Zifu Xianyuan

603 defend the city

"Thunderstone... how many products to use r?"

Ye Qin pondered and asked.

"A piece of eleven-grade thunderstone, I went out to travel in my early years and got it from Mount Leize. Ice wind and thunder small three strange materials are more rare than the five elements materials, and it is rarely found in the market. "I don't have many such materials in the Purple Sword Palace. Originally, it was planned to refine the thunder flying sword for the disciples in the palace, but the Lei Linggen monk rarely appeared, so it has been used in the palace. You can station the small three strange sword array with the big five elements sword array in the future, but you can just use it..."

Zhou Gongzhu said with a smile.

Zhou Yi listened, but he was a little envious. However, he is not Lei Linggen, otherwise he would have come to Gongzhan earlier.

"Master, how can Brother Zhou and I participate in the war?" Ye Qin pondered for a moment and said.

There is still one last year to select the suzerain. One year of participation in the war has little impact on his practice. If the master of Zhou can seize the position of the suzerain of the north, it will also be of great benefit to him. After all, as long as he is still the elder of the Purple Sword Palace, he will be related to the interests of the Purple Sword Palace.

"Recently, a small group of demons have targeted Shicheng, but there has been no movement for a long time. The elders suspected that they were likely to launch a tentative attack in the near future to explore the reality of the stone city. Your sons also participate in defending the city and resisting the tide of beasts. The risk of defending the city is not big." You are mainly to encircle and suppress monsters below the ninth level, and don't let them destroy the stone city. Once something happens and the demon is in battle, the Presbyterian Associations inside and outside the city will immediately support..."

Seeing that Ye Qin had been moved, the owner of Zhou Gong couldn't help laughing.

Ye Qin was relieved when he heard the promise of the Lord of the Zhou Palace. With his current strength, even if he encounters a demon cultivation in the tide of beasts, he will not die at once. It is enough to drag the monk Zhongyuanying to come to support.

Master Zhou explained some more details, so Ye Qin left and handed over the affairs.

Ye Qin's task of transporting combat readiness supplies can only be temporarily handed over to Zhou Yao and other legitimate monks.

The sea of blood, the stone city of the desert island, and the night is full of silence.

In the city building above the East City Gate.

Ye Qin meditated on the knees of the city building. More than 20 middle and late Jindan monks in the Zijian Palace and the Guangyu Palace and other league palaces sat around him sporadically. He meditated and practiced or thought about practicing sword magic, guarding the eastern city wall at night.

This group of monks have direct disciples from various fairy palaces, as well as ordinary monks with foreign surnames Jindan.

Ye Qin's highest status temporarily became the captain of this Jindan monk.

He has been here for several days.

Most of the time, there is no war. "I can only medit and practice while waiting for the fighter." Occasionally, we get together to chat. The monks talk about things on the bloody sea battlefield, such as who killed a high-level monster, who has recently made a breakthrough in skills, and so on.

The golden elixir demon killing list issued by the two immortal alliances is undoubtedly the topic that everyone is most interested in.

Most of their group of Jindan monks failed to enter the top 1,000, but within the top 10,000. Pointing out to the thousands of monks who rushed to the top of the list of killing demons. When it comes to the monks who worship and envy, who is stronger, there will be a fierce dispute for a few hours in a row.

Many monks in the team heard Zhou Dawu say that they killed Huo Zhentian on the way here. In addition to surprise, it is a little regrettable. With Ye Qin's strength, "I'm afraid that if he had participated in the war a few years earlier", he would have been in the top 100 of the demon killing list!

Ye Qin just smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

"The number of demons..."

Near dawn, Mou Yeqin suddenly frowned.

In the distance of the island, there was a slight low roar and the sound of waves. Even if you are bound by the demon cultivation, you can't keep quiet.

"Beast Tide!", "Quick..."

"A formation!" Immediately, the experienced monk roared and dozens of flying swords flew into the sky, and the light pierced the dark sky in an instant.

A wave of hundreds of medium- and high-level sea beasts suddenly broke out inadvertently. Sea beasts and monsters emerged from all directions of the island, covering the island. The huge tide of sea beasts surged like waves. In a blink of an eye, they rushed to the island and rushed to the stone city in the middle of the island.

Ye Qin's sword flew half in the air and looked at the sea around the island. He couldn't help but be moved.

All kinds of demons, winds, and beast roars swept over the sky, and the whole island was trembling.

Although the stone city is only a bait to lure the enemy, the Purple Sword Palace does not have enough financial resources to guard the whole city. But it is not a random beast tide attack, and it is easy to break through. Outside the stone city, a simple small magic array set by many monks is also used as a trap.

At this time, the tide of beasts came, and these magic arrays with different functions were immediately triggered.

The ice explosion, wind roll, stone pillars, and fog are flying around, immediately causing damage to the beast tide, delaying the momentum of colliding with the small beast tide in the front. The monster trapped in the magic array "In the angry roar, collision, struggle and dodge, the beast tide army rushed to the Stone City again after a short time.


The captains guarding all directions, seeing the situation, ordered one after another.

Nearly 70 or 80 rays of light soared from the top of the city, formed teams one after another, turned into all kinds of streamers, and killed the tide of beasts surging hundreds of miles of islands to prevent them from quickly approaching the impact of the stone city.

At this time, the 200 golden elixir monks in the major fairy palaces, as the second and third waves of guarding forces, still guarding the city on all sides and did not go out.

The Yuanying monks of the Purple Sword Palace inside and outside the Stone City, each sat on their own side, hiding their breath, just watching the war situation" without any light movement. As long as the demon cultivation does not appear, these Yuanying monks will not do it easily.

These beast tides are all dealt with by Jindan monks, and Yuanying monks specialize in dealing with demon cultivation, which is already an established combat principle, and also to avoid fighting with Jindan monks.

The Yuanying monk can only count his merits by killing demons above the tenth level. He can rank the Yuanying killing demon list. It is invalid to kill monsters below the ninth level. It is useful for Jindan monks.

In addition to the impact on the achievements of Jindan's demon-killing list.

Mainly to avoid exposing his strength, the number and strength of Yuanying monks were discovered by the demon cultivation in advance. Instead, he fell into passivity.

Zhongyuan Ying monks can't hide in order to brake quietly.

Once a demon comes out to attack the city, he can immediately work together to kill it, which plays a great deterrent role.

The Jindan monks have fought with the first wave of monsters and fought in a scuffle.

Ye Qin stationed in the flying sword" led the team of 20 Jindan monks to appear at the front of the battle with the beast tide in the wilderness of the eastern island.

Including him, every monk who participated in the war wears a magic book that can record images, which can completely record what happened around him, which is called "stream shadow book".

As long as more than a thousand monks appear in the top of the golden elixir killing list, they should not only provide the elixir obtained by killing monsters, but also record all the images of killing demons in the shadow book, so that they can be used as the basis for the achievements of the war. In order to prevent some monks from cheating, relying on other monks to buy demon elixirs and get a ranking of more than a thousand.

As for the ranking below the thousand on the list of golden elixir killing demons, because it is not very important, it doesn't matter whether to provide a shadow book or not. You can get merit by handing over the demon elixir to the two immortal alliances.

At the beginning of the war, the situation is not critical.

Many sea beasts flocked to the island. But the island is a hundred miles away. If you want to attack the stone city, you still need to rush through a long wasteland.

Nearly a hundred Jindan monks and many monsters are fighting in this wasteland.

On the side of Jindan monks, although the number is only nearly 100, they are all well-trained monks. With the long-term cooperation, the monks formed a team of attack and defense to quickly kill the monsters to get the elixir.

If you are seriously injured or have excessive mana loss, immediately turn around and fly back to Shicheng to heal the wound and restore the mana.

And the follow-up Jindan monk of Shicheng immediately made up for it and flew to the front line.

Among these Jindan monks, the strongest is undoubtedly the team of monks in the Purple Sword Palace. The monk of the Purple Sword Palace, five people and one team, according to the attribute of the flying sword to form a "small five elements sword..." strong defense" attack is also good.

Other things, such as Jubao Palace and Guangyu Palace Fairy Palace, also have their own means, and there are constantly monsters to die under their hands.

And those small fairy palaces and attached Sanxiu are not strong, and they are relatively reluctant in such a war. Most of them are in groups to "attack, defend and help each other" only to ensure their ability, and it is difficult to hunt monsters and win war achievements.

The strength of a single monster is often stronger than that of ordinary Jindan monks of the same rank.

At the level of the eighth-order monster, it often requires the joint efforts of several late Jindan monks to kill.

Only a very small number of Jindan monks in the top 1,000 dare to act alone and hunt monsters.

Ye Qin's eyes swept across the wilderness ahead, and the first wave of rushing to the shore from the sea were more than 100 red water monsters and beasts, from the fifth level to the ninth level.

Red water demon cattle and beast, living on the island, good water" has thick limbs, thick and fat skin, and a nearly black unicorn on the top of the head.

This red water demon cattle and beast group is also divided into strict levels. In the middle is a ninth-level monster, which is the leader of the herd. There are more than 30 eighth-level and seventh-level monsters around, and the periphery of 70 or 80 are low-level monsters of level six or five.

The herd buried its head and bowed its head, and its huge body shook the ground. It was unstoppable and came back in the direction of Shicheng. They found Ye Qin and a group of monks in mid-air. They couldn't help but stop and roared in the air with their heads held high. Inability to fly is their biggest disadvantage. But their Black Horns can shoot water arrows one after another, which is extremely long and not easy to mess with.

I don't know which island the herd lives on, but it was driven by the demon monks to attack the city.

"Elder Ye is a swarm of red water monsters..." "This kind of monster is best at charging in groups. I'm afraid we can't resist such a herd charge. It's very tight!" What should I do? Did you retreat to the stone city and fight with the herd of beasts?" The twenty monks in the team couldn't help changing color slightly at first sight of the red water demon cattle and beasts.

Fortunately, "it's just a wave of land beasts in front of you" and there are no demons and birds, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

"Everyone listens to the order" kill!!"

Ye Qin's eyes swept down coldly and shouted.

"This n!", "Yes!" The monks looked at each other and couldn't help but be appalled. However, on the battlefield, the leader's order could not be disobeyed. They bravely led the order and rushed to the herd below at the same time.

Ye Qin turned into a blue shadow and rushed down.

The low-level monster has no value for Ye Qin.

His target is the ninth-order monster in the middle of the herd. The red water demon cattle and beasts on the ground rushed up and shot nearly a hundred water arrows into the sky.

In an instant, Ye Qin controlled five flying swords, with five-color brilliance, broke through the water curtain directly from the sky and rushed into the red water demon cattle and beasts. The big five-eword sword array shines brightly.

The next moment, he rushed out of the herd.


In the shocked eyes of the monks.

The fierce ninth-order red water demon cow in the middle of the herd was pierced by the five Yuanshen high-level flying swords, fell to the ground and smashed a piece of sand and dust.

The red water demon cattle and beasts that lost the leader were suddenly in chaos and fought with the monks who rushed over in chaos.