelago of thousands of miles. ( To be continued)