Zifu Xianyuan

598 Fairy City Bait

The sea of blood, the stronghold of the giant field.

With a group of Yuanying monks and Jindan monks in the Purple Sword Palace, after transmitting from Linhai City to resist this stronghold, the imperial weapons on the sea turned into hundreds of streamers and flew rapidly to the north.

Ye Qin didn't know many Jindan monks in this expenditure recruitment team. However, most Jindan monks know him.

Some monks surnamed Jindan in the Purple Sword Palace have served under Ye Qin, and there are more than a dozen people. The golden elixir monks of other fairy palaces have more or less heard of the name of the five elders of the Purple Sword Palace. Their eyes look at him are a little awe-inspiring and envious. Due to the gap in status, they dare not get close to him.

Jin Ran, there are still a few Jindan monks approaching him.

The proud Miss Zhou Yao of Zijian Palace, the golden fat man Jin Zhongshan in the Jubao Palace, the gentle and virtuous Liao Xiaozi of the Guangyu Palace, the young and handsome Pan Shuang of the Ninghua Palace, and the four direct monks of the fairy palace who once formed a team with Ye Qin. They are familiar with Ye Qin

The four of them are all direct disciples of the fairy palaces, although they destroyed the essence in the secret land of Langdu and urged the Xunlei ancient mirror to kill Yu Weifeng, so that they fell from the Jindan period to the foundation period. However, the four of them have the experience of the golden elixir period. It is also relatively easy to take the golden elixir again to break through and enter the golden elixir period.

Previously, Ye Qin was called by the owner of the Zhou Palace and met a group of Yuanying monks of the Zijian Palace. It was not easy for Zhou Yao and others to come forward to greet Ye Qin. When Master Zhou finished his words and led the team to the expedition, on the way to the sea of blood, they came forward to see the salute.

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother Niu!"

Zhou Yao, Liao Xiaozi and others, the imperial sword followed behind Ye Qin.

Ye Qin has seen them for a long time. Zhou Yao has cultivated the five layers of Jindan, while Liao, Jin, Pan and others are the four layers of Jindan. Now there is a big gap between the cultivation of the dish man and that of him.

Ye Qin nodded and asked, "Are you guys responsible for building the city, or setting up an ambush to kill demons?"

"Building the city is boring" is of course a trap! If the demon Xiu wants to attack the city, he will definitely command the sea beast to be cannon fodder. Although our strength can't kill demons, it's completely okay to kill some high-level monsters. This time, we came to the sea of blood with the elders in the palace, hoping to get more meritorious deeds, so that we can rush to the top of the list of killing demons *..."

The golden fat man's mouth foamed and said passionately.

"Within a thousand, it's difficult! There are more than thousands of fairy palaces in the East China Sea. Most of each fairy palace has dozens or hundreds of golden elixir monks. Among them, there must be a few powerful golden elixir monks who can enter the top 1,000. They all stare at the golden elixir killing list. Those who can occupy a place in a single thousand on the list are probably all powerful monks in the later period of Jindan. I'm waiting for a few Jindan's mid-term cultivation now, and it's hard to compete with them!"

Pan Shuang shook his head and was very unspecting.

"It's hard to say" Let's come early and try to get merit from the beginning. It's not necessarily impossible to compete with those late monks. Moreover, the fight in the early stage of the war was not fierce, there were few demon cultivations, and there were elders of the fairy palace. On the contrary, we are safe and easy to pick up some cheap ones. We can also accumulate experience in the war. In the middle and late stages of the fairy and demon war, the war is fierce, and we have almost cultivated to the late stage of Jindan. Be careful and hope to kill thousands of people.

Fatty Jin shouted that his abacus was very shrewd and included all the benefits.

"You are all direct monks of the fairy palace. The fairy palace has given a good treatment. Why are you so looking forward to rushing to the demon killing list?"

Ye Qin is a little strange.

"Brother Ye doesn't know anything, and he can't be in a hurry now! The palace has ordered to redistribute the inheritance status of the direct Jindan monk according to the ranking of the demon killing list" and the future position. The younger brother is the fifth heir among the direct Jindan of Ninghua Palace, occupying the position of a deacon of the elixir garden. "It also has good oil and water benefits on weekdays. Well, if you want to maintain your position and duties in the palace, you must occupy a place on the list of demon killing. The more you are, the better. Otherwise, all the benefits you enjoyed in the past will be robbed by other direct disciples. Without these benefits, you will be very sad in the future. Now let's make up all the merits and keep our current position. As for whether it can rush to thousands, it all depends on the creation.

Pan Shuang smiled bitterly.

"Install the ranking of the demon killing list, redistribute status and duties? Is there such a rule?"

Ye Qin looked at the others in surprise.

"Of course!"

"After the list of demon killing and demon killing, the major fairy palaces of the Tiandao League and the Tianmo League have begun to implement this new regulation. Not only the disciples of Jindan, but also the ranking of the elders of Yuanying should be re-ranked according to the list *..."

Zhou Yao and Liao Xiaozi also nodded. Obviously, Zijian Palace, Jubao Palace and Guangyu Palace also had similar orders, forcing them to find ways to occupy a good position on the list of killing demons.

"Alas, our father is the elder of the Jubao Palace. In the past, we could at least have a fat job and get some oil and water. Now we have to re-rank according to the ranking of the demon-killing list, and even the oil and water are almost gone *..."

Jin Zhongshan gritted his teeth with hatred.

Most of the direct monks in the fairy palace rely on the blessings of their elders to occupy a good position in the palace to get a lot of spiritual stones. Once this right is lost, it is very hard to earn spiritual stones like ordinary monks. The absence of spiritual stones means that there is no elixirs for cultivation and no good magic weapons, which is very harmful to the monks.

Ye Qin certainly understands why Jin Zhongshan hates it so much.

Ye Qin was busy with his own affairs during this period, and rarely asked about the internal affairs of the Purple Sword Palace, but he did not know that the Purple Sword Palace had also issued such a regulation. However, this regulation has no impact on him. Anyway, he is also the five elders at the bottom of the Purple Sword Palace.

"Although our monks live longer than mortals, how many people can live for a thousand or two thousand years?! The fairy palace will not raise us in vain. Now is the time for us to work for the fairy palace. Although there is a risk of death, it is inevitable*..."

Liao Xiaozi said calmly and quickly asked, "Brother Ye, what's your plan?"

"I received the task of escorting war preparations, and I will not participate in the early immortals and demons.

Ye Qin shook his head.

Sooner or later, he will take action, but not now.

"Isn't this logistics to escort supplies? This can't be won't be made! With the current strength of Brother Ye on the eighth floor of the Jindan period, if he accumulates meritorious deeds on the battlefield now, he should be very sure that he is among the top 100 in the Jindan demon killing list, and he is lucky and even the top ten is not sure! It's a pity to give up early participation in the war. Brother Ye doesn't participate in the war now. After a few years of cultivation to the ninth floor of the golden elixir period, it will be difficult to compete with them!"

Pan Shuang was surprised.

"Cian Feng, Brother Pan, don't joke! The top ten in the whole world of immortal cultivation in the East China Sea must be the monks at the ninth level of Jindan! Only their cultivation can give full play to the strongest strength of Jindan monks, and they are also the easiest to grab a good position on the list! Although Brother Ye is strong, he can enter the top ten*..." Jin Zhongshan stared.

"It's hard to say that the big five-line sword array of my Purple Sword Palace, the prestige of the invincible sword array, is not a false reputation! When Brother Ye cultivates the peak of the ninth layer of the Jindan period, he can exert the maximum power of the big five elements sword array, and even compare with half of the Yuanying monks. Even if you participate in the war in the middle and late stages and enter the top ten, it may not be impossible!"

Zhou Yao walked with the sword and said lightly, with light makeup and a purple shirt, but she was heroic.

"Other fairy palaces are not without masters. The five giants, four suzerains, and some powerful fairy palaces all have extremely powerful Jindan monks. There are always dozens of super first-class Jindan later monks! The so-called invincible five-eword array of the Purple Sword Palace may not be able to defeat them.

The four people actually quarreled for Niu Qin's ranking.

Ye Qin smiled faintly and did not participate in it.

The sea of blood is very large, and the East China Sea monks have established hundreds of strongholds in the sea of blood.

Juye stronghold, which has many large islands, hundreds of miles of islands are easy to find, and most of them are fertile plains, forests, mountains and rivers suitable for farming and planting. If there are mortals living on the island, I'm afraid these islands have thousands of hectares of land.

Such an open island terrain is suitable for building a city.

Ye Qin knows a lot about this huge wild stronghold.

A lot of information collected in the Blood Sea over the years was sent to the senior management of the Purple Sword Palace from him.

The construction of the Fairy City in the Purple Sword Palace is the island that takes a fancy to the giant stronghold.

Of course, relying on the financial resources of the Purple Sword Palace and the ally Fairy Palace, there is no hope to build a real fairy city with strong defense. Even if it is a clan of the Tiandao League, it is also a huge financial burden to build a real fairy city.

Zhou Hong, the elder of Taishang, took a large group of dozens of Jindan monks to look for the Tu tribe in the Juye stronghold. There are very few Turkish tribes in the sea of blood, but there are also some. It is very cost-effective to recruit the wrestlers of these Turkish tribes to build a city.

Then, on one of the large islands, they took local materials, excavated mountain boulders, cut down spiritual trees on the island, and began to build a small stone city.

Here we must talk about the steps to build the fairy city.

The first step is to build a stone city. Design the general appearance of the city, dig huge stones to build the main body of the city, and cut down huge wood to make buildings. Stone City has no formation defense, which is the prototype of a fairy city.

The second step is to arrange the forbidden array to defend the city on the wall of the stone city. A small fairy city also has dozens of miles and hundreds of miles, and if it is a big fairy city, it is thousands of miles. To arrange such a large-scale forbidden array, this is the place that really consumes financial resources.

The third step is to attract a large number of monks to settle and temporarily live in the fairy city, manage the fairy city well, and develop various spiritual resources around the fairy city. This is something that needs to be considered to recover the cost after the construction of the fairy city.

The strength of the Purple Sword Palace can only be completed in the first step.

Other Yuanying monks and Jindan monks also have their own tasks. Arrange four or five Yuanying monks and a group of Jindan monks to patrol around the island to prevent the demon cultivation from spying on the progress of the city. Since it is to build a city, of course, you have to pretend to be decent and be on strict alert, so that you can lure demons to be true and come to destroy the city.

The owner of Zhou Palace, with a group of the main Yuanying monks and Jindan monks, hid, set up an ambush inside and outside the fairy city, and patiently waited for the spies and vanguard teams sent by the demon monks to appear and prepared to culge.

Fairy City is so powerful that it is difficult to be broken. Every time a fairy city is built, it means that the East China Sea monks have achieved a solid foothold, which can strongly control a large area of the surrounding sea and obtain various resources in this large area. If there is no fairy city, I'm afraid that the monks in the East China Sea can't compete with the demon cultivation for so long.

Everyone believes that demon cultivation will definitely appear. They can't tolerate the East China Sea monks constantly expanding their power territory and advancing to the depths of the sea of blood. If you let the monks build a city in the sea of blood, it will only be the demons who will suffer in the end.

The question is when the demon cultivation will appear, how many demon cultivations will come, and how to destroy the fairy city under construction.

Zhou Gongzhu, Zhou Hong and other scheming monks, in fact, did not dare to be too ostentatious. They only dared to make a small fairy city and put on the appearance of building a city, attracting a small strand of demons to explore and kill. It's too quiet to walk. It really attracts the main force of demon cultivation. I'm afraid I can't eat it. The demon monks have been fighting with the East China Sea monks for a long time. There are many demons with extremely high spiritual intelligence. They are extremely cunning and strange. It is not easy to be fooled by them. In the war with the demon cultivation, the Donghai monks did not win much, which is only about five or five.

According to the situation of the previous fairy and demon wars, although the number of demon cultivation is more than that of Donghai Yuanying monks, they also cherish their lives. Demon practitioners often drive a large number of golden elixir monsters to attack the city together and fight with the East China Sea monks.

In the fairy and demon war, the main task of the Jindan period monks is to kill these invading Jindan-level monsters.

And the Yuanying monks deal with the demon cultivation of metamorphosis.