Zifu Xianyuan

601 Instant Kill! You didn't discuss it for a second

Ye Qin saw the situation in the sea in front of him, and his face suddenly changed and he suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong?"

When Zhou Yao saw that Ye Qin's expression was wrong, she couldn't help looking at the sea in front of her and said quickly, "It's so fast. More than a dozen Jindan monks are scattered and come in our direction... Did they pass by or come to us?

"I don't know. No matter what they want to do, try to avoid it! Zhou Dawu, immediately *** control the flying boat and change the flight direction! The rest of the people are ready to fight.

Ye Qin shouted in a low voice.


Zhou Dawu, who drove the flying boat, immediately controlled the flying boat with mana *** and suddenly flew to the left sea to avoid encountering the monk in front of him.

Vice captain Zhou Yao, and two direct Jindan monks of the Purple Sword Palace also immediately sacrificed their own magic weapons.

The number of their transportation team is not large, but it is absolutely a loyal team of the Purple Sword Palace. Except for Ye Qin, the elder, they are all the core disciples of the Purple Sword Palace. Zhou Dawu is the direct grandson of the elders of Zhou Shen, and the other two are also from the direct descendants of the elders.

They absolutely obeyed the orders of Ye Qin, the elder of the Purple Sword Palace.

Ye Qin stood on the flying boat and looked coldly at the light of more than ten roads in the distance.

The more intense the war is, the more unsafe it is.

He had to be more alert to avoid accidents.

The number of opponents is more than three times that of their team, and their strength is also in the middle and late stages of Jindan. The costumes are different, and you can't see their identity.

Ye Qin frowned a little. The black-robed monk, led by a dark man, was shrouded in a faint black light, which seemed to be evil poison ***. Most of those who practiced such *** were evil cultivation. The two immortal alliances and the demon clan went to war, and many evil practitioners were also summoned to the battlefield. The monks who appeared on the battlefield of the blood sea were mixed and mixed.

However, as soon as the flying boat turned, the more than a dozen monks with messy clothes, and the seemingly loose envelope formation also changed and continued to surround them. Although the intention is unknown, it is definitely not a good thing. Otherwise, they will never be chased with obvious malicious containment formations.

"Elder Ye, we still have a few hours to go to Shicheng. I'm afraid we will be caught up by them before we arrive. Shall we go back to the Juye stronghold first? There are patrols and Yuanying ancestors in the town. They dare not mess around.

Zhou Dawu couldn't help but be surprised to see the group of monks chasing him. He is now clinging to Ye Qin, the elder. However, in his opinion, no matter how powerful Ye Qin is, he is just a late Jindan monk. The other party is aggressive, and the number of people is far more than three times. Once surrounded, the enemy is too few, and it is absolutely more or less auspicious!

"They cut off three loaves of breads and have blocked the direction of returning to the stronghold. Brother Ye, what should we do now?

Zhou Yao controlled two flying swords in her hand, with anger in her eyes. The monk who dared to contain the Purple Sword Palace, if it hadn't been for the few people, she would have killed him directly.

Soon, the flow of fifteen or sixteen magic weapons of various colors had been chased from all sides.

The flying boat can't get rid of their encirclement and interception.

Since he couldn't get rid of it, Ye Qin simply gave up escaping.

"This team is a monk of the Tiandao League, and there are important tasks. Which fairy palace monks are your Taoist friends...?"

Ye Qin's face was as heavy as water, and he asked coldly. Although the words are superfluous, you still have to ask the last question, otherwise you will kill someone, and you don't even know who the other party is, which is inexplicable. The costumes of this group of monks do not have any fairy palace logos, and most of them have been removed before they started.

"Do you want to know who I am? Do you still want to take revenge? Haha, that's a dream?! Anyway, you are going to die. It's okay to tell you. I, Huo Zhentian, is a famous evil practice in the blood sea! It's your blessing to die under me. If you become a fierce ghost, don't forget to report my name!"

Boss Huo, the black-faced man who rushed to the front, was dazzling all over and laughed wildly. In this situation, the fool also knows that their group is in control of winning, and he has nothing to worry about.

"Huo Zhentian...? Most of them are the same blood sea evil cultivation as Cao Dashu, and they have a little prestige in some small places, so they are so arrogant.

Ye Qin wore a green shirt and stood on the flying boat. He frowned slightly and said secretly, but his face was still as plain as usual.

Mr. Huo was rough and careful. Seeing Ye Qin's expression, he was a little surprised. He was surrounded by more than a dozen monks in their group. The leader of the other party did not have any panic or strange color. Obviously, he was bold. However, because Ye Qin's expression was too flat, he became more and more angry.

"Less talk nonsense, hand over the magic weapons and supplies you carry with you, tie your hands, and leave you a whole body! Don't expect to escape alive. Boss Huo, but in the Jindan period, there are more than 500 strong people in the late Jindan period. If you kill yourself quickly, you can save us a little strength. If you resist to the end, it's not a big deal... Ga Ga! With Boss Huo here, and our group of fifteen or sixteen Jindan monks in the middle and late period, can you escape alive?

The goat monk who followed the black-faced monk said with a little pride and a gloomy smile.

When the Jindan monks on the flying boat heard the words, Zhou Yao and several other Jindan monks looked ugly.

"Sure enough, it's an evil cultivation that robs money and kills. Damn it!"

"The black-faced monk ranked more than 500 people on the list of killing demons in the Jindan period. Squeezing into the top 1,000 of the demon killing list, they are all the late Jindan monks with the top comprehensive combat effectiveness, and they are well-known in the major fairy palaces.

"This person ranks more than 500, which is a real strong fighting force. The Jindan monks without strength can only sigh and can't reach it. It is difficult to be in the top 1,000 on the list. Such a golden elixir monk with top combat power, there are only a few people in the Purple Sword Palace.

"What should I do now?"

Several golden elixir monks in the Purple Sword Palace looked at each other with regret and regret in their eyes. If they had known that they would encounter this group of evil practitioners, they might as well have stayed in the Juye stronghold, at least it would be safer. Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now. It will take at least a few hours to return to the stronghold.

The goatee monk's voice fell.

"No need to talk nonsense, do it!"

Boss Huo looked at Ye Qin's plain and calm look, which was extremely unpleasant. He didn't want to keep the whole body, and he calmed his anger with his own hands. He suddenly clicked in the sleeves of his black robe, and he first hit a magic weapon, "ci ci~" and shot straight at Ye Qin on the flying boat.

That magic weapon is a snake whip magic weapon. Once hit, the whip body immediately overflowed with ink clouds and black fog, rising into a demon snake whip of dozens of feet, rolling towards Ye Qin. The snake whip, black air rolling, incomparable fishy smell, blood, filthiness covered the surroundings in an instant. The head of the snake whip turned into a black-scale snake head, and two snake teeth dripping with black liquid suddenly opened their mouths and devoured the flying boat.

The remaining ten monks were also besieged from all sides.

Zhou Yao, Zhou Dawu and other four people had already been waiting for the sword. They controlled the magic weapon in one hand and all kinds of medium and high-level runes in the other hand. Seeing this, the runes were knocked out one after another.

The flames are all over the sky, the wind blade is raging, and the ice cone is cold.

"Shut, why do they have so many charms on them? When I'm the richest man, I can't afford it!" Brothers, kill them quickly, and these runes are ours!" Damn it, this little woman is beautiful. Why is she so cruel! She left it to me to deal with.

The power of these middle- and high-level runes suddenly bombarded more than a dozen Jindan monks, and cursed dirty words, but did not dare to approach them too much.

Zhou Yao's angry pink face turned white.

However, Zhou Yao and others are too few to cope with the siege of such 15 or sixteen Jindan monks at the same time. They can only rely on the large number of runes they carry with them. They don't need a lot of capital bombardment and force the evil practitioners to retreat from the siege. If you rush up, more than a dozen middle-level and high-level runes will be blown up, and the Jindan monk can't stand it.

Fortunately, there is a large number of runes for the battlefield in a batch of materials transported by Ye Qin and other five people, so there is no need to worry that they will be consumed immediately.

"The top-level evil weapon that can defile the magic weapon can restrain most of the magic weapon! ... I'm afraid it took a lot of effort to refine this evil weapon.

Ye Qin saw the evil weapon of the black-faced monk. In addition to his surprise, he smiled coldly in his heart and opened his mouth to shoot out five rays of light. With a pinch of the sword, the five-color light of the Yuanshen flying sword formed a large five-line sword array to guard the flying boat. The filthy atmosphere that quickly approached the flying boat was immediately forced away by the soaring light of the five elements sword array.

"Five-handled yuanshen magic weapon! ... Gold, wood, water, fire, earth?!"

As soon as Boss Huo over there saw Ye Qin sacrificing the magic weapon, his face suddenly changed slightly.

Usually, a golden elixir monk can only refine one Yuanshen magic weapon, or two.

Because the more yuanshen magic weapons are warmed at the same time, the more vitality will be consumed. Warming up five yuanshen magic weapons is five times more than warming up a yuanshen magic weapon, which will seriously delay the cultivation of the monks. Most Jindan monks, in order to ensure the progress of their own cultivation, will not refine too many yuanshen magic weapons, so as not to delay their own cultivation.

However, the man in blue shirt in front of him not only refined five five-series yuanshen magic weapons, but also cultivated to the eighth floor of the late Jindan, which is very rare in the world of immortal cultivation in the East China Sea. There are many Yuanshen magic weapons, and the combat power will naturally be stronger, which is beyond doubt.

"This boy is a monk of the Purple Sword Palace. Is he the top 100 monks on the list of killing demons? ... But no, Purple Sword Palace, there are no Jindan monks in the top 100 of the list.

Boss Huo had already seen the Purple Sword Palace logo on Ye Qin, Zhou Yao and other clothes, but he didn't take it seriously. At this time, he faintly felt something wrong in his heart and regretted a little. He didn't figure out the strength of the other party, so he did it directly.

You should know that although they are also late Jindan monks, the gap in combat effectiveness is also huge. It is easy for a late Jindan monk in the top 100 to defeat a former thousand late Jindan monks. If it is the top ten monks, it is even more terrible. It is not a problem to kill the first thousand late Jindan monks.

Boss Huo took the lead in rushing to the strongest. He originally planned to kill the leader of the other party in one fell swoop to stand up. But before the demon snake whip approached the flying boat, it was blown back by a rune.

When Ye Qinliang came out of the magic weapon, he already felt something was wrong.

Boss Huo was also extremely shrewd. As soon as he felt that something was wrong, he immediately wanted to step back and let other evil practitioners rush up and besieged the five-person team with fifteen Jindan monks. The absolute advantage was to fight quickly.

But at this time, the mutation is sudden.

Ye Qin, standing on the flying boat, flashed a cold light in his eyes, waved his hand, and five lights suddenly burst out of the flying boat.

Just as the black fog rolled demon snake whip retreated, suddenly the golden light burst hundreds of feet around, and the rolling flame swept away to swallow up a large area of filthy black gas. In this golden light and flame, the fairy sounds were like the sound of heaven, and the giant sword as solemn as a mountain split all the black gas and magic weapons in front

Tianyi Youshui Sword, I don't know when, has hidden its trace in the golden light and disappeared.

Boss Huo was confused by Xianyin and was in a trance. He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and woke up in an instant.

At this moment, there was a soft "puff" sound.

His vestment and body mask have been broken, and a faint light passed through his abdomen, together with the golden elixir in his Dantian, it was pierced.

"Instant~... Instant kill?!"

Boss Huo looked down, and his rough black face was unbelievable.

In an instant, the powerful nine-layer monk of Jindan, who had been on the list of killing demons, was killed. "His body fell into the sea of blood and became one of the countless Jindan monks who died in the sea of blood.