Zifu Xianyuan

606 bloody battle, start!

The ranking changes on the Yuanying Demon Killing List and Jindan Demon Killing List have always attracted the attention of East China Sea monks. However, even if Ye Qin's ranking soared extremely fast, it only took a month to reach 200, but after all, it was only more than 200.

Although many monks speculate that Ye Qin may enter the top ten in the near future, and even have a very low chance of being at the top of the list. But as long as he doesn't reach the top ten in a day and doesn't top the list, then everything is limited to speculation, not a fact.

With those Jindan monks who have been on the top 100 and top ten of the Jindan list for several years, Ye Qin still has a huge gap with them in terms of prestige and fame.

Which one can occupy the top ten of the Jindan Demon Killing List is not a powerful and powerful figure! Countless monks in the late Jindan period, who were full of talent and had endured for hundreds of years, squeezed their heads into the list. These late Jindan monks are very famous and are eye-catching characters everywhere.

The world of immortal cultivation in the East China Sea is very realistic, and the ranking is always proportional to fame.

Although Ye Qin's ranking on the Jindan list has soared quickly, it is only more than 200 places. His fame and prestige are certainly far from comparable to the monks in front of this list.

Not to mention, there is also a Yuanying demon killing list.

Being able to occupy a place in the top ten and top 100 of the Yuanying list is the real peak of the immortal world in the East China Sea, which makes all monks look up to it.

The Jindan monk is very concerned about the Jindan list.

And the Yuanying monks are staring at the Yuanying list. The attention to the Jindan list is extremely low.

In the month after Ye Qin's participation in the war, the small beasts that besieged the desert island of Shicheng receded.

The next month seems a little dull.

The number of beasts has decreased significantly. Even if Ye Qin wants to kill the monster, he can't kill it.

Ye Qin can only catch and kill some scattered sea beasts and small sea beasts in the sea around the island, and accumulate demon elixirs and combat achievements. This speed of killing demons naturally slows down. It can't be compared with the amount of killing demons in the first month, but it is still much faster than other Jindan monks.

Fortunately, Ye Qin's short-term goal of killing demons only entered the top 100 of the Jindan demon killing list.

With his current speed of killing demons, it should not be a big problem to complete the task of killing demons assigned by Lord Zhou this year. Shangtang Palace, Wanluo Palace and Wunuer Palace all have late Jindan monks in the top 100 of the Jindan list, but the ranking is not high, and they can still surpass them.

As for not entering the top ten in the short term, there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Anyway, this war will last for a very long time, and it will not end for decades or hundreds of years.


The owner of Zhou Yu Palace, the elder of Zhou Hong, and the owner of the palace, elders of the League Palace, and a group of dozens of Yuanying monks looked at the distant sea.

There is no trace of demon cultivation in the field of view of the sea.

But their divine consciousness has swept through hundreds of miles of the sea, and they can keenly feel that there are demons hiding in the sea and spying on the stone city.

It's just that at sea, it's very easy for demons to escape with the help of the deep sea. In order not to scare the snakes, they didn't search.

"Lord Zhou, in the past month, there seems to be nothing wrong with those demon spies. They are not close to the Stone City. How can I lure them to the island?

The Yuanying monk of the League Palace asked.

"The demons have been constantly driving the monsters to attack the city" has been tested for several months. It must have been staring at our stone city and constantly spying on our strength. It is estimated that they will not give up easily, and are likely to attack in person and drive more monsters to come. This month is just a short period of calm. I'm afraid the next wave of offensive will be more fierce.

Master Zhou Gong pondered and said.

"What the Lord of the Zhou Palace said is right, and I also have such a view. This month's short calmness" Those demon practitioners are probably gathering monsters in the surrounding waters to prepare for a fierce attack. If they go to the battle in person, we can add a lot of merit!"

Liao Gongzhu of Guangyu Palace laughed and said, "What Liao Gongzhu said is extremely true, kill these demons." The ranking of the unborn Yuanying list in the middle can be higher" Haha! I just don't know who is lucky enough to kill those demons.

"I haven't opened yet. I have to kill it well!"

A few days have passed in a flash.

The judgment of Lord Zhou Gong and others was not wrong. Several demon spies who disappeared some time ago came back. Moreover, they also drove away thousands of high-level sea beasts and gathered in a sea thousands of miles away.

This time, I'm afraid it's not the sea beast attacking the city. It is very likely that the demon monk will fight in person. The monsters were under pressure, and the atmosphere in the stone city was solemn for a while.

Ye Qin just received the war order. After rest, he took a team of Jindan monks to the east of Shicheng to be on duty. He happened to meet Zhou Yi and also took a team of monks to the city.

"Brother Ye!", "Brother Zhou!"

"This battle is probably a tough battle, and the palace owner has raised the combat readiness to the highest level. However, the higher the scale of combat readiness, the more monsters there will be. When this battle is over, let's compare the rankings again. This time, I will definitely not let you pull down so much!" "Ha ha, with the strength of Brother Zhou, even if I want to exceed too much, it is difficult!" The two captains, Ye Qin and Zhou Yi, talked and laughed.

The monks in the team couldn't laugh. The siege battle involving demons was extremely dangerous for the Jindan monks. Every time you encounter a tough battle, it is extremely normal to lose some Jindan monks.

The two of them had a relationship, and each of them had a task, so they left in a hurry.

Ye Qin took his team to the east wall. "At this time, there are still 20 Jindan monks on the head of the east gate" who are resting and preparing for the battle.

"Elder Ye!"

"Brother Ye!" When the Jindan monks in various fairy palaces at the top of the city saw Ye Qin's appearance, they stood up one after another with a respectful expression.

Before that, many monks questioned Ye Qin's strength. But now, in just two months, they have seen Ye Qin's strength with their own eyes, and they have been convinced. In the immortal world of the East China Sea, powerful monks are always respected.

"Gentlemen, today's war is very likely to be a bloody battle. Demon cultivation has its own ancestors to deal with it. "But the strength of the herd is much stronger than in the past. Don't take it lightly."

Ye Qin glanced at everyone and said calmly.


The monks were excited and drank together. Follow Ye Qin to fight. Even if the monks with weak combat strength can harvest several times more than normal. They are looking forward to this war.

Several Yuanying monks, including Zhou Hongtai elder of the Purple Sword Palace, and some Jindan monks stayed in the city.

Zhongyuanying monks and other Jindan monks are hidden on a desert island outside the city. They are ready to wait for the demon cultivation to kill to the stone city, and then they will encircle and encircle them to prevent the demon cultivation from escaping.

Waiting for suffering, time passes extremely slowly.

I don't know how long it has been.


In the distance, there are flocks of monsters roaring. Several groups of iron-feathered eagles, blood-feathered eagles, and golden eagles flapped their wings and shot rapidly at the island.

A wave of thousands of sea beasts broke out of the sea and rushed to the coast of the island.

The sky roared, and the sea set off huge waves.

There are even a few metamorphic demons, standing at the tip of the big wave, constantly shouting fiercely, commanding the beasts to rush to the stone city, and have put on the appearance of leading the beasts to attack the city.

Ye Qin looked at it and saw several deformed demons in the tide of beasts, and his face couldn't help changing slightly. Yao Xiu finally appeared, and the first wave of beast tide attacks were so fierce that I'm afraid it was extremely difficult to fight this battle.

Nearly a hundred Jindan monks guarding the top of the city couldn't help changing their color and were very nervous.

The elder Zhou Hong, who presided over the defense in the stone city, flew in the air of the royal sword in the stone city, looking at the tide of beasts rushing out of the city. There was no strange color on the old face, and he quickly said the order, "The monks of each team stabilized their feet, defend the city wall

Around Zhou Hong, there are also several Yuanying monks from the League Palace, who also stick to the Stone City.

Ye Qin knew the whole battle layout of the Purple Sword Palace, but there was nothing uneasy." He quietly guarded the city with the team. A shadow book also quietly suspended a few feet beside him to record the battle.

The current situation seems dangerous, but it is actually relatively safe.

After all, there are dozens of Yuanying ancestors hiding around the island. As long as they are surrounded, they can trap those demon spies and a large group of sea beasts all trapped on the island and encircle and suppress them. No matter how many ordinary monsters there are, they are not the opponents of Yuanying monks.

The reason why Zhou Gongzhu and other Yuanying monks couldn't stand it before was also because of this bait layout.

The first wave of beasts rushed very fast, and in less time, they rushed to the desert island and approached the stone city.

Before this wave began to fight, several demon practitioners rushed to Shicheng at full speed with the second wave of larger beasts.

"Ser a few Taoist friends came with me to fight against the demon cultivation!"

Seeing that Yao Xiu went into battle in person, Zhou Hong shouted, waved his hand, and shot out a thick and extremely thick sword. He drove the flying sword, and when he first killed the demons mixed in the herd, several Yuanying monks of the league palace threw out the flying sword one after another and followed the killer closely.

As long as several of them dragged down those demon practitioners, the master of the Zhou Palace took the Yuanying monks to surround them from all sides. Under the absolute advantage, the war situation was settled.

A few demons can't turn the sky at all, and you can't even think about running away.

Zhou Hong and other Yuanying ancestors have taken action. The golden elixir monks guarding the city no longer wait. The light of hundreds of flying swords shines brilliantly and attacks the beast tide.

"Do it!"

Ye Qin roared fiercely, sacrificed the big five elements sword array, took the golden elixir monks of the East City Gate, and rushed to hundreds of monsters approaching the stone city.

As for the fight between Yuanying monk and demon cultivation, he doesn't want to participate. The danger is too high, and if one is not good, it is easy to die in battle.

Ye Qin's tactics against the herd were extremely barbaric.

Sacrifice the five high-level yuanshen flying swords of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, forming a large five-emen sword array to protect the body, turning into a group of five-color swords, directly rushing into the herd of beasts.

The five swords are connected as a whole, and each flying sword can share the attack pressure in a balanced way.

With his current cultivation, the level of the yuanshen magic weapon can never be compared with before. The full blow of the ninth-order sea beast, bombarded on any flying sword, can be shared by the five flying swords. "It can't break his strong five-eword array with strong defense at all.

Unless he is besieged by several ninth-level and eighth-level monsters at the same time, it will put more pressure on him.

But it's just pressure, which will consume a lot of mana, and it will not pose a fatal threat to him.

Moreover, Ye Qin will never challenge the first nine-level and eighth-level monsters at the same time.

If it is a lower-level monster, it will be fiercely hit by this five-color light and directly beaten into a large piece of flesh and blood.

Where Ye Qin is, it is the hardest shield." The small group of monsters rushed to the front of the beasts and pressed them to death.

The Jindan monks who followed Ye Qin naturally did not neglect it. They threw flying swords and all kinds of high-level runes one after another, and bombarded the beast tide. Ye Qin opened a gap, and they rushed in. A face-to-face kung fu" killed a small wave of more than dozens of monsters in the front.

Ye Qin led the monks to destroy a group of monsters and took a breath.

But" Before he could rest for a moment to recover his mana, he saw a group of monsters rushing up.


The bloody battle has just begun!