Zifu Xianyuan

464 huge transactions

Manager Jiang said goodbye to Du Ran of the Tang Palace and came to the fifth floor of Tiandao Pavilion, outside an elegant and unique Dan room. Instead of going in, he stood at the door and knocked on the door to ask.

"Master Sun, there is a elixir that needs you to identify."

"Didn't I say, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do. Just ask my disciples if you have something to do. What elixir can't they identify? In the Dan room, an old man's voice seemed very unpleasant.

"Master Sun, there is a VIP who wants to sell a nine-order elixir of a gourd. Such a high-priced elixir can't be tasted by several other masters under your door. You can only ask you to taste its quality in person and determine the suitable price. Manager Jiang's tone was respectful.

He knew very well the weight of Master Sun.

At the Tiandao Pavilion sub-district headquarters in Baifu City, the number of alchemists is very small, only a few. Master Sun is the most qualified alchemist among them.

As long as it is the elixir refined by this master, it can be sold out. And the price has always been the same, never bargaining.

Even if it is the ancestor of Yuanying, if you want to ask Master Sun to refine the elixir, you have to be polite and say good words. Otherwise, Master Sun was not happy and refined the precious elixir, and the loss would be great.

If the cabinet owner of the division headquarters of Tiandao Pavilion has something to do, he has to come to the door in person, and he will never let his servants summon him.

It can be seen that Master Sun's status is the same.

Jiang Guanwei, a middle-term monk of Jindan, did not have a high status in the Shang Pavilion. Naturally, he did not dare to make mistakes and accompanied him carefully. Oh, the ninth-order elixir? ..." "Take it and let me have a look."

After a while, the door creaked open"_), he looked arrogant, and the old man in brocade clothes in Jindan period came out with a rather unhappy expression. Jiang Guan quickly handed over the yellow elixir.

"Wuyu Elixir! These are a few kinds of elixirs suitable for multi-spiritual root monks, which can be taken by later monks of water, gold, wood and earth root. In addition to the fire monks, the fire monks are one of the elixirs of this elixir, which is easy to be poisoned by fire. Refining this kind of elixir with a complex formula is the most exquisite alchemy of an alchemist. The price of this elixim is a few points higher than that of the ordinary ninth-order elixirs. As soon as the old man took the elixir, he casually said the name and use of this ninth-order elixir

He looked at the color, the olives were stunned, and he smelled the elixir.

"Good Dan, good Dan, the quality is extremely pure, and the impurities are minimal! With more than 300 years of experience in alchemy and alchemy, I have rarely seen such a pure elixir. It's three points better than the top goods of my business pavilion! This elixir will be auctioned. I'm afraid that the later monks of Jindan will be willing to compete for this elixir at a high price.

This man's alchemy has reached the peak of the master's realm. Which alchemist in the city has refined the elixir? As far as I know, no one of the alchemists in Baifu City has reached this level. Is it the alchemy master who passed through this place? Master Sun was excited and doubtful. This is the elixir of Elder Ye of the Purple Sword Palace. He said it was the elixir he refined by himself. Manager Jiang hurriedly said. Elder Ye? Which Elder Ye?"

Master Sun was stunned. He suddenly remembered, "Ah, it can't be the first-order elder of the famous Jindan period in the Purple Sword Palace 30 years ago, right? It is said that this man refined the legendary five-eword sword array of the Purple Sword Palace. The monks of the same rank were invincible, so he was promoted to the position of elder of the Purple Sword Palace, but he soon disappeared and was silent for nearly 30 years. How could he have such a skillful alchemy?

"It's this person. However, he is now the fifth level of the golden elixir period. In just 30 years, he has improved his fourth-order cultivation, which is absolutely a super-class cultivation speed in the East China Sea. Just looking at the cultivation speed, it is by no means a false reputation, which is enough to reach the peak of the ninth level of the golden elixir within a He has a very abundant Shouyuan to prepare to attack the realm of Yuanying. Manager Jiang said cautiously.

"It is impossible to practice so fast by relying on skills alone. It must be a strong financial force, a lot of high-tech elixirs, and three of the best elixirs a day. After 30 years, it can be cultivated so quickly.

The capital of the Purple Sword Palace on him is by no means small. It is an attempt to train him to be the elder of the Yuanying period. "If he is really an alchemist, he will become an alchemist in the Yuanying period in the future, and his future of cultivating immortals in the East China Sea is unlimited!"

Master Sun calculated it quickly, and he was shocked. By the way, how many black jade elixir does he have to sell at auction?" Not clear. He said it was a panacea for a gourd. With his status and identity, at least two or three thousand pieces should be forgivened, otherwise it would not have been specially auctioned. Manager Jiang shook his head.

"Thousands of pieces? A ninth-order bird jade elixir on the market is worth 300 pieces of lower-grade spiritual stones. That gourd should be a lower-grade spiritual stone worth millions of dollars. I can sell a favor to him and give him a top-level elixir quality appraisal to make the auction price better. Manager Jiang, take me to see this Elder Ye!"

Master Sun guessed in his heart. As the elder of the Purple Sword Palace, he can't handle less than a million pieces of spiritual stones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Governor Jiang did not advance the whole, but let il "Master Sun, please!"

The master Sun, who followed behind with a somewhat arrogant look, stepped into the magnificent No. 9 luxury box. ⟟� Jiang flashed and then entered the luxury box.

In the luxury box, Ye Qin, Huangfu Binger, Bai Xiuer, Yan Xuan, Shen Bao and others are watching the auction hall with interest. In fact, the auction has begun. There are many people in the auction hall, filling nearly half of the school

There are dozens of auction sections in the auction venue. Each auction station specializes in auctioning some different kinds of items, such as high-level magic weapons, magic weapons, elixirs, etc., for public monks.

Now it's just an auction sub-stage, auctioning some "low-grade" goods, just making a fuss. The real auction** is the main auction platform in the center of the hall.

Wait for the "blocking goods" of each auction sub-sale station to be almost sold, and then the auction of the main platform began. The auction is all the treasure of the finale. It is also the focus of the fierce competition between a few Jindan monks with strong financial resources participating in the auction. Even the Yuanying monks in various luxury boxes may bid.

Ye Qin noticed that someone was coming in and turned his head to the door of the wing room. An old man in brocade looked a little haggard, but his eyes were bright, with his hands on his back, and he looked cold and arrogant. Elder Ye, this is Master Sun of our cabinet. He is highly qualified. He specially came to identify Jiu Jiang Guan for you and introduce him in the middle. Elder Ye!" " Master Sun stepped into the box, directly stopped his eyes on Ye Qin, and smiled. Master Sun! [Master Sun] Ye Qin laughed and said. Dare not! Elder Ye asked me to be a Taoist friend. Master Sun didn't dare to put on airs.

He is very clear that if the ninth-order elixir is really refined by Ye Chun himself, although his master-level alchemy is also brilliant, it is also dwarfed in front of Ye Chun, which is a big difference, and there is no place worth his posing. Is this the elixir refined by Elder Ye?

Master Sun held the yellow nine-order elixir in his hand and looked at Ye Qin with a little doubt. Ye Qin looked really too young.

Alchemy is not just about talent. It must be reported over the years, which takes countless efforts and often alchemy to slowly improve! Almost every alchemist has gone through hundreds of years of alchemy to reach such a height.

Which alchemist in the East China Sea is not an old man. Ye Qin, a young alchemy master, is too rare. Exactly"

Ye Qin smiled faintly, "This is the ninth-order elixir I refined in my spare time, and now I will exchange it for some spiritual stones. Please also ask Sun Daoyou to taste it and give a starting price "" "I'm afraid this kind of alchemy has reached the peak of the alchemy master! At least in the alchemy world of my White Floating City, it is second to none. Master Sun did not raise the price at all, but sighed greatly.

The alchemy master, who has been proud of alchemy all his life, can only be so respected by meeting the top figures in his peers. Otherwise, even if the Yuanying monk is here, it is impossible for him to admire him so much.

"Your bird jade elixir belongs to the top grade of the ninth-order elixir, with very few impurities, and the effect is three points better than the ordinary bird jade elixir. The starting price can be set at 400 pieces. With my tasting, it should not be a problem for the auction to rise to 450 pieces of spiritual stone. I don't know how many such elixirs Elder Ye has? I can arrange it for each auction house to arrange a place and sell it as soon as possible. Ye Qin saw a dripping golden gourd in his hand from the storage bag. Not much, the nine-order elixirs I have refined in the past year are all here, a total of 100,000! Ye Qin said lightly. In the luxury box, the crows are silent.

Even Huangfu Binger, Bai Xiuer and others have been paying attention to the white sale, and at this time, they can't help looking back in astonishment. What, what? So much." Master Sun was stunned, opened his mouth and swallowed. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

The elixirs with a total price of 4,5 million yuan are comparable to one-tenth of the total inventory of all nine-order elixirs in the Baifucheng Tiandao Pavilion. It is enough for a high-level monk of Jindan, three pieces a day, and it will take a hundred years to use it up. Or a thousand high-level monks of Jindan, three a day, and it will take a month to run out.

Such a large number of ninth-order elixirs is comparable to the annual shipment of high-order elixirs in a large alchemy workshop with tens of thousands of alchemists.

This is just the elixir that Ye Qin practiced in his spare time in the past year. But you know, Ye Qin has been practicing for 30 years recently, so how many elixirs should be refined "

Master Sun couldn't help shaking his hands. The ninth-order elixir he had made in his life combined to barely reach the amount of elixir in this golden gourd. It's incomparable, incomparable!

"I sent it, and it's rare to bump into a huge deal in a few months."

Exampant Jiang raised his eyebrows and was so happy that he could hardly sit on the troupe. In this big deal, his commission is only 2%, which is also the commission of nearly a million yuan.

Mirror book lovers read books very carefully, and the previous article set that the golden elixir is an eighth-order elixir. Now, when writing the plot in the past few days, I feel that the grade of this elixir is still too low, so I changed it to the ninth-order elixir. Alas, there are too many settings, which are all the consequences of previous ill-consideration. D