Zifu Xianyuan

432 Deep-sea poisonous dragonfly and dragonfly drum

The second and third day is the last day of the seven days of the National Day. Er, let's add the lock. Thank you. The monthly ticket support of the team. In the last few hours, if you still have a monthly ticket, please support it.

The dark cloud wizard was about to arrive at the temple, and his deep face showed ecstasy. He stabilized his head above the head of the giant beast, and the giant beast split the waves. Come to the ancient temple group in the middle of the lake.

Then, the dark cloud wizard jumped down from the head of the giant beast. I can't wait to rush to the bronze gate of the ancient temple. The high-ranking wrestlers of the four tribes followed closely, but they felt a forceful majestic and murderous spirit gushing out of the ancient hall, almost suffocating them. The weakest senior wrestlers. My legs are trembling. He stood unsteadily and barely supported it with the help of other wrestlers.

"What on earth is there in this temple? Why is the fierce spirit so strong?

The soul of Beijing was stunned.

Even his mount, the ninth-order Jindan-level sea monster horse. The frightened mouth and nose spewed out a hot fog, and they were afraid of the ancient hall and did not dare to move forward easily.

"This temple was originally only allowed to be entered by wizards from the witch department, and no other tribes were allowed to enter. But this time, the secret land of Langya was opened, and a group of immortals also broke in. The great wizard made an exception to let you enter the ancient hall and kill the enemy together. As for what's in the hall. You will know when you go in and you will know

The dark cloud wizard refused to say anything more and rushed into the ancient hall.

The three leaders of Jinghun, Lianggong and Yanxing. Looking at each other, Xiunai could only take her own tribal wrestlers to enter the ancient hall.

The ancient hall is extremely spacious. There are rows of deep-sea spiritual beads the size of a tycoon hanging above the head, emitting golden light, red light, blue light and other colors, reflecting the glory of the whole ancient hall.

Entering the ancient hall, the first thing to see is two bluestone statues up to dozens of feet high.

is a man and a woman. One is a fairy style Taoist bone, with a strange appearance. The palm is huge, extraordinary ancient immortals. Another one. But the clothes are fluttering. A beautiful woman.

"Yellow Wind Real Person".

"Wu Qinghui Sheng Nv".

The dark cloud wizard strode into the hall and put down the staff. He bowed respectfully and bowed to the two bluestone statues. Saint Wu Yiqing. There are also more than a dozen wizards who hurriedly bowed to the ground.

The female statue is an ancestor of the Ministry of Witchcraft, and only the Ministry of Witch worships. Other bone bow tribes, sea-grabbing tribes, and Tianqi tribes. It's just a bow to show respect, not a bow.

"Isn't this Huang Feng Zhenren the monk who sat there on the broken bridge that entered the secret land of Langya? You witches have a close relationship with immortals very early."

Liang Gong was surprised, with a strange vision, and looked at the dark cloud wizard, Wu Yiqing saint and others.

"Hmm, Liang Gong. What do you mean? There is no safe place in the East China Sea. Whether it's a fairy. It is still the demon clan, which can bring disaster to our tribe at any time. Only the secret land of Langya, which is isolated from the world. It can preserve the vitality of our tribe in the East China Sea so that it will not be exterminated. If it hadn't been for the sacrifice of my nationality and won the ancient patriarch of the Tiandao League, Huang Fengzhen, the situation of our Donghai tribe would have been more difficult.

This temple. It is the saint of Wuqinghui and the ancient immortal Huangfeng. Built together. Huang Fengzhen not only helped the saint open up the secret passage of Langya, but also built this top-secret temple for our tribe in the secret land in the secret territory. As a base for heavy play, he saved valuable clouds and gas for our East China Sea tribe. Only my wizard can enter this temple smoothly. But it is extremely difficult for fairies and demons to play in, and it is dangerous

The dark cloud wizard listened to the tone of the good palace with a strange tone of yin and yang, and naturally knew what the good palace was thinking. After bowing, he stood up with a staff and said dissatisfiedly,

"The great wizard doesn't have to be nervous. I have never doubted the witch's loyalty to the East China Sea tribe. As one of the top ten tribes in the East China Sea, the witch tribe will definitely put the interests of the East China Sea tribes first.

The young patriarch of the bone arch tribe of Liang Gong smiled coldly. It seems to be a little malicious.

Between the top ten Turkish tribes in the East China Sea. There are often contradictions. The relationship is not good, but his sarcasm is common.

The dark cloud wizard stared at the good palace fiercely and wanted to have a verbal dispute with the good palace.

"Oced up, wizard, what should we do next? Those immortals have gathered at the lake and will soon approach the temple. How do we meet the enemy in the temple?

Yan Xing said in a low voice.

"Don't worry about them. Just let them into the temple. There is a formation in this temple, which will automatically trap the immortals who enter the temple. This is just the front hall. Let's go to the central main hall and the eight deputy halls of the temple. There are a lot of things to pick up in those places

The dark cloud wizard is very clear. He ignored the good palace and quickly walked to the main hall and explained.

A group of wrestlers walked through the front hall. Come to the main temple of the temple.

As soon as they entered the main hall, the Turkish warriors were suddenly shocked.

I saw a pair of huge demon bones, which were in the hall, more than one or two hundred feet long. Turn it up. The whole skeleton is blue. It looks like a dark blue. There is a continuous oozing of blue fog in the bones, forming a thick layer of blue fog barrier on the surface of the skeleton, which is the poison gas in the demon bone. It escapes automatically.

"This is the skeleton of a poisonous dragonfly!? It's so huge. It should be above the tenth level, right?

Jinghun exclaimed and looked at the dark cloud wizard.

Although this demon skeleton is already dead, it is still so terrible. It can be imagined. How powerful this demon was in those years.

"This is the skeleton of the twelve-order deep-sea poisonous dragonfly. Don't get close to it. This deep-sea poisonous dragonfly has no antidote. The ninth-order golden elixir monster can kill it. Once touched and inhaled the poison gas, it will definitely die between a few breaths

The dark cloud wizard nodded and said in a low voice, "The ancient immortal Huang Fengzhen was near the secret place of Langya. Killed a twelve-order poisonous monk, which is equivalent to the late-level demon clan of Yuanying.

The poisonous monk. The original skeleton was revealed, and the weeping secondary skeleton was released from the stomach by the real person of Huang Feng. It has been an extremely long time, but the skeleton still has a strong poison gas.

Jinghun, Yan Xing and other wrestlers took a breath of cold air and looked at each other.

"The demon poisonous monk of the twelfth level, which is also a top-level existence among the powerful demon clans, was actually killed by immortals. The strength of Huang Feng Zhenren is really terrible.

"This is really powerful!"

The eyes of Liang Gong burst into a strange and fanatical light, and he couldn't help saying in his heart, "Only by becoming a holy wrestler can you compete with the Yuanying fairy and the demon clan. High-level wrestler. He is not the opponent of the Yuanying fairy and the demon clan at all. In any case, you must become a holy wrestler. Get a strong strength that can compete with Yuanying immortals.

However, Liang Gong vaguely found that there was something wrong in the main hall.

"What is that?"

Liang Gong's pupil suddenly shrank, pointing to another item in the central main hall.

The eyes of all the wrestlers were attracted by the huge bones of more than a hundred articles, and their minds were shaken. For a moment, they didn't notice that the other thing in the main hall was a drum of more than 50 feet.

But he was noticed by Liang Gong.

That's an old yellow war drum. There are nine huge cow skulls around the war drum, and the brown cowhide on the drum surface has been broken. Standing quietly in the middle of the main hall.

As soon as I noticed this war drum, I found it. That majestic and murderous spirit, violent and bloody momentum. It completely covered the demon skeleton. It covers the whole ancient hall.

Liang Gong thought that this majestic and murderous atmosphere was from the skeleton of the deep-sea poisonous dragonfly on the twelfth level, but soon found that it was not, but from the drum.

Jinghun, Yan Xing and others. Only then did I find that something was wrong. There is no smell of poisonous bones in this temple at all. It is completely the smell of the war drum. The incisive and murderous atmosphere is shocking, and the blood is surging.

"This is not the legendary Xu Niu drum of the fairy and demon war!" How did it appear here?"

The tribal wrestlers saw this war drum. The colorless exclamation, a kind of fear from the bottom of my heart. They were shocked to retreat one after another. Then they looked at the dark cloud wizard in horror.

This is the immortal's magic weapon, and it should never appear here.

The dark cloud wizard has known the existence of this war drum for a long time, but his face was a little pale, but there was no fear.

"This is the immortal's great magic ancient artifact Yixu Niu drum. During the ancient fairy and demon war, immortals specially made ancient magic weapons in order to conquer the demon clan. He once used this war drum to assist in the battle, killed countless demon monks and monsters, and stained countless demon blood. This pair of war drums was deeply hated by demon monks, but there was nothing they could do. Its murderous spirit can't be covered by the skeleton of a twelve-order poisonous dragonfly at all.

"But. This embarrassing cow drum is an ancient artifact of immortals, which has always been in the hands of the suzerain of the Tiandao League. It is so important to the immortal, how did it appear in the temple of the secret land of Langya?

Yan Xing was shocked.

"In those years, in the battle of the fairy demon clan in the sea of blood, the war drum broke, and the war between the fairy and the demon clan was urgent and left unattended for this destroyed war drum. Then the war drum disappeared, of course. Needless to say, as you know, it was quietly taken away by the people of my witch department.

The dark cloud wizard explained that he was quite proud of the witch's department to get this embarrassing bull drum.

"The ancestors of my witch department felt that it was not safe outside, so they simply took it to the secret place of Langya in the depths of the sea and hid it in this top-secret temple. Whether it was a fairy or a demon, he went through the battlefield of the whole bloody sea and couldn't find it again.

Infinite fanaticism appeared in the eyes of the dark cloud wizard. "This ancient artifact has fallen into the hands of our Tu people and has become the number one sacred artifact of our East China Sea tribe. Once the demons invade, we can use this drum to threaten the demons.

"This drum has been broken. How can it threaten the demon clan?"

When Liang Gong saw the damage of Xu Niu's drum surface, he didn't think so. The opening of the drum surface is tens of thousands of feet. There is no doubt that the drum is useless and can't be knocked again.

"Well, it's not easy. The demon monks are extremely afraid of this Xu Niu drum. As long as they say to them that this Xu Niu is in our hands, if the demon clan dares to invade, we will return the drum to the immortals. Let the immortals use Xu Niu drums to deal with them.

Do you say that the demons dare to easily invade our East China Sea tribe? In those years, the ancestors of our clan took this drum and hid it in the temple in the safest secret place of Langya, so that one day they could use this drum to blackmail the demon clan and save our Donghai tribe.

The dark cloud wizard snorted coldly.

"But why don't we fix it ourselves? With this powerful Xu Niu war drum, the strength of our East China Sea tribe will definitely increase greatly. Let the demons dare not invade. This is much better than giving it back to immortals.

Yan Xing thought deeply and asked.

"This Xu Niu drum can't be repaired."

The dark cloud wizard shook his head.

"How can't it be repaired?"

The wrestlers are strange.

"If there is no Xu cowhide, how can I repair the broken embarrassment cow drum? Na Xu Niu, an ancient thirteen-level fierce beast, has surpassed the Yuanying-level demon clan.

According to the records of the ancient immortals, this Xu Niu is a fierce beast from the demon world. In ancient times, a Xu Niu ran out of the demon world and appeared in the sea of blood. As a result, he was surrounded and killed by ancient immortals with great magic. It was made into this great magic ancient weapon, Yixu Niu drum, which became a sharp weapon against the demon clan.

This Xu Niu drum requires several immortals in the later stage of Yuanying to strike together. Ordinary immortals can't use it at all.

Later, Xu Niu never appeared in the East China Sea. It is impossible to find the second end. Let's talk about it. Our tribal wrestlers and wizards can't use magic weapons that can only be used by immortals. It's useless to fix it. It can only be cheap immortals for nothing.

The dark cloud wizard said a little depressed.

[Ti: Dear book friend, the current chapter has reached the last page of the book]