Zifu Xianyuan

451 Master of Purple Sword Palace

A few days later, Ye Qin flew to the city of the northern islands in the East China Sea. Heart of the Abyss

Baifu City is the main city of the northern islands. This city is large and prosperous, with many famous fairy palaces and a large number of monks gathered, far more than Linhai City.

Almost at the same time as Ye Qin stepped into Baifu City, his whereabouts had been discovered by the monks of the Purple Sword Palace. Zhou Yao's brother Zhou Yi received the news. After only a moment, he hurriedly took a group of disciples and Jindan monks of the Purple Sword Palace to welcome Ye Qin.

"Brother Ye, these. Where did you go? Here, go to the East China Sea to carry out the conquest mission. I saw Yao's sister come back, but I didn't see you. The ancestors were very worried and ordered me to take my disciples to look around. But I haven't been able to find your whereabouts, but I'm really anxious! Just come back, just come back!" Zhou Yi strode to Ye Qin, grabbed Ye Qin's right arm, his pupils were bloody, and his expression was uncontrollable.

This direct disciple of the Purple Sword Palace, who has always been jade-like and gentle, has searched tens of thousands of miles in the sea in the past few months and could not find the whereabouts of Ye Qin. He could not complete the task ordered by the palace owner and suffered a lot. At this moment, he looks particularly haggard.

Finally, when he saw Ye Qin, Zhou Yi was even excited that he couldn't care about his usual etiquette. For him. To find Ye Qin is to make a great contribution to the Purple Sword Fairy Palace.

"I've met Brother Zhou! On my way back, I left the entanglement of several Jindan monks and avoided Linhai City. What's wrong with the unexpected delay? The time of the month made the palace owner and Brother Zhou worried and tired.

Ye Qin bowed his hand slightly, with a little apology in his tone.

"Brother Ye, there is no need to say more. Let's talk about it when you go back. Come with me, my ancestors are waiting for you in the fairy palace!" Zhou Yi quickly waved his hand and hurried to the Purple Sword Palace with Ye Qin, who had just returned to the city.

The purple sword monks guarded Zhou Yi and Ye Qin. In the vastness of the street, he rushed to the Purple Sword Fairy Palace in the city. A large group of fairy palace monks went out. This is a common thing in Baifu City, which is not surprising.

Zhou Yi and Ye Qin entered the Dongxuan Hall to meet the owner of the palace. Purple Sword Fairy Palace, there are dozens of large and small palaces, which are brilliant and colorful. Dongxuan Hall is one of the main halls. The palace owner only met the monks in this hall when he had something important to do.

Many other purple palace monks stayed outside the Dongxuan Hall, waiting for the instructions of the palace owner.

"See your ancestors."

"I have met the lord of the palace".

Zhou Yi and Ye Qin came to the Dongxuan Hall. I have met the owner of the Zhou Palace respectively.

"There is no need to be polite.

The owner of the Zhou Palace is wearing a green silk robe, with his hands on his back, and sitting on the throne of the palace. However, it seems to be magnificent.

Ye Qin has not seen the owner of the Purple Sword Palace many times. The palace owner always gives him a feeling of indifference and simplicity. This kind of demeanor is completely different from the domineering spirit of the Holy Emperor.

"Yi'er, you have been tired for several months. Go down and rest first. I have something to talk to Ye Qin.

"Yes, ancestors!"

Zhou Yi was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, he still needed to avoid this matter. Zhou Yi didn't dare to think too much, and then withdrew from the Dongxuan Hall.

"Can you bring that item back?

After Zhou Gongzhu waited for Zhou Yi to leave, he looked at Ye Qin. He looked indifferent, not angry, as if everything was under his control, which was quite unfathomable.

"Master, bring it back!

Of course, Ye Qin knows what Zhou Yu said. As long as Zhou Yao returns to the Purple Sword Fairy Palace, the palace owner must know their party like the back of his hand. He immediately patted the storage bag around his waist, released a huge ancient drum, and landed in the middle of the hall with a bang.

This Xu Niu drum is very large, with dozens of feet long and wide. Almost half of the Dongxuan Hall was occupied.

As soon as this drum appeared, there was a strong sense of murderousness, which enveloped the Purple Sword Fairy Palace.

The monks waiting outside the Dongxuan Hall of the Purple Sword Palace were stunned and didn't know where this terrible killing came from.

In the hall, the master of the Zhou Palace immediately played a seal spell to completely seal the breath in the Dongxuan Hall.

Then, Master Zhou stared at Xu Niu Drum with cold eyes. After looking at it for a long time, his expression gradually became solemn. With his mid-stage cultivation, he did not dare to face the skull eyes of the nine cow skulls around the Xu Niu Drum.

Suddenly, Master Zhou raised a strong horizontal mana beam of light that was several feet thick. He shot at the Xu Niu drum and tried to drive the ancient drum.

This surging and powerful mana hit the drum, making the ancient Xu Niu drum shine with a yellow magic weapon. The breath of killing is dozens of times better than before.

Ye Qin was almost under pressure in the hall. I can't breathe.

Unfortunately, the mana is still obviously not enough. Zhou Gongjian's mana mud cow entered the sea, which did not play any effect on the drum.

"This is indeed the ancient weapon Xu Niu Drum, which has been missing for countless years in the immortal world in the East China Sea. This Xu Niu drum can't be sounded by a Yuanying monk alone. Even if it is a Yuanying monk, it takes at least ten monks to work together to beat the drum to ring. As soon as the drum sounds, thousands of miles, or even within thousands of miles, it will be enveloped by the sound of drums, and all living creatures will be affected by it.

Master Zhou was not surprised but happy, and his calm face showed a satisfied smile.

Ye Qin was shocked when he heard the words.

"Can the sound of drums vibrate thousands of miles? This is a little too scary!"

Although Ye Qin knew that Xu Niu Drum was extremely terrible, he never thought that it was so horrible.

Even if you are a golden elixir monk, it will take a long time for the imperial weapon to fly thousands of miles and thousands of miles. The sound of the drum of Xu Niu drum. Even the monk Yuanying can't escape from Guchuan's Fan Gu can release a large range of Xianpu attack. "That's natural. This Xu Niu drum is one of the most famous ancient artifacts during the ancient fairy and demon war. The demon monks, high-level monsters, immortals and wrestlers who died in its hands were killed. Countless. There are countless. In the eyes of the nine cow skulls of Xu Niu Drum, there is a boundless sea of blood light. It suppressed the resentment of countless creatures who died in this drum hand. If it hadn't been for the skeleton eyes of the thirteenth-order cannon cow, such resentment could not be suppressed at all.

Master Zhou said.

Ye Qin naturally knows this.

"Unfortunately, the drum surface of this drum has been damaged. There is no second Xu cowhide, and this drum can be repaired. This man's magic ancient weapon can no longer ring, leaving only the effect of suppressing resentment of cow skull eyes.

Zhou Yu's smile quickly converged and said in a heavy tone, "Ye Qin, as the captain of the Golden Dan of the Purple Sword Palace, after completing the task, you should return to the fairy palace in a hurry to hand in the task. Why did you return to the fairy palace four months late? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Ye Qin was slightly shocked, and Zhou Yu's words were very sudden.

He felt a thin in his heart and avoided Zhou Yu's fierce eyes. He said, "Master, after I took the Xu Niu Drum in the secret land of Langno, I had to part ways with Zhou Yao and others because of the entanglement of three treasure-hunting golden elixir monks. It took four months to go to Linhai City to practice swords in Linhai City. The sword is one. Then he rushed back to Baifu City immediately.

"These are just your excuses!"

After hearing this, Zhou Yu was expressionless and said, "Since you can get rid of the three treasure-hunting golden elixir monks and enter Linhai City, it is also a simple thing to return to Baifu City smoothly. Back to Baifu City. You can also practice swords. "You don't have to stay in Linhai City to practice swords.

However, you choose to settle in Linhai City, and you can stay for up to four months. In order to avoid the three treasure hunters and to practice swords. It's just an introduction. There is only one real reason why you have been in Linhai City for so long, that is, you can't trust the Purple Sword Palace.

"You are very hesitant. Is it too hasty to give the famous ancient artifact Xu Niu Drum in the East China Sea to this palace? Is it too hasty?"

Zhou Yu looked at Ye Qin with deep eyes, which made Ye Qin uneasy. He sighed slightly, "Of course, you can't blame all for your hesitation. The ownership of this drum is by no means a small matter for you and the whole world of cultivation of immortals in the East China Sea. No matter which fairy palace's later Yuanying monks get the Xu Niu Drum, their prestige will soar. The opportunity to become the northern suzerain of the Tiandao League will be greatly increased. The northern suzerain, one of the five suzerains of the Tiandao League, can order nearly one-tenth of the monks in the whole East China Sea, which can be said to be an incomparable honor. The power is extremely huge. If you are a cow drum. Dedicated to the future Northern Patriarch of the Tiandao League, he has made extremely profound achievements. With the suzerain in the background, naturally you don't have to worry that you can't stand in the East China Sea.

"In addition, you are still worried about giving this ancient weapon. Do I have the ability to firmly dominate this Xu Niu drum? Will it be robbed by other more powerful Yuanying monks? If the drum is robbed by other monks, your act of offering treasures to this palace is equivalent to wasting effort. It's better to find other stronger Yuanying monks as soon as possible to offer treasures. At least you can get a favor. So. You have never been sure whether to give this drum to this palace to help me become the northern suzerain of the Tiandao League in the future.

"Therefore, you have one more mind, and you have stayed in Linhai City for four months while practicing your sword. While thinking about the benefits, let's see how the Purple Sword Palace reacts. You have been in Linhai City for four months, and you have almost thought about it. The sword was also refined, and then he returned to Baifu City and was ready to offer the ancient artifacts.

"However, I have always had a clear reward and punishment. No matter what you hesitated about before, since you brought back the Xu Niu Drum, you have made great contributions to the Purple Sword Palace. I will never blame you.

The owner of the Zhou Palace talked about something that had nothing to do with him, and analyzed the real reason why Ye Qin stayed in Linhai City for four months before returning to Baifu City.

"What just makes me a little curious is that what made you finally make up your mind to return to Baifu City and give this drum to me?"

Ye Qin looked at Zhou Gongzhu in disbelief and was shocked that he couldn't say it at all. He didn't expect that the master of Zhou suddenly pointed out his real intention to stay in Linhai City for four months.

What Lord Zhou said is almost the same as the small calculation in his heart.

Ye Qin couldn't help smiling bitterly. He thought he was not thinking about it. I didn't expect the owner of the Purple Sword Palace to be so deep-minded that he could see his calculation clearly.

"The palace owner is right. It's true that I stayed in Linhai City for four months for these reasons before returning to Baifu City. The reason why I came back was that there was something I wanted in the hands of the palace owner. After thinking about it, I'm afraid no one else can give it to me except the owner of the palace.

Ye Qin pondered for a moment and simply admitted what Master Zhou said. It is extremely difficult to deceive the intelligent owner of the Purple Sword Palace.

Besides, he is just a guest monk of the Purple Sword Palace. If the owner of the Purple Sword Palace can't tolerate him for this reason, he will leave. Cultivator immortals in the East China Sea. There are many places for him to practice. Oh, is it something that you have to get?"

Zhou Yuqi said. B