Zifu Xianyuan

578 Talented Dan and Witchcraft

Ye Qin used his divine consciousness to explore the mountain caves carefully.

Except for a few places, they are covered by the strange witchcraft of the Turkish people and cannot be explored. He explored most of the cave and kept it in mind. I also have a deeper understanding of the strength of this witch department.

"These elixirs planting fields, alchemy workshops and weapon smelting workshops should be the biggest secret of this witch tribe!"

Ye Qin said in his heart.

This witch tribe with a population of more than 100,000 has spent so many years and hard work to create such a huge and complicated mountain belly base. To this extent, this tribe can definitely be called a very powerful tribe in any Turkish tribe in the East China Sea.

But outside the island, these hidden facilities can't be seen at all.

When Ye Qin first arrived at the island, he only found that there were tunnels dug outside the island. There were dozens of Turkish middle-level wrestlers guarding, and some low-level Turks were just hunting without thinking deeply.

"Bing'er is right. This witch department is absolutely very ambitious."

"Moreover, I have always been able to hide my ambitions."

"This Wutu elder of the witch department is quite familiar with the East China Sea monks. He should know that monks have the means of divine exploration and can use divine knowledge to carry out long-distance exploration. If Bing'er and I come into this cave, we will definitely expose the tribal secrets they have always wanted to hide.

"Then there is only one possibility... They don't hesitate to risk exposing tribal secrets to achieve a greater goal. This purpose must have something to do with Xiuer.

Ye Qin's face was as calm as ever, but his mind was deep.

He is not afraid that this tribe is ambitious.

Maybe this witch department can still be useful.

"It's here, Ye Xianchang, please!"

The luxury car pulled by the eight deer horned beasts drove into the main road of the cave and stopped in front of a majestic hall.

Ye Qin, Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer got out of the carriage.

The ten-foot-thick giant stone pillars in front of the hall go straight to the top of the wall.

In front of the door of the hall, there are rows of wrestlers in armor and holding long guns. They are extremely strong, each with a murderous spirit.

Ye Qin nodded secretly. There is no enemy of the witch's department on this island. This killing spirit is mostly caused by life-and-death fighting with monsters in the nearby sea. This tribe hunts sea beasts a lot.

The inside of the palace is not as rough as the cave outside. All the walls are exquisitely carved, engraved with pictures of Turkish wizards and wrestlers killing sea beasts. The four walls are inlaid with huge sea beads, which are dazzling. On the ground, there is a blanket made of ***-level sea animal skin, and the cushion is also made of animal skin.

Compared with the East China Sea Palace, it is quite simple here.

But for a Turkish tribe on an island, this hall is absolutely a luxury.

In the spacious hall, there are not many people who can attend this banquet, only the patriarch of this witch tribe, more than a dozen wizard elders, and a few high-ranking wrestlers.

The patriarch of the tribe sits at the head of the hall. He is also an old wizard. He is majestic, a little thin, quite taciturn, and an old Tu ethnic group who is not happy or angry.

Ye Qin couldn't see the depth of the patriarch.

Elder Utu, just one of the elders, seems to be in a high position.

Ye Qin just glanced at the witch tribal chiefs and the Turkish elders in the hall, and then sat down in the guest seat of the right head with Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer.

Witch chiefs, as well as wizard elders, and several wrestlers.

Their respect for Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger is actually just about their respect for immortals, and there is not much real fear.

You know, if a high-level wrestler and a Jindan monk are in the same position, their strength is almost equal. There are no less than hundreds of high-level wrestlers in the tribe, and the overall strength is definitely far more than that of Ye Qin and the other three people - if Ye Qin did not take out the Yuanying skeleton demon and the big wing warship.

It's just out of awe of the immortals in the East China Sea, and I don't know Ye Qin's origin at all, whether there is a strong backstage, and I dare not make mistakes.

Most of the eyes of these Tu elders fell on Xiu'er, extremely satisfied and happy.

There were also a few burly men who looked at Bai Xiuer, but they were in awe. For more than a year, they have been the strongest wrestlers in this tribe. They have had a fight with Bai Xiuer and lost. In the Turkish tribe, the strong are respected, and if they are defeated, they will be convinced.

Both the host and guest had their own thoughts and did not say much.

Soon, there were dozens of beautiful and vigorous Turkish maids serving rich food like running water on the tables on the left and right sides of the hall. In addition to all kinds of aura and fragrant dishes, there are also delicacies made of rare sea animal meat, as well as the best wine brewed by the Turkish people, which are served in cups made of various precious jade.

Obviously, the Ministry of Witches still spent a lot of effort to prepare for this feast.

Ye Qin was not interested in those delicacies. He just tasted a mouthful of the fine wine made by the Tu people and took a sip, and then there was a fierce and domineering anger rising from his stomach. This surprised Ye Qin, and the wine also contained a strong fire aura.

"Two immortals, the wrestlers of this tribe have been offended before, please forgive me! The old man is here to accompany a salute, and do it first.

Elder Utu should raise his glass first and drink it all as a reward.

"Miss Xiuer, in just one year, has defeated all the high-level wrestlers of this tribe. My tribe admires it very much. If Miss Xiuer can get a high-level blood elixir, her divine power will definitely be thousands of miles a day, and it is also possible to become a higher-level wrestler!"

Elder Utu finished speaking and clapped his hands.

Two wrestlers quickly came out with a box.

"What is this?"

Ye Qin asked flatly.

"Ye Xianchang, here are 3,000 high-level blood elixirs. Our tribe is shabby, and there is no gift to take! I had to use these elixirs as gifts and reluctantly took them out. With these high-level blood elixirs, I believe that Miss Xiuer should soon reach the peak of the high-level wrestlers in a few years. It is the greatest honor for my tribe to make Miss Xiuer a high-level peak wrestler. Please accept it!"

Although Elder Utu is very modest, his expression is obviously a little proud.

Not only him, but also the witches and elders present, as well as those high-level wrestlers, are extremely proud.

This is a high-level blood elixir.

looking at the whole Tu tribe in the East China Sea, few Tu tribes can take out 3,000 blood elixirs as gifts at will. Even if you can do it, I'm afraid it will hurt your vitality and affect the tribe's own financial resources.

But in their witch tribe, each high-ranking wrestler gritted his teeth and saved a few, so that he could save these 3,000 blood elixirs as gifts, which would not hurt the vitality of the tribe.

It is not an excessive to say that they are rich.

This large amount of high-level blood elixir is enough to make any Turkish wrestler go crazy with shock and ecstasy. Even for immortals, it is a great wealth. Immortals don't need blood elixir, but they can also take it to Fangshi to replace it with elixir.

However, they are doomed to be disappointed.

After listening to it, Ye Qin was still so indifferent that he didn't even bother to move his eyelids.

Huangfu Bing'er also had an indifferent expression, as if she was still waiting to see if there was anything better to take out.

Bai Xiuer is also interested in the blood elixir of the box, but she is more interested in the delicious food and fine wine on the table.

Elder Wutu and other elders of the Ministry of Witch were stunned and looked at each other. I don't know why Ye Qin and the other did not respond to these 3,000 high-level blood elixirs.

It doesn't make sense. This property is quite amazing. It took nearly half a month for their whole tribe to refine and generate it.

If these are rewarded to the wrestlers of our tribe, I'm afraid they will go crazy on the spot happily.

Ye Qin took a look at the box and then at the ice sitting next to him, but he didn't say anything or say anything more.

He sighed in his heart that if this witch tribe wants to plot something, it must come up with decent and good things. These 3,000 high-level blood elixirs, to say something unpleasant, are not enough for Xiuer to eat and play at ordinary times.

"Elder Wutu, a high-level blood elixir, is refined from a high-level blood fruit and a high-level monster elixir. I usually have free time, and I occasionally refine a few furnaces for Xiuer to take. The blood elixir refined before has never been finished.

Huangfu Binger smiled faintly and took out a jade bottle from her own storage bag and poured out an elixir full of blood.

This elixir is a high-level blood elixir, which is used to enhance the blood power of the wrestler.

"Elder Wutu, your kindness Xiuer has received it, but Xiuer still has a lot of high-level blood elixir here, which is often taken. Otherwise, why did Xiuer's magic power increase so fast? Let's keep these three thousand high-level blood elixirs for the wrestlers of the tribe. I don't think your witch tribe is very rich.

Bai Xiuer also nodded seriously.

"High-level blood elixir!"

Elder Utu's face changed.

The elders, when they saw the blood elixir in Huangfu Bing'er's hand, they looked quickly depressing.

The two immortals in front of them don't know where they come from. They are so powerful that they can even get high-level blood and spiritual fruits, and they also make alchemy by themselves. The alchemy practiced by immortals is much better than their Turkish people, and their high-level blood elixir is not rare at all.

The old-fashioned and serious face of the witch clan leader finally showed surprise and deep thought.

"Ye Xianchang, I don't know what you want? ... You must have expected this before you came, but since you are still willing to come to this tribe, you obviously don't want to go there in vain. As long as the tribe takes action, it doesn't matter if the immortals say it.

The chief of the witch tribe said slowly.

"The patriarch is really happy. When I was practicing in the East China Sea, I once heard that the Tu people had a kind of 'talented elixir'. Unfortunately, I had heard it all the time, but I had never seen it with my own eyes. I don't know if your tribe has this thing, and is there any alchemy formula?

Ye Qin said indifferently.

"Talent Sundan! How did you know this thing!"

"Who the hell are you? How do you know the top secret of my witch department!?"

In the hall, the witch ministers, as well as the wrestlers and the big men, were all discolored in distempt. They stood up and were extremely nervous.

This is a top secret of the witch clan, and it is a top secret that has been sought after tens of thousands of years.

The wizard of the Witch Department has been alchemy, seeking to refine the elixir that can improve the strength of the Turkish wrestlers.

And this gifted dan is one of them. And it is also the best one, which can open up the talent of the Tu people, which is said to increase the strength of the Tu people by ten times and a hundred times. Just for various reasons, either there is a lack of alchemy herbs or a lack of alchemists enough to refine this elixir, the gifted elixir is extremely difficult to be refined.

The elixir of this elixir, which has been developed for tens of thousands of years since the earliest wizard put forward this idea, has not seen any successful examples.

"It's not surprising that I have entered the secret land of Langya, one of the three secret places of your East China Sea tribe. In it, there is a witch tribe in the East China Sea, refining elixirs in it, leaving incomplete alchemy fragments, involving this gifted elixirs, and also mentioned a spirit called Ziyoulian. It's just that there is no record of the gifted elixir formula on it. The reason why I'm here today is that I want to know if your tribe has a recipe for this elixir!"

Ye Qin looked at a group of angry witch ministers and said calmly. What he said is very detailed enough to prove that he is not a fabricative ampert.

"This is the biggest secret of my witch department. Whether it is or not, how can it be given to you immortals!"

"This is the strong hope of my tribe. It can never be given to you!"

"The immortals in the East China Sea have always regarded our Turkish people as hard laborers, slaves and concubines. If there is a holy power, we Tu people can sit on an equal footing with your Yuanying immortals in the East China Sea. How can you want to see the holy power of the Tu nationality appear!"

"The immortals in the East China Sea have always been extremely cunning. They must have cheated us!"

Immediately, a lot of old witches stood up and scolded harshly.

There was a lot of noise in the hall, and the atmosphere was fierce. Even a group of high-level wrestlers guarding outside the hall were ready to rush in and take action.

"Shut up! Ye Xianchang is kind to our East China Sea tribe. It can be seen from the cultivation of Xiu'er in this way. Who dares to talk nonsense again? He will be severely punished according to the rules of the clan!"

The old patriarch of the witch's department suddenly patted the chair and shouted angrily.

The elders, high-level wrestlers, were shocked by the majesty of the patriarch and finally closed their mouths.

"The two immortals, who can refine high-level blood elixir, must be the alchemists who are extremely good at alchemy. If you can find the elixir, plus the formula of this elixir, you are more confident to refine the gifted elixir than my tribe. However, what are the two immortals going to exchange for this treasure of my Ministry of Witchcraft!?"

The majestic and cold eyes of the old patriarch swept over the elders, and then he continued to say to Ye Qin.

"Whether this matter is done or not, the benefits will eventually be your East China Sea tribe! I won't pay you any money, and I don't have any promises. If you are willing to give, maybe the East China Sea tribe will have a chance to have a holy wrestler. If you don't want to, just pretend you didn't say it.

Ye Qin stood up and said, "Ok, I'm here for this. I was busy practicing, so I didn't delay here. The patriarch, and all the elders, please think about it!"

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had been thinking about this matter, he would have been busy refining the spiritual root potential elixir and crossing the disaster. At this juncture, he was not in the mood to deal with a witch tribe at all.

After saying that, he took Huangfu Bing'er and Bai Xiu'er, who was full of wine and food, ready to leave the witch hall.

"Ye Xianchang, slow down! I can give you this gifted elixir now! However, I have one small request.

The old patriarch also stood up at this time, took out a few bone carving signs from his sleeve, and then looked at Bai Xiuer. His eyes were deep and said, "With Xiuer's age and qualifications, the potential is unlimited. If you can get the talent elixir and open the talent, there is great hope of becoming a holy power. This is not only the hope of my witch department, but also the hope of all my tribes in the East China Sea. I have a little selfishness. I hope she can learn the witchcraft of my witchcraft. In this way, although she has not joined the witch's department, she is also a holy power cultivated by my witch. In the future, she can read more or less about the feelings of my witch tribe. This domanic recorded a lot of witchcraft, and it was handed over to Ye Xianchang!"