Zifu Xianyuan

594 Ready to go on an expedition

This disturbance did not attract the attention of the elders of the Presbyterian Group.

The alliance will be held soon. And the elder sat in the center, and dozens of members of the elder group sat around at will, unrestrained.

Ye Du sat back in a low-key position. In the middle of this group of Yuanying monks, he was occasionally swept by the strange eyes of an old sniper. He was all tight and very uncomfortable. However, most of them are quite kind-hearted and do not mean to let go.

The owners of the four fairy palaces, including the Purple Sword Palace, the Shangtang Palace, the Wanluo Palace and the Manu'er Palace, sat respectfully opposite the elder. As long as they do not become suzerains for a day, they have no equal path with the elder, and they can only listen as ordinary palace masters. Elder Zhong talked about the great strategy of the Tiandao League.

Ye Qin listened carefully.

Ten decades ago, the Tiandao League and the Tianyi League had jointly set a major strategy to expand the sea to the sea of blood - each clan built a fairy city in the sea of blood as the foundation for expanding into the sea of blood. Whoever built the fairy city will be under the jurisdiction of who.

It is not easy to build a fairy city.

It is only to build a fairy city in the bloody sea, which will trigger a strong counterattack of demon monks, and a bloody battle is inevitable.

Today's alliance invited elders and palace owners, mainly to discuss the details of the northern clan's construction of the fairy city in the sea of blood.

"Today's alliance should have been presided over by the suzerain of the north. It's just that after the immortality of the suzerain Yu, the lord of the fairy palace, who has not had enough prestige for the time being, inherited this throne. That's why the chief will host it on his behalf. Elder Zhong's voice was slightly old-fashioned and said, "In addition to building the fairy city, our northern clan should also select a northern patriarch as soon as possible, Banying's northern clan and demon clan war. Let's talk about it and come up with a plan!"

The members of the elder group in the hall quickly talked about it one after another.

Soon, several elders proposed.

Since the four northern fairy palaces want to compete for the position of suzerain, they are each responsible for building a small fairy city and killing demons. The term is five years.

Five years later, the suzerain will be determined by the merits of the four fairy palaces.

As for how to build a city and how to lure and kill demons, the four immortal palaces rely on their skills.

Reward with merit" This is the tradition of cultivating immortals. It's just that the reward this time is huge, and it is the throne of the suzerain of the north.

"This Fang Yan is good. Our elder group only does arbitration, not thousands of involved. Do several palace owners agree with this? Elder Zhong said.

The four palace owners looked at each other.

"The method is good, but it is not easy to determine the size of the merit.

Is it to determine the size of merit by killing demons or by the scale of building a fairy city?

The owner of the palace pondered and asked.

"Let's do it! First, if none of the four palace owners can build a fairy city within five years, then the number and rank of the four palaces to kill demons will determine the size of the meritorious deeds. Second, if any palace owner can build a fairy city, he will directly determine the merits by the size and scale of the fairy city, not counting the number of killing demons. Another point is that for the sake of fairness, the Presbyterian Group will not give you any investment within five years, relying on your own strength. How to kill demons and build an immortal city? It is necessary to study the comprehensive strength of the palace owner. Only the most powerful one can win the throne. Elder Zhong thought for a moment and said with a faint smile.

"This law is fair, and there is no objection to the Manul Palace."

The palace owner of the Unoir Palace, a beautiful middle-aged man with a good face, said with a smile. This is like a person, almost the same as the Mengling fairy, but it has a more beautiful mature charm.

The three palace owners of the Purple Sword Palace, the Shangchang Palace, and the Wanluo Palace" prepared himself to meditate and did not explicitly object.

"Since there is no other objection, please, then now follow the circle of our Tiandao League, throw the alliance sign, and make an agreement! The white law sign is consent, and the black law sign is against. If the white sign exceeds the black sign, then the alliance will be approved. If the black sign exceeds the white sign, it must be reconsidered. Elder Zhong looked awe-inspiring at this time.

A deacon of the elder group carefully took out a simple jade tube and a black and white sign.

All the members of the elder group present, each of whom took a jade stick and threw it into the jade tube.

Ye Zuo looked at the crowd curiously. After thinking about it, he gave a white sign.

The elders voted for the alliance.

In the end, the covenant was passed with 30 white signatures, five black signatures, and a very original signing method.

Such a covenant was made by the elders of the Northern Sect, which also means that this fruit can not be changed. A few hours later, the members of the elders of the northern clan and the four palace masters left the capital of the Tiandao League in Linhai City one after another and took the spirit beast car. The monks of the fairy palace and the great power gathered outside the hall and waited for the news to get the latest information and leave soon.

This alliance has a far-reaching impact on the fairy palace of the northern clan, but it has not attracted much attention from the outside world.

"Elder Ye, are you free? Let's get together!"

After the end of the meeting, Zhou Yu laughed at Ye.

"It's also good"

Ye Du thought for a moment, said goodbye to Jiang Zhenyuan, who had been known not long ago, and left the hall with the owner of Zhou Yu Palace. After all, he is still the fifth elder of the Purple Five Dome, and the matter of the Purple Sword Palace also needs to contribute.

A spirit beast car with the logo of the Purple Sword Palace, driven by several Jindan monks of the Purple Sword Palace, slowly driving on the main road of Linhai City.

In the car, there are only four people in the car: the owner of Zhou Yu Palace, the elder Zhou Hong, Ye Qin, and the master of Zhou Yi.

Master Zhou told Zhou Hong and Zhou Yi about the general situation of the alliance.

"The alliance decided to let the Purple Sword Palace build a fairy city by ourselves? How can this be done? It only takes countless manpower and spiritual stones to build a small-scale fairy city similar to Linhai City, and it will take at least three or five years to complete. With the strength of our Purple Sword Palace and the strength of the alliance, even if we can't build such a fairy city at all. Unless the strength of all the fairy palaces of the northern clan is integrated, there will be the financial resources to build a strong enough fairy city.

Zhou Yi couldn't help but be slightly surprised, and quickly calmed down and said, "Even if we create it, such a fairy city will immediately become a thorn in the side of the demon monks who want to get rid of it." He must fight with all his strength. Relying only on the strength of our Purple Sword Palace, and our alliance can't resist the fierce attack of demon cultivation! The lord of the palace, the elder, what does the elder group mean?

"The elders know that they can't build the fairy city with the strength of the fairy palace alone, and they can't control the wild attack of the demon cultivation, but they still put forward this Fang Yan. The real intention is that we should use the creation of a fake fairy city as bait to lure and kill demons. In the end, the number of pigs killing demons is used to determine the size of merit.

Zhou Hong, the elder of Taishang, was not surprised and said calmly.

"But if the demon cultivation is not fooled at all, what should I do?"

Zhou Yi thought for a moment and asked again.

"It depends on whether the bait we haven't laid is enough. Therefore, this fairy city must be built, and it must be realistic in order to attract the attention of demon cultivation. Of course, you can't build a large fairy city, otherwise it will attract a large number of demons, and it will be looking for death. Only a small fairy city can be built to attract small demons to attack. The proportion of this needs to be well grasped.

Zhou Hong laughed.

"It is still possible to build a small fake fairy city with the strength of our Zixi Palace and some Mengfa Fairy Palace. It is the best way to get meritorious deeds by trapping and encircling small demon clans in the fake fairy city."

Master Zhou also nodded, then turned to Ye and said, "What are Elder Ye's plans for recently?"

"I am temporarily practicing in Linhai City, and I will practice to the peak of the ninth floor of Niandan as soon as possible, and prepare for the disaster. However, I'm afraid it will take another decade or two to practice hard, and I'm not in a hurry.

If the palace owner needs anything from me, just say it. If the Purple Sword Palace can get the position of suzerain of the north, my five elders can also get a lot of convenience.

Ye Su pondered for a moment and smiled.

"Elder Ye has this heart, that's the best."

The owner of Zhou Gong laughed and said, "In this expedition to the sea of blood, we need a person from the Purple Sword Palace to build a fairy city and lure the heavy task." When he said this, he stopped and looked at Ye Qin, Zhou Hong and Zhou Yi.

This important candidate is undoubtedly among these three people.

"The boss doesn't have much longevity. This old bone will do his last effort for the Purple Sword Palace before he dies. This time, I will go to the Blood Sea to build a city, and I will lead the first team! Even if you die in battle, you will only die decades earlier, and it will not hurt the vitality of the Purple Sword Palace.

Zhou Hong said directly without waiting for the owner of Zhou Gong to choose.

The bait is actually no different from cannon fodder. It is an adventure at the cost of his own life. Except for the elder Zhou Hong, who has enough strength to fight with the demon cultivation, I'm afraid there are no other monks, which is more suitable for this important task.

Master Zhou looked at Zhou Hong silently, and finally nodded heavily.

"Okay, this time, the elder Zhou Hong will lead a vanguard team to the sea of blood to build a fake fairy city and lure demons to attack. The two elders of Yuanying, Zhou Xiang and Zhou Rui, personally led the main brigade of the Purple Sword Palace and the team of the League Palace, set up an ambush and hunt the demon monks. Yier, you and Elder Zhou Rong stay in the rear to prepare goods for the front line. In addition, Elder Ye, you are a team dedicated to transporting the combat readiness supplies of the Purple Sword Palace. This task does not need to go to the front-line battlefield, but it is not easy to guard against the price of demon cultivation on the way, and even other ulting fairy palace sneak attacks.

Zhou Yu's eyes finally looked at Ye Qin.

Ye Du is slightly slanderous. The combat readiness supplies sent to the Purple Sword Palace must be a person of great trust before he can be in this position. Lord Zhou's move is to prove that he is not regarded as an outsider.