Zifu Xianyuan

426 Little Magic Ancient Instruments and Silver Armor Guard

"A small magic ancient artifact is nothing at all for Lingxiao Palace, one of the five giant fairy palaces of our Heavenly Demon League. The ancestors have sealed most of the power of this little magic ancient weapon, and of course I, the golden elixir monk, can also use it. I originally kept this little magic artifact to find an opportunity to compete with Yu Weifeng. Today, you don't know whether you want to compete with me for Zi Youlian, so I will fulfill you and let you all be destroyed!"

Yan Hao sneered arrogantly.

Then, he suddenly shouted, and the golden elixir in his Dantian burst into a dazzling shot, Mang. A large mass of extremely pure vitality spewed out of his mouth and hit the little magic ancient artifact of the Xunlei ancient mirror.

Yan Hao is a monk on the second level of the Jindan period. If he simply uses his mana, even if he exhausts all his mana, he can't drive such a small magic ancient weapon at all.

The mana is not enough, so it can only be used with vitality.

This work, which was originally dull and gloomy, absorbed a large amount of pure vitality, and finally changed.

A beam of thunder light shone in the ancient mirror, and the awesome thunder breath emanates from the mirror, permeating the whole cave. This ancient magic mirror began to gradually reveal the power of the past.

Jiang Ling's expression changed greatly. Without saying a word, he suddenly retreated and fled out of the cave.

He did not choose to attack Yan Hao.

Because the magic weapon is cast quickly, it only takes time between breathing to start.

Jiang Ling knows himself, with his ability. It can't be done at all in this breathing time. Killed Yan Hao in one fell swoop.

Pinghao only needs a blink of an eye to launch an attack with the Xunlei ancient mirror. He absolutely can't stop the power of this Xunlei ancient mirror small magic weapon.

Yan Hao is right. With this Xunlei ancient mirror in hand, he alone is enough to clean up him, Ye Qin, Zheng Chenghui and Shi Hanyang, the four Jindan monks.

Jiang Ling has estimated in his heart that he gathered the strength of their four golden elixir monks and resisted the attack of the Xunlei ancient mirror with all his strength with the Yuanshen magic weapon. He was about twice sure that he could block the great blow of the Xunlei ancient mirror.

But this success is too sure that the four Jindan monks were all finished under one blow and were bombarded to ashes by the thunder of the ancient mirror. The soul is extinguished.

If he chooses to escape, he has about a 30% chance to escape the attack of Xunlei Gujing in time.

Instead of taking such a big risk, it's better to save yourself first.

From his countless life-and-death experiences in the sea of blood. If you want to live, you must sacrifice your accomplices when necessary.

Ye Qin, Zheng Chenghui, Shi Hanyang and other Jindan monks are just his temporary partners to grab treasures. He can't control so much. Let the three of them block behind them, and they are more likely to escape.

Jiang Ling's retreat immediately triggered a series of reactions.

Zheng Chenghui and Shi Hanyang are neither fools. How could they not know the horror of the little magic power ancient artifacts, and they withdrew almost at the same time. Flashed behind Ye Qin. He rushed out of the cave.

Both of them secretly pretended to be Wei. Ye Qin didn't seem to understand it yet. He had been staring at the ancient mirror and found that the other three had retreated. Then he came to his senses and retreated in a hurry.

"With Brother Ye in the end, it can more or less increase the chance of escape."

Yan Hao failed to launch the little magic ancient weapon in the first place.

Driven by the large mass of pure vitality just now, this Xunlei ancient mirror just rose sharply, and then still suspended in mid-air, as if waiting for Yan Hao to continue to stimulate it with vitality.

"Isn't this vitality enough? The ancestors have sealed 90% of its power. The vitality I cultivated in three years can't drive it. Does it have to take more than ten years to cultivate? I'm afraid I'm really going to fall back to the first level of the golden elixir period.

Yan Hao was secretly surprised.

But now like an arrow, he must kill Jiang Ling and four other monks. Even if he doesn't want to use this little magic weapon, he can't do it. He suddenly gritted his teeth and ejected a large mass of pure vitality from his abdomen again.

"Puff, ph, ph!"

sprayed the vitality of the three groups one after another.

Every time he spewed out, Yan Hao's face turned pale.

When the last group of vitality spewed out, Yan Hao only heard a "clap" in the Dantian. The light of the golden elixir was dim, and it had been reduced from the second level of the cultivation of the golden elixir to the first layer.

At this time, the ancient mirror of Xunlei absorbed enough vitality and finally made a rolling roar. Countless thunderbolts surged in the mirror, and the light was ready to come out, and the momentum was terrible.

"You all go to hell! I let the four of you play. All the gods and souls are destroyed to eliminate the hatred in my heart.

Yan Hao controlled the ancient mirror of Xunlei and aimed at the entrance of the cave.

His face was pale and depressed, but his eyes showed crazy excitement, and there was incomparable resentment in his tone.

Use the large amount of vitality in the golden elixir to drive this little magic ancient artifact, which made him plummet. The cultivation of the hierarchy.

In order to cultivate such a layer of cultivation. He spent more than ten years of time. Such a blow is equivalent to spending more than ten years of longevity in vain. Such a painful price made him dissatisfied with his resentment.

In order to win the favor of his ancestors with Zi Youlian, and in order to greatly improve his position in Lingxiao Palace, he fought hard.


A dark thunderbolt beam with infinite power up to several feet. In an instant, it burst out of the ancient mirror of Xunlei, shot hundreds of feet in an instant, and swept the place where Jiang Ling, Ye Qin and other four Jindan monks were standing. The speed of this thunder is so fast, not to mention the Jindan monk, even the Yuanying monk can't dodge at all.

Jiang Ling, Zheng Chenghui and other monks were shocked, "It's over, my life is over! I'm going to put my life here today. They retreated only a few feet, and they were stunned to find that a terrible thunder behind them was shooting through the air.


The hard rock at the entrance of the whole cave was swept over by this powerful thunderbolt beam. Wherever it passed, a large hole several feet deep was blasted out in vain, and hundreds of feet of rocks collapsed in a large area.

This Jiuqu cave rock. After countless years of cold training in the depths of the seabed of the East China Sea, it is the hardest. The top-level magic weapon can only leave a few feet deep on the rock with a full strike.

I didn't think about it, but under this powerful thunderbolt beam, it was smashed and collapsed on a large scale, causing a large amount of gravel dust.

"A few ordinary Jindan monks actually dare to fight with me and die!"

Yan Hao laughed crazily.

He clearly saw that Jiang Ling, Ye Qin, Zheng Chenghui, Shi Hanyang, four golden elixir monks, and four spirit beasts, one of which were swept away by the dark thunder pillar of the ancient mirror of Sun Lei, and could not escape at all.


"Brother Yan's ancient mirror is indeed worthy of being a little magic ancient artifact. The four golden elixir monks, without even shouting, were all destroyed.

"One to four, kill four opponents of the same level in one go. With this kind of record, few Jindan monks in the East China Sea can do it. After this battle, Brother Yan will definitely promote the cultivation of immortals in the East China Sea.

The three Jindan monks of the Tianmo League showed a look of awe and immediately flew to Yan Hao's side, showing flattery and trying to please him.

"All that's it. You guys, go and move those rocks. Let's see if they have any magic weapons or magic weapons left. I'm going to pick the lotus.

Yan Hao was complauted and said in a careless tone. After saying that, he wanted to take back the ancient mirror of Sunlei and go to the cold pool to pick the lotus.


The three Jindan monks are going to cast a spell to remove the ruins.

The dust in the sky gradually dissipated at the entrance of the cave. A large piece of collapsed rock is exposed. Cleaning them up is nothing to the Jindan monk.

Suddenly, the rock of the ruins moved, flashing a few silver lights, which shocked them.

A silvery giant palm pushed a large rock away. Then, a silver puppet up to five feet tall stood up from the rock ruins, holding a huge silver gun in his hand, and his cold eyes swept to Yan Hao.

The silver armor guard's face and chest were almost burned by thunder, and there were spotted pits everywhere.

However, it was not destroyed by lightning or even severely damaged. It's just that the surface of the silver shell is extremely ugly. For a five-foot tall shame, this kind of injury can only be regarded as a minor injury.

"What is this?"

The three Jindan monks were suddenly shocked and retreated in shock, and did not dare to approach at all. They are not stupid. They are a shame puppet who can only be slightly damaged under the bombardment of the thunder beam of the Xunlei ancient mirror. At least it is also the late-level Ni puppet of Jindan above the ninth level, or even the tenth-order Yuanying puppet. What ability do they have to hurt it? This shame is by no means what some of their early Jindan monks can deal with.

"What kind of shame is this? Why hasn't it been destroyed by the lightning of Xunlei's ancient mirror?

When Yan Hao saw the ashamed puppet, he was stunned and his mouth widened.

Suddenly, he thought of something and his pupils shrank. I took a breath of cold air.

"Silver, it won't be a mithril 7!"

"This is a shame made entirely of mithril materials. Mithril is the material with the most top magic attributes. It has strong resistance to spells and can greatly weaken the spell effect.

Among the four Jindan monks in Jiang Ling's team. Unexpectedly, someone has a secret silver puppet. How could it be like this?"

An amazing idea flashed in Yan Hao's heart. Under the great embarrassment, a mouthful of blood surged up and he couldn't help spitting out.

Although the Xunlei ancient mirror is sealed ** into power, the thunder column is still a very powerful spell attack, and ordinary magic weapons can't resist at all.

In his opinion, no early or mid-Jindan monk can block his attack.

But he missed an exception, that is, Mithril. This kind of magic material is extremely rare in the East China Sea and can avoid almost all spell attacks. This kind of material is too rare. He never thought that the four Jindan monks in front of him would have it.

There has never been such a five-foot tall puppet of mithril. Even Lingxiao Palace can't come up with so many mithril raw materials to make such a puppet.

His thunderous blow, which cost more than ten years of cultivation, fell from the second layer of the golden elixir period to the first layer of the golden elixir period, and was blocked by a secret silver puppet. How could he not spit blood angrily?

Yan Hao had no time to pay attention to the matter of spitting blood.

He had already sensed a huge crisis, and an extremely dangerous breath came to him in the ruins. He didn't think about it. Shoot out of the mouth. A golden yuanshen flying sword, guarded in front of him.

At the same time, he patted the storage bag in a panic, flew out three top-level magic weapons, and tried his best to protect himself.

This is not enough. Even the ancient mirror of Xunlei was re-released, spewing out a large group of vitality in his mouth.

That dangerous atmosphere made Yan Hao brave to fight for the ticket, and he couldn't care so much. Even if I fall from the first level of the Jindan period to the ninth level of cultivation in the foundation period. He should also try his best to save his life.

The hidden opponent has a secret silver puppet with such a powerful power, which restrained his Xunlei Gujing. His strength is completely above him, but it has been hidden, and it can completely give him a fatal blow at this critical moment.


A blue shadow rose to the sky from the ruins behind the silver armor guard.

Four golden, red, green and yellow Yuanshen flying swords. The divine control shone all over his body. A pure blue water bead and a pink hazignon are suspended one foot above his hands, shining brilliantly.

A cold flash of light flashed in his eyes, staring at Yan Hao and the ancient mirror of Xunlei.

This person is Ye Qin.

Ye Qin didn't want to do his best to show his killer copper. But Yan Hao's ancient mirror forced him to do his best, and the largest killer copper ninth-order silver armor guard was also exposed.

"Porm glow!"

Ye Qin roared gently, and a pink lifelike pearl in his hand flew into the air.

A pink glow was emitted in vain. Hit Yan Hao's golden flying sword. The golden yuanshen flying sword suddenly stagnated in the glow.

"Jinwu Yaoguang Sword, Nanming Lihuo Sword, Tianqi Silk Sound Sword, Huangtian Houchen Sword. Disease!"

Ye Qin waved his hand.

Four rainbows, besieged by Yan Hao with all their strength, and blocked several top magic weapons released by Yan Hao's casting, and easily suppressed them completely.

The silver armor guard also moved at this time.

It bows. He kicked his feet on the ground and jumped suddenly. The giant silver gun in his hand turned into a silver light. Oh!"! The giant silver gun flashed away and passed through the gap between many magic weapons in mid-air.


Yan Hao was struggling desperately and found that his chest was cold and empty. He lowered his head in a daze and saw a huge blood hole, and his chest and inner abdomen were completely smashed and pierced.

"You! Lingxiao Palace, I will never let you go!"

"Bun" Yan Hao stared at a pair of big eyes. He fell to the ground from a height of dozens of feet.

Ye Qin's face was expressionless. With a move, a white light swept by, covering the Xunlei ancient mirror, which had no time to start. The Xunlei ancient mirror had lost its owner, but struggled a few times and put it into his hands.

It's just a time to breathe. He has completed the process of killing and grabbing treasure.

Then, Ye Qin turned his head and his eyes were cold. He looked at the three stunned Golden Dan monks of the Heavenly Demon League indifferently.

There are also three golden elixir monks, Jiang Ling, Zheng Chenghui and Jia Hanyang, who have just come out of the ruins and are still in shock and don't understand what's going on.